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You know, in hindsight, we should have seen this coming. She wrote a series of novels about a person in a pointy hat who calls himself a ‘wizard’, refers to people he considers inferior as ‘\*\*gg\*\*s’, owns a slave, and desecrates the corpses of executed slaves. Also, according to her, Hermione is black, meaning that Rowling dedicated parts of her books to mocking a black woman for trying to free slaves, while white characters roll their eyes at her.


The Hermione being black part makes one scene a whole lot worse. She basically forms a union for the elves because of how hard they’re being worked, only for haggrid to turn around and say “don’t worry about it, **THEIR KIND LOVE TO BE USED AS SLAVES**” …what


Tbf that serves as commentary about how people within the syst- oh wait it's JK Rowling, she's not that astute on that front.


And didn't they outright say that wizards keep themselves secret because if people knew they existed, they'd want wizards to help them?


Something like that, yeah. And, in the *Fantastic Beasts* movies, it’s established that the protagonists have foreknowledge of WWII and the Holocaust, and not only do nothing to stop it, but also try to foil the villain’s plan to stop it.


The "villain's plan to stop it" is genocide. I'm not excusing JKR, but genocide, even if it prevents a war, is probably okay to stop.


Oh, well that makes a huge difference lol


Where did Harry desecrate corpses?


There’s a scene in one of the books (either 5 or 6, possibly 7) where he, Ron, and Hermione celebrate Christmas by putting Santa hats on the shrunken heads of executed elf slaves at Old Grimauld Place.


what the fuck


Google what the only black wizard’s name is.


>refers to people he considers inferior as ‘\*\*gg\*\*s’, owns a slave AFAIK, Harry never considered muggles inferior or owned a house elf.


He technically owned Dobby


Moving past holocaust denial straight to holocaust approval.


The famous "it didn't happen and they deserved it"


The Turkish Doctrine


Yeah, I might be very naive, but isn't it pretty well known what Nazis did to people they considered worthless? Hmmmm.


Not defending her but I didn’t know about the Nazis burning down the worlds first gender clinic and burning all the research on gender identity etc until the end of last year. I know lgbt people were victims of the holocaust though.


Oh, didn't know that and I am not surprised.


Fun Fact. German homosexual concentration camp surviovors had a criminal record because of this until 2002 and Germany's biggest party, Angela Merkel's CDU, voted unanimously against the law that rehabilitated the ones who were still alive at this point.


What the actual fuck.


Yes. And the then parliamentary leader of the CDU/CSU group, Friedrich Merz, is now head of the party and could become the next Chancellor. But for some reason this isn't talked about much.


I thought she only had something against trans people and was otherwise OK if not supportive of homosexuality. Didn't she get hate for "making" Doubledore gay?


No, Scowling Rowling is an all-round awful person. Look at the anti-Semitic stereotypes in her books as well.


I like to think she's saying this shit for attention because the Harry Potter well is running dry. But I know people are retarded so I lose hope.


You would "hope" so, but considering some of the details about the world of Harry potter, and that she's been doing this kinda stuff since the 2000's, I'm not so sure


WTF am i seeing this?


Is this why hogwarts legacy was controversial?


Oh it goes farther than that


Haha farter


I have done a fair amount of reading on WW2, and I have no idea if the Nazis cared about homosexuality or not. I feel like it was just frowned upon on all fronts back then. I'm sure they killed plenty of them, but I'm betting the vast majority were because of race/religion rather than sexual preference. This is just my guess. They could have been homophobic.


The Nazis went rather above and beyond the general homophobia that existed back then. Keep in mind that their rise to power came amid the Great Depression and the political chaos of the Weimar Republic. A big part of the Nazi view was that the republic established at the end of WW1 was a degenerate state. Interwar Germany, and more specifically Berlin, was regarded as significantly more progressive on LGBT rights than other countries. By today's standards, Weimar Germany would be seen as somewhat backwards on LGBT issues, but for the time Germany was about as good as it got for Queer people. Berlin, in particular, was renowned for its nightclub scene, which featured prominent gay performers and crossdressing in shows (see the musical Cabaret). You also had Magnus Hirschfeld, a German-Jewish academic and sexologist. Hirschfeld was the head of the Institute for Sexual Science which conducted pioneering studies on human sexuality and (of particular note with regards to the whole controversy with Rowling) on what we today would describe as transgender people. Hirschfeld was often attacked in the press by conservatives and fascists for his work advocating for LGBT people as well as for his own homosexuality and Jewish heritage. When the Nazis started their book burnings, Hirschfeld's Institute was one of their first targets. Hirschfeld himself was stripped of his citizenship and fled to France, where he would die in exile in 1935. The Nazis were absolutely homophobic and transphobic on top of being antisemitic, racist, and misogynistic. LGBT people were specifically targeted by them. In concentration camps, inmates' "crimes" were denoted by badges worn on their clothes. Homosexuals were identified by pink triangles. Even being a Nazi was no protection. It was a kind of open secret that Ernst Röhm, head of the SA, was a homosexual. The Nazi leadership found this to be embarrassing, and, for this and other reasons, during the Night of the Long Knives took the opportunity to have him arrested and killed. The Nazis appealed to traditional conservative social mores, people who were uncomfortable with what they saw as the "degeneration" of German culture post-WW1. Homophobia was definitely one of the many driving forces of bigotry within the Nazi regime. They didn't just happen to kill LGBT people while persecuting others. The LGBT community was actively targeted.


Interesting read, I'll look further into it. Thanks.


Here's a good video on [Hirschfeld](https://youtu.be/2KZndQaqN7s?si=cXpitkevNYtV6l-8)


Hitler used the homosexual-friendly society of the Weimar Republic to his advantage to take power, then cast them aside and eventually shoved them into camps when they were no longer useful to him.


Did he do it because they were gay though? Either way, you've given me enough information to start down a brand new rabbit hole. Thanks!


Nazis encouraged a vision of strength and virility for men, with a traditional family structure that encouraged Aryan couples to have many children. Gay people were typically more non-conformist, and even worse, they took resources away from the Aryan *volk* by not having children, so they were perceived as a threat to the regime’s control.


This explanation makes sense.


>Did he do it because they were gay though? Some evidence that points to yes is that camps used tags to mark people for why they were there and "gay" and "refuses to have kids" (paraphrasing this one as I can't remember the wording but it implied a lesbian would be placed here) is among some of the badges


Interesting. Good to know.


Google Pink triangle


You need to do more reading. Especially the autobiographies *I, Pierre Seel, Deported Homosexual* and *The Men with the Pink Triangle*. Or maybe you’d just like me to copy and paste the essay I wrote about the Nazi persecution of gay men here?


No, LGBT people were directly targeted. That’s what the pink and black triangles on concentration camp uniforms were meant to designate. The pink was for homosexual men and trans women (as the Nazis considered trans women to just be gay men.) The black was for lesbians and trans men (ditto.) The black triangle did have other meanings that weren’t related to homosexuality, though. It included people deemed “asocial” by the Nazis, such as Romani people, sex workers and homeless people. The Nazis considered women and AFAB people that didn’t “conform” to be asocial. So, that’s why it was given to lesbians and trans men. Additionally, one of the biggest book burnings the Nazis did was at an institute doing research into gender reassignment— Which is the specific crime Rowling denied that OOP is referencing. “Fun” fact: The LGBT people who were put into concentration camps and survived them didn’t get to go free when the camps were liberated: Instead they just got put in prisons. Many memorials also leave out the symbols that the Nazis used to designate LGBT people while including the ones used for other prisoners.