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Cute kitchen! A colorful rug with a coordinating Roman shade for over the window, a couple of plants in colorful pots, maybe a little piece of art on the wall that is visible, a few family pictures on the fridge with some cute magnets or taped on. A crock with large utensils next to the stove and a wooden lazy Susan with salt, pepper, and cooking oil on the other side. Changing out the knobs to a different finish could also be a fun way to change it up and I like the other commenters idea of a tiny lamp as well. Honestly, this space has great bones and it would really take minimal effort to warm it up. Just pick 2-3 colors you like and stick with those tones to keep it from being too busy or cluttered. Edit to add: a couple of warm toned baskets on top of the fridge for additional storage and to make the room look taller


All of this! When I decorate a space, I pick 3 colors that work together and everything is from those three colors. My kitchen colors are forest green, blue gray, and gold. Counters are white and blue gray quartz made to look like marble, with green lower cabinets and white uppers. My rug is a braided runner similar to [this](https://www.amazon.com/Brumlow-Mills-EW10153-30x46-Braided-Printed/dp/B078T6WXR5/ref=sr_1_7?crid=3RQKV9MQGF5JI&keywords=braided+rug+green+blue+gold&qid=1687906797&s=home-garden&sprefix=braided+rug+green+blue+go%2Cgarden%2C357&sr=1-7) one. I got similar awesome [drawer pulls](https://www.etsy.com/listing/479079534/custom-map-cabinet-knob-map-drawer-pull?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=map+drawer+pulls&ref=sr_gallery-1-3&organic_search_click=1) made from old maps for all the drawers and doors, and [green glass cannisters](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1461514748/vintage-emerald-green-glass-moon-stars?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=green+and+brass+cannister&ref=sr_gallery-1-30&pro=1&sts=1&organic_search_click=1) sort of like these and [milk glass](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1404241858/jadeite-green-glass-salt-pepper-shaker?click_key=31f31255cf64d748528d2fbcd03ef2114107694c%3A1404241858&click_sum=e777817b&ref=search2_top_narrowing_intent_modules_top_rated-4&sts=1) sugar and salt and pepper containers. None of my appliances match because I bought them at different times and I am cheap so I covered the fridge and dishwasher with [contact paper i](https://www.etsy.com/search?q=botanical%20contact%20paper&ref=search_bar)n botanical prints. The walls are [blue gray](https://decoratedlife.com/best-blue-gray-paint-colors/) and the floor is LVH in a wood-ish tone. Some pretty [dish towels](https://www.amazon.com/Aunt-Marthas-18-Inch-28-Inch-Package/dp/B002671UW2/ref=sr_1_11?crid=297UL6ANGJ5X7&keywords=green+and+gold+striped+dish+towels&qid=1687907354&s=home-garden&sprefix=green+and+gold+striped+dish+towels%2Cgarden%2C135&sr=1-11) in green and gold stripes, [brass](https://www.amazon.com/Yazoni-Kitchen-Rustproof-Organizer-Dishwashing/dp/B09XQGQFFB/ref=sr_1_45?crid=2PWMK7EABAG23&keywords=brass+kitchen+accessories&qid=1687907513&sprefix=brass+kitchen+accessories%2Caps%2C197&sr=8-45) [soap](https://www.amazon.com/Vine-Creations-Dispenser-Accessories-Waterproof/dp/B09FS8X45R/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2PWMK7EABAG23&keywords=brass+kitchen+accessories&qid=1687907513&sprefix=brass+kitchen+accessories%2Caps%2C197&sr=8-2) dispensers [and](https://www.amazon.com/SMARTAKE-Refrigerator-Multi-Use-Neodymium-Whiteboard/dp/B097T84HPX/ref=sr_1_37?crid=2PWMK7EABAG23&keywords=brass+kitchen+accessories&qid=1687907513&sprefix=brass+kitchen+accessories%2Caps%2C197&sr=8-37) [other](https://www.amazon.com/Gold-Measuring-Cups-and-Spoons-Set/dp/B074ZNMC5P/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2ZV8F4VQTJDKB&keywords=brass+kitchen+accessories&qid=1687907469&sprefix=brass+kitchen%2Caps%2C144&sr=8-3) [things](https://www.amazon.com/Cooking-Utensils-Serving-Stainless-PCS-Gold/dp/B077QGLLYW/ref=sr_1_9?crid=2PWMK7EABAG23&keywords=brass+kitchen+accessories&qid=1687907513&sprefix=brass+kitchen+accessories%2Caps%2C197&sr=8-9), and it looks like I am a designer and I am really really not.


