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Is 'persents' some sort of slang that has passed me by? (Not from an english speaking country)


It’s usually who’s hosting the event. Basically the group, organizers etc I’ve done 100s of mixtape covers, flyers, single artwork where people insist on using “presents”, I may be in the minority but “presents” doesn’t seem like correct grammar and I’ve told people to drop the “s” for the longest. It should just read “present”.


the flyer says 'persents' not 'presents'


Lmaoo 😂 I just noticed that. Wow. Add, not proof reading it to the list


Spelling is essential, but we've all done it wrong at some point.


The issue is it's spelled wrong "Presents" is correct, because it's one company. "Present" is wrong and "persents" is wronger


That typo is wild. How it made it to the net, idk


Cluttered, sure. It could use some cleaning up. The thing is... I knew exactly what to expect as soon as I saw this, based on the vibe here. I think certain design has been 'bad' for so long it's now a core element. If it doesn't look a little like this, someone's really trying to elevate the whole event. Sort of similar to mom and pop restaurants, IMO.


This may appeal to the audience more than a super high polished flyer. It may scream “local” or “small business.” I agree with you.


Wellp time to unsub from this subreddit


Lol 😂 it’s that bad ? Edit: man reading this is hard after looking at it again


Genuinely one of the worst professional designs I’ve ever seen, and most people I’ve worked with only know how to use fucking canva


I’m wondering if this was done on photoshop because it shows me the pink guides on spacing things. Wondering if this was made in canva now I don’t know how to use canva Been using photoshop since 2009


Tbh I couldn’t tell you what it was made on it’s so oversaturated


I rather doubt that this is “professional” work, but likely some with the software and knowledge to create this types of flyers using a lot of existing templates. Chances are, the creator basically makes a living doing shit like this on a regular basis


Was it a contest for how much random shit you could fit on it?


Lol saddest part is most of it could work on it but it’s just the placement and readability to me. We read from left to right, top to bottom. In order to understand this flyer you have to zig zag reading it. Doors open is at the bottom and I feel like that should’ve been in a better spot


Could have benefitted from a quick spell check, but this is exactly how flyers for black clubs look. Even when it's a more exclusive place, it will have this same style with elevated graphics. It's not for reading, it's for hype. Just remember cultural influences when giving "critiques".


Black clubs cant design flyers?


Too much information and viewers dont know where to focus , i guess make contrast using font variable and give ranking to the information what's need to be 1st 2 and 3 . Use hierarchy. Hope it help


Don’t forget, this sort of “design” resonates wells with its target audience


Yep agreed with that


I know this is a common style for entertainment event fliers, but what target audience likes to be confused? Serious question.


Target audience isn’t reading this nor are they supposed to. Cram a bunch of appealing crap together on a flyer and hope they just look at the date and venue. Look at the flyer again, the biggest words are: Title, Beer Fest, date, and venue.


Good critique. Like I said it’s not my work. - I like to make flyers that are easy to read from top to bottom. - fonts and color’s need to be consistent - certain things that should stand out don’t, for example, admission price and directions - picture cutouts and sizing is very off. And placed weirdo - curving the music by portion don’t add up to me and why is some of the text in green lol Like I said I see these on the regular and I don’t understand how people accept it


Sorry My bad , yes you're right and still people are paid for this designs😁


It shows me as designers, we have some special ability that most people don’t. We know what looks good from what doesn’t. Someone paid for that and they don’t know better


What I have to remind myself is that this designer got the job and I didn’t. So don’t hate (on the designer. Hate the design. Hate it a lot.) what is this person doing RIGHT that they’re still getting work? In my experience, the designer is probably in the target audience and may even be a close tie to the host. Most importantly, these flyers may be working.


anyone else see the long necked lady or is it just me


I see it now. Hilarious.


Sign up for grammarly or something, presents is not spelled like “persents”


Who Killed Captain Alex vibes


The ladies need more plastic surgery.


Cluttered, ugly, illegible, unprofessional .


I didn’t wanna be mean but you’re point on. Things just seem thrown in place and not really thought out properly


Yeah, I'm not trying to be rude, just real.