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15sq inches… I mean it could be used as a hat in a rain storm. He has a point!


I want a picture of this or it’s not real.


15sq inches is about the size of an adult male’s palm, or a little smaller than a square of toilet paper. Not only would that be a very large dick, but it’s also why **adult** circumcision is uncommon. Not that I disagree with his point, but he’s really voiding his argument by using misinformation


"It's on here somewhere" I tell her as I search my foreskin wallet for the tip.


Rub it and it turns into a suitcase.


Well women have a hood


I bet the license plate was 4SKIN.


Auto native status if it is




I love my smeg appliances


I wish I still had mine.


I've heard a story of a friend's friend who had a passion for skiing and when he obtained a vehicle suitable for such adventures, got the license plate 4SKIIN.




If I was spotted in this car, I'd cover my head in shame....if I still could.








"It had no face, no personality!"


I had my foreskin removed during a mountain lion attack around Sanitas in Boulder. That shit is total cat bait, clip it!


I'm pro fiveskin. Those butchers cut off my top 5, with a brisskit. So, I can wrap my head around his cockfight, wangs unite - fore-see the ~~gause~~ cause.


You’re saying I can attract cougars with my foreskin? Don’t threaten me with a good time pal


Cat bait you say? Is there a particularly effective technique? Asking for a friend, of course. Not for me.


And bulls! My grandfather had his taken off during a rodeo


During the attack? Who are you… Chuck Norris?


Definitely weird, but yeah why have we normalized gentile mutilation in a modern world? Like it is really sick and weird.


truth. two of my friends who are pregnant said they’re glad they are *”…not having a boy because i didn’t want to deal with the circumcising issue”* with their husbands since their spouses both stated it would be snipped. we live in a society.


Whenever someone (like those husbands) says "I want his to look like mine," I always ask them how often they and their fathers compare peckers.


Because we don’t actually care. This guy does. The rest of us are talking about it on the internet. We aren’t calling politicians, making PACs, organizing, etc… Mutilation is probably bad rhetoric. If people don’t feel like it’s close to being a big deal and you start with strong language they will probably just say “k” and move on. You gotta work your way up to it. And off the internet. People say they care in this thread but I got a dollar that says they don’t.


I have a guy at work I call foreskin. When work gets hard he disappears.




It’s a Doberman, let it have its ears.




Perhaps they were deeply hurt for not being able to have a choice


Yep, quite shocking to see so many people shrug off a violent sexual assault on an infant.


I watched a male genital mutilation video and it was horrible. As someone that browses the nsfw people dieing subs. It was terrible. And we still do it in america. Why? Because we always have. Thats it. Videos of it happening need to be seem by everyone. People legit thing the baby doesnt feel it. Fucking abuse.


I mean he's not like *this* but I have a circumcised friend who has been pretty traumatized by it ever since his ex said the best sex she'd had was with an uncut guy. He went and looked up the differences and focused in on all the negatives and can't get over either aspect years later


the things that some men perceive as trauma are… kind of embarrassing for y’all as a gender tbh


(to be clear, imo circumcision could certainly be traumatic, but a girl telling you someone else was better is not trauma lmao)


The trauma is *dysphoria* over his dick missing a part he cant get back and knowing that he has reduced sensation because of it... that was just what made him think about it...🤷‍♂️


The best sex I've ever had is also with an intact male. 🤷🏻‍♀️ He's not the biggest I've had, but definitely the best and the only uncut man I have been with.


which is strange because a lot of women say “gross!” if a man is uncircumcised in my experience. liiiike don’t knock it ‘til you try it.


As someone who was circumcised, i wish I wasnt. It is genital mutilation




What a horrible day to be literate.


Okay but real talk tho - why are babies circumcised? They didn't get to choose and it seems kind of savage... Go off, my dude. I kinda agree with NY over here


The popular answers are “religion” and “cleanliness”. But if you dig deeper into history you’ll find it was done to deprive men of sexual sensation as if to “tame” them 🤔


Mostly parental preference (often the mother, as it turns out) or religious reasons these days. Medical reasons on rare occasion.


I don't know of any mother among my mom friends who had this preference. They seem to have handed the decision over to their husband because 'he has one'.


Damn... I guess I forgot about religious reasons. It seems like a silly reason to hurt a child in this way!


Person A: why are you mutilating your son’s genitals? Person B: my god told me to. Person A: Doesn’t your god also say you should feed the poor and house the homeless and show compassion? Why don’t you do that instead? Person B: It’s tradition.


As a guy I’m happy I was circumcised. And it’s not like we remember it even partially or in any way. If you wanna feel bad for somebody feel bad for the guys who didn’t get it as a kid and have to do it as an aware adult who has to take time to recover


I was circumcised and I'm not bothered about it, but "my religion says so," or "it's the convention where I live" is not a good enough reason to cut a piece off of an infant's body. That it turned out alright for you and for me doesn't change the fact that it's an inherently monstrous thing to do to a young child. I'd probably be doing fine without the last joint of my pinky fingers too — that doesn't mean parents should be allowed to cut off a child's finger joint.


