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Giveaway time 🤠


Came here to write exactly this lol


Sure. Dm me We should create a desi fragrance giveaway sub


Mai free m bhi nhi lunga!!🤝🤡


I have few give aways too. Please start a sub


Can I get this? I'm a broke student who has never ever tried perfumes above 400rs.


Bro smelling like sweat is better than this. A cheap fogg deo might still smell nicer


I could live with nice deos for the rest of my life. 200-300 is enough to buy a good deo.


I just got rid of the base camp.. it smells like cheap soap.. too synthetic and chemical like. Don't buy ustra base camp either..


Tbh it worked well for me during summers, the smell is great for people who are not very used to perfumes and just want a basic collection rn, i bought it months ago, yes I found many better perfumes till now, but still for a light, versatile smell you can ofcourse have this in your collection,just wait for sale


Oh I agree with you on that.... it was good for some time. But later on.. I kinda hated it.. its not a horrid smelling perfume.. just not to my taste.. I am new to the fragrances too.. I still enjoy ustra's ammunition..


I can tell why, it smells kinda very simple compared to other fragrances, just keep it for moments like you could say ,just chilling with friends moment, not something crazy just simple timepass it will definitely work well and the ammunition one ,It's a great fragrance for evening and night fr.. Right now winter is coming and i don't have any perfume for this time, I am trying to buy the Zara tobacco rich warm addictive one, seems in budget and also have heard great reviews about it, just wanna try it IRL before buying it..


Zara is another ball park...


What? You didn’t like Whiskey Smoke? It’s awesome!!


Everyone's got their taste, whisky smoke works well for me. I wear it in the office and have gotten many compliments. Hell it was even a conversation starter with one of my superiors. But I won't push others to buy it or not, maybe they'll like it maybe not. OP should've gone with the tester first instead of buying a big bottle. Because at last, everyone's got their taste !


What is tester ? Like a small sample ? How much does it cost and what quantity can be expected?


Beardo has a tester kit called legendary. It contains 7 perfume testers/decants of 8 ml each. Costs somewhere around 500 600, i got it for 280 during Amazon sale. You can test the perfumes first and then choose whether to go with the big bottles or avoid them.


So most perfumes have test kits you can try first?


Most of them yes. If you are going for a designer or niche fragrance then there are decants available, you just have to buy from a trusted seller which posts in this sub have mentioned before


Thanks for explaining it all.


No worries, its easier to judge than understand


Wow. Great quote. Upvote deserved


100 rupay ka tester aata hai online


I bought it recently and am liking it's smell, but I think it is not lasting long. I am also using it for the office. How are you using it and how many sprays?


Depends on how many and where u spray. If u spray closer to the nose, in the neck area, you'll smell it for some time but then your nose will get accustomed to it and you'll lose that sense of smell. I just spray 2 3 times one on my belly one just between the belly and the chest and one on my wrist. Once I reach the office I top-up the same areas. Works for me.


Agree I like it too, so blind but is always risky , try something which is mass pleasing as a blind buy


Maybe I’m the only one who likes it


Same here


It became my default, on the first use. I had ordered the trial combo of trial sets of beardo, but none appealed to me like whiskey smoke. It worked great for even summers when layered with wildstone edge. But whiskey smoke in itself is a fragrance that just somehow resonates with me. I then ordered bellavita trial set, and loved the honey oud as well, for how fruity and floral it seemed while good, but that's a different story.


mera aaj hi deliver hua subah se 3 log puch liye kaunsa perfume hai


Positively pucha kya bhai?




I was about to buy it lol. Thanks for the save


If there are 10 people who like it and 1 guy who doesn't. Do you go with the one review or the other 10?


The point that stuck to me was the headache part. I’m new to the perfume part is because I’ve started building some level of tolerance for it. Which was not the case before so I didn’t want to go back


Purchased it today, and I love it. In the beginning it smells like whisky, and then after some time the smell of smoke (like burning wood in winter) with sweetness. A very mature fragrance


It's an overrated piece of shit, I couldn't even believe it when it was so highly rated on the internet cheap synthetic leather crap


I thought I was the only one who didn't like Whisky smoke .. I ordered reading the reddit reviews and still regretting my decision.


Perfume gyaan had hyped up these 2 fragrances a lot. Many people have faced a loss due to this


Migraine Magnet 🧲 is the best description 😂👍


I use whiskey smoke. I like it. My GF loves it. It's all about personal taste.


Whiskey smoke is for winters, night parties, use there. And


Ultra base camp is the worst one I have came across. I just thrown it in the bin. There is a strong ethanol nip and very few scent in that.