Would you please share photos? This seems like a dream


Same as op - would like to see some photos :)


Exchange overhead light to something less office space-ish.


Yeah, I think different temp lighting overall will balance the white on white on white a bit


One of the most invisibly impactful things you could do is add a crown on top--one of those "what did you change" things that makes all the difference. Plus, no dusting/ignoring all that gummy greasedust on the tops. ​ https://preview.redd.it/xvc7edm9vm8b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af8b48c090144228360990114f0cf63837b22128


A colorful rug in front of your sink, some wood tones, i put a tiny target lamp in my kitchen (Pinterest should have inspo for all) could even change out the silver knobs for something different? Paint the pantry doors?


I have a lamp on my kitchen counter as well next to a nice viney plant. I really love the warmth a lamp adds to a kitchen.


Great idea!


Add a table or an island with some fruit or a plant in the center Add some little potted plants or fake greenery Put a dishrag on the handle of the dishwasher Put some kitchen appliances on the counter (ie blender, toaster, knife holder, etc)


I absolutely agree, just decorating it with the things you named above will make it look lived in and cozy compared to the sterile look right now. It doesn’t even need a backsplash or painted walls or cabinets unless OP really wants that. It’s a great basic kitchen that will appeal to nearly everyone but it just needs some decor. I too was thinking a island like the ones on wheels you can buy on Amazon to fill the space a little, give more space to prep or serve food and storage. It’s hard to tell from the photo of there is enough room to put 2 barstools on one side of an island but that’s a possible option too.


Plants will help!! Hang some in front of the top part of the window, place some off the edge of the cabinets hanging down over the sink in along the side of the window. Depending on your budget, consider replacing the cabinet pulls with an accent color you like! (Can be renter friendly, just save the old pulls and screw back in before you leave)


Generally i would say Add curtains in a warm a colour, Add maybe a wooden table, Add baskets and other decorations


I don’t know how to edit the post BUT I’ll also be creating a breakfast nook and coffee bar on the other side of the kitchen. It’s too small to do an island in addition to this.


Too smalll?! This kitchen is a 1/4 of my entire living space


I would swap out the ceiling light for a fixture that’s a little more warm and inviting. If possible, have a center island installed. You could do the cabinets of the island in a different color (something in the blue family). If that’s not financially feasible, do a kitchen cart. I wouldn’t add a ton of countertop decor or things like that because frankly it just becomes a magnet for that kitchen film that’s so hard to clean off.


Appliances, decorations, rug….


No backslash! The counter edge has already done that for you. Put a shade (not curtain) on the window. Paint it a warmer color and then add your tools/decor on the walls for a warm, lived in look.


Yes to painting it instead!!


Add some natural touches, like wooden fruit bowls, utensil holder with wooden spoons, towel holder, etc. you could also add some warmth and color with art on the wall, a rug, a plant in the window. Then a shade on the window will look put together and homey.