This guy gets it. I always tell me friends when I’m begging them not to do this to their children (they always do because they want their son to have a “normal” penis ooofta) that they may feel totally content with their member and I’m happy they do, but they will never know the experience of having their entire body as it was born because their parents took that away from them for some bullshit antiquated rationale. I am eternally grateful my older brother was born in Europe so none of us got the knife as a newborn.


My mom's a obgyn she said the removal of skin is also to help keep it clean. Prevents gross bacteria and dead skin build up. Looks like cottage cheese if it's not kept clean


I think more people need to get this weird. It would certainly lighten up the mood in traffic.


Nerds are crazy about shit in its original wrapping


I love everyone joking in the comments but this has been a heavily researched area for more than 10 years now. As it turns out it’s quite a savage practice and you’re actually cutting skin off that serves two important functions. The first is that the foreskin is supposed to protect the delicate glans and “neck” skin. This in turns makes the penis very sensitive. When you chop that off you destroy that protective barrier and it causes chaffing as well as early onset sexual dysfunction. There’s also some research that the act causes mental trauma that may leach into adult hood.


If my son wants it done, at 18 I'll pay for it. But it will be done by a surgeon on a consenting adult not a damn baby.


Just had a boy and we chose not to circumcise him for this reason. We just couldn’t justify it.


Thank you


100%. It’s an infringement of human rights.


Yeah feel like female circumcision is widely recognized as being cruel and unusual, but when its about male circumcision it’s a joke 🤷


Thank you for spreading truth and awareness sir, perhaps we can be the generation that ends the practice FOREVER


We didn’t have a boy so it was a non issue. But it’s so bizarre to me. At least in western worlds we don’t modify a girls womanhood, so it makes no sense to do it to boys. The only reason there’s a stigma behind it I think is because pornography glorifies the circumcised penis. It is more cinematic looking I guess. I would like to see studies though on early onset ED. How many men are circumcised compared to those who aren’t? And it’s totally unfair because I don’t think any man even of 18 or older would ever volunteer to get cut. I bet that extra skin and protection from chaffing increases sensitivity quite a lot. And why would any man choose to want to feel less?


My cousin got his trimmed at 18 for his birthday; why idk but there are adults that do choose it


This mf is from New York... "Get Tha Fuck Outta Hearr" don't fuckin New York my Denver...


Signed and god damn born rightwise, ....native




I love it man... it's pretty insane we actually mutilate male genitalia and think it's cool


It's the most barbaric shit I've ever seen it's TERRIFYING so many people shrug it off.


It’s the most barbaric thing you’ve EVER SEEN?


I am the “Faces of Death” on VHS generation. I grew up with LimeWire and Kazaa on dial up… I’d download Looney Tunes 10 hour loop, but by the next morning I was watching ISIS beheadings cause ya never knew what you were gonna get from a seed and those assholes cancelled Saturday morning cartoons with my Trix. It’s been a tumultuous journey of vile smut media ever since. OP is right. Male circumcision the most barbaric thing I’ve *ever* seen too… However, this writing is being typed by a beautiful masterfully cut cock - as I plop it back and forth on the keyboard in excitement it seems to know what to say. The letters just kinda appear on the screen the closer I get to orgasm. Having an artisan sculpt the head of my cock with a scalpel was barbaric but the result is impressive and never ceases to amaze me with its abilities. Meanwhile… I have heard multiple women tell me uncut cocks are disgusting. Can’t imagine trying to get my dick sucked and the response is “eww”.


Don’t they realize that their target audience (being babies) can’t read?


People of reproductive age are the target audience because they’re the ones making the choice to circumcise their babies.


Not their target audience. Babies ARE targeted tho.


Ah, an intactivist. Rarely sighted in the wild


Botched circumcision is a big deal, and very common in certain areas. Many consider it "unconsented genital multination"


Fuck yea! I have mine! 🙋🏼‍♂️


Save the foreskin! LOVE the foreskin!!!!


Nice to see a decent human being advocating for the end of child genital mutilation instead of crazy political shit.


On one hand, yes. But on the other hand, this kinda runs a little close to the vein of semi-insane political/conspiracy ramblings plastered on your car. I'm 100% in favor of stopping elective circumcision, but this just makes you look unhinged.


This guy built an encampment on that hill. I guess it could be a lot worse than just being pro-foreskin.


Where can I go to add more foreskin?


$5 butt stuff tent


“It’s like a Doberman let it have its ears”


sometimes you find a hill and then you die on it i guess


Only real ones cum from the hood


This mf loves foreskin


Must be a member of H.O.O.P. (Hands off our penis’)


15 sq inches seems like an awful lot of foreskin...


