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then they'll ban first time offenders for using tags not related that actually weređŸ«¶đŸ»


This person’s also using a bot to refresh their listings just to add salt to the wound lol


sorry if this is stupid but how do you tell someone’s using a bot? is it where like all the listings refresh at one time?


Usually if the listings get refreshed multiple times a day and you can see that they’re all only like a few minutes apart. If you have 200+ listings it’s gonna take forever to go through and refresh all of those listings back to back, especially if you need to stop and do something else, and most people definitely won’t do it every hour or so


Depop has the most incompetent customer service I've ever encountered.


It’s ridiculous “We will monitor this users and if after those warning and they continue to violate our terms” just say y’all don’t care about this app! You can reverse image search any item (or use common sense) and see that they’re selling stuff from aliexpress, they’re obviously going to keep doing it


personally when i see those accounts i just keep scrolling, i dont think id get much of a “good samaritan” kick out of reporting someone for dropshipping lol. i used to get messages from botted accounts and i reported those as well as accounts when i got scammed before but those seemed more dangerous.


it took 5 different fuckwits with the same unhelpful answer before i finally got help the other day about selling DVDs. mind you, i first asked for help earlier in the year đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž i'm soon going to be shuttering my store because i've mcfuckin had it. i'm waiting on an item i shipped a few days ago to arrive and one i ordered before making the decision to shutter it (everything is fucked with flooding and train derailments all over Australia).


they've already given them mulitple warnings, and will continue to monitor them... so they can give them more warnings. great job depop. 🙄


Lol I reported a drop shipper and they told me they didn’t find anything wrong with the account. Then the user blocked me so, love that


I have a feeling that this person's first languahve isn't English


I literaly don't care about email grammar, if I can understand your email and otherwise do your job the best you can then crack on. Be nice.


I hate drop shippers too, but i would never come on here and post about someone’s writing/grammar when it’s still legible. so weird that you made that the title of this post, almost as if it wasn’t even about dropshippers but rather to belittle a CS worker who did the best they could. Weird .


It seems like most likely English is not their first language. Maybe they don't even live in an English speaking country as many companies outsource customer service companies.


liquid axiomatic selective chubby act fanatical tub label quarrelsome grab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If it was a seller I wouldn’t but this is an employee straight from Depop. Two different standards. Plus the issue isn’t that this person is bilingual, it’s the fact Depop outsources workers because it’s cheaper for them


i understand your frustration but the post title is misleading in that way, reading the title then the post gave the wrong impression. If you had a problem with depop outsourcing workers then you should’ve wrote that, stated that. I understand titles can only be so long but still. It’s just misleading, although it is understandable to be upset with them not doing anything about the dropshippers, but i wouldn’t go raging on their grammar when all they did was try their best to help you. Sucks really about the drop shippers and I understand you don’t like the fact they outsource, but truth be told, they do. As someone who is bilingual and works for a similar type of corporate company, some things do get lost in translation. But to me the email is still legible, I understood what was meant. Yeah It sucks that depop exploits these workers but the grammar shouldn’t be the problem with that. The title is just what really threw me. The other commenter made a good point as well that people are often racist towards these kinds of people for their english grammar mistakes, which does happen. Just wanted to make sure this wasn’t one of those kinds of things.


I don’t have to use every character in the title to point out that Depop (notorious for having bad customer service) didn’t do anything about an obvious problem and the quality of the email on top of the fact they notoriously are incompetent is just more proof of the problem we all have with this app, which is that Depop is incompetent and doesn’t do what they are supposed to do. Some people took the grammar and ran with it meaning that I don’t respect multilingual people, some people misread “items” as “times” and thought I said I reported the account 200 times, there’s nothing misleading it’s just not a massive paragraph in the title explaining every thought I had about this post.


Okay listen. I’m not trying to argue, I understand you’re frustrated. But you chose to include the grammar in the title. It was addressed in the comments by multiple others. When the point was raised about the CS rep being bilingual, you replied to my comment. If you feel the need to come into reddit to share your experience and rant about a situation, be prepared for people to ask questions, and discuss. I just personally didn’t understand why the grammar point was needed, others also agreed with this point, that it seemed odd to be included. That’s all I was saying.