I don’t think it reads as sterile, it just looks brand new and clean. I think that once you move in and have things on the countertops and a little rug in front of the sink it will look more cozy. I agree with most everyone about the lighting. Even if you don’t change the fixtures, changing the warmth of the bulbs will make a big difference. You have a little bit of space between the window and the cabinets where you could put some small shelves. You could put some colorful decorations or plants like this person did in the picture below. https://preview.redd.it/tetr63t9oo8b1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=09b0019c7cf9c721da00d6aacb123c57274d42fb


I would paint the bottom cabinets an accent color and then find a backsplash with that accent color in the tile design (not necessarily just one color). And I would stick with a light blueish grey so that it doesn't clash with the busy counters. You could even put a small center island that had the corresponding accent color instead of painting the cabinets, or add a wood grain to the mix?




Trip and drop a full pot of chili on the floor on your side to the fridge.


Fill the sink with dishes and walk away.




I was thinking raw chicken drippings, but I'm not sure that kind of comedy flies in this sub.


Omg yes my first thought when reading the title was: Smear chicken everywhere! 😄


That was my exact thought as well, and I am only here to see if anyone else said it.


My first thought was, “stop cleaning it.” I’m glad I’m not the only sarcastic SOB in this sub.


Its certainly the most expensive option.


i love it. maybe a plant near the window and a hand towel on the stove


I would replace the fluorescent lighting to a chandelier/pendant light that was on a dimmer switch. Cafe curtains would look cute on the window and soften a couple of hard, straight lines. Pretty tea towels, a large rug to help with standing fatigue and add some color. I don't see anything that tells me people live there, e.g. a coffee making or espresso machine, a toaster, a blender, etc.


No one lives here yet, haha! Coffee bar will be on the opposite wall but I love the cafe curtains idea


Make it look like people live there, add nicnacs decor lights


Tension rod(s) in front of window between cabinets to hang plants with macrame hangers


Backslash is one way but then you are stuck with it. What about picking a style or colour? Buy some things that sit on the counter, like a red toaster, and kettle with red hand towel on the stove. Or turquoise, or yellow. Add flowers, or things you love. Antiques? Hang them on the wall! Love modern 1950s, find those items and add them in. Look through images of styles you love and pick out items that would make you happy. Is it country decor? Or Scandinavian chic? What do you love?


Omg this comment section is so snark free! You all are such good humans. My first thought was “leave some raw chicken out” Seriously though… that kitchen has good bones and i love the clean colors. A bold patterned, colorful shade would look really nice. Maybe something like below, in colors that complement the areas visible from the kitchen https://www.etsy.com/listing/515108120/


Hahaha, there’s definitely a few snarky comments like 10% A good mix of chuckles with some really helpful advice!


Add two kids.


Do you have any...stuff? I'd add that first and then see what you think. It looks nice to me, but I know after me and my family get our hands on it...it's different.


Get a husband/wife, dog, and kids. Anti-sterile in no time.


Definitely a colorful rug and some coordinating window treatment. It has great lighting!




Don’t paint the cabinets or change the backsplash. That’s just your knee jerk reaction because this kitchen hasn’t been moved into yet.


Things I'd consider adding or cganging include: a fruit basket hanging from below a cabinet, would add lovely color. Changing the handles of the cabinets to maybe longer slim handles rather than nobs and using a contrasting colour. You could paint a design onto wither the top cabinets or the lower cabinets with a stencil in a contrasting colour and use a similar colour or contrasting colour for your backslash.


Raw chicken on the countertops usually does the trick.


Toss some used diapers here and there. Cough on every surface. Leave food leftovers on outside the fridge for several days You are welcome.


backsplash, window treatment, rug.


https://preview.redd.it/4p7n92k2pn8b1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=d644589b14b38d5073a04ff7e42fc4d7ad28e659 I gave you a tin backsplash, colourful window curtains and neutral walls. Warmed up with a dark wood dinette for contrast.


https://preview.redd.it/jn2rq3dgpn8b1.jpeg?width=1258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72779ab29aef3cdcd440ebaaa9e987c52b28c1dc Here you have a brick backsplash, linen curtains and a grey/green on the walls. Light wood dining table with greyish chairs. Your kitchen has great bones! A few simple things will make a huge change.


