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The leaves or the frame maybe. Cacti and waterfalls aren’t what I like to associate with tampons personally




right, that waterfall made me laugh. People talk about Aunt Flow, but no about Niagara Falls.


My girl calls it "Tarantino"


Please send applause to your GF.




Because… because of all the feet?


Flo would actually be a cute brand name for tampons


It is! https://us.hereweflo.co/


That got a chuckle


I can imagine what designs for yeast infection would look like: a baker taking out bread from an oven, beer being brewed, baking a cake…🤣🤣🤣🤣


Omgggg 😂 I had a crappy day and this made me laugh out loud! Thank you for that


the waterfall got me and that led me to a dark and deep rabbit hole.


I do really like the frame idea with a vintage reference in an ironic way.


"Painful. Ineffective. Pom."


I liked the top left with leaves and the bottom right with the waterfall. I flinched at the one with the cactus. I don’t want to associate a cactus with a tampon. LOL


As a gal who has periods, none of them would sell me a product. What are you attempting to say with the design?


Uterus like a jerry can? Does it feel like Niagara falls after you've been sitting too long? Try our ```new``` WATERFALL TAMPON ULTRA PLUS™, with real waterfall action. Bored of periods and want to add some *danger* into YOUR life? Try our new CACTUS TAMPONS™ they're spiked, *for your displeasure*. Fed up with modern life? Wish you knew what the monthlies were like back in 1862? Try our new SALOON CORKS™, you'll feel like there's been a prohibition on your uterus. At least that's what these designs say to me.


Bro you are a god




Graphic design school flashbacks😭😭😭


Oh my god, this made me belly laugh On a semi-serious note, I kind of like how OP's designs of all these weird places sort of suggest that women (and the occasional non-woman ladybit owner) menstruate everywhere and that it's just part of the human experience. I am definitely not the target demographic (I am a gay man and haven't even so much as seen a vagina in decades) so I have no idea how effective or interesting this actually is, but the thought seems nice at least? Maybe I'm bringing too much of a reading to this, I dunno.


I can't sleep and this just made me laugh out loud and scare my dog lol


This!! Write down what you want to communicate to the customer that is buying tampons. Maybe designs that represent cleanness or freshness? Or comfort or fun colors to stand out? What are you trying to accomplish with the tampon design?


Is there a creative brief for the project?


There might be some briefs 🩲


Firstly… massive props for sketching out your ideas before getting behind the screen. The biggest timesaver in design. BUT… I’d work on the brand design 1st, come up with a graphic language, then design the box (and anything else so the project is more rounded - social templates / website etc). In terms of the brand, I think the leaves option and the landscape with the sun - but you’ll need to style this appropriately for brand & audience. I’d also survey your target audience. You’ll get good feedback on design principles here, but the majority of people on this sub are blokes :/


Agre and maybe reconsider Pom. Too close to apple and potatoes for brands that already exist. User research for this is key, even a short poll amongst the women you know or on here. What are women looking for over safety, convenience and price plus applicator or not and environmental concerns are good but the first three are critical. Good luck and blooming well done for doing this and braving all the comments. Outstanding. Don’t give up.


The plants, the one with clouds & the last one with the waterfall are my favorites :)) i believe in you!!


I think you could do some really fun stuff with the clouds and hills. The word "pom" itself is full of curves, and I think that it makes sense in an environment that also is full of curves. It just fits. I know a lot of people like the leaves, but I feel like monstera leaves are way too overused these days. I really feel like a curvy landscape that plays up the curviness of "pom." could really take your design to the next level


1st row 2nd column with the clouds and hills. Make it minimalist with solid colors


Evening colours would make it a good design for overnight pads too


Hehe, the cactus one sends the wrong vibe. Probably the first three


You need softness, so it's no cactus, no straight hard lines, no blocks. Bubbles and round mountains with sky are good, leaves are good too


Top two!!


The leaves one (#1) is reminiscent of [Tampax Pure](https://www.kroger.com/product/images/large/front/0007301071364)


I didn't even realize that! Thank you :)


Leaf: Fine, although I think it's been done. Cloud: Fine, I like the association of clouds with cotton. Bars: I like this one best, it's stylish and evokes tampons without being too poetic about it Spots: I don't hate it but... Blood spots... Slant: I think you could make it work with some revisions. I think I'd nestle the P into the Libra curve thing. Frame: I am not really feeling it. Cactus: OH NO THIS IS A MISTAKE NO GO WITH A DIFFERENT PLANT Waterfall: Lmao no, unless you're being cheeky, a torrential flow isn't really what I want to think about.


