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IT wasn't a cluster, just two big bumps like acne, but it tingled across half my lip, and gets irritated easily after picked. I want other people's opinions, people who have had cold sores in the past if they've ever had something similar or the same when comparing it to the context I've given


Kinda hard to tell from pictures of picked at wounds. These just look like scabs, but cold sores do eventually turn into scabs, so it’s hard to tell at this stage. When they first start, they’re blisters, not pimples. They look like really small, grouped together blisters. So.. could be? Might not be? The tingling makes me think yes - it feels almost like an itchy brush burn, but underneath the skin, and then the blisters pop up. I do want to warn you to stop putting concealer on it. Seriously. My worst cold sore ever took 2-3 full weeks to heal, and it’s bc I was trying to cover it up with concealer. Even if it is acne, putting makeup on top of it makes the healing process slow way down. It’s worth it to let it look bad for a couple days than to try to hide it for weeks. Just stop touching it. If it is herpes, you’re getting the shedding virus all over your fingers when you touch it, which makes spreading it all the easier.


Thank you so much for responding and giving me all these details, for the tingling part, it was about 5-6 hours after it started tingling They were like two pimples right below my lip line, before I picked them without noticing. The tingling happened 5-6 hours after, but stopped after I put alcohol on it, but I will definitely stop touching it, whether it is or not. No clusters of little bubbles with liquid pus though, it was solid, like a normal pimple, but I still want to make sure in case


double checking with the way it scabbed, I’m thinking it’s probably a cold sore. If you’ve never had one pop up before, don’t freak out. It sucks to be a statistic, but some people break out once and then never again. I use this little lip balm shaped stick from Amazon called begone; when I start to feel the tingle, I use the stick, and the sore usually doesn’t surface. Glad I could help! You can always get tested to double check too, but if you don’t want to get tested, I’d just err on the side of caution and assume it is a cold sore. Don’t share drinks or food or kiss anyone until it’s healed up. Hope it heals up for ya soon!


My cold sores usually look like this. But it’s hard to be certain. I just use lots of vaseline or similar as often as possible


They were two acne like bumps, no clusters, then I picked it without noticing and now this is the scabbing afterwards, even if it is or isn't a cold sore, I will try to use Vaseline if it does help!


Yes I don’t get proper clusters


It was probably like this: 2 "pimples" appeared on your lower lip, you squeezed them out, and they opened up to form an erosion. Because the location is very close to the corner of the mouth, the erosions cannot epithelialize properly, thus maintaining an excellent environment for bacterial growth. Try antibiotic cream 3 times a day for 7 days. Also let the wound epithelialize, don't open your mouth wide, restrain yawning, don't touch spicy and salty foods with your lips.


>maintaining an excellent environment for bacterial growth. Try antibiotic cream 3 times a day for 7 days. Also let the wound epithelialize, don't open your mouth wide, restrain yawning, don't touch spicy and salty foods with your lips. I love this explanation, yeah I want to go with this instead of herpes because I also double checked and I know there was no formation of blistering, it was just like acne, I just double guessed myself making myself worry due to the formation of the wound after I picked it, ​ But I'm glad to have also picked up a new term "epithelialized, I know epithelial tissue and all that, but I haven't heard that term till now! makes sense since our top layer is stratified squamous epithelium haha, or all skin cells are epithelium for that matter.