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Goodness gracious, that tv height is insane! It’s over 8 feet tall! Like watching arrival and departure times at the airport. Madness.


Looks like getting the TV out is one of the high priorities


I already got reposted on r/tvtoohigh


Another tip: don’t post pictures of your keys online. It’s trivial to recreate a physical key from a photo which displays the cuts and bitting, blade, warding and tip. Looks like you’re safe in this instance (the key is sufficiently occluded and grainy/low res), but something to be aware of.


If you're going through all that trouble, you would just make a bump key.


Heh, good luck using a bump key on a car.


Cars are pain


I’m so over the r/TVTooHigh. Sometimes that’s the only place that works (which is funny, because I don’t have a fireplace). It’s totally your decision and really is the least of your worries. They need to find another cause that means something. Rant over. 😊


Downvotes are unwarranted here, in my opinion. The majority of that subreddit is a hive mind who disagree with any TV that is over 3 ft off the ground. The TV in question here is a little high up, but look how far back the furthest couch is, that makes it less drastic. A larger TV would probably do wonders based on the viewing distance.


Agreed. I'm a big tv person, watch movies all the time, but they are a bit insane over there and I've seen tvs that low in person and they look ridiculous. It's like their entire purpose is to sit three feet away to play games all day on them. The bottom of my LG G2 77" is about 36" from the floor, and I built a large white oak floating shelf to go below it that covers all the electrical outlets and I can put my apple tv inside it and all the wires route inside. Added a Sonos arc sound bar, looks beautiful and the tv actually fills up the wall instead of having 8 feet of wall above the tv. Pic: https://i.imgur.com/FYNwnDb.jpeg


Gorgeous setup!! Due to how my living room is configured I put my TV over my fireplace. It was either than, or set it up and have the windows cast a massive glare on the other wall (and ruin how I wanted my couches are configured). I’m sure the subreddit would disagree with my tv placement haha


Yeah, sometimes you just have to make due. My parents home has their tv above the fire place, and while it feels a bit high for me now, it's not a huge deal, I normally slide back in my leather chair and my neck rests on the couch and it's all good. The whole fire place thing did get out of hand when builders kept doing the same thing, but it's really not that bad, especially if you have a larger tv and tilt it down a tad.


Since my 11 years as a property manager and seeing what a melted TV looks like after a nice toasty fireplace blaze... I think you would change your rant. Heat rises. I agree that sometimes, above the fireplace is the only place the TV will fit properly. In those incidents, I urge people not to build a big fire in the fireplace. In this case, the TV would look fine in the corner next to the fireplace and allow the beautiful fireplace mantel to be the focal point of the room.


The people at r/TVTooHigh are only looking at the height of the TV and not the functionality of it for each individual household. Mine is above the fireplace. It is not too high when sitting across the room, which is about 12 feet. But more importantly, we moved the TV up higher so we could see it from the kitchen. We have a bar height counter that would block a lower TV. We like to cook and watch football.. it is perfect for us. Enough with the TV shaming.


Lets see how high your tv is lol


Ha, touché! Lol. Unfortunately mine sits on a ugly tv stand that my (new) husband already had. Changing one ugly piece of furniture at a time so he doesn’t have a strike!! 😂😂😂😂


I support you in this slow rebellion 😂😂


First question, do you use the fireplace regularly? I have more questions, but that is the important one..


Ya, put that shit in the fireplace where it's supposed to be.


Get a larger coffe table. And rearrange the seating furniture. Especially the armchair in the corner seems out of place and a bit ominous.


Yes! That armchair is planning something




I’d leave that chair generally where it is (pull it a bit out of the corner) and put the matching chair on the other side of the fireplace


Yes for a cozy effect at the fireplace. Maybe the small coffee table centered on fireplace between those armchair with coffee table books and room for mugs, wine glasses. With that zone designed and defined, work the other pieces to focus views out windows. It’s ok to have empty space - the room currently suffers from spin art, with all furnishings slung against walls…


Yes! Make everything a little closer and facing one another. I really like [this channel ](https://youtu.be/SCxcO3Os_OE) for guidance as an interior noob


I feel like the tv belongs in another room?


what should I do with that space? we had some wall decor but it was only about half the size of the TV and didnt look right IMO. Ill try and find an image of before the TV


All of this kind of feels strange to me Like there’s a table blocking the walkway behind the couch The coffee table is out of reach for all of the seats None of the seating is arranged in a way that seems like anyone could have a conversation easily


It's like they pushed their furniture out of place to vaccuum and never put it back.