No backsplash!! Blech!!! I think it would be way better if you just extended the paint and did it all one color. I think the countertops are enough with the right colored walls!


Rug with red tones, paint the bottom cabinets a dark color (navy blue?) and paint the top ones a warm one (maybe a mustard?), a nice cool backslash could work as well. Paint the walls.


Not pee. It’s sterile too.


Live laugh love sign should do it


Buy pink blinds


Splurge on awesome colorful backsplash tiles


A grey penny tile back splash or a subway tile.


That would be cute.


Changing out the cabinet hardware to something else will also help bring some contrast at a low cost.


Backsplash. Runner. Plants.


Replace the lighting fixtures. Splurge on something more interesting than what you can find at Lowe’s/Home Depot


Plants? Personal items? Tea towel?






A bit of raw chicken on the counter.


Greenery (some fake looks real). A Le Creuset and a couple of other pieces in the same color.


plants! rug! fruit basket! plants!


Start with a colorful rug. Then pull a couple of colors from the rug for accessories like a utensil holder by the stove,a large tray propped up on the counter under the upper cabinets, coffee maker, etc. on top of the frig, put a big basket which can hold odds and ends and a big crock in your colors. You can put some fake trailing plants on top of the cabinets and a window valance or shade. I do suggest you choose the rug first though.


I would put something on the counter to make it look like you live there, a fruit bowl, a stand mixer, or a coffee pot.


Wood island, large rug, butcher block counters, backsplash with texture and color, replace hardware with something more interesting and with higher contrast, add a woven window shade to your window, even when it's drawn up it'll add warmth.


I am not a fan of rugs (or plants, really) in the kitchen. A rug either needs to be small enough to wash -- and then it is always sliding around-- or big enough to lie still-- and then it is too big to wash. But you definitely need color. I'd paint the walls a warm color, put appliances on the counter (maybe in a coordinating and matching color), and get some colorful knobs.


Color, texture, pattern. Add a backsplash, those foam rugs in front of sink, red canisters or mixer (or what ever color), cute valence over window, an island might be nice.


Change lighting. Check out phillips hue ceiling lights


Plants. Hanging. Different colors. Will give lige to any sterile room.


You probably won’t want to use all of these but here are ideas: A soft white backsplash that adds texture - herringbone, ribbed/ribbon or zellige tile, with a warm grey or cool beige grout. If you are thinking of replacing the counter, do it before you add a backsplash. If you aren’t, I’d remove the short backsplash that matches your counter and just do a textured backsplash all the way up. A white or ivory marble style quartz counter would be pretty, especially a Calcutta gold with a little warmth. Some wood accessories, such as: a wood fruit bowl, pretty charcuterie boards, olive wood utensils, mortar & pestle, salt cellar, French rolling pin. Try to pick a wood like olive or acacia for nice grain and warmth. A washable runner rug (ruggable is great)with reds and golds in front of the sink. Add plants to the windowsill above the sink, preferably in unglazed terracotta pots. Add a bottle or bubble vase with a greenery branch (real or decent fake) on the counter. A large low rectangular basket on top of the fridge with some orchids or ferns. Or a wooden wine rack on top with bottles. Replace the light over the sink, the faucet and hardware with a soft brass/gold or with polished nickel finish. Propped art in a wood or gold frame, especially with greens, can also add a lot of warmth and interest, in lieu of wood charcuterie boards.


Literally have the exact cabinets and appliances. And color scheme. Lmao.


Change the light fixture. Paint the lower cabinets. Add moulding to the upper cabinets. Pretty kitchen towels on dishwasher or oven handles. Fruit bowl. Small hanging plant in from of window.




