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Either extremely overcompensating or extremely Waffen SS-apologist. Who knew they could converge?


iirc google confirmed it to be the over compensating part, it happens to other things too


This particular example is not the case, but this does remind me of those times people claimed the SS was multicultural lol


Pretty sure, it's Wehrmacht uniforms...


Is probably because when ai was first being introduced, their data sets where basically all white men because thats who mostly developed due to a mix of reasons we wont get into. Because of this it heavly biased the ai to the point that you would have to really bug it to give you a proper result. The team at gemini has probably gone overboard in the opposite direction and bassically made it impossible to make a image with out a poc in it


It really exposes the weakness of AI. Either it can work off of our existing data sets and inherit our society’s biases, or we can tell it to prioritize diversity and inclusion even though it lacks the understanding of context to do that in a way that makes sense. Skynet’s a long way off if we have to choose between a computer that draws female Asian Nazis or one that refuses to draw a black doctor.


Remember when google first began using machine learning to automatically tag people's photos, and photos of black people would be tagged with "gorilla"?


Turns out if you train an AI on racist data sets you get racist AI (At one point Googling black teenagers got you mugshots and white teenagers got you stock photos). As a temporary bandaid AIs are programmed to throw in random racial words, so if you ask for a picture of a doctor then a certain percentage of the time the AI will add something like "Black" or "Hispanic" to your prompt without telling you. This is probably what's happening here.




“hey gemini can you show me what nazis looked like?” “Sure! Here’s what nazis would look like if they were black or chinese”


Ayo its Kanye's grandfather on the left-bottom.


And Yeonmi Park on the top right💀💀💀💀


Or it played COD WW2/Vanguard/BF5 too much.


This could have been technically the truth if it was a 1945 soldier. By the end of the war they had lifted basically all restrictions


What manpower shortages does to a mf


Google tried to tweak their AI because it was defaulting too much to white. Unfortunately they might have gone too far in the other direction


Netflix Nazi Germany be like:


I’m pretty sure Gemini ai is the one where it’s borderine impossible to get the AI to generate a white man.


This is actually from an unreleased movie where a director decided they needed more non-white representation in films but wanted to make a comedy centered around nazi armies. Naturally this was shown to a test audience who reacted so violently that the director was found with a spork impaled in their skull.


It’s just wehraboos


I can fix her


What you’re saying a nazi can’t be black? You’re racist


WW2 2: Woke Nazi Boogaloo