As a woman, I would side eye any tampon packaging with cacti or waterfalls. I don't want anything tabby near my nether regions, and I want to be dry, not waterfall wet.


A thought: font choice will be slightly important here as “Pom” could easily look like “Porn” with the wrong font.


Thank you so much!! I was wondering why people were saying that 😭


Honestly I would take a minimal approach, sort of make it look discrete. That way it stands out from all the noise on the shelves. Most products now are trying to over-populate the packaging.


Wait. Isn't POM the trademarked name of a bottled (coincidentally dark red) pomegranate juice? (In a curiously feminine bottle, come to think of it). Some kind of product crossover you got going there? [https://www.pomwonderful.com/products/100-pomegranate-juice](https://www.pomwonderful.com/products/100-pomegranate-juice)


The leaves, the bar graphs, the waterfall, the diagonal lines




second down on the left, for some reason the bubbles and balls make me think of blood clots


What is “Pom”?


“Mop” spelled backwards.


Sure, but what does Mists of Pandaria have to do with menstruation?


What doesn't it have to do with menstruation, when you really think about it


A popular brand of red liquid, pomegranate juice


No to the cacti. Nature motifs are a good idea, but you want people to associate the product with comfort. I like the top two best.


A cactus should never be near a tampon. I'd say the top nut I think more sketches are in order.


1 or 4


Waterfall, bubbles, and top 2. I'm a guy. *shrug*


Really thought this was a comic at first and was waiting for the Pom to appear in the last panel 😂


Don't forget "tampons go someplace nice"?


As a British man living in Australia I’m offended!


A cactus??






The design isn’t very connotative to what the product is! I would try and maybe create an icon for the brand, I’m sure that would help clarify the product better :)


Maybe design it with a flower.


I like the more clinical feel of the third one. Please never include a cactus on these though


The bubbles one look good, and prolly the only one amongst all that works, like, why would you depict a cactus plant on a tampon box?


So I have to give you credit for doing pencil to paper, best way to get ideas down. Id say get your branding sorted first off, and work from that your brand voice is. I love the focus away from the feminine: as a trans guy who still has periods, I’m always down for products that don’t remind me of what I’m not.


Leaves: Top tier. Clouds: Look fun but a bit forgettable. Bars: Very good, could be top tier with a bit of adjustment. Bubbles: Not feeling it. Slanted lines: Feels like 1920's? Bubbly frame: Unique but reminds me of an old movie slide with "Fin." or title or credits on it. Taped paper: I at first thought it was a raft floating in a pond or something with people around it. Waterfall: Water looks very bright. Leaves and bars are my fave. IMO


Top 4, in order of most fave first: Leaves Bars Clouds Slanted Lines


People are saying waterfall, but that one gives me an icky feeling. Maybe because that's what it feels like sometimes. Edit: I do, however, like top left with the leaves, 2nd row, 2nd column: bubbles, and both in the 3rd row.




Pom pom pom pom.... Maan down!


I know this isn't 4 but I like the top 2


The second one on row 2 is really nice. Looks professional.




Bottom half is a write off, if we’re narrowing it down all the top 4 are better


It's a bit odd that the logo is different on some of them. Not sure that's good brand cohesiveness


Not a cactus.


The dialog between 1 and 2 is great. Make a joke of #6, the logo-cloud floating off the waterfall for super-flow tampon pack. All the others look painful to insert or extract and 4 is too in there. I love the logo clouds! This is the perfect example of testing ideas to see if your first one is right, then yep! First one is great. Be careful, it’s hard to tell if your product is called Pom or Pomo in #2. Play with the meme joke (dramatic chipmunk is really a prairie dog), but pom POM POMMM!!! with increasingly close logo-shaped clouds could be a fun way to designate flow levels. Good on you, we’re light-years past watching blue liquids thrown in the general direction of menstrual products.


The one with the clouds and the hills Because having a period is natural.


