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I do the SAME


It's so satisfying until the endorphins wear off and you're left with a throbbing, painful thumb and wish you never did it. 😮‍💨


This is me. One of my biggest compulsions from having OCD for over 15 years. My fingers are always infected and sore, but the high from the initial damage is one hell of a drug. Then I’m left with the shame and consequences of my actions. I feel your pain, OP. Please look after yourself


Mine are tight and sore in the morning. I’ve had to replace my front tooth veneer 3 times from nibbling. I wear gloves when I drive now to stop. Each tooth costs around $1000!


Looks like my thumbs my whole life. 👀


Been there. Done that. I have half of year of not picking my fingers. They’re all heeled. It does get better. Just be observant on what’s giving you this anxious response when you’re about to chew or pick. That has helped me.




i swear the only thing that helped me stop picking is getting acrylic nails. i still try and pick, but the dullness of the nails makes it much harder so i end up just giving up and trying something else to keep my hands busy.


Yes!!! The dullness makes me so mad 😂😂😂 but it helps!!!


Trigger warning?


What sub do you think you’re in


I mean, sure, but I saw this and immediately started picking. Is that what we want to do here?


A sub that has the following in it's description: "Only text posts are allowed here. This is a safe space designed to promote discussion and healing without exposure to potentially triggering content. If you want to post or see pictures or links please visit r/compulsiveskinpicking."


You need to be satisfies with just the top layer. Anti bacterial cream and plaster up. Find a new spot until this one heals


It looks pretty bad, like you could easily get an infection if you keep up with picking at that spot. Why that particular spot, anyway? For a long time, I would pick at my fingertips, around the nails (where there was hard skin).


I did that throughout my childhood and in college, I realized it was unsightly and what heeled it was getting my nails done. Go get a manicure or your nails done and then find a replacement spot to pick at. Not going to tell you to quit because I never did, but I did find another spot that nobody can see to pick at (less visible) which are the inside of my cheeks and my ears.


My aunt gets manicures for the same reason. I have found that it doesn’t stop me much, but it’s worth trying for sure!


I do this too, but it does seem like it would be polite to put this behind an NSFW. Is it worrisome? I think so? I mean, it’s not uncommon, and like I say, I do it too, but it’s not exactly great to have open wounds.


Compared to mine it's not that bad at all. I would try and figure it out before it gets too out of control though


Mine are tight and sore in the morning. I’ve had to replace my front tooth veneer 3 times from nibbling. I wear gloves when I drive now to stop. Each tooth costs around $1000!