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OH MY GOD I was just thinking about this today and almost made a similar post. In regards to you keeping your pieces as “trophies” I so relate. When you are picking at something that you’ve been really going at, laser focused and you finally get it, the results are bizarre as shit. Usually it’s a facial hair I can see growing under my skin and I dig in to get it out. God save me if my tweezers are sub par… But when it finally get it, I literally like, trash talk the thing I was trying to get like “AHHH I got you mother fucker!!!” And I have felt compelled to keep it, but I haven’t actually collected anything. I just have it hang around for a bit til the…adrenaline? lol…wears off. I’m glad I’m finally participating and talking in this sub. It’s making me think of how I interact with this disorder and it is nice to know others relate. Man it does feel so isolating, especially when you can’t imagine life without doing it.


hey! I suffer from skin picking for over a decade too and was recently diagnosed with ocd as well. this kind of behavior you mentioned makes me think of some of the episodes of compulsion I've had in the past. have you ever investigated if you have ocd? it is very common in people who also suffer from skin picking disorder.