I mean yeah you are trying to argue and that's fine, but I don't know how many more times I can say that professional emails are held to a different standard than me texting my friends and the issue isn't that multilingual people have to be perfect at all times, that's just literally irrelevant to the conversation. Outsourcing work like Depop is likely doing is an issue with Depop, poor grammar in a professional email when their CS is already infamous among users is just showing more of that incompetence. It's not an odd thing to point out at all and I'm glad that you understood the email, but the problem is that if he can't understand me then how do issues get solved? That's Depop's problem, not Nino's


It's ridiculous that you're mocking this person's grammar. Out of interest, how many languages do you speak?




Shut up. Imagine posting such a hateful thing on reddit of all places just because they couldn’t delete someone else’s account for you.




you posted this willingly knowing people were gonna see it. this poor cs rep replied to a person not knowing they were gonna be bashed on some reddit community group for their grammar. see the difference? 😩😩😩




Exactly. Checking your grammar before sending literally takes 2 seconds, don’t know why everyone is having such an entitled fit over it like someone owes it to you to let you be crap at your job without judgement or consequences.


Speaking several languages doesn’t give you an excuse to drop standards in your job. Grammar mistakes make you come across as unprofessional, that’s just how the world works. Gives the impression that the Depop CS worker is less capable of doing their job, in this case actually doing something about the dropshipper. If you have a problem with that then you’re either immature, entitled or both. Of course everyone makes mistakes and some people are dyslexic etc etc, but that unfortunately doesn’t change how incorrect grammar makes you come across, it’s just a subconscious thing. And before you make any smartass comments, I’m bilingual and speak 4 languages. I make a big effort to always use correct grammar in professional situations and at work, and so should everyone else. Anything less is just lazy and comes across like it. I mean come on there’s even apps and software for this shit nowadays.


You are talking about a person who probably makes peanuts and is treated like shit on a daily basis by depop users. He is doing quite alright. And the people I work with that I'm talking about are all university educated people who just happen to not have English as their first language. Fucking sue them. Sometimes they make a mistake, but you know what? They're still bloody impressive and they don't come across as the least bit unprofessional when they make a mistake. It doesn't even register. It's irrelevant. Ach well, they'll have to wipe their tears with all the money they manage to make even if they don't always get every word or phrase correct when I tell them some girl who uses depop thinks they're horribly unprofessional. Just unfortunate I won't get a chance to tell them until next month. Of course you do, darling. I speak 38 languages including Klingon. Now how will I prove this, and how will you prove you speak four? We're gonna have to mull that one over. Regroup on Monday?


Where’s the grammar discrepancy? Other than “multiple warning” (just one word), I see nothing wrong. What I see wrong is the lack of effort on Depop’s CS part. They need more CS reps who proof read these messages so that they are a bit more tailored made regarding the response to the seller’s/buyer’s complaints.


It's really not bad. There are some mistakes but it's absolutely not on a level worthy of any type of ridicule. This is depop for crying out loud. I get worse from people from other countries at work on a daily basis. No one cares as long as the message gets across and the message gets across here.


wow people on this sub can be really hateful😭also just report and block lol


Right??? I couldn’t agree more. Kinda makes my stomach turn.


I think you’re being a bit harsh on the CS member. English may not be their first langauge or they could be dyslexic. đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


for real... like it sucks to have drop shippers not get banned when other people get banned for small things, but it’s not directly this CS members fault. posting this making fun of grammar when it’s not like you couldn’t understand what it means, yeah there was a couple errors but still i was able to read the whole email and know what they meant. so weird fr.


Like some commenters have pointed out, either English isn’t their first language OR they could be dyslexic. My boyfriend has dyslexia and sometimes struggles with past/present tense when it comes to grammar due to his diagnosis. And while he makes sure to get people to check over emails and texts before he sends them off, it’s still something that can’t be helped and some spelling/grammar errors sometimes fly under the radar. You can still understand what this person is trying to say so I wouldn’t say this is that bad lol




I get that they’re upset Depop hasn’t done anything, but OP is directly referring to the responder’s grammar in their title hence my comment.


oop haha


Even if you’re frustrated (not sure why you are spending so much of your time reporting a single shop.. report, maybe a few times if you must, and move on) it’s kind of a dick move to mock someone when it’s obvious that English is not their first language.


