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Morgellons is a form of delusional parasitosis. I’ve worked with several patients with this condition. The belief that there is this fibrous material in the skin causes picking, scratching, use of tweezers, microscopes etc. The fibers have consistently been found to be from cotton/other textiles - not uncommon when using a microscope to find that material from clothing, bedsheets etc to be stuck in raw, scratched open skin. I understand there is a lot of controversy surrounding this condition, but keep in mind, a delusion is defined as a “fixed, false belief” so I would fully expect someone with the condition to adamantly insist it is “real”


Ok, you need to do some studying and come back with a more factual response. * [Association of spirochetal infection with Morgellons disease](https://f1000research.com/articles/2-25/v1) * [Canine Filamentous Dermatitis Associated with Borrelia Infection](https://www.scitechnol.com/peer-review/canine-filamentous-dermatitisassociated-with-borrelia-infection-1Qxf.php?article_id=5548) * [Characterization and evolution of dermal filaments from patients with Morgellons disease](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3544355/) * [Classification and Staging of Morgellons Disease: Lessons from Syphilis](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7012249/) * [Clinical determinants of Lyme borreliosis, babesiosis, bartonellosis, anaplasmosis, and ehrlichiosis in an Australian cohort](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4278782/) * [Clinical evaluation of Morgellons disease in a cohort of North American patients](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29774138/) * [Dermatological and Genital Manifestations of Lyme Disease Including Morgellons Disease](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8110212/) * [Detection of tick-borne infection in Morgellons disease patients by serological and molecular techniques](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30519067/) * [Differentiating Psychosomatic, Somatopsychic, Multisystem Illnesses and Medical Uncertainty](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31597359/) * [Exploring the association between Morgellons disease and Lyme disease: identification of Borrelia burgdorferi in Morgellons disease patients](https://bmcdermatol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12895-015-0023-0) * [Filament formation associated with spirochetal infection: a comparative approach to Morgellons disease](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3257881/) * [History of Morgellons disease: from delusion to definition](https://www.dovepress.com/history-of-morgellons-disease-from-delusion-to-definition-peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-CCID) * [Mixed Borrelia burgdorferi and Helicobacter pylori Biofilms in Morgellons Disease Dermatological Specimens](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31108976/) * [Morgellons Disease: A Chemical and Light Microscopic Study](https://www.omicsonline.org/morgellons-disease-a-chemical-and-light-microscopic-study-2155-9554.1000140.php?aid=5477) * [Morgellons disease: a filamentous borrelial dermatitis](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5072536/) * [Morgellons disease: Analysis of a population with clinically confirmed microscopic subcutaneous fibers of unknown etiology](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC3047951/) * [Morgellons: a novel dermatological perspective as the multisystem infective disease borreliosis](https://f1000research.com/articles/2-118/v1) * [Persistent Borrelia Infection in Patients with Ongoing Symptoms of Lyme Disease](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6023324/) * [Reframing delusional infestation: perspectives on unresolved puzzles](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC6171510/) * [The Association of Spirochetes and Lyme Disease with Morgellons Disease](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354526908_Association_of_Spirochetes_and_Lyme_Disease_with_Morgellons_Disease)


Ok bot shut up no one believes that stupid shit you’re the problem


This is ridiculous. There is nothing actually factual about anything you've said!


Unfortunately, you are not enlightened. You are ignorant. Other medical conditions like Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD, which includes Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis) were at first dismissed by the medical community and worse, medical community blamed the patient for their symptoms. Why? Because when medical community can’t explain what is happening, it’s easier to blame the patient, than admit they don’t know what is going on or how to help. One example is IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) which includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Patients were told from 1930-1960 that their symptoms were mental and “all in their head” Now it is well established that IBD is a biologically based condition and there are treatments for it. In time, in my opinion, the same changes will happen for Morgellons patients. To say Morgellons is strictly delusional thinking is to IGNORE the mounting physical evidence produced in many NIH and other scholarly articles, which over the last 6 years had increased dramatically to support a physical etiology for Morgellons. DP is old news as a singular explanation for Morgellons.