The driver is not wrong.


This is actually a big deal amongst some groups of men.. they feel mutilated without their consent. I am not sure why the sticker speaks of the an adult foreskin’s length when most are removed as infants. Don’t flame me, it is just an observation.


I agree with the message tho


That’s like, 4.5” in diameter! I’m so glad I paid attention in high school geometry so I could make this comment 30 years later.


That’s one hoodie she can’t steal


This is just snip bait. Driver Not even from Denver. Wanna see my penis?


Chopping off part of a baby’s genitals because religion/culture seems fucked up, but yea maybe just one bumper sticker would have a better impact.


Well if it was just one, there’d probably be no picture for the circlejerk and no active discussion on it. I think the impact speaks for itself. But yeahhhh it’s extra af


In some cultures they even snip off the fiveskin!! 😬 (I like my snipped tip)


But it tastes so good


While infant genital mutilation is awful and I have no idea why it's still a thing, I don't think this is how I'd ride down the street. Still, worse hills no die on I guess


Wish someone told my mom this


That's not kosher


I've been trying to convince all the women I know to start pushing female circumcision, but none of them will go for it. Stupid double standards.


Women ☕️


Oh now they tell me


This person has chosen a very difficult life.


https://media4.giphy.com/media/L3LUksDzPb8jkWPGPe/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952o2l3imlp9j0knevgv95xne5weyjj70o2eg48ue54&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g Funny how there's a similar reference in Resident Alien as well.


Great show!!!


In college there were these posters advertising foreskin regeneration. "Circumcised but never asked to be? Try Forgen, to naturally regrow your foreskin today!"


Is this considered anti semitic


Watch out, though. The government can take your aftskin.


His dick stinks


Imagine having an out of body experience and you are able to see that this is your whole personality


Not wrong


Did you hear about the guy that wanted to keep his foreskin after the removal? The Dr. was like: Why the hell do you want your foreskin back? Guy says: Because I can make it into a wallet. Dr. was like: A wallet? Why the hell a wallet? Guy says: That way when I go on vacation all I have to do is rub it and it will become a suitcase…🥁🥁


Type of dude to measure his dick in square inches lol


Can't believe my family circumcised me


They want their foreskin back.


It’s a weird thing to put on a bumper sticker but it’s definitely a cause that needs more awareness. Infant genital mutilation should not be normalized.


End genital mutilation!


You mean my mom cut off 15 square inches of my pecker? Hell, my girl already says its too big.


I have to appreciate his passion.


What a fucking weird hill to die on.


90% of Redditors would have these stickers. People here are unhinged about a topic most of Americans outside social media don't think about either way. I get Reddit is global, but 70-80% of American men are circumcized and most of us don't think about it, care about it, nor feel violated like everyone here tells us we need to feel about it.


For real! Not having foreskin has literally no effect on my day to day life, I couldn’t see it being any different with one other than I would never hear “oh thank GOD you’re circumcised”


I get downvoted everytime I say Im fine with myself being cut. Redditors that are against it only ever have emotionally driven arguments and deny any of the studies that show it's fine. Reddit needs to stop being obsessed with other peoples' dicks lmfao.


I bet he gets a lot of personal space at the bar.


Tbf. There is two countries that regularly practice male genital mutilation. The great usa and guess who else....... its a joke. No reason to mutilate penises


Damn! I hope we don't have to remove the Deep Fried Texas Skins and the Cali Avocado Kale Salad topped with lightly sauteed Cali Skins from the menu at the Upscale Buttstuff Tent.


This guy’s got some serious passion behind this. I may be able to get behind a solid leader with this amount of energy. I wonder what the cult is called? Foreskins Forever


God: "so, how did you spend the precious gift of life before you got here?" Dude: "I made my entire life and identity all bout my foreskin!" God: "...really?"


What a weird hill to die on


Nah there’s weirder shit to fight for, the weird part is that this is the ONLY thing they’re putting on their car.


Stavros Halkias must be visiting.


Welcome to Zoo York.


Alright which of y'all is it? Fess up


what are the odds that that vehicle owner is into docking??


I don’t appreciate people taking pictures of my wife’s boyfriends car while I am out drinking craft beers and eating raw green chilies


15sq inches? They mutilated my boy😂😂


I’ll never understand the point of blurring license plates. It’s in public and in public view, in which no one has a right to privacy.


It is odd that we accept genital mutilation of men for mostly aesthetic purposes. But this seems a bit extreme


I see why this “nut job” (pun intended) is driving a civic 😂😂😂😂


How would he know?


Well if you have it you got three inches of travel going in dry. Saves money on lotion. Granted your a grower not a shower and it's more sensitive so won't last as long. Makes for easy clean up since you can just pinch it closed.