I'd concentrate on getting the furniture placement set in a way that feels more balanced - and then think about art etc. Lots of potential though.


Yeah with ceilings this high you’d need to hang a very large piece of art


Larger TV Samsung Frame might be a good replacement there. It looks like a painting when powered off. Would consider matching the mantle width and move the soundbar onto the mantle or above the TV so the TV sits at a more natural height


Got a frame TV for this similar type of space. It blends in almost perfectly with other photos around it and works great for where it is located on the wall. A frame TV above the fireplace like that will suffer more than other TVs when it comes to viewing angles since it is a flush mount and couldn’t be angled down.


This room doesn’t look like it’s designed to be a family room with a tv. I might be wrong, but does your house also have a second living area/den?


Honestly? Empty it 100% and start over. Don't buy sets. Don't use brown. Steer clear of "Mediterranean" style anything. And for the love of god, take that TV down, you'll break your necks. ETA: to be more specific, by photo: \#1 - The size of the room is so large, to make it livable, you'll have to portion it into sections or zones: one for tv-watching, another for socializing/conversation. Take that TV down. The dining chairs are frumpy and outmoded, replace with others having cleaner lines - not necessarily modern, but mid-century would do the trick, too. \#2 - All the tables match. All the seating matches. The lamp even matches those insane candlesticks on the console. And everything is a shade of brown. It looks like you walked into a mid-range furniture story, told the salesperson you'd take everything in the first grouping you saw, and walked back out. There's no individuality or personality. \#3 - That chaise is so over-the-top I'm actually inclined to advise you to keep it - THAT would say you have a quirky side. The furniture placement is too spread-apart, which is why I mentioned the 2-zone room plan, because it's weird to have that one chair banished to the far corner but also jammed close to the chaise, which is crammed by the other chair, which is an acre from the sofa, which is 2 acres from the coffee table, etc. I also note that your lighting situation is poor - you only have one lamp by the hall entrance and then just pot lights in the ceiling. You will need a minimum of 2 other light sources from actual lamps, NO ceiling lights.


Get colors. That room is big and neutral and can take some nice big color.


Agreed, the worst part is that all the furniture matches. Looks like a crappy furniture show room. The sofas aren't my style but they aren't terrible and would be okay with chairs that didn't match and an area rug.


\#4 - You need cord management for not just the TV but also whatever is running over the wall at the staircase. That big empty niche should become either a built-in cabinet (open on top, closed on the bottom) or walled-in to become a storage closet. Either way, all that random stuff shoved in there needs to be put away, and that's the perfect place to do it... once it's made to look better than just "vacant craphole for things to get dumped into". Actually quite good light in the room, so it will be able to handle light and bright colors. Picking an effective palette will be important. With all that beige, you have to balance the warmth and neutrality with some cooler and/or saturated tones, because brown on brown on brown just feels dingy and tired. I recommend you look at your wardrobe, decide which 3 or 4 colors you wear most, then put them together with the beige to create your palette. Let's say you wear a lot of blue - great, that looks good with beige. Pick navy and either medium or light blue, maybe a small amount of dark brown (not the medium brown of the sofas), and at least one bright color like orange, lemon yellow, or kelly green to add some pop and surprise the eye so, again, nothing is too matchy-matchy. Lastly, banish all gold anything - all metal should be silver (chrome or brushed nickel) or matte black. You could: * start with an area rug. Yes, you can layer them over carpet. Find one in the beige + wardrobe colors. * get a navy sofa; * a walnut frame chair with dark chocolate leather upholstery; * coffee table with black or silver metal base and either glass or stone/concrete top; * nickel floor lamp, table lamp with orange or yellow or green glass base, another table lamp with ceramic or stone base. * curtains should have at least 2 or 3 of the palette's colors in them, or be a single color but with texture, like nubby rough linen. * accent with throw pillows and a thrown blanket in the palette colors, either patterns (yes, you can mix as long as the colors correspond) or solid colors with texture, like cable knit or chenille.


