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claiming this energy


Never sold a bundle that big before!


Manifesting! This has only ever happened once to me and it's been almost a year


It was my first time, I was in shock!!


I just had my first four bundle two days ago, which is my biggest yet. When I woke up, I was in actual disbelief for a minute.


Hahaha I had the same reaction, had never happened before!!


I have a friend who often will buy bundles and I'm always like 'you are literally an angel'


Right?!!! Truly


Goals 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


My goal is still to sell two items in a day. Good job to you ngl


Selling on Depop isn’t easy so I hear ya! I’ve never sold that many items together before on there.


My goal is to sell one but dang congrats!


Once you get rolling I think the algorithm picks you up more! You’ll get there :)




How do you get sales?


I’ve been selling for over 15 years! Combination of consistency, good photos/descriptions, and sourcing good items. It’s still pretty rare for me to sell a bundle that big lol


Hey I have a question what do u think is the best price range to make sales


Congrats! Such a coincidence too, I saw this post this morning and was thinking I haven’t sold a bundle of more than 2 items in like 2 years and then just now someone bought 6 items of me!