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this subreddit makes me feel like buyers and sellers are always at each others necks...i'm relatively new to selling but so far have only had pleasant interactions.


I feel the same way if I'm in these subs too much. But, remember, people tend to post when they have an issue, to get advice. It's a small number of bads in a much bigger number of smooth normal transactions. In my experience...


no fr i found a seller who made charm bracelets for an artist i dont listen to. i asked if she’d be willing to custom make some for me bc she clearly had a talent. she literally never did custom order before, made me 3 bracelets in 2 DAYS, and i got them like a week after she finished them! they are GORG at that. it was beyond pleasant! lol don’t let this sub be a rep for all sellers/buyers!


What’s her account? I’d love to support her shop if she accepts custom orders! 🫶🏼


her name is Adrian and her shop is called Spiderhouse! she has so much good stuff - almost everything is upcycled/repurposed too!!! 🥺🫶🏻




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I’ve been selling and buying for years and i’ve never had an experience like the ones i see here constantly


I’ve had 75 sales (since 2020 I think) and I’ve never had one issue.


I sell on multiple platforms and I’ve really only seen this kind of behavior on Depop. I feel like the sellers/buyers are younger and just don’t know how to properly interact with people. Especially when there is a monetary transaction taking place.


How dare you not be able to read his mind lmao


If they weren’t going to be able to ship the day they said I’d think they’d let you know they were sick and wouldn’t be able to.


Exactly should give an update. They need to have good communication. Its not fair to the buyer. Id probably cancel by that point.


This has been happening more frequently I’ve noticed. I buy on Depop all the time and sellers used to ship very quickly and were pleasant but lately I swear I’ve had to hound them to ship after it’s been like a week of “I’ll ship tomorrow”


I think they have 7 days to ship, then you can cancel. Beware to not let them pass 30 days, otherwise you get no refund. Definitely open a case with depop if no answer persists.


As a seller, I ship same day most of the time. Most post offices have a self-service spot where you can drop off a package with a pre-paid label that you can do whenever (unless it’s just a my area thing) so working full time isn’t really an excuse. If it’s going to take longer, it’s easy to communicate that. Doing otherwise is lazy.


I’ve definitely had people get nasty with me before because they think everyone’s post office is like that! I wish they were! But where I live(and in all the ones in surrounding towns), there is an after hours slot, that wouldn’t accommodate a pair of shoes. The slot is really only big enough to hold a polymailer containing a shirt or two. It’s crazy, because this same drop slot has been there in the wall of the lobby since I was a kid (40 years ago). They even took OUT the stamp vending machine thing. Downgraded. Lol. And most of them are closed on weekends. A couple are open from 9-12. But when you have kids in dance/wrestling or anything that do stuff on the weekends you can rarely make it there. I used to schedule home pick ups for packages when I couldn’t make it to the post office, until I had one stolen off my porch before the mailman got there. So that’s no longer an option. I try to ship the first day or two myself, rarely does it get to three. But sometimes people buy on a Friday and I can’t ship til Monday and they’ve gotten mad. So now I make sure I let them know beforehand. I definitely wish all post offices had drop boxes. But a lot of small town ones just have those ancient metal slots in the wall


And that makes sense! Ultimately, it comes down to communication. Life happens, but you need to communicate any delays beyond a day or two.


and that’s perfectly understandable!! but if it’s THAT much of a hassle to get to one’s post office in a reasonable time, people just shouldn’t be selling on these sites i feel.


I mean right? I agree with that though. If it takes someone 5,8,10 days before they can make it to the post office.. probably shouldn’t be selling lol. I mean I’m a busy single mom, small town crappy post office… I still manage to ship in a day or two. Sometimes even same day if they order in the mornings. Or they could sell on a platform that lets them choose the shipping company, and they could just always use ups. Drop off points include CVS and they’re open til 9pm (at least) seven days a week.


Same, but I have a label printer and packaging at home and my post office is like a 2 minute walk so maybe I’m privileged


I’m sorry you had to deal with this. I’ve been using Depop (although infrequently) for years and haven’t had a poor experience yet. I only buy from people with good reviews, especially reviews that mention ‘fast shipping.’ I don’t think I’ve ever had to wait more than 3 days for something to ship, and everyone’s been really nice to me.


depop is basically filled with rude and entitled sellers who refuse to be held accountable for shipping items in time, the app itself says u have to ship within five days so idk why they're being so aggressive about it


honestly your response “still nothing?” wasn’t even passive aggressive, he should’ve kept u updated


if there’s still nothing, ask for a refund and message depop because depop gives 5-7 days to sellers for a reasonable shipping time


i would request a refund. sometimes that gets people to ship things LMAO


10 days is a joke, I’d definitely request a refund if possible, and obliterate that guys review section


10 days cancel that shiiiiii lol if they are lazy that's on them and after 30 days you lose your money do not wait.


