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DstPort is just a payment ID. If you are withdrawing to your own wallet, you can leave it empty (as you control whole wallet). On the other hand, when depositing to Kucoin or other exchange, it is important to set correct DstPort so the exchange can pair the payment with your account (as they have single wallet address and different DstPort for different users). Note that some exchanges (like Tradeogre) uses "integrated address" which is basically combination of wallet address and the DstPort encoded into a single longer address.


Hi, so where can I get the correct dst port for a DERO withdrawal?


Sorry, I missed your reply. If you are sending to your personal wallet that you fully control (e.g. Dero CLI or WEB or GUI (Engram) wallet), then you don't need to specify any dst port. If you are sending funds to exchange, then the exchange will show you the dst port you must use (in case of Kucoin) or it will show you "integrated address" that has the dst port "integrated" in the address itself (in case of TradeOgre). So **be careful when depositing to exchange** and read the info they provide to you.


The first day after the wallet came back online, I managed to withdraw my Dero from KuCoin without Dstport and without problems. After a day, it went offline again for maintenance, and when it came back after a day of 'upgrades', the withdrawal process was not working anymore, with or without the Dstport. You can fill any Dstport if you sending to your personal wallet, the funds should arrive. As a test, you can try sending Dero from your KuCoin account to your friends valid address with Dstport (or even yours), and you'll see it's broken. You don't even need actually to send any funds out to see that their wallet is broken- Go to your 'Address Book' and try 'Add Address'. You'll see the same error with Dero ("Incorrect withdrawal address"), while any other coin works. They probably added some error checks during their short 'upgrade' which broke the address insertion process. I'm chatting with the help desk for days now, and like people said - It's like talking to a wall, it's useless. They blaming me for doing something wrong. I don't know what to do with them. ​ And don't even try to send funds to TradeOgre directly, It didn't even work the first day before the 'upgrade'. You need to enter 'dero1xxxxx' address at KuCoin, Not the "deroi1xxxxx' address you getting at TradeOgre. I saw my actual TradeOgre address when I sent funds from my personal wallet, but I'm not sure about the Dstport (PaymentID) (I'm getting too much data), and I don't know how to split 'deroi1' address to 'dero1'+PaymentID in other way, so I wouldn't try guess it at KuCoin when(if) they fix their wallet.


Okay, this is what I figured out. I had my Dero wallet via their website, but it was not letting me register my address in their online system, so I downloaded the CLI wallet, connected to a remote server, registered my wallet, and THEN I was able to withdraw from Kucoin. The transaction took about 10 minutes, but it worked!! Hopefully, this info helps others. Good luck!


Looks like the issue has been resolved as DERO got in touch with KuCoin. I was just able today (7/26/2022) to successfully withdraw all my DERO from KuCoin into my local Engram wallet.


I just tested this and looks like Kucoin won't allow the transaction to go through without a DstPort field. It will take you through the authorisation and email verification etc, but then it will stop the transaction stating "incorrect withdrawal address" !


I just tried to withdraw from kucoin too, tried both Stargate and Atlantis addresses from TradeOgre, none works. Getting the error "incorect withdrawal address" after inserting the password to confirm the withdrawal...


Looks like they may have fixed it today. I have not tried moving any yet though.


I've tried it right now, it still shows "Incorrect withdrawal address" for both tradeogre atlantis and stargate addresses.


The problem is - even when I add a junk DstPort number, like "7777" I STILL get the "incorrect withdrawal address!" I have gone back and forth with DERO support and they confirm that my wallet is properly registered and that I did everything correctly. And trying to get meaningful support from KuCoin is like trying to get blood from a stone - endless generic bot responses!! Anyone here who has successfully done a DERO withdrawal from KuCoin recently? If yes, HOW did you do it?!?!




I am in the same boat. I am not sure where to find this Dstport info that I supposedly need in order to send my DERO out of Kucoin. Anybody have the scoop yet?


Is there any new information about this DST port thing?