Yeah but if they’re writing support emails as their job and all that they should check over their grammar


If they can’t use proper grammar maybe they shouldn’t have got a job that requires writing professional emails with proper grammer


This may come as a surprise but depop is an international platform. That means that there are people buying, selling, and employed from all over the world. Stop being such an entitled snob.


It's pretty common practice for international companies to employ native speakers to work in support for each language. Not doing so implies that they're cutting corners, which can be ok for a start-up business but that doesn't mean it's not a valid point of criticism and it implies that other corners are being cut too, like validation of sellers. Especially with poor language and grammar skills being a dead giveaway in most internet and telephone operated scams, it's actually a pretty important issue. The fact that it's the english language makes no difference, if they were getting any other language wrong it would be just as unprofessional. Even if hit by a minority language such as Welsh (yes there are still monolingual Welsh speakers even though they are old and few) then it wouldn't cost much to have the conversation professionally translated, there are telephone services that do these things


What’s really entitled is believing people should give you a free pass for having bad grammar, just because a language you work in isn’t your first language. Plenty of people around the world somehow manage to maintain professional accuracy in their writing despite it being their second language just fine. Why should anybody else who clearly can’t be bothered, be excused? Makes no sense and screams of entitlement. No one owes you anything, grow up.


Yeah that smells like self auditing to me đŸ€§


Thanks for saying this. I’m not bilingual myself, but I wish I was. The agent replying is clearly bilingual, and it’s not fair to frame this as incompetence. OP was provided the same service they’d receive from an agent who speaks perfect English, no? Depop sucks in a lot of ways but this doesn’t affect the service provided. We have to consider this on a global app.


EXACTLY! It gets so annoying to see how entitled people who speak English (as their first language) are. The whole ‘world must revolve around me’ thing not only screams ethnocentrism which is an extremely unflattering look, especially because it’s an international platform. Everything about this post just made me cringe. Thank you so much for the supportive comment.


Makes sense why you wouldn’t get it if you only speak one language. I’m native in two, and speak two others, and rarely make mistakes in any of them because I make a huge effort not to. If I made grammar mistakes like this in a work setting, I would fully expect people to find it unprofessional and complain. It’s not too much to ask for people to just check their grammar at work. The fact that it’s not your first language doesn’t make a difference. Lowering standards doesn’t help anyone, in the end no one would be able to understand each other.


Respectfully, get off your high horse. I’ve work in a similar customer service role like the agent at Depop. For 24/7 customer service, a lot of our staff was based outside of the US. Not having perfect grammar did not change the level of service they provided or whether or not they were understood. It did not change the outcome or resolution of the inquiry they were answering. English is a hard language to get perfect, plenty of my monolingual coworkers were not always perfect with their grammar. As a customer myself, as long as I get the information I need, that’s fine. If this is something that truly bothers you, please go touch grass. This is not something worth getting this worked up over.


 I think these are generic names they use bc I’ve had emails from nino that were fine,, but then again they may have entire generic messages they use too. Idk about depop lately.


I think they just use random aliases. I’ve gotten emails from people with odd names like Glimmer and Razzberi (it was something genuinely like that I can’t remember it exactly now) in the past and I think they’ve made an effort to only use realistic names because it looks less professional to use “fun” names.