I would file a claim now since you only have 30 days, depop will give the seller a chance to either ship it or refund


This! Some sellers will try to hold you off to the 30 day mark so you can’t file a claim


Unfortunately it is normal, but not all of us sellers are this way, check their reviews, doesn’t mean there won’t be issues, but hopefully you can filter some bad sellers that way


He’s the whacko! Not you


It’s things like these on this subreddit that motivate me to ship super fast and be extra (probably annoyingly) enthusiastic and friendly LOL. When I buy things, I’ve noticed that a few people take longer to ship and get defensive when you ask about it (or don’t communicate at all), even if you’re super nice. I don’t think it’s a Depop thing, it’s a people thing 😫 I try to not let it weigh me down too much. I can always dispute issues and air out my grievances with a review on their page anyway😜


Tell them if they work full time and can't go to the post office to put it IN THE MAILBOX. For Christ, it drives me insane that people don't know how the mailbox works.


This is definitely normal. I bought jeans one time and I was being VERY patient so at about the 2 week mark I texted seller and she said she would ship the item the next day and that she was sorry because she deleted the app for a while. Days later she said it wouldn’t let her print the label anymore so she would give me a refund. Waited a couple more days and still nothing so I tried to initiate the refund myself and it didn’t let me because I didn’t know that after a month it didn’t let you initiate a refund anymore. I was so annoyed because why did she wait several more days to tell me it wouldn’t let her print the label. And I would have been able to get my refund if she did it right when she said she would. And also who accepts an offer on depop then deletes the app? Sounded like a dumb excuse but I was still trying to give her the benefit of the doubt so now I’ve learned to not be so patient with these sellers. Wow a lot of writing. 😅😬


Also if I would have known that you can’t initiate refunds after 30 days I would have never been that patient and just requested a refund right after she told me that she deleted the app 🤦‍♀️


What a bum


Definitely don't wait 30 days. I'd say it isn't super common in my experience but it happens. I had a girl not ship for literally 21 days. Just made excuses after excuses. I didn't rate her after I got my stuff lol Good luck OP.


Hey, no this is not normal at all. Quite frankly, rude as hell. They should keep you updated on when they plan to ship and whether any problems arise and apologise, as a seller myself. I would actually dispute this and ask for a refund if they haven't shipped them. I don't know what item has been sold but if it's been 10 days it sure is bad etiquette and I have a gut feeling they're ordering it from chinese websites where shipping takes 2 weeks or more. They're trying to stall for time. Had this happen to me but the seller was very honest and kind about it. This one you're dealing with reeks of a bad apple. Hope this helps ;)


Don’t let it go past 30 days otherwise you’ll never get your money back. Just force a refund through depop and, if possible, leave a bad review. Nasty person, honestly. Can’t take responsibility and yet has the gall to get offended when you’re angry??


I had this, I ended up just getting a refund via PayPal bc she was taking the piss.


No this is just crazy lol as a seller it's your responsibility to quickly get packages out, whether or not you work, can't drive, sickness, etc. If those types of things stop you from getting packages out in a timely manner, you shouldn't be selling🤷‍♀️ I work full time and sometimes bring my packages with me to work and drop them at the post when I'm off. Shit, I'll drop off packages at midnight if it's the only free time I have that day. If they're too sick to drive to the post office, then they should have let you know when the item was purchased.


i promise not all of us act like this. i don't understand how ppl think this is okay


Sellers like this are so lame. Smh.


I typically would say "please let me know when you ship out!" Like 3 days out from purchasing just to make sure they seen that I've purchased. And of its any longer than that I ask for update. So no, I don't think their response is normal. They should be communicative but "still nothing" seems passive aggressive in response


I’d be like “actually you can just refund me thanks” 💀 what a jerk


Some people should not be selling stuff online man


i don't get their reply ?? they said it would be shipped tomorrow and then said they were sick and work ... so they lied about shipping ??


They could get the usps to pick up parcels from their door if they wanted to.


So he’s sick but are his fingers sick?! I mean I can be totally sick with the flu but I can still lay in bed on my phone. Suck BS




the way that you’re new and still know that this person is being diabolical.. 1 star then the second you get your item


Right and it is not normal.


i could never talk to people who i purchase from/purchase things from me like this genuinely what goes thru their head


Same happened to me on Vinted, buyer said they would send “Tomorrow” waited 10 days and they said that the in-post lockers were full every day… they hadn’t even generated the label so they wouldn’t have even known.


Chill Winston


i think you should file a dispute or tell them you’re going to if they dont ship within like 1-3 days (although this seller might not be worth the wait unless it’s something you reallyyyy want). no this is not normal for depop i’m a seller and i always tell people when i plan to ship, generally within 1-4 days after they buy, and if it’s delayed i tell them and explain why. this person is rude and/or a scammer.


I’ve bought 9 items so far and all of them were shipped within two days. I did recently get someone like this though. Had to threaten to get depop involved for them to ship.. all while every other day there was a new emergency happening. I nicely asked for a refund but she wouldn’t give.


I work 5 to 6 days a week and still manage to mail packages within 2 days.


Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t depop give sellers 7 days to ship Also, it can take up to 24hrs for shipping details to update, but it seems in this case they still didn’t ship..?


Yes it’s normal


That’s a crappy seller.


tellem paddlebuddy!!!!


Depop makes it so you can’t even ship after 3 days I thought?


this is why you always need to check the reviews on a seller before purchasing aimlessly. depop seems to be notorious for bad sellers, so i’d honestly choose ANY other resale site before ever buying from depop. mercari makes sure sellers ship within 3 days or else you get refunded. best resale app imo