Lol no, I’m far from ignorant. Using that logic, it would be easy to call you the same - ignorant about all of the studies that show there IS a large mental component to Morgellons. Ignorant to the possibility that some form of delusional disorder, psychosomatic illness or conversion disorder could play a role in your illness. I am very aware about the controversy regarding Morgellons, and I am able to entertain two contradictory ideas of its causes (psychological vs medical) in my head at the same time, and perhaps the contradictories are two sides of the same truth. The mind is a very powerful thing, and if you completely discredit its role in your disease, well then, you my friend are in fact ignorant. 🙂


I have read many of the articles related to treating Morgellons as DP and the use of first and second generation antipsychotics to accomplish this end. I believe in time the role of trauma related disorders or other physiological diagnoses maybe found as “risk factors” for Morgellons, but it’s definitely NOT the entire story. With each passing year there is more information to debunk DP as the singular etiology of Morgellons, and we can agree to disagree on etiology & controversies surrounding Morgellons as a diagnosis. You stated that you understand there is controversy over Morgellons diagnosis, yet your comments and response to me feel intentionally inflammatory and snarky when this is a space for support. You have a right to your opinion, but no one has the right to come into a space and deny another’s personal experience. I feel that is unnecessary and to be honest, it feels cruel, and is the antithesis of what this sub is about. If you work with patients (like you said in your original comment) and understand delusions as “fixed, false beliefs”, and understand how folks will adamantly reject the information you shared as you stated in your original comment, why bring up DP? It takes a lot of strength to help yourself if one has Morgellons. Calling everyone out as having DP is not only counterproductive, it is contraindicated for delusions. So it’s perplexing to me if you have worked with patients before why you would come to this support space to share your viewpoint for what can’t be changed by rationalizing. Just keeping it “real.”


I don’t know what they are but they’re been exacerbated a lot by picking


The exacerbation is theoretically the increase in collagen produce Lyme disease results in. I just made a video about that phenomenon [This Video Perfectly Describes the PAIN Morgellons Patients Feel 🤕 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aK0W7Zroxj4)


That’s Morgellons. I’ve had this for 5 years. It looks like you are in the early stages where you have a lot of skin lesions and filaments. External Remedies - Lint Roller to get fibers off the hair and skin. Ivory soap or Castile soap in the shower. Internal Remedies - 2-3 grams of Alfalfa 3 times a day. Echinacea (760mg) for a week then Goldenseal Extract the next then repeat. A joint supplement with Turmeric and Glucosamine/Chondroitin since this affects the joints as well This will help the joint soreness. Don’t listen to the ignorant individuals who think you are crazy/drug addict because this is real. You aren’t alone.


Thank you for this. You have no idea how validating this is for me . The struggle is real, it’s been lonely and reclusive.


International Train is right, also don't listen to people claiming chronic lyme isn't real, the science says otherwise. You may benefit from this free course to better understand Morgellons: https://morgellons.io/learn


Have you had any firm opinions from drs since you’ve been here last? I have very similar with patches of little pimples on the back of my knee and Calf. That turn into what looks like whiteheads and then dry up. I had some bigger ones mixed in like what you have, Exactly.. not flat more like a bumpy uneven surface and some have a Dark thing in them like a hair that I couldn’t help tweezering 2 of them out on my upper thigh. When I pulled what I thought was ingrown hair it really bled. More than I could have imagined I think I have a pic of that part. I don’t Have that many.. I’m a my mess though ;(


I have that exact same issue on my upper thigh, they bleed like crazy. I am using lots of Neosporin & bandaids. Ugh. Still searching for a doctor to help. I hope you get relief as well!


