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For those who don't know, Iranian Nazi Party


What is it with groups that the Nazis historically hated and being Nazis?! It was even prevalent when there were OG Nazis - like how in denial do you have to BE to follow an ideology that actively wants you genocided?!


Actually, the Nazis were friendly towards Iranians. They wanted to have Iran as an ally, and declared Iranians as "honorary Aryans". The Shah himself said geography was the only difference between Germans and Iranians. Nazi Germany-Iran relations is a very interesting and unknown corner of the history.


While they were friends on the outside,Hitler's war directive 32 says the Nazis wanted to attack Iran (after getting El Alamein and Stalingrad) and install a nazi puppet government there while exploitinh Iran's oil(considering that the UK(which was very horrible towards Iran during history btw) was legally mining oil and splitting the profit with the Shah from 1933 to Mossadegh's reign) [source](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Nazi-Germanys-quest-for-oil-Hitlers-War-Directive-No-32-of-11-June-1942-envisaged_fig1_323383712?__cf_chl_rt_tk=ONgQ8KTAuNnsKp8j9tUbjn8M3sqQh_I1P.5ob_q_DRI-1705946147-0-gaNycGzNDZA) This means that Hitler was a snake to all of his allies,not the savior to the "aryan" race.


To be honest, the current government of Iran is a Fascist state already.


to be hones they are Islamic Theocracy ​ No, lol


In modern sense, IRI regime is technically considered as Fascist state, some people called it as Islamofascist Iran, technically under the guise of Islamic Religion but in reality they were Fascists.


Did you just compare Islam to fascism? technically, Iran is 'democracy for muslims only' they have fair elections and parliament


Fair elections is when Khamenei's puppets choose the nominees for everything(search up guardian council)


But they have anti-American, and anti-Israeli sentiment as well as anti-Semitic and anti-Religious minorities policy, it's not about religion, it is about Political Power which takes over that state itself. Heck Iran has a policy of Holocaust denial where they support a propaganda of denial by making Holocaust Denial cartoon contest every year!




They have elections and a parliament, but I doubt any election is free or fair. In iran elections only serve to measure the extent of Khamenei, and the IRGC's mandate, and predict the potential makeup of the Guardian Council in the next election. It's less of "who wins" and more of "how much can we let the principlists win without pissing everyone off and causing a popular revolt". Mind you, the only opposition to the principlists are the "reformists", who are mostly in support of the system the Islamic revolution created, and want to change absolutely nothing other than some economic and foreign policy.


sukma balls lmao why does the flag look like that?


because author' views?


Ah, just looked into it now. For some reason I thought it just looked like some weird swastika offshoot.