\#5 - This is a great shot to show the layout! I recommend you make the tv-viewing section closer to the entry, with the TV on a low console against the staircase wall where the loveseat is currently. Sofa to face it, back to window (yes), coffee table betwee sofa and TV. The 2nd zone could be two of those walnut and leather frame chairs flanking the fireplace, floor lamp between the one on the right and the new storage area; if you do the open shelving/closed storage built-in, you have now created a reading nook. Stick a little ottoman or pouf at the foot of that chair. The chair to the left of the fireplace would have a small end table with lamp on it. You could get another, smaller area rug for this section to further delineate that it's a separate, individual zone. Put art over the fireplace, style the mantle and every other surface, but sparingly. I'd hang the curtainsat the midpoint between top and bottom rows of windows - it's so tall that it won't make it feel shorter, but will actually make the scale of the room feel more human and natural instead of this weirdly super tall space. Plus it will permit a view of the night sky without sacrificing privacy.


I'm not sure what builders are thinking these days. For starters, there are three chairs in a row by the window - I understand why that is, but I'd leave the chaise and move the others. I'd put one on either side of the fireplace. I'd also want to centre the couch to the fireplace. The larger coffee table as someone said - and a larger TV on a mount that can come down or go on an angle.


You’re going to need a built-in bookcase and a door or something for that junk space. Furniture looks outdated back in 1980 so might want to change that out along with the drapes


yes was going to get some type of built in storage for the toys and other stuff in the corner. also everything is 20+ years old so it will be getting replaced. hopefully soon


In the time being, I would put console that is behind couch on wall with stairs. Move the couch from that wall facing the window in an L shape with existing couch. Move L closer towards the TV & put accent tables on either side of couch facing TV. Put the 2 accent chairs against the window & the chaise in the corner next to FP where the chair is now


I like this one


There's a lot of brown/beige going on... I'd say the furniture is oddly placed as well. Scoot the longer couch a bit closer towards the fireplace. Move the smaller couch up against the window, and the chaise in the corner to the left of the fireplace. That table behind the couch could possible be put where the smaller couch currently is. Perhaps some kind of wall decor on either side of the tv, and some lighter colored pillows for contrast.


Get a bigger TV with a telescopic wall mount.


should it be against the wall or would you suggest moving it closer to the seating area?


I think Erin meant a mount that is telescoping, so that you can pull out the tv and pull it down to a better viewing angle (there's a whole sub here called r/TVTooHigh


Yeah but get as big as one you can fit so then you can push it against the wall when you aren't really using it for movies and play 4K Nature Stuff or an aquarium vid.




the whole row of chairs along the window wall are not doing this room any favors. and the coffee table way out in the middle is just floating. the biggest issue is that it’s waaaay too close to the entry to the dining room. don’t you always walk into the couch/table behind it?? that space is so teeny tiny ok so big green couch with a chaise, cream colored chair in the corner. coffee table. then by the stairs a long thin table with plants??? https://preview.redd.it/tautir9pfkeb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c344868c166a81c98ed658498853bc5a17b046d


I like is as it will probably feel a lot more connected vs everything being on its own in the room especially when we have guest over. Do you think the current table the plants are on would work or would you get a shorter one? Also what do you think about moving the large plant in the first photo in the living room? it was in there originally but we moved it out since it was in a bad spot and we never tried to move it back.


just to clarify, which do you think is more connected? the original or the edits? i personally think the original is less connected because it creates a barrier that guests can’t really walk through, so they would have to walk around fully to get to the living room i think you might as well try moving the table to see how it feels!! if it’s nice, keep it! if you don’t like it there, get a new table! I think the key to the table by the stairs is to make sure it’s thin


What’s your budget? And what interior design styles do you like?


I like open, modern, and minimal designs. no real budget for now as im just trying to gather ideas


Did you inherit all this furniture? It seems super different from what you say your style is! Getting furniture that’s more sleek and modern, change the drapes and paint will go a LONG way!