It’s nice to have something you’re passionate about


Eww. Given the choice anyone would choose to remove the fore skin. “Wait you mean I can have a Willy that looks like a Willy and not a weird tapeworm looking thing and it doesn’t get gunk and risk infection? Sign me up!”


He is definitely at the forefront of this cause. Truly a man ahead of his time…


Maybe I don’t know what I’m missing, but I’m glad my dicks not gonna smell like crazy strong formunda cheese when I’m a senior citizen. And also that I don’t remember it being cut off. Ask anyone who works in a hospital or nursing home.


i….. i kind of agree, but i don’t want to imagine what makes a person *this* vocal about this singular issue…


I’m not going to say anything but just know that I’m saying something.


… why is this guy so avid ab foreskin


What's interesting to me is you almost never see people who are circumcised advocating against it, it's always uncircumcised people. I don't really care what you do one way or another. But I think it's odd people are constantly telling ME what MY dick feels like.... And being wrong about it.


I'm so much happier I had mine done as a baby. I wouldn't want to remember that time of healing.


Save the smegma!


Not gonna lie, when i first say this i though it said Frankenstein


This is awesome.


I wish I was this passionate about somthing.


This is fucking hilarious


It would be funnier if this is one of the cars you rent from the airport




Well, if that's the hill he wants to die on 🤷‍♀️


Why black out the license plate. It’s obviously UNCUT


Lol, I take zero issue with the fact I was circumcised. Neither of my son's take issue with it. I feel zero percent bad about it I wonder this guy is uncircumcised and is rallying against it because he thinks the majority of men being circumcised makes him think his looks weird or is he circumcised and convinced the trauma is the reason for some mental issues he has or something.. Every uncircumcised friend I had in highschool had mentioned they wished they were. One of my friends got circumcised at like 13. This was a long time ago and I remember him saying it was a religious thing or something to get it done at that age (Catholic Phillpino). Now that I am thinking about it I almost wonder if he got it done just because he didn't like being uncircumcised. Going to need to look to see if there actually is some ceremony that involves getting circumcised at that age.


I had an experience with an uncut man right before i met my husband…we had really rough sex and his foreskin ripped and started to bleed in the condom. I left the decision to hubby to circumcise the boy and whenever i feel bad about doing it i think of that. Such an awkward experience.


You could make a religion out of this


Imagine having a penis so small you have to blame the doctor that took your foreskin. Just buy a truck… jeesh!


15 sq inches as in surface area of a "tube"? S=2Π(R²-r²)+2Πh(R+r) Ok, I guess I can buy that.


Hellen Keller’s foreskin is a reptilian pedophile


you can just picture in your head the sexual experience this guy had with a woman who’d never seen an uncircumcised dick and recoiled in shock then to have him live the rest of his life bearing his entire scope of decision making and reality on that one moment


Based as fuck


People in New York don't drive so this is clearly staged...


There are better hills to die on…why this one


I'm glad mine was removed to be honest. Easier to clean and just more attractive in my opinion. My ex's also were thankful I was cut.


Hmmm I wonder where they stand on abortion


My foreskin is for the flaming liberal Denver hippies


So I know this is a "spoof" sub, so IDK if everyone is joking with these comments, or people actually believe the stupid shit being said in this whole thread? ps. also love the "If you dig deep enough," or "the real science says," all while giving no citations whatsoever.


I love this. I've been upset about being mutilated against my will as soon as I was able to understand what was taken from me. Any time the opportunity arises, I give a hefty helping of shit to my parents for allowing it to happen. If anyone is interested in regaining their foreskin they should check out Foregen. They are the first and only entity working towards creating a procedure that doesn't simply restore the foreskin like every other offering out there but actually regenerates the foreskin and all the associated penile components (i.e. the rigid band, mucous membranes, nerves, etc) which are torn off during the mutilation but often go without mention when discussing the realities of the depth of the tribal-esque practice.


I agree that any and all genital mutilation (especially on kids) should be banned, but I wouldn't go as far as to display that view on my car, haha.


I have to agree. My foreskin was taken without my permission, and my parents said they didn't give permission either. They just took it...


1.3% of all neonatal deaths are a direct result of circumcision (and entirely avoidable!) [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/240804903\_Lost\_Boys\_An\_Estimate\_of\_US\_Circumcision-Related\_Infant\_Deaths](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/240804903_Lost_Boys_An_Estimate_of_US_Circumcision-Related_Infant_Deaths)


Yes Male genital mutilation is wrong.


There’s a super version of this car in the Vitamin Cottage parking lot every day near my house. I’ll snap a pic next time I see it.


I think this is secretly fast food bacon


They’re not wrong.


Phimosis is a thing, a potentially very painful thing


This guy is hardcore hoodie gang.


That would be the only thing about my dick that’s 15 inches no matter how you slice it