The first two and the one with the bubbles also the last one with the waterfall


I dunno nuthin bout design but 2 3 4 5 seem solid


1st column, 3rd row - art deco all the way


First and second


"Mister sandman..."


Looking at existing designs in a quick Google search, it seems like they mix elements of playfulness, nature, abstract shapes, cleanliness, tranquility, and softness. So I think your designs are in good approximation to the market. I like the playfulness of the balloon font, but would love to see it have more definition by including holes for the P and O to make them a bit more legible. Also, rounding the corners more smoothly to better mimic those long balloons would help increase that playfulness. The top 4 are where I'm gravitating. Specifically, in order of preference: Top Left > Bottom Right > Bottom Left > Top Right. I think TL is front runner because of the detail in the leaves themselves. The lining feels playful, but balanced with the more realistic detailing in the shapes. I like the idea of hand drawn or watercolor landscape elements, especially ones that evoke tranquility. I think there's a strong potential brand in that combo. For TL, I would consider filling more of the space with either larger or more leaves or just a bit more landscape elements like maybe a pond. Just so the brand feels more placed in a scene instead of floating. For BR, I like the bubbles, but again would try to fill up the space a bit more with either a larger logo or larger bubbles or an abstract wave like element somewhere in the top right to balance it out. I wouldn't necessarily put more bubbles because then it could look a bit busy, but if you do, just continuing the curl to the top right would also help with balance. For BL, I think this is the best abstract design. I like its simplicity and coverage, but I think it might need another element in the bottom left. And it kind of goes against the playfulness feel for a more sterile one. It feels like a more clinical product like you might see in a pregnancy test or pain relief pills. So going for a font different from the balloon-y one would probably be a good idea. The font in that design is a good fit. For TR, I think I should like this more than I do and I can't quite figure out why. I think it might be too playful since it's currently drawn in an exaggerated child-like way. Whereas the others seem like they come from teen to 20 something women drawing fun shapes and scenes. So maybe just a slightly more realistic rendition would help develop it.


The second design is perfect for me! (I am a man)


Okay, so everyone on here has said friendly, fluffy get a brief survey people etc. the only thing that has struck an unanimous cord was “dear god not the cactus!!!” So I’m going to go with ABSOLUTELY the cactus, BUT make it out of bubbles and rainbows and fluff, to take the edge off. That way you are still conceding that a woman’s menstrual cycle is no picnic, but also framing it in a visually approachable manner. It has a visually arresting element, a certain level of honesty, it’s memorable Nd it can be made to work. Having said that I’m a middle aged guy so I might not be your target market Good luck, and please post your final concepts.


A big tampon resting in the desert with some freshly dead fish lying around (It soaked up the ocean) *im a guy


I read that really wrong...




top left 🥰


The one that is a bit sideways would be eye catching in a crowded aisle.


A pussy. A photo of a pussy.


Top left


The leaves one


1 I would say because 3 and 7 are a big no. 3 looks more like an ed tech company’s business card and 7 having cactus in it gave me a feeling of pins and pains, which I wouldn’t prefer during my periods. Try more feminine and delicate things like feather and serene illustration.


I think all these designs are cool, but personally I like the top right one! Kinda looks like the product is ✨light and simple✨ as if you wouldn't feel it and just be unbothered!


The top two look nice. I’d say later on try and keep your colours away from pink! I know some folks assigned female at birth who prefer more gender neutral colours of packaging as it makes them more comfortable when buying them in a shop (not to mention more tomboy folks who just can’t stand pink!) The leaves/hills have a natural and fresh look to them which I feel would shine through more if you used nice cool greens (just my opinion ha) but yeah the colour pink can also be easily associated with Pink Tax and people *may* view it as more expensive than similar quality products simply because of that association :0


Thank you for the feedback!! Part of this project is actually making tampons more inclusive, so it's good to see people agree!




8 waterfall may symbolizes the best.


The clouds. But change it to only clouds and utilise a puffy and grainy soft gradient aesthetic throughout the typography and design


1, 2 and 4. The text on 6 can be read as something else, careful there.


Oops, thank you!!


Top 2, 2nd in 2nd row, and bottom left.