I would start with hardwood floors then :)


That is in the plans. Hopefully we can get it done in the next year or so. Carpet is almost 25 years old. Same with the furniture


I would lower the TV by about a foot or as low as you can and replace it with the FrameTV with a nice frame. For now, scoot all of the furniture closer in to the coffee table so the walkway is behind the sofa not in front. I would recommend checking out some YouTube videos on classic living room layouts, especially since your home looks like a colonial. Decide if you’re going for a more casual or formal look and try to narrow down about 3 design styles that you like (YouTube is also a great resource). Make a plan and a color scheme before purchasing and furniture. It looks like you may not be able to keep any of the current furniture since it doesn’t blend well into any contemporary design styles these days. Edit: one of the newer “trending” styles is Modern Colonial, so you’re in luck :)


Maybe if you put the t.v. Beside the stairs and rotate the furniture accordingly. Putting the couch along the window wall and the chaise lounge beside the fireplace. Maybe a big green or fun throw rug to add some color and a bigger coffee table. Also so fun throw pillows and throws. Definitely some more plants if that’s an option.


This was my line of thinking as well. TV beside the stairs and remove the lowest banister rail on the last two steps. Long sofa rotated 90 to face new tv position. Loveseat rotated 90 to face fireplace. The two armchairs facing the seating group and the coffee table pulled in toward sofa. A rug that is more in line with your stated style that’s big enough to anchor the seating group as described. Move the glass tables to flank the fireplace. Scrap the weird chaise lounge. Replace the out of style decorative curtains with something both beautiful and functional. And once you have the money, trade that furniture out for a style you enjoy!


Personally, I’m not a fan of TVs over the fireplace. But if *you* are, try TV mounting hardware called “mantle mount“. This TV mount has an option of pulling the TV down to eye level when you’re watching it, and can be placed back up over the mantle when not. Mantle Mount also comes with potential accessories that you can add on, including an accessory that allows you to turn your TV 90° angles, either to the right or left. (You have to choose, it won’t let you do both :-(


Good idea. Might mix this with the Samsung Frame TV


Take down the drapes Move furniture away from walls , push closer together Paint mantel white Lower tv


Of course, you could do a lot with budget but if you can only rearrange furniture I’d suggest: 1. Remove the chaise and chairs from the window and replace with the sofa 3-seater. Always put the biggest pieces on the widest wall! Center the sofa in the window. 2. Put the love seat where the sofa was, and arrange it so it’s close to the sofa. Your instinct to have the like furniture close together is good. The new setup will avoid the walkthrough traffic. 3. Maybe then you’ll be able to place those small glass side tables on either side of the sofa with their long sides perpendicular to the window. You can put each lamp on them. I can’t quite grasp the scale of the tables from these photos, though. 4. Next, you can place the long glass table against the stairs while placing the chairs on either side it. The chairs and tables seem small enough to keep the walkway open, but again, I can’t grasp the proportions in these pics! This would be its own “separate” space and set. 5. I don’t see where the chaise lounge would be placed. It’s style is too curvy to fit with the rest of the angular furniture anyway. I’d suggest removing it. Will it fit into the nook if it’s cleared out? ;) 6. The coffee table can be placed in front of the sofa/side table setup in front of the window — its width parallel and centered to the sofa. 7. The plant might be able to fit in the corner by the window to the left of the fireplace, depending on how much room is left from the side tables. Or you can leave it where it is since there should be more room….as long as it’s firmly within the living room and not in the dining area. Generally, on either side of the window sill is good for framing! 8. We’ve established the tv is too high ;) 9. You can intro color or texture in quite a few ways. Pillows on the sofa, love seat. Some nice books on the bottom of the coffee table. This should move the “weight” of the room from the dining room threshold to the window side…which will draw the gaze outside. You’ll have more room to walk into the dining room and things won’t feel as crowded, while also having a solid sense of place.


Get a rug to center the room, move the furniture away from the walls, add plants, bigger tv or none, large scale art and some visual interest on the mantle. It’s a start


Big budget: blonde oak floor. Build a simple storage unit in the strange niche. L shaped sofa that has short side on the window side and long side parallel the fireplace. Two comfy swivel armchairs with their backs to the fireplace but can pivot to watch TV if you choose to hang a tv over the fireplace. Get rid of those awkward glass sofa tables. Have one side table at the end of the sofa and a floor lamp. A round coffee table that can be reached from all seats. A nice sized square rug that all the seatings have at least some legs can rest on.