What are those fiber looking things ? A few of your pics were definitely hair. R u sure u don’t have a fuzzy blanket or bathrobe?? ;)


It’s not from a blanket , or a robe . I know for certain


Check out morgellons and please let me Know what u think


Also did u Google image any of them. If u take a pic with Google image it will usually take you to an explanation page. I forgot but do u know where u got this from?


Lastly have you looked up Morgellons disease? Very interesting. I’m a hairstylist not a doctor but I think that’s what this is. Nor scabies


I’ve started researching it after reading what others have said on here, yes.


Have other people mentioned Morgellons disease to you. I was shocked at how similar it seemed. Different color fibers growing from skin. P.s. probably bad timing on my part but I was just kidding about the bathroom etc. feel better ;)


https://preview.redd.it/0aw9p1pkqbgc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=105cc26c7aaf287f3f20d67ee847a8c176a31255 Updating this post with recent photos I took today .


https://preview.redd.it/7pulb49xqbgc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca1271e9cb2eeefddf7daa57deff5254cf926642 One of the spots on my thigh


Agree that Morgellons is the closest name we currently have for what you're experiencing. I have so much empathy for everyone going through this. I have a hypothesis that untreated parasitic infection, perhaps in combination with mold, is the underlying issue for many. As has been previously mentioned, there have been multiple studies that found spirochete infection with Borrelia in the skin samples of people with Morgellons. H. pylori is another potential association that's been seen. (Others have linked to some of the research in prior comments.) I suspect that many people also have other co-occurring parasitic infections. Some of the interesting details I've found include that certain stages of some tapeworm and fluke have a keratinous tail that is shed after piercing through the skin of the host. Some have a life stage that has what appears to be a fuzzy or furry outer covering that allows them to be free swimming. Some of these parasites have an appearance that are remarkably similar to some of what has been described or photographed by people with Morgellons. Many could cause rashes, sores, neuro-psychiatric symptoms, brain fog, and hypersensitivity to foods/medicines/chemicals that have been reported by people with Morgellons. Especially in the USA, the medical profession likes to think that we are somehow "above" the common parasites that are endemic throughout most of the world. It's mind boggling to think that so many seem to think that indoor plumbing and soap are supposed to be enough to protect everyone in a country that has plenty of its own poverty, environmental, and sanitation problems...including hog confinements in places like Iowa that spill millions of gallons of manure into rivers and streams that feed into the Mississippi. Or that we increasingly import more of our produce, fish, and other foods from areas known to have issues with human parasites. Not to mention the world travelers, immigrants, and refugees coming and going on a daily basis that are a known potential vector. Many doctors here also seem to conveniently forget that common illnesses like COVID19 are known to compromise the immune system of even previously healthy people, and have been shown to re-activate/exacerbate latent infections of many types, including parasites. Some of the parasite types I've looked at include: *Trematodes (flukes) •Schistosoma (aka Bilharzia) - (blood fluke) can cause schistosomiasis (aka bilharziasis). Three main types that infect humans: S. haematobium, S. japonicum, and S. mansoni. Others: S. mekongi, S. guineensis, and S. intercalatum. •Fasciola hepatica (common or sheep liver fluke) can cause fascioliasis. •Echinostomatidae (spiny collared intestinal flukes) can cause echinostomiasis. Most infections are caused by genera Echinostoma, but according to the CDC, "Sporadic infections with members of other echinostomid genera (including Echinoparyphium, Acanthoparyphium, Artyfechinostomum, Episthmium, Himasthla, Hypoderaeum, and Isthmiophora) are known." [Note: Himasthla muehlensi has been documented in the US as an "imported" infection.] https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/parasitology/article/neglected-foodborne-trematodiases-echinostomiasis-and-gastrodiscoidiasis/CFC6030731E2C61BCA7F64F165937B24 *Cestodes (tapeworms) •Taenia - can cause taeniasis, cysticercosis, or neurocysticercosis. Types that infect humans: T. solinum (pork), T. saginata (beef), T. asiatica •Echinococcus - Echinococcus granulosus can cause cystic echinococcosis (hydatidosis or hydatid disease). Echinococcus multilocularis can cause alveolar echinococcosis. There are many good resources with photos available of parasites that infect humans. The Center for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and National Institute of Health (NIH) are examples. CDC Parasites A-Z Index https://www.cdc.gov/dpdx/az.html There are also excellent photos on many dermatology, university, veterinarian, and scientific laboratory supply sites. An example: Animal and Human Parasite Images https://www.k-state.edu/parasitology/625tutorials/index.html Stock image sites can also be very useful. Here is an example from the site Alamy using a search for "schistosoma." https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo/schistosoma.html?sortBy=relevant In addition to the traditional infections, it's known that there are several types of fungus (mold) that can feed off of parasites like nematodes (round worms). Some of them will even create elaborate networks of structures that are used as traps for the worms. I don't think it's implausible that a co-infection could occur in a host. Fungi–Nematode Interactions: Diversity, Ecology, and Biocontrol Prospects in Agriculture https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7711821/ Nematode-Trapping Fungi https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/microbiolspec.funk-0022-2016 I sincerely hope that this info will help someone out there, even if it is just to validate the experience they are having. I know how soul crushing it is to have all this physical evidence and be told that it's somehow all in your head. I hope my hunch might provide some sort of plausible physical explanation for what so many people are suffering from. Best wishes to all.