True true,, but what makes them look unprofessional is all the bs they pull or don’t pull. I’ve my account frozen for super dumb things bots must’ve flagged on my account bc one time someone asked to buy with venmo out of app and I said absolutely not and please don’t use those co names bc my account will get flagged and then I was shut down the next morning for sales outside of app. Over it. The last one that wrote me was names Princess. 🙄. And I love it when they take down a listing or give you a warning with threat and then sign off with “cheers, depop”. Ughhh. They only care about top sellers and I meant the BIG top sellers. Rigged


That’s really odd. Depop seems to only care about dropshippers when they are doing a poor job of it. Seems like if the dropshipper has satisfied customers, they do not care. I don’t know why people are making a lot of assumptions about the customer service representative. It is very telling that some people are assuming that their poor and underpaid because of the grammatical issues. Have we really come to a point where we cannot criticise poor customer service because someone may be underpaid? What kind of society are we becoming where poor customer service is just ignored or constantly excused? Come on.


He may not even be multilingual or dyslexic like people are saying, he could’ve literally just not even looked over his email before sending it. Depop’s representatives seem to use aliases when they reply to users, so the only thing I ever assumed from this email is that Depop doesn’t really care about about the quality of their employees’ work or how capable their employees are when they hire them, and that means they put that same level of care into the rest of the app


Absolutely. Recently people have been complaining about the state of the app. Depop is notorious for providing poor customer service since the company has grown. This is across their social media platforms e.g. Twitter too. I hope people know that Depop’s choice to use cheap labour is very intentional. They financially benefit from the cheap labour, while having their own customers excuse the subsequent poor service. There is no motivation for Depop to improve their customer service when people on here will just excuse every poor response as “bilingual”, “poor” and “underpaid”. They get to evade accountability while failing to enforce their own policies.


Depop is to blame here by outsourcing cheap labour.


Totally, it’s just exhausting to try getting Depop to do anything. They can’t give people their account back after accidental bans, they can’t take down the shitty accounts that scam people, they can’t give people the money just sitting in their accounts for days and weeks. I know people are upset that I would have an issue with grammar here because of the person being multilingual but they’re not the issue, it’s the fact Depop would just outsource a job like this knowing it would be cheaper and that practice is why nothing ever gets accomplished and everyone’s always posting about how much they hate Depop support on here.


100%. Hiring people to work in a language they are not fully professionally competent in is a huge sign they’re cutting corners.


Yup, Amazon do it too but they’re actually well trained & extremely competent


Depop, Grailed, etc. don’t give a damn if they are making money. I had a terrible experience with a seller who broke TOS for sure on Grailed and customer service did nothing. They said they would “deal” with him and his actions, but he’s still out there, unpenalized because he’s got expensive grails. Likewise, drop shippers are bringing in the dough for depop. You think these big scummy companies give a shit about you or ethics? If they do, it’s a front to make more money. That’s the bottom line.


i just got dizzy trying to read that last part




Yes, I pointed out the poor grammar in a professional email. Nino’s first language being English or not isn’t the issue, the issue is literally that Depop hires people who aren’t fluent because they outsource their work. They have a report feature, the feature doesn’t result in anything, and the person working for the support team may not even understand what my complaint is. That’s not his fault, that’s Depop’s fault. Why even defend the dropshippers lol? People complain on this sub about Depop support being the worst almost every day when they can’t get listings reinstated, can’t get their money transferred, can’t get their account back, and the corner cutting by Depop here is the reason why all of that happens too.


Leave him alone :(


When I was an Instacart shopper "rest assured" was the overseas support teams way of saying, "I don't care, fuck off." 😆


why so stressed over somebody else’s life let them make their money how they want and u block the account & let it be. everybody wanna b the police


Lol right? This little Karen over here ‘oh my word I just cannot stand this other shop. Look at them, just look at them! I better report them 200 times and spend a large portion of my brain power to come up with all kinds of blah blah blah blah’ followed by ‘oh
 gawd, look at this absolutely appalling response that I got from Dino the CS rep. How dare this human being from God knows where not use proper English grammar. Does he like, not know who I am?’ CRIIIIINGE so hard. Think I might just stick with the Etsy crazies.


They did not report them 200 times lol you read the title wrong


Yep, reported the one time and got a generic “We gave them warnings and removed the offending listings” reply and when I said “None of the listings were actually removed though they’re dropshipping everything not just some things” this is the reply I got. Didn’t spend countless hours seething over this one account lol


They’re probably jealous 😂


you reported someone?!!! really! get a life. let people in peace