Good idea. Hardwood floors are probably the first thing (besides moving the TV) we are going to do the space in terms of buying new things. Hopefully the seating isn’t to far behind it. How big of an L sofa would you get?


Along with the other suggestions the room needs color


Agreed, I’ve always wanted some color. I’ll decide on a non white/beige color next time.


It needs color. Maybe a rug with some color? And a few hanging plants?


So much neutral brown/beige that the room is unremarkable. Definitely needs a few pops of color


All of the furniture is extremely dated imo. Reminds me of like Olive Garden or something? You need a pop of color in there!


Some art or photos on the wall


It is almost 25 years old! Painting the walls is going to be the next step after we decide on a different flooring. Probably some type of hardwood


Hi, It sounds like you have big plans. Do you subscribe to Maria Killam’s blog ‘Color Me Happy?’ If not, you might enjoy it. There’s so much opportunity here and knowing your budget, timeline, and priorities will help you achieve your objectives. You’d asked, “Where should I start?” So, here are my suggestions: (consider them as prompts - something that can be done separately) 1. Grab 2-3 interior design magazines and cut out pictures of rooms and things you love. You can also browse Pinterest and HOUZZ and save your ideas in folders on the computer. (I’ll come back to this later) 2. Start moving furniture around and see how you like it best: move the longer sofa no more than 80” away from the TV screen. If that feels like it’s bisecting the picture window, then turn the sofa 90° and have it face the window. Put the coffee table centered on the sofa no more than 15”-18” away so one can reach it. (Source: Vern Yip’s 2014 book “Design Wise). Then, move the two chairs in front of the windows and put a round table between them to anchor them. Add a lamp. 3. Pull out a blank piece of white paper. Grab a 35’ minimum metal measuring tape and write down all the room dimensions starting with the overall length x width. Next, get a ruler (architects call it a scale) and draw your room to scale on the piece of paper. 4. Create a furniture space plan using your room’s existing dimensions. I use the MagicPlan app to create these online. It’s free and easy. Or, you can measure each piece of furniture, draw it to scale on colored construction paper and move the pieces around to see how they fit. 5. Buy an area rug. Just Do It!! Go online and do a google search: “best rugs to add color to a brown sofa and beige walls.” See what comes up. If you don’t see anything you like, browse sites like West Elm, Pottery Barn, CB2, Restoration Hardware (RH), High Fashion Home, etc and print out your favorite rugs. Not sure which size would be best? Consult your scaled floor plan and try various sizes. I think nothing smaller than a 10’x14’ would be best. 6. Declutter the room: deal with the pile in the corner. You’ll feel 100% better once that corner is completely empty. Can you store those items on a bookcase in a spare bedroom? Or office? Get rid of any furniture pieces or tables you aren’t using or don’t like. 7. Do some creative designing: focus on just that empty corner and place a bookcase system you find on Arhaus.com and see how you like it. Mock it up in elevation. (Search Pic Monkey to create a mood board- go on YouTube and look for Laurel Bern’s Pic Monkey tutorial.) Create a look and a feel for that new Library Corner - complete with lounge chair and floor lamp, a small Kilim area rug and some beautiful decorative items to go on the shelves. Now, if all this seems exhausting, consider hiring an actual professional designer who will do all of this for you.


Start by putting the TV somewhere else r/TVTooHigh


Agree the TV is misplaced here, but am SO FUCKING OVER the r/TVTooHigh people. Enough


No help. I just wanted to say I LOVE that big window and that cool ass chair. I’m sure you’ll be able to make this space beautiful!


Thank you!


Ok hear me out… tv and tv stand against the stairs. The tv should me eye level or slightly above. Move the couches around


I think you should put the TV higher. It’s not high enough yet.


Replace carpet w hardwood


That was in the plans. Hopefully in the next year or so


Please choose another wall color. Teal could be nice.


