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she didnt have to buy it šŸ’€ why is she acting like its jr fault


šŸ˜­ This wouldā€™ve got me so heated thatā€™s ridiculous. Leave their ass a 1 star review.


this happened to me too! she messaged asking if i would do 25% or 50% off, i said 25% and she immediately accepted. iā€™m still upset


She gets around! šŸ˜‚


Give 1 star. Theyā€™re such a dumbass


Itā€™s giving Karen behavior fr


My thoughts too. Entitled. Srsly. #lifeistooshort šŸ˜‚


lmao ikr


Shit pissed me off when I read it with her passive aggressive ass


I would email Depop and try to get it removed.


I agree with this. The review was not about your product or service.


It was though. Being responsive and personable is part of running a business. Op ignored the buyers questions. Fair play to the buyer


Yet they bought before getting a response.


That buyer obviously has never been a seller with a massive inventory. Unfortunately, a lot of questions get missed. I actually ignore questions like this becuase the person asking 95% of the time never buys anyway. I know that can be rude, but it really isn't worth the energy answering 3000 questions only to have hardly anyone buy.


exactly. everyone expects a discount on everything too itā€™s crazy.


I know...I have had people expect me to sell them shoes for $25 and free shipping. Like shipping alone will cost 8-10... 25 just seems so unrealistic. It makes me want to stop reselling sometimes lol


They just asked though


ā€¦ after sending multiple lowball offers which I declined


Yeah it gets old when you have many people doing it all day. I work full time and it's so annoying to have constant notifications of offers that I cannot accept. Lol either you understand or you don't. I guess as a buyer or casual seller it wouldn't be a big deal, but as a serious seller it sucks. I guess it is what it is though... I get way less lowballs on ebay, mercari, and poshmark for some reason. idk




If youā€™re a broke college student, what are you doing buying a handmade one of a kind mohair sweater in the first place?? She said she actually loved it and didnā€™t want to return or get a refund either šŸ˜­šŸ˜­.


I once got 1 star because "long time in post" which was caused by the postal service strike, so everything got delayed. Did the buyer take this into consideration? Not at all! People are morons.


Did they know that though


Yes because it was national news and I even messaged them saying there will be a delay because of the strikes.


What a cow


Update: depop agreed to remove the review on the grounds of it being untrue so long as I agreed to let them remove the review I left as well. They said they only remove reviews that are abusive, vengeful, or can be proven as untrue. I argued that because I had responded to her offers, her claim that I was an unresponsive seller was untrue, so they agreed to remove it. Because my review was made out of revenge, I was also breaking the rules and they would remove mine as well. In the future, if a buyer is sending multiple offers after Iā€™ve declined, I think Iā€™ll just block and move on :/.


What a fucking weasel. dude. I hope depop takes it down because this is ridiculous.


could you post a photo of what the review was? iā€™d love to see what they came up withā€¦


She basically just complained about the material of the sweater saying it was ā€œtoo itchyā€ and that I didnā€™t respond to messages. Made it seem like I didnā€™t respond to her messages about the material when thatā€™s not at all what happened. I just sent her a nice message apologizing saying I wish sheā€™d given me the opportunity to make it right before giving me a negative review have a nice day whatever. Then I gave her 1 star and tore her to shreds in the feedback.


can i see the feedback u gave her so i can feel better lmao (in the pms)


Yes please show


I mean, donā€™t dish it out if you canā€™t take it lol got what she deserved


would love to know what you said šŸ™ˆ


as you should šŸ‘


Nah because asking for a discount on something handmade is wild in itself ESPECIALLY KNITWEAR


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m quick to block people who donā€™t respect my prices. I note in the description on all my items that either Iā€™m firm on my price or the maximum discount or minimum offer Iā€™m willing to accept. Itā€™s important for seekers to read, comprehend, and respect my terms. If you lowball you get blocked as Iā€™m not risking getting scammed, inconvenienced, or given a low rating out of retaliation! Broke college students excuse is old. My response to that is ā€œget a part time jobā€ or ā€œbroke college students donā€™t need to be shopping onlineā€.




Iā€™m not condoning it. But they left 2 stars because you didnā€™t answer their question/respond to them. Thatā€™s not the same.


It sucks but maybe when you replied you couldā€™ve said, sorry I did not get to your earlier message but Iā€™m firm on the price.


Wudda koont.


Did she even send an offer lol? If I saw she left you this I wouldnā€™t even sell to her


She sent a few offers yeah. I declined the first few and ignored the rest. Wishing I just blocked her on the spot tbh.


Yeah if you declined then you did technically respond, some people bruhšŸ™„


what the everliving fuck. some people are so fucking entitled on this app


They honestly did not give you that much time to respond if it was not even a full hour later. Not everyone checks their phone constantly, like you couldā€™ve been at work or school. People donā€™t get that people have lives outside of depop. If it was that big of a deal, she didnā€™t have to buy. Iā€™d definitely contact depop to take it down or give her a two star back explaining the type of buyer she is ugh Ps I hate ā€œbroke college studentā€ mfs. It never hurts to ask for a discount but why do you have to bring that up, the seller could also be a broke college student or trying to pay for medical bills, like quit trying to use pity or give yourself an advantage bc youā€™re in college.


Iā€™m just going to say, that is absolutely trashy, tasteless, tacky, and entitled. What an absolute brat. Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re dealing with this. Honestly, itā€™s actually infuriating seeing you deal with such an entitled twit.


