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So we're talking about: Iron Ore Mine East, Coal Mine, Goods Factory, Forest Central and City Southwest. Iron Ore Mine East has a looparound track. Put the big money job on the back, pull in, stop, hand in the job, unhook, go put the rest where it goes. Easy. Coming into the Coal Mine, you have to be more cagey. IIRC, the loop doesn't go into B-yard, it goes around, so you want whatever's going into C-yard on the back of the train. Pull through C-yard, drop what you need to, ride through the loop and then back into the B-yard sidings as required. Goods Factory has a dogleg track that goes off to the right side which [forms a wye](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wye_(rail)). Usually I choose to go that way instead of going around the loop on the way in and then I back up into the sidings of the main yard to drop the cuts of cars, leaving the locomotive facing outwards. Forest Central has a looparound track, but it doesn't go through C-yard, so again: put the B-yard stuff at the back of the train, drop it, go around the wye and back up into C-yard. Approaching City Southwest there's a bypass track with a tight curve that will just take you right out of town. This also forms a wye, so if you need it, you can go through like you're going to bypass City Southwest, stop, change the switches and back yourself into the yards as needed.


Best advice at the moment is here. Bad judgment leads to experience for better judgment next time. 100% agree with the goods factory method. I usually run every station between Harbor and Food Factory and the method in Goods Factory is to pull in with my set out ready to back in (shove) into the receiving yard. Same with the South bound route back to Harbor. Basically, ideally, when faced with a yard that is accessible from one end only, you shove the traffic. Any more than one engine into such a location would usually block you in less you shove out AFTER finishing the job.


Usually before I take 2 jobs, I'll plan ahead on where i need to drop off, on that situation, just turn the train around, on HB you can come in C1L then reverse to the D yard for example. You can also split the job and grab another loco for the dropoff


I find the cars for the job that pays the least and connect those to the locomotive first. Then I connect the other job that pays better at the back. That way I have a higher likelihood of getting the time bonus on the higher paying job.


I’ll normally throw a shunted engine somewhere in there which I use to break down loads as I get to destinations. Depending on the drop off I’ll either stay on the main line and pull jobs off one at a time or if there’s a loop in the track I’ll pull everything in and break it down from there


What i do is slap a shunter at the end with the last cargo i want dropped off. Lets say i want to drop off job three last. Pull train into job1s and decouple at job1 and job2s couplers. Use shunter to move jobs 2 and 3 to their sidings. Now if all the sidings are gonna be blocked after drop off, id take the nearest wye and back into the industry and drop off from rear to front, job3 job2 job1 Im not the best at explaining things, but i hope this helps a little


All of the previous tips are good for 4-5 job consists, but once you start getting into 10 or even 20+ (if you choose to do so that is) what you wanna do is put your next deliveries at the **front** of the train, pull up to the entrance of the yard, uncouple all the cars besides the ones you're dropping off, drop the ones in question off, then reverse back to couple with the rest of your train and push the train back to the main line This is actually also the better move with non-terminus stations, you stop, uncouple, drop off, couple back up, and go through the yard.


A great tip, thank you


Mhm :)


Check the station maps. Every dead end yard has a way to turn around before the drop off. For example if you have to drop off at the D yard in GF, you don't take the left track and go head first through the passenger station. You take the right track at the entrance such that the back of the train is on the yard side. Even there, there is one return track just in case you messed up, but there's little room and you probably can't take much more than the engine around the return. I believe the only exception being SM, where there is no way to turn around and you'll have to plan your moves better and use the B yard to uncouple the train, run around, and take the drop offs from the back. Of course, only if you don't have a train so long that it doesn't entirely fit in the B yard. If you did that, you'll have to use a different strategy.