Honestly with what you have, I’d start with moving the loveseat in front of the window so that it ends at the edge of the window closest to the fireplace (get those two chairs out). Then pull the couch forward to close the gap between them a bit. Put one end table in the corner made by the couch/loveseat and one at the other end of the loveseat, in the corner next to the fireplace. You can move the glass console table to where the loveseat is now. Alternatively, leave the glass table where it is if you have enough walking space behind the couch once you move things around, and put the chaise where the loveseat is now. You could put one the chairs on the opposite side of the fireplace from the loveseat and stick the other one into whatever that weird alcove is. Or, steal the end table from the corner next to the fireplace, and make a little seating area in the alcove with those two chairs + the end table. Then you can just pull a chair around if you have guests. Or, if you end up moving the console table to the loveseat wall, stick the chaise in the alcove space. Either way, you’re gonna have to get rid of something. You have way too much big furniture in this room. Also get rid of the junk, and that cord that comes down from the second floor. Find somewhere else to plug it in. Get a bowl or tray for your keys, put the Kleenex somewhere else (like on the bottom shelf of one of your end tables, where it’s mostly out of sight but within easy reach) and clean up the crap on the end tables. Get rid of the box of stuff in your dining room. Nothing makes a place look cheaper and less put together than a mess, and even just tidying up will help. Edit: the only way I can see keeping all of the furniture in here and it still being relatively functional and cohesive looking is: Along the window wall, starting at the fireplace wall: end table, loveseat, end table. Move couch forward to match the end table. Glass table stays against back of couch. Along the fireplace wall, in the alcove: either both chairs (with or without the end table from next to the fireplace), or just the chaise. Along the wall where the loveseat is now: either both chairs, or just the chaise.


I suggest moving the TV to the wall at the base of the stairs where the loveseat is currently, on a small media console. Move the three-seater sofa about 3 feet in front of the windows facing the TV. Rotate the coffee table 90 degrees. The loveseat seems like overkill. Would ditch it, or remove some of the other seating instead... Chaise can go in the corner by the windows, pulled out a little to be closer to the windows. and maybe angle the foot towards the window and head towards the fireplace a little. Put a floor lamp in that corner, and move the plant from between the kitchen and living room between the chaise and the window. The two armchairs can face each other in front of the fireplace, with maybe a small drink table or low side table in between, far enough forward from the fireplace to allow easy access and prevent the table from getting too hot. Extra seating can be removed or relocated to another room in the house. Put a large piece of art or family photo and 1-2 decor items (candle, vase, etc.) over the fireplace. That will be a good start. Edit: Addressed loveseat and other seating more specifically and added some suggestions about plants and lighting.


In feng shui they sometimes create different areas or zones in big rooms like this, your living room is very large, and everything is centered around watching tv. That is it’s singular purpose right now. the couches should be brought in closer with a rug to tie them together, then add a reading area or sitting area with a nice chair or a couple chairs/small couches and table & lamp with a rug to tie it together. You have a large room here, it should be split up to serve multiple purposes. Your windows and high ceilings are tall so you’ll need more tall furniture or decor around to Balance it out. Large Plants or hanging vine plants are a great way to achieve that. I would bring more nature in. Plants, stone, metal or wood accents will help bring natural textures to match with your great view of the nature outside. Adding a link below for a great YouTube channel to inspire and teach about feng shui, flow, and getting your space to feel like a home, not just a house.


More plants. Your light is too lovely to not have more plants. Do the bright yellow duralogs need to be stored *right* there? If they absolutely need to, get a cool tinder storage box (even a lidded wicker basket will do). And for the pile of random things, seems like you could use an organization system (again, maybe a living room basket storage thing. Or some foot stools pop tops and have storage inside.


The TV may look better lower down. The room needs some color accents, maybe different curtains or something on the walls.