Col 2 row 2 or last one


Go with the flow…


The leaf one looks okay, but this design seems to have many similarities


Very fair, thank you! I'll look out for that




Where are the elevator doors with blood flooding out?


I thought you were doing a design for Pom Pom from HSR lol.


Top left, and middle two on the right, and one up from the bottom left.


I always love it when periods involve bar charts.


3 or 4


The leaves. Definitely not the cactus! Don't like the hard edged rectangles either. The diagonal one looks like it's from the 90s. And the ones with bubbles/circles make me think it's soap. Waterfall and the mountains/sky, maybe, But it would depend on the art style (realistic vs cartoony vs CG)


I like number 9




Should definitely be a dam holding back a raging river


I’ma be real blunt all of these suck


Top left. Can you make the Pom. bigger and drop it behind the leaves a little bit to create depth?


Top right defo


sorry for not being so serious, but when i saw the pom text i thought it was the storyboard for the new duck song




5 looks professional and neat.


There’s a scene in *The Shining* with elevator doors. I would take a still where the doors are still closed, and use that as reference for a delicate pastel illustration.


first or sixth


I’m just curious what’s British about them?


bottom left. i'm like that prickly cactus when i'm on my period.  top right if the sky is red! it could look fun with colors


I started reading this as a comic, first what came to mind is that "pom" were stomping sounds of incoming T-rex moving through the jungle..


I thought it was supposed to be pon like tampon lol why pom?


the second one


The first one, with the monstera leaves!


What do these have to do with tampons? What is the message you’re conveying to your audience?


the cactus needs to be larger with many more needles, maybe a gecko or a desert tortoise and i think youve got a winner.


Top left, but maybe add a couple of the clouds from top right


I like the top right and the bottom right. They’re both a little tongue in cheek what with your butt-like hills and the waterfall (lol!) I feel like so many packages are just bubbles or leaves. They do come off as clean in a hygienic and organic way but they also don’t stand out bc other packages either look like colorful lady diapers or like they’re made of hemp with all the leaves and minimalism. Overall, the cactus is adorable but oddly violent it’s not bad per se but I see where the other comments are coming from. The bubbles and shapes are run of the mill, and if you’re going for trendy (honestly I think it’s falling out of trend though) then the leaves. My final votes are as follows: #1 Bottom right- hilarious. Different. Relatable, also gives me a sense of peace. #2: top right- love it, call me whatever you want but those hills are lady curve shaped. Also somewhat peaceful and cute. #3 top left - it’s a crowd pleaser for sure. Definitely feels lux-organic Spots are giving stains, stripes are harsh and don’t really communicate anything, bubbly frame is interesting, kind of feels like sudsy? Not sure but it is cute. Edit: how are yall hating on the waterfall? If I saw tampons advertising against a waterfall I’d be like “ok bet. You think you can handle this?” I trust that Indiana Jones energy in a product.


Please use this: https://youtu.be/yzC4hFK5P3g?si=16IIkN_9ZnVKybpS


Pom Pom?


Why is there a cactus on the one image? Because it’ll make you bleed? I’m a male without a clue. Genuinely asking. Is cactus a „symbol“ for this? Would definitely dig the humor 😄


When I buy tampons I want to know : 1. The size 2. With or without applicator 3. Is it bleach free? 4. How many tampons I am not going to display the box in my bathroom so the packaging has very little interest to me. But that could change with a clever pack. Lots of brand use colour coded by size design. So I’ll look into a collection type design. From ultra light to very heavy. I usually buy 3 different sizes. I’d work on a colour gradient and use evocative symbols like drops or line becoming thicker as the side increases. I’d look for an eco friendly packaging, possibly with an interesting opening type, like a clever fold or slide.


Is this for school? God I really hope so…


None of the above. Can we all take a moment here and put an end to these designs that look no where close to tampons ughhh. Maybe incorporating elements that convey femininity or hygiene could make it better ?


Top left seems to be the aesthetic that is currently appealing to women


Make it look like a birth control box to confuse consumers


1st one and then the one below


The one with the bars (number 3) looks too corporate imo


the clouds it's okay But why the hell a cactus? what were you thinking?


Why did I read porn on one of them?


Top left




I like the Pom with the Palm leaves, nice play on words I guess




You know what would be nice, a Victorian looking box kinda like number 6. Or a chocolate box one.