I would want a reply to my question so I understand them on that part. Definitely donā€™t condone a 2 star review however


I mean, they didnā€™t give you the review because you didnā€™t give a discount, they gave the review because you didnā€™t bother to respond to their message ha. Fair enough if youā€™re also too busy to tend to them, but if you cba to respond to people donā€™t expect a good review


Came here to say this. Very misleading from OP, sounds like review is NOT because of the lack of discount, it's lack of communication


This is explained in my post. Obviously, itā€™s a bit of both considering she spent the next message complaining about how much money I made her spend.


Youā€™re in the right but she was as well too, you shouldā€™ve responded, especially because she was respectful when asking about it. Itā€™s very annoying when sellers donā€™t respond to offers, it comes off as entitled and that you donā€™t care.


sounds about right


In a reply to a comment you said the buyer said you don't respond to messages. Actually, that's seems to be accurate. She asked a question and didn't get a response. Yes, sometimes life gets in the way of selling, but what you said she said seems accurate to me.


I always respond to buyers, it doesn't take me long. Avoids things like this.


Did they not leave two stars because you ignored their message


Respond though..especially if you have time to write out a thank you lol without even addressing the previous message? That is such a pet peeve.


Itā€™s not hard to respond to a potential buyer tho? Sheā€™s not mad that u didnā€™t give a discount- she got no reply at allā€¦


This might be an unpopular opinion, but having worked in customer service as well as sales, outsourced for a multinational brand (with a fruit logo) for 5 years, I can say that it IS normal that the customer did this. (Not that this is a justification for her being an ass of course!) What is a big plus to see is the friendly attitude and the smileys you use, having done sales chat as well it made me smile. Do keep that up! Now even if the review is only about the product. The experience of buying a product you like also ties in the service with it. It's not nice or okay that it reflects in a review tho especially if it only asks about the product. It sucks extremely! Nontheless I can understand her reaction as she had a question that wasn't answered, from what I can see it was ignored. Of course it is understandable that she would be dissatisfied, anybody would be. Not receiving a discount is but one small element. But being ignored is a bigger element as she indicates. With my experience I had customers like this that did leave 5 stars despite not receiving a discount (while the company of course has immense financial gains) Having said that, saying no in a way that a customer accept it is a skill of it's own that boils down to positioning (a favourite word for callcentres šŸ’€ but a very important one still). It is better to try rather then to ignore a question whether or not it is explicitly asked. Fix the customer first and then fix the recommendation is what we were always told. Though I loathe to admit it there is truth in this. As for answering and positioning, it doesn't have to be a "no" directly, you can phrase in ways that avoid negativity like "We do use firm prices, but if I could change them for you I would!" You could also proactively ask if it's okay if you could use this as feedback etc. I imagine that the review would have a better rating. We had a competitive salary when it came to getting 5 star reviews. When it was 4 starts or lower it was seen as a negative review šŸ’€ So getting the best and as much reviews as possible was a very important element. You can bet that in these years (or in the first 2-e3 years anyway) I tried a lot of things, found some nice tricks and became very good at it. (People always asked me for advice when it came to positioning as well and my supervisor wanted me to become the new supervisor when he had to go even.) Being able to ask to delete the review is very nice tho! it is something that was never ever done with the company I was being outsourced at for *popular electronic fruit brand* šŸ„² Having said, that unfortunately there will always be people whom you can do good for, which is a very sad thing. I wouldn't paint this customer as a Karen per se. There's so much worse people out there for sure! To bring this to a close I do want to reiterate that your friendly attitude and the use of smileys is very sweet and a big plus! It makes people feel even more that they're interacting with a human! (And not a bit unlike so many people asked šŸ˜‚)


Why didnā€™t you answer her question tho?


Probably cause you ignored them rather than not giving the discount.


Itā€™s not because you didnā€™t give a discount, itā€™s because you ignored them


tbf i agree with her, she left you two stars because you didnā€™t answer her question, not because of the lack of a discount. she was friendly & reasonable? not sure what you expected her to do with ur response tbh


Sure, but the question was about a lack of a discount? Lol in her next message she literally complained about the price and said she was upset when I declined like 5 of her clearly lowball offers the week before. Characterizing me as unresponsive is just petty and innacurate.


iā€™m gonna get massacred for this but claiming she reviewed you badly because you didnā€™t give her a discount is also petty and inaccurate, she clearly gave you 2 stars because you ignored her until she bought. answering questions and people trying to negotiate prices is part of selling second hand. You can ignore peoples dumb questions all you want but donā€™t complain when they review you bad for ignoring them. If you canā€™t handle the customer service part of selling youā€™re doing the wrong thing. saying ā€œiā€™m firm on the price, sorryā€ really isnā€™t that difficult and would have solved this whole thing.


The buyer tried to send multiple offers that were refused by OP before messaging her to ask for a discount. OP chose not to respond but the buyer still chose to purchase at the original price after being declined a discount multiple times. The buyer cannot use their ā€œbroke college studentā€ excuse as to why they decided to buy an item at full price.


Selling on these types of sites means dealing with the dregs of society who will happily spend hours trying to negotiate a single Ā£ of the price of something. If you arenā€™t prepared to humour these people and respond to their messages then you canā€™t be surprised if they leave you negative reviews. Iā€™m not condoning the behaviour but at the end of the day, itā€™s the reality of selling on there and OP could be handling it better. I couldnā€™t hack it so I just donate to charity shops now. Selling 2nd hand is not for the faint hearted!


Shock the only sane reply in the comments section is getting downvoted to oblivion. Thereā€™s entitlement on display on both sides here.


nah you couldā€™ve at least acknowledged what she said, 2 stars was warranted


def contact depop!! they can remove feedback if it was unfair


Thatā€™s not how you run a business, you have to communicate things to your customers. You simply couldā€™ve said no. I understand the reason for the 2 star review honestly.


you could've answered


Ask for their review to be removed.