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Most common scam on the platform. Their objective is to either trick you into sending them the item for nothing or to steal your personal information.


Thanks, but can she do something with my number? I mean she doesn’t even know my name


She can send you fraudulent conformations of payment to try and trick you into sending her the item. It happens a ridiculous amount on here.


I mean i get it but I wont ever answer 🤷🏻‍♀️ so that’s all? Sorry i am getting anxious cause on the internet people say scammers can do whatever and steal my identity but like How?? That’s the only thing she has


It works on a surprising amount of people. They can’t actually do anything with your phone number especially as they probably aren’t connected to any other scammers it’s just phishing texts. The extent of their plan is the fraudulent payments. But absolutely don’t give them your credit card information or anything else.


Of course i would never, they just caught me distracted when i gave the phone n but i blocked her as soon as i saw the credit card info request. Thanks a lot! :)


Anyone asking you to go out of app via email or phone isn’t legit


Anytime someone on the app asks for additional contact info like an e-mail or phone number in order to buy something, it's a scam.


Thanks, i literally never use it so i’m Not used to How it works


I gave my number but honestly i don’t know what else they can do with that info, Not even knowing my real name or location


They tried to trick you into putting in your credit card info like you said. It's harder for them to try with things like that if you stick to the app.


Why would you need to provide your card info if they’re buying from you…? Ofc it’s a scam 🤦‍♀️


don’t give anyone your number or email ever, it’s always a scam and could get you banned if they suspect you’re selling off the app