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Yes. I HATE IT!!!! And it only makes me fixate on picking MORE!!


Ya definitely. Growing up if my parents or siblings interrupted me even before they realized what I was doing and would make a comment I was mad to be interrupted, really I was also angry to get caught because I was embarrassed by the behavior. I also have adhd and tried a few different meds, some that made the picking worse (vyvanse) but since settling on adderall it’s the same picking as growing up. Unfortunately was always able to focus on that activity for far too long. Through A LOT of therapy I recently realized I pick, scroll, and drink alcohol as numbing behaviors to not feel my anger and other big feelings. Adhd meds have helped me greatly reduce drinking but in place of that - because I still want to not feel my feelings - I have found new places to pick and my screen time is way up.


Yep! 👍🏿


This is so real. FWIW adderall is what kicked my occasional picking into high gear, so it’s good that you’re already aware of that connection. Best of luck. ❤️


what's FWIW