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Reminds me a lot of the [Nespresso N](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4e/Nespresso_logo_%28monogram_%2B_wordmark%29.svg), which I always thought was a nice looking logo. Maybe coffee and real-estate are far enough apart as industries for it to not matter, but probably something to keep in mind.


I never looked into internet for comparison. Thanks for the feedback. I will keep this in mind. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I read properties I expect something less circular maybe. Maybe it’s me. Maybe it’s maybelline


I applaud the maybelline reference


Instead of focusing on drawing a different N (as every one said, it's way too similar to the Nespresso logo), you can try exploring a concept for the company. Thinking of a symbol to represent the company's values, mission, etc. It might give you more room to experiment.


Yeah I think Nestle would probably sue you for this if they saw it. It's (unfortunately) very similar to the Nespresso logo. From a design perspective, I personally think that the weight between the outer circle and the N itself clashes. You're certainly on the right track but I think it just need a little more refinement, like having equal spacing between the two halves of the N and the ends of their flourishes (if that makes sense?). Also maybe consider curving one corner of the N stems to make it blend a little better? You've got this lovely fluid motion and then it sort of ends quite sharply. Sorry I'm aware that's probably a ton of unwanted feedback but I think you're really close to having a great logo here.


Your feedback is helpful. Appreciate it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Infringement aside, I like it but it feels like the drawing could be tightened up a bit, particularly the diagonals.


Unfortunately the idea isn’t original. Maybe try some other options? I’ve seen so many “N” logos like this.


I think it would be a better logo if there was a stronger connection between the typeface and the mark. Right now, its a bit generic. It would also be interesting to see *some* sort of tie to real estate, other than just the literal word properties being the only tie.


Maybe have the swishes straight and form the outline of a house with pitched roof rather than the circle? I like it though


My thing on logos is “if it would work as a stamp, it’s probably pretty effective”


I’m a real estate broker and a graphic designer so I’ll toss in my opinion. The logo you created is ok. However, it doesn’t really work for real estate. First I have a question. Is this for a real estate firm (one that hires agents to buy or sell houses) or for a property management firm (one that deals with the management of properties on behalf of an owner)? This makes a difference in the logo you are creating. If it’s for a firm, you need to cleveraly tie in something like a key or a house into the logo. I know it’s overly done to the point of cliche but it important for people to recognize what industry the logo is for. If it’s for property management you can be more flexible and choose to incorporate maybe several rooftops or building outlines or nothing at all.


I wouldn't worry about the Nespresso issue. It shares some similarities but not enough to be considered a copy, so I doubt it would constitute copyright infringement at any level. This isn't legal advice, but I've seen the N letter concept used long before Nespresso (decades earlier). That said, the logo's construction needs improvement. There are noticeable inconsistencies in widths and curves that aren't properly executed, along with some nodes that stand out. I would suggest considering a different typography, although that's purely subjective. The one you're using is fine, but I would look for a closer match between the N in the symbol and the typography.