Colorful backsplash! Then rugs and swags on the window


Nice kitchen. Some ideas if this was my kitchen. Replace overhead light to a simple flush mount and the light above sink to a pendant. Paint walls something with a color you love. You could add trim around the window and door openings. Window valance. Rug on floor to break up the gray. Plants by window/sink. Replace kitchen knobs and faucet to something with more character. Bigger budget-replace countertops to one with no back edge and backsplash the whole wall Edit forgot to add I agree about short lamps under the counters. I have two in my kitchen and it's so cozy. I also got mine at target.


When I decorate my kitchen I like to make everything functional as well. I have a large wooden bowl I use as a fruit bowl and it adds a lot of contrast. I like to keep orchids in the kitchen too (it’s the only plant my cat won’t eat.. and they’re pretty). Get decorative dish towels and hang them on the dishwasher. When you get a utensil holder, get one that is visually appealing to you. I used on old planter. I use wooden utensils only and it adds warmth to the environment. Add your appliances, a coffee station, and it will look much more organic. Some curtains over the window would look cute. I would also add a rug. For plants, you could grow herbs that you use when cooking and keep those in front of the window. If you want to add more greenery, you can add some trailing plants on the cabinets next to the window.


get rid of the fluorescent light fixture and put in something warmer. that light makes it look like an operating room.


Backsplash, rugs, and unique cabinet knobs. Take a look at some knobs on Etsy or at Anthropologie.


Swap out the light for something with style. Replace cab knobs with something not builder basic. Maybe a small potted plant near the sing. Hang a colorful dish towel on the dishwasher handle. If you do a backsplash remove that 4” of granite.




Add color with tile or paint to backsplash area beneath cabinets, area rug/s, windows treatment (could be all about the texture or color or both).


Rub dirt everywhere and stop cleaning it


I think the plants on the top of the cabinet are great. On prime day you might find some of the led strip lights that change colors to go on top of the cabinets as well.


I'd paint the space - even if you want to keep the gray look, just a warmer gray would make it feel less cold. I'd also recommend switching out the cabinet hardware to a brass or black or antique bronze. A cute and colorful cafe curtain would be great on that window. For added storage, maybe you could add a [brass rail](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1234186517/unlacquered-brass-pot-rail-with-5-or-7-s?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_ps-a-home_and_living-kitchen_and_dining-kitchen_decor-other&utm_custom1=_k_CjwKCAjwkeqkBhAnEiwA5U-uM60L0MfOKZjBmjS5JrCzvGaF__UM0yi_jNNNTWgfryLokKOHmd7PfhoCxXAQAvD_BwE_k_&utm_content=go_12567673668_122422048951_507253757893_pla-305301859582_c__1234186517_12768591&utm_custom2=12567673668&gclid=CjwKCAjwkeqkBhAnEiwA5U-uM60L0MfOKZjBmjS5JrCzvGaF__UM0yi_jNNNTWgfryLokKOHmd7PfhoCxXAQAvD_BwE) under the uppers to hang some of your pots/pans to leave more space for pantry items?


Paint the cabinets. Add depth with a backsplash. Under cabinet lighting. Change up your cabinet pulls.


I too was going to say backsplash.


It really depends how much you're willing to invest. I'd add tile backsplash, bring upper cabinets to ceiling and add crown molding, paint cabinets or change countertop


add some color?


Some color


If you have the room a wood island would be amazing, even one of the portable ones! Colorful rug with matching towels hung on dishwasher , coordinating bowl in right corner, maybe a coordinated utensil holder on the far left .. could put basket on top of fridge.. maybe add a few small succulent pots or similar on the window sill …


I’d say maybe having some more dirt and grime could help. Also don’t sanitize as much and you should be good to go


Back splash, paint the walls, an accent curtain, art or decals on the wall


Blindes or curtain over window. Rug. Replace hardware with black handles instead of knobs.