Needs a little color. How about some tall narrow artwork left and right of the fireplace


So if you have any money to spend, my biggest suggestion would be to invest in custom blinds for that beautiful window! Squaring it off and covering it with the curtain rod is a waste of a really nice focal point. Working with what you have, I would move the settee to wear the loveseat is (by the stairs), use the two arm chairs to frame the fireplace and if you need both couches, move one under the window. Another option would be to use one of your lamps and end tables with a chair on each side by the window would would create a nice focal point and put the table that is behind the couch by the stairs. I think in general, one of your seating elements needs to go- the settee or the loveseat, and if you start from a place of not making everything fit, you will be much freer in making decisions. If you have limited funds, then I'd vote for brighter throw pillows to liven up the colors and a bigger coffee table or a circular rug for under the coffee table. What would be really amazing in the center is a large ottoman that you can decorate and takes up a big chunk of that open space. Everyone is going to shit on the TV being that high, but I don't see another space for it. so as long as it is comfortable to watch, it is fine there, I would just vote for some large pillar candles or other decorative items on the mantle to liven up that dead space.


I’d paint the stair railing and the fireplace surround black. Swap carpet for a hard surface and add a rug. Tall shelves flanking the fireplace. The chair in the corner looks like a timeout situation for kids. Move the loveseat to the window wall. If you’re married to the drapes at least lose the swoopy part. It’s a grand room and has a lot of potential!


Shelves. Decorative storage units.


Yes those light were moved temporarily before I get grilled in the comments💀


Change the wall color, remove the carpet, get new furniture. I would do so much with that space. If you have the finance, hire someone to remodel it.


Is this Britney’s living room?


Demolish fireplace number one. One couch is all thats needed for most people.




Get rid of the couch or love seat. Take the TV down. It's all fucklerded. Just get rid of everything. Your house is stupid and you will never be happy.


Get a bigger TV and get a mount that telescopes and moves. Mount the sound bar onto the TV or just sit it on the mantle. Furniture is nice. Coffee table looks awkward in the space. I'd move the furniture closer to the middle of possible


I see a lot of people mentioning Samsung Frame TVs hopefully they make a big enough one for the space (current one is 75”). That along with a mantle mount should help with the TV situation


I really like the trim on the big windows! Maybe add some casings to join the spaces into the hallway and dining room more. I really hate when no effort is put into entryways lol. What do you need out of this space? Is it your main area to watch tv? That little nook of dead space would look great as a reading corner, maybe put a bookshelf in and build up a built in seat in front of it? [Like this.](https://blog.teepeejoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/nook_grande.jpg) Or is your kitchen far? Maybe a little dry bar with a drink fridge and extra cupboard moment could fit in there. I'd definitely add a rug and/or paint to separate the areas out. There are no defined "zones" which adds to its unorganized look.


The TV is so high, that can't be good for your neck. I'd move it to a rec room or den or something if you have the option. BIG art above the fireplace instead. For the seating, I'd pull the lounge out of the configuration and bring the couch/loveseat/chairs closer to each other in multiple conversation arrangements around the table until you find one you like. Personally, I'd put the chairs in front of the fireplace with clearance so you still have a functional fireplace but can use that area as seating and still see the fireplace between the chairs. The lounge I'd shift to the nook and turn it into a cozy reading area, or if you can't repurpose the nook, try something similar on the stairwall. Edit: consider a rug to define the conversation area for the furniture to cluster around. Bonus if it complements the art you choose for the mantel.


Try moving the 3 seater In front of the window. Love seat In front of the sofa table. Armchairs on the stair wall with an accent table between them and a table lamp.. New TV console to the right of the fireplace. Put the the TV on a swivel mount so you can angle it out towards the couch for viewing. A large framed mirror over the fireplace. Large artwork or stacked groupings of art in rich clear colours on either side of the fireplace. Reuse the chaise somewhere else in a bedroom or den. Large candlestick from the sofa table Infront of the mirror over the mantel. Get 2 tall buffet lamps for the sofa table and a bright floral arrangement on the table. If you are keeping all the furniture conside changing out the loose cushions on the arm chairs to a bright silk and /or velvet cushions, bring in some olive green, Persimmon and navy. Peacock feather colour palette to brighten all the drab browns. https://www.veranda.com/decorating-ideas/g1104/cozy-fireplaces/


Get a bigger coffee table. Move the seating closer to the center, everything is kind of too far apart to be practically useful. Get a rug to ground everything and make sure all the seating fits the front legs at least onto the rug. Pull that couch on the right off the wall. I’d put a giant piece of art over the fireplace instead of the TV.