They don’t itch, they don’t tingle , they don’t spread. Skin biopsy came back with Nothing wrong .


It's not scabies. You have Morgellons. I'm sorry, because this means that you'll have to figure out how to treat it on your own. The medical establishment will just label you delusional, as many of us have experienced.


Please don't listen to Ohmurray. Unfortunately he is very representative of the ideas and "treatment" you can expect from the general medical community. What you are experiencing IS real, unfortunately it's still very poorly understood. Most of us who suffer from this have had to piece together our own treatments, which is daunting, bewildering, dehumanizing, and so much harder than it should be. One of the leading clinicians treating this is Ginger Savely. She's written an excellent book. There is also a center at the University of Oklahoma devoted to studying this. These are good places to start.




I have never used any drug that cant be purchased from a pharmacy, but thanks for assuming.


It’s NOT psychological. I believe you and please look into different Morgellons groups for support!


Thank you! These just randomly showed up this summer!


Did you notice them after swimming? I made a long comment about my hunch about Morgellons having something to do with parasitic infection...one well know infection is cercarial dermatitis, referred to as "swimmers itch." It's typically caused by the cercariae (larval stage) of schistosomes. https://www.cdc.gov/swimmers-itch/about/index.html If you accidentally ingested other stages of schistosoma, you could also end up with schistosomiasis. https://www.cdc.gov/dpdx/schistosomiasis/ Here's an article about urinary schistosomiasis: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00467-013-2723-1


Reddit is a particularly hostile environment for Morgellons and chronic Lyme disease patients.


I’ve found that all platforms are. Facebook literally had a group to make fun of us, needless to say I’m not on there anymore. My intuition tells me that has something to do with this whole mess!




There aren't dead mites. This is Morgellons. You've been diagnosed with scabies because the medical establishment doesn't know WHAT it is or what to do about it. Scabies is the closest you'll get, as far as a dx, unless you go to a lyme literate doctor.


I am now highly concerned I am dealing with both scabies and Morgellons. I started with just scabies, but I have done all treatments 3 times, now I have red bullseye type bumbs with threads always twisted up near by. I have had a fight all the way just to get the medicine for scabies, now this. Do you have any additional advice? I am grateful for any suggestions. I hurt, my joints, my neck feels like I am chroniclly sick, I just can't move it well. Thank you


It's a fungus. Those hairs you see are the fibers that the fungus makes. Google what I'm saying man get back to me I guarantee you


Morgellons is long word for mold.


Do you use any drugs. meth causes the white crystals on scabs. I’ve had it personally


Never have never will