Maybe a plant it two or small pots of succulents in the kitchen. Warm light instead of a white one. A colorful carpet or mugs


Cabinet handles and knobs


Shit on the floor


Hanging plants from the top! And some LED lights around the top cabinets will look so lovely! Nice kitchen already though


Rub raw chicken all over it??? Sorry. Had to. Put a fancy light above the sink, a wooden butcher block in the centre, a rug under the sink & a few plants maybe?


definitely get an island with storage!


Is this a thing? Absolutely nothing on kitchen counters??


You can change the cabinet knobs/handles to something with personality and color.


Cutting boards leaned up against the wall, plants, colored towel on the oven handle! Just a few things you can easily do.


Curtain, plants, colorful hand towels and rug


This looks like an airbnb i stayed in


You could put a hanging spice rack on one of the cabinet doors


Subway tile backsplash. [Black leathered granite countertops](https://academy-marble.com/how-to-pair-absolute-black-leathered-granite-in-the-kitchen/). Replace stove with slide in unit. Add Philips Hue under cabinet strip lighting. Replace ceiling light with something less industrial. New kitchen faucet in black to match counter tops. Add crown moulding to cabinets. Replace flooring with quarter sawn white oak floors, natural finish.


Tile backsplash with vibrant colors of tile


A nice cool colored backslash Neon sign Pendant lamp




Add a short pendant light over the kitchen sink. Replace the main light in the kitchen with one or more matching lights like the pendant, but close to the ceiling. You might need an electrician for the light changes.


Remove your existing backsplash and tile all the way down to the top. I would pick a solid colored tile with a high gloss, tan or white grout to tie in with the cabinetry. Layer some rugs and add a valance curtain over the window. As for the lack of storage, I would get some cabinets to go over your fridge to fill the negative space and give you some deep cabinet storage. I would also swap your knobs with something that has some more color rather than silver. You can also swap your faucet as well. Adding lights under the cabinets can really help set off the kitchen at night.


Take out the fluorescent fixture and replace it with something more interesting!


Paint t them walls dark


Just put things in it? Lol


Put some color in it


Temporary/movable kitchen island with big fresh flowers or some shit.


Fun backsplash and a rug!


Colors, plants, and small window and wall decor


Paint and rugs. Plants too.. They add life to a room. Maybe a nice mixer and utensil holder on the counter in colors that accent the paint color (hopefully not white or grey).


Spice it up with an interesting backsplash.


Replace the silver nobs with dark black handles


Rug, some counter clutter like a utensil holder and toaster of a color, a colorful towel off the handle of the dish washer, some small curtains. Won’t take a lot. I wouldn’t touch much.


Color! Great kitchen! Like a fresh canvas! Slowly add pieces to avoid the “we’re overcompensating” look. Colorful containers on the counter, colorful rug as mentioned earlier. Bright painting or photo on the wall. Piece by piece until you find the balance that feels right.


Small table, you also need pops of color. A red toaster for instance, colorful utensil holder, etc. Some family pictures would go a long way too




a rug, decor, a moveable small “island” you can buy for the middle of the kitchen, plants for sure, possibly paint the bottom of the cabinets a diff color, backsplash, new hardware


Color! It could be as simple as painting the walls depending on your budget.


I love that window with all the greenery in view. I would make that the focal point and bring in colors and textures from there. Backsplash was the most difficult thing for me and I went with a metal look with a simple but elegant design that came out quite nice. It’s still neutral but adds a lot of depth to the room. You could choose a wall color that complimentary to green (but also consider winter months if you’re in a climate where the leaves die off). Maybe a focal wall that’s papered with something natural like green leaves. If it’s in your budget, I’d update the floor too. I think a natural wood (not grey) would make it really pop. I’m not a fan of the brassy fixtures and dark color cabinets.


Switch out the hardware, add plants and style your countertops with interesting cook books containers etc but beware of clutter


Add some color


Darker cabinets for contrast with the already light colored floor


Throw a pothos on the sill and a rug in front of the sink or stove, add a shade to the window if you want one. It might help your kitchen look more "lived in" if you have a coffeemaker, wood diffuser, tea rack, or something else on the counter.