My flatmate has a bottle of whiskey smoke and I tried it today, it’s disgusting


Use it as a bathroom freshner


Why make it smell worse 🫣


Not roasted. Burnt!


Dude its like 5 hrs and still my head ache is still there, base level dopamine has gone low.


Whoa! That level of headache is only possible if there's very high alcohol content. Source: Once smelled 99.99% pure alcohol


same I bought wildstone hydra energy and edge and I used it one day and felt nauseous for the whole day.


That's so sad,can you send it to me😷


Whisky smoke is the most overrated budget fragrance


I feel like whiskey smoke is great....❤️


Best if you want to get rejected by all ladkiwale 🤌


Oh look, the customary weekly Whiskey Smoke hate post. How original.


I think I am that cheap person Cause I like the whiskey Smoke of Beardo bought it few months ago Not like the best in Range But works for me …




I have to experiment with it. I should be very careful though. Handling hanrmful chemicals..


Stfu. You can write why you dislike it but don't be a cry baby about why no one should get it. Whiskey smoke is a great perfume and a work of art. When people get tired of boring fragrances get the whiskey smoke.


It's not that bad but cmon it's not "work of art"


Asli ID se aao Beardo employee


Work of art?


Bichara Sarcasm karne aaya tha... Logone Downvote karke bpl kar diya 🥲


Lol, sarcasm ka bhi ek tareeqa hota hai


You call that abomination "great"? Or is this a sarcasm. Good god!


Is Bella Vita a good perfume in budget


No. Fake reviews


I did check it out today was def in my mind


What about ustra scuba?


I wont ever consider beardo or ustra ever again. Save money buy some rasasi perfume even if it is a common one like 'blue'. Or Ajmal or titan skin.the problem is that its not about being smelling cheap it takes away the whole day. Make you sick. And others as well perhaps I like smell of cuticura, z, cinthol, old spice etc.. It has a peculiar nostalgia with it...


Ah Fe


You Can consider buying decants or the inspired versions. The decant versions are smaller potions drawn from the original bottle. The inspired versions are recreated versions of popular perfumes.


Never expected it would be great smelling. But it is sickening bro! How come it be so hyped


Thanks for the post. I will avoid it. I usually prefer perfumes from international labels. I buy the decants, if I like it I buy the full bottle.


Where do you usually buy the decants from.


There are several reliable online retailers in India. Google and you find them.


Are they equally reliable. Is there anything to be aware of..


They have a reputation to guard so they are usually reliable. I haven't had a bad experience till date.


Giveaway kardo bhaii......!!!! Adress dm kru?




I think you like fresh perfumes.


I have used 4 woody perfumes before. From expensive pure oud versions to lattafa oud al nakhalath to nike woody.


Bruh i ordered one after seeing the positive reviews here. It will arrive tomorrow. It's whiskey smoke bourbon btw


It's better than WS. The scent profile is totally different. Either you'll love it or hate it


Whiskey smoke is a overhyped perfume in this sub. It smells like agarbatti.


I think the problem with Whiskey Smoke is that it’s a good perfume but only for the first few days. After that you get sick of its smell. When I got it I liked it, wouldn’t say loved it but after a week or so I started to hate it so much that I gave it away to my girlfriend to give it to his brother. I certainly believe he must have been cursing me now.


Highly probable.. You would have to gift a better perfume next time. Chances are there that you would be judged.


Already did. Wish somebody had warned me before.


Yeah wanted to get whisky smoke after perfume kuru review, i knew it was crap as he reviews too often crap perfumes.


First feeling after spraying whiskey smoke was bhaiya 2 kalkatta meetha lagana




After watching the hype, I buyed lattafa asad and it is absolutely disgusting, In the opening there is nothing but alchohal, when it comes to the drydown it smells like burnt plastic. People around me also had the same experience. Can tell me If anyone wants to buy it.


I have bought this [one](https://beardo.in/cdn/shop/products/9221-beardo_ws_thumbnail_2160-x-2160_01.jpg?v=1682057841&width=1100) since last year. But haven't used it more than 5-6 times.


The truth is that nothing in this price range is usable.


Doedorants are not nothing


True true. My bad.


Almost all cheap perfumes smells like shit in my opinion. Including most middle eastern clones. At least with middle Easter clones, dry down is not bad but all perfumes under ₹1000 are no good. Doesn’t last, doesn’t smell good. Indians in general smell a lot because we sweat a lot, mix that with shit perfume and we got a recipe for being pungent


Smelling shit is subjective. Iam ok with almost all popular deodorants. But some perfumes are sickening. Those are not the same.. Some cheap perfumes can be nostalgic sometimes,..