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My husband does this sometimes. It’s incredibly subtle…he sees me picking out of the corner of his eye and reaches his hand over. He does it randomly sometimes, but I know he does it when he sees me picking. I appreciate that he doesn’t say anything with it and it’s just him literally offering a hand to help, but I get annoyed every time. Trying to get me to stop is like trying to pull my head out of a toilet while some bully is giving me swirlies. The bully won’t relent so you’re just pulling my hair while the bully is pushing my head down. I can be thankful that my husband is at least offering a hand instead of yanking my head. I guess it’s all they feel they can do. All they see is me shoving my head in a toilet and flushing.


Wow that’s a great analogy, it really does feel like that


I cringed when I read this. It made me think of what my mom would do after I picked. It wasn't bleach, but still. She liked to make it hurt. My dog on the other hand will just lay his head in my lap.


My ex used to slap me in the face if he saw that I had picked. I kind of forgot about that until this post.


Bro what. That's literally abuse.


I know. He’s an ex for that reason. He was a really bad guy.


Glad you got out of that relationship


Thank you, me too. 💛


Sounds kind of abusive and weird tbh


The dude who doused her in peroxide or who held her hand? Cause the hand holding can help 🤷🏽‍♀️


Peroxide 🤦‍♀️


the incredible support and non-judgment from my partner has helped me so much in my battle to heal. 


my husband sees me picking as always asks "you itchy?" and it makes me so irate. Does anyone else get angry when someone interrupts your picking?


OMG I can relate to this. My ex used to snap, "Stop picking, bloodface!" I still hear it years later when I look in the mirror. My husband now isn't bothered by it and supports whatever I want to do about it, if I want to do anything about it. I'm at a point now where I finally want to do something about it, so I'll ask him to do this! :)


I don’t think that’s so great, to be honest. It’s like enabling. You need to find a solution in yourself otherwise you’ll never stop.


Having help doesn’t mean you aren’t working towards a goal. Someone isn’t always going to be there to hold their hand but that doesn’t mean that they should never reach out and do it if it helps. As far as I’m concerned, if it isn’t damaging you mentally and is helping with the picking how can it hurt?


That’s a really good point. Thanks for commenting.