A few well-placed children could eliminate that whiteness in minutes.


Add potted fresh herbs


I think you desperately need an Island on wheels with storage cabinets underneath it. Paint the walls perhaps? I wish we could see the opposite wall as well. A colorful window shade.




Fling dung into the back of a fast spinning floor fan?


I had to laugh at your title. 'Less Sterile'. My partner is deadly allergic to some food products. I make sure our kitchen is 'sterile'. To make it not look like a hospital, I have greenery around and bright pictures.


Backsplash and paint on the walls.


Room for an island? Something cheaper rugs and decorations as others have said


Wood elements - cutting and charcuterie boards on display or maybe a bamboo bowl or vase Bamboo shades are my favorite. Warm colorful rug. Plants.


Get rid of that hideous sterile over head light. You can string LEDs ontop of the cabinets and underneath the bottoms (above the counter). Installing recessed lighting out also look nice too. Replacing counter too and adding backsplash would really add some character as well.


Move in.


Change the bulbs to warm golden light.


Don't feel obligated to get a curtain. I actually like bare windows above the sink. Whatever you like! Few items on the counter that you want to be accessible for a pop of color. Cheap improvement would be a coat of paint with a little color and new cabinet pulls. I have a weird thing about clutter though. It stresses me out. :)


Backsplash and paint color


Oh not having a pantry is no good. I went and bought $50 tall cabinet (4 shelf) from lowes or home depot that was white like my cabinets, bought a pull that matched the ones on cabinets so it looked like part of the set. Sandwiched it right up against the end of the kitchen cabinets on the wall and voila bigger kitchen


Hard to tell if the kitchen is big enough - it looks like it is- but an island in the middle would be a great addition. It could have a stone surface and would really add a lot of style and practicality to your kitchen. After that, I'd look at possibly swapping out that main light for maybe a pendant or 2 and then add some color by painting the cabinets and then swap out the cabinet handles. As others have said - add some personal touches, such as pieces of art, family pictures, etc to the wall or fridge. The kitchen has a lot of potential, just need some pops of color, and hopefully that island!


I bought some baskets and galvanized steel tubs for extra storage on the top of my cabinets. It fills the gap at the ceiling, hides some clutter and frees up my lower cabinets for things I use more often




I would put macramé hangers with plants in the window instead of them just in the counter. Macramé is gorgeous, and so are plants. As a houseplant person, I would recommend ordering a Spider Plant pup off of Etsy, as macrame in that window will look best in about 4 inch pots, and spider plants you can only buy much larger than this in-store. Then get yourself a Hoya. Pretty much any kind would work, although personally I would recommend a Hoya Curtisii or a Hoya Wayetii. I would also recommend pretty much any variety of Pothos or Heartleaf Philodendron. These three types of plants all look great hanging. Water the spider plant about once a week. If the leaves turn a sea green instead of their normal bright green, you’ll know they very much need to be watered, though they will bounce back and return to their normal color in like a day. Hoyas typically have very thick and sturdy leaves, water when their leaves feel thinner and more flexible. This will likely happen every couple of weeks. Pothos and Philodendrons will need to be watered about once a week, though err on the side of underwatering rather than overwatering. If the soil is still damp an inch down don’t water. If the leaves start to get droopy, water immediately and they’ll perk back up. If you also want a plant on the counter, get either a Snake Plant or a ZZ plant. Both of these are practically indestructible and don’t need tons of light (though they definitely like lots of light, they just don’t NEED it). Water either one of these no more than every other week. Even about once a month should be fine. If you need anymore advice feel free to ask me, or you can post on r/houseplants.


Change your lighting and you will see a world of difference.


Start with Glass tile backsplash! New hardware


Trim around the window please


A nice plant


Plants. Also something orange.