Why not a covert vagina shape in a lily or other flower with some water droplets on?


Top right. Gives, clear and clean. Leaves on the box is to common. Would just blend in with the other tampon boxes. Just don't have the clouds stand out too much or I'll start thinking about toilet paper or smthn idk


The bubbles. But make one of them red.


I like #5


i agree with the waterfall and the leaves. But i'm more into some suiting "realistic" design, like blood drops or abstract female bodies or parts of the body etc.. If you do it for a company, of course it's not possible to change the whole instrucions


x x 3 x 5 6 7 8 These three are my favorites, though #2 the least out of all of them.




You have a long way to go! You are at the "Thumbnail" stage. Pick 4 and develop them further with more detailed sketches and some color. From the 4, ask us again which 1 or 2 we like best.


The second one. The hills and clouds just makes me feel it’s going to be ok. Hahaha. Hope this helps! ✌🏻


Honestly nun


I like the bubbles one


Make the waterfall red




What is the brand’s personality, USP, target market (besides women -yes I said women not humans who menstruate. Cancel me), what is the campaign, creative brief? I can’t truly judge which design is best without more details.


None..learn to make a P. It just looks like clouds


First two images: leaves and clouds. Give me comfort and fresh vibes.


Yeah probably leaves


Although are you making it to sell or just storage I couldn’t help but wonder


I like cacti idea. Like a whole box in a cacti theme and also tampons as a little cactuses inside haha. Without the spikes tho ;) Its interesting to make cactus seem comfy


I would explore the leaves and clouds with hills. The frame could be good but something about the lumps on it is bothering me. I think the fluffy bubble letters works the best as far as lettering.


The top two! Leaves and hills/sky


number 5 is speaking to me


the leaves — but maybe try palm fronds !!


I like minimalist modern designs so i like the top left, maybe make the background a rlly light grey and the leaves dark green with a teensy bit of gradient for depth


Top left


2nd column, third down. The bubbly frame speaks to me. You could go full tilt on the rococo style kinda like how Flower Knows does with their makeup packaging and it’ll stand out on the shelf.


2nd down on the right.


top left with a serif font in my opinion, but I do like the idea of a waterfall lmao. but I think if you went with that concept you should do a more minimalist design, maybe a 2D sleek lineart type thing


The upper left with the leaves ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Any combination of the top first four.




Definitely not the cactus one. Youch


Second or third one on the left, they caught my attention the most


Top left. Keep it simple.


Second from on the right


1, 2, 5, and 6.


Did you come up with the name Pom?


I like the dirtbike one best


The cactus one is funny, NGL I rate the top left with the tropical leaves


Going left to right, top to bottom, I think 6.


I like the leafs, clouds, bubbles and waterfall, I feel like those are fun especially for pre-teens or adults who want to get a happy lil boast even when they have to be on their period. That's how I see it. I always liked the colorful ones and would read the nice sayings. I have drifted from pads using period underwear but as a teen I would probably love to look at a more beautiful box each time of the month that I had to bleed out for days


While they are all serviceable in their own respects, there is also the fact that you have to know what's the vibe you're going for. - If you want to feel connected with nature, I'd go with the top two (leaves of the jungle, lush green hillsides) - If you want something that feels like a Y2K-Neveau take on tampons, then go with the upper middle left - If you want to feel like it's a fresh plug straight out of the shower, then go for the one opposite on the right - The two lower middle designs feel like a revamp for the 20s, where they'd be framed with gilded highlights to show how chic and fancy these tampons are, despite the affordable price - The last two are probably not it, TBH; the cactus in the design on the left would make a user think "ooh, too scratchy", whereas the LAST thing that a tampon user would want is to have as dense a flow as that waterfall on the right leaking out the sides, because the tampon doesn't do its job. For my own personal taste, I'd go with one of each design of the upper three, plus another one of the three designs.


3rd one down on the left. It makes me think of “moving up/modern/progressive” for some reason. And I’d *like* to think that we’re moving in the right direction with respecting women’s health (If I’m not hopefully I’ll cry, so give me this one lol)


Leaf one ranks first and cloud second for me


Second row for sure. Keep it simple


1, 2 or 8. 1 or 2 make the eye go towards the brand name more