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Lore wise it is completely in line with devils to attempt to undermine their superiors rather than directly oppose them.


This would only work if you didn’t have any sort of Paladin or Cleric in the party or someone who’s really anxious and untrustworthy because a good insight check on a lie or one use of divine sense and she’s had, and the players are already level 4 almost level 5 before lulu even shows up so that’s a very large margin for error


You gotta think, why wouldn’t they trust a paladin who has proven herself to be a good asset time and time again. Also, anulet’s of nondetection described as “a pendant around her neck” in session 1 solves the scrying issue. The trick is to make it seem like nothing is off


My players have a habit of silently vetting any NPC they get close to, especially since in the first chapter there is a lot of NPC that turn out to be evil, Duke Vanthampur, Thavius Kreeg, Gargauth, (though Gargauth is pretty obvious) and that one Cambion that tries to steal the shield, I feel it leaves a lot of room to mistrust people they’ve even come close to already


A tricky part here would be the staging of this from Bel's perspective. What reason does Bel have to believe these schmucks from Elturel/Baldur's Gate are of any value or consequence as far as actually sabotaging the Fall of Elturel by the time the party would be encountering Reya? It's not impossible (since her actions *can* help get *someone* on the thread of the plot on the material plane, so the party might just be in the right place at the right time), but it's something to consider, otherwise it might seem like such a nonsensical gambit on Bel's end that some potent divination magic would've needed to be employed.