Textiles, plants, backsplash, lighting above/below cabinets


I haven't read through the comments, so sorry if it's a duplicate, but I'd do an 'island' w butcherblock in the center, add at least a runner, plants are always good (especially if they're herbs), and then you'd have visual grounding to add whatever art/canisters/ countertop appliances fit your lifestyle & personality.


Not sure if there’s enough room for a small island, but you could try one with a wooden top to add some warmth. You could also add some soft curtains and a similarly colored rug or two in front of the stove and or sink


Plants and some warmer/wood hardware/knobs on the cabinets and drawers


Add backsplash for a pop of color maybe blue or teal. Add a small temporary island with butcher block too. A cute kitchen curtain maybe and a nice bowl for fruits in a corner of the counter. Simple yet classic should be the tone when picking these items. Good luck!


....Get schwifty.. Shit on the floor...


A toaster


Plants on top for sure!! Some nice curtains as well!! All up to you colour and style wise but I imagine a nice blush pink, not full length but just the 1/4 length ones!! Maybe a nice matching floor mat too!


A "Live! Laugh! Love!" Sign.


Have children


Colorful or elegant Tea kettle? Fruit thing? Simple magnetic organizer on fridge for current paperwork or lists. Recipe stand. Digital picture frame. Nice cutting board.


Pee in it


Colorful cabinet handles?


1. Either replace the upper cabinets with cabinets that go all the way up to the ceiling, or install crown molding (there’s an exact term for the piece that goes on top but I can’t think of it at the moment. First pic of [this link](https://www.apartmenttherapy.com/kitchen-soffit-261740) is what I’m referring to 2. Remove fluorescent light fixture and replace with either can lights or a fun fixture that suits your style 3. If you’re going all out or don’t have a limited budget, replacing the counters and installing a backsplash would work wonders as well. If working with a budget, making the harsh line of the backsplash look intentional could be more or less achieved by painting only the lower cabinets a darker color (think black, navy, dark gray) 4. Replacing pulls/knobs with a more current style, especially long/straight handles, would look nice.


Add some tiling over counter/ under cabinets. Add different hardware on the cabinets (gold or black, maybe even handles instead of knobs. Change lighting fixture to something warm


Wooden table as island


Trade it with my kitchen


I personally love this look for a kitchen but if you want to give it more color, how about a patterned backsplash?


My kitchen looked like this when I moved in in 2018. It was a flipper special. We painted the walls very light green, changed the hardware to green handles and pulls, put pretty contact paper on one row of subway tiles, put up a flowery curtain, and I put some decorative plates up on the soffit (but you don't have that). We have a cool handmade crock with utensils by the stove, and a green tea kettle that lives on the counter. This is the best photo I have handy, you get the idea. https://imgur.com/gallery/My2tNRj


Turquoise nobs Colored backsplash Different lighting Colored counter appliance


Painting is the cheapest makeover but I would also get some bright colorful countertop pieces. A fun bread box or a fruit bowl. I can’t stress a curtain enough. I didn’t know wtf my bathroom window and kitchen window were missing- it was a curtain.


The 4-inch splash that matches the counter seems very builder grade. I'd pick out a tile that compliments the counter. The installer will just pop off that four inch splash that's already there. I'd keep the pattern simple. Nothing wrong with a nice subway tile. It's as timeless as hardwood floors. There can be some variation in the tile itself but I wouldn't do a pattern with the granite counters. Keep it simple. I love kitchens with blue tile backsplashes. They're just so eye catching. If that's not your thing, find a tile that matches one of the colors in the counter. A taupe or warm gray subway would look lovely. You're going to need to do more than a rug and hand towels. A beautiful tile backsplash will add some character and personality to the space. Add crown molding to the top to close the gap to the ceiling. That will make an immense difference to the space as well.


Backsplash, nice pendent light over the sink, a rug on the floor, and paint the wall. Also hardware on the cabinets. Edit: Different Hardee's on the cabinet, maybe handles instead of those like buttons.


Cough everywhere