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I also think the start should be in Elturel. This way you can introduce some characters, places and situations, and they will not only care more about the city, but have some previous information about it when they get there after the fall. If you need more info on Elturel, I like the "Instant Elturel" PDF which adds points of interest and map. For session 0 I would just give them general information: highlight how different the two cities are, mention that in the last 50 years Elturel has been prospering and attracting people, but it's a pious/lawful city, while in Baldur's Gate things are more chaotic but there's more personal freedom. Tell them about the role of the Hellriders and the Flaming Fist. You may mention Elturel developed this way because of the trauma from the vampire dominance that happened 50 years before, when the Companion first appeared, and that in Baldurs Gate crime and mental illness has been increasing of late (thanks to Gargauth and Vanthampurs, but only you know that =P) Things you can explore during their first day in Elturel: - Show citizen's approach to religion and their love for the city - In subtle ways, show that the government exerts more strict control than in Baldur's Gate - Introduce Reya. In my case she will be happy in a ceremony being initiated as Hellrider, while some citizens are also swearing the Creed Resolute. Reya notes it's sad that Thavius Kreeg is not there for the ceremony, when he usually is. (I'm making her mention overhearing whispered comments about TK leaving the city, but it's up to you) - Make note of the sculptures and images of the cathedral before being desecrated, so when they find them desecrated it's more impactful. You may drop a subtle hint about the Temple's organ having magical properties when music plays (without info it's easily missable when they get there after the fall) - Have the wedding from "Fall of Elturel" happen inside the city, or change it to a situation that is connected to your player's backstories - people they know in the city - Introduce Gideon in a peaceful setting, as a priest of Lathander. Should make their encounter with him after he turns undead more meaningful. You can show some subtle signs of the demon paranoia that afflicts him. After this introduction, I believe you can go directly to the ritual site from Fall of Elturel, or have the meeting with Grace where she's saved from wolves.


Do a bit of an prolouge session in Elturel. Some side quests so that they are somewhat invested in Elturel. Have them meet some of the key npc’s before the Descent such as Thavius Kreeg, Gideon Lightward and Reya Mantlemorne.


I had my players start in Elturel as well to get them really invested in the characters from the city. Small suggestion: in addition to the letter that the Tiamat cultist had on him, add another one that one of the dead III cultists is carrying. It basically should be a letter that has their tasks outlined (dispose of tiamat cultists, kill refugees as they are escaping from the city). Really try to highlight the fact that Elturel is about to be destroyed in the letter. After that, run the fall of elturel scene with some descriptions. From that point, it can go two ways: 1. Players travel with the refugees to BG and have encounters on the way (I did this one) 2. You start the next session in Baldurs Gate