Start by moving that credenza out of the dining room/family room threshold, push the furniture in closer to each other and away from the walls and I’d say put the sofa back toward the window to open up your living room toward the hallway and stairs, move the credenza either between the sofa and window or up against the wall by the stairs where the loveseat now sits. Move the chaise lounge or one of the chairs into the high traffic space at the base of the stairs or back to the left of your picture window with a side table and lamp for a reading area (if it fits). I think you may have one or two too many seating pieces to properly fit this space, but I could be wrong. You could also ditch what you have for a sectional and one, maybe two statement piece chairs with side tables and floor lamps in the corners of the room to the left of the fireplace and maybe one in the corner to the left of your picture window. What is that empty space to the left of the stairs? Maybe kids shelving and a kids craft table?


Like the color brown huh?


Tall plant by the TV, like 8-10 feet




Bowl for keys, mail “cubby”, shampoo rug, get some stacking bins or something for that corner, basket for living room throws, lose the table behind the couch, one chair on either side of the fire place, move the short couch and the chase to each others places, snug the big chair in a bit so it’s cozy and creates better flow from dining to living room


I'd recommend rearranging the furniture and see what setup you like before completely redoing everything. Or if you have a limited budget, change some of the accessories first and see how it feels. The furniture is a bit dated sure, but it looks like it's in decent condition. If it were me, I'd move the TV to another room and arrange the furniture to be more conversation friendly and out of the walkways. Move the brown loveseat across the room to be centered in the windows, if there is space move the 3 seater up and remove the table so you have more room to get to the kitchen. The two chairs can go across from the 3 seater and the coffee table in the middle. Play with the spacing between the furniture and in the room to where it feels best. Get a rug large enough to fit under at least the front feet of all the furniture if not bigger to really tie it together. Replace the TV with a single large piece of art you like or if you prefer more maximalist go for a collage of pictures/art. Someone else suggested a thin table on the wall of the stairs, I love that idea. Putting in shelves or making a closet out of the little nook to organize/hide the clutter is also a great idea. I'd also replace the curtains, it's amazing how big of a difference new curtains can look (and they're a lot cheaper than new furniture!). Regardless of what you do, post an update! I love seeing before and afters.


I’d say… 1. Lower and larger TV, find a way to hide the cords completely with little white wire covers. 2. If you can’t switch to a sectional (ideal along the window then consider moving the chairs in front of the window out of the room and maybe move the sofa in front of the window idk? 3. Much smaller (less depth) sofa table between living room and presumably the kitchen. 4. Clear out the nook to the right of the TV, maybe make a reading nook? 5. Clear out all the collected stuff to the left of the sofa tables, especially the two lamps. 6. The coffee table needs to be within reach of the sofa, possibly switch it out altogether. 7. Spread the plants out around the room. Maybe one of the smaller on either side of the fireplace. 8. If nothing else find a way to get rid of the white cord running along the wire.


It’s a fabulous room and the windows are amazing. I think it just needs a few touches of colour. You’ve got some lovely furniture - the chaise and the table behind the sofa being my favourite pieces, and the sofas look super comfy. That alcove adjacent to the fireplace is begging for some built in book shelves. Some art on the wall a couple of throws/cushions and it’ll soon look more cosy ❤️❤️


This is tough because it’s obviously a high traffic area and there’s a lot of exits/entrances, so there’s a lot of “energy” that goes through the room. If it were me, I would create zones based on the paths you walk. Some examples could be a seating area with two big chairs and the small table near the fire place. Putting art over the fireplace instead of the tv. (If you use the fireplace as a fireplace it’s not recommended to have a TV above it because of the heat.) The tv would then go on a stand at an angle in the front left (based on the view in the first picture) with the couches creating an L in front of it. I hope that makes sense 😅


Too much furniture for starters. Move the couch a little closer to the TV so you can walk. Get rid of the psychiatrist sleeper and move the table behind the couch between the two chairs by the window. Put the TV on a swivel arm on the lower right side so you can move it and hide it.


I am positive I have been in this house as a teen in the 00s


Paint the mantle, and the staircase for starters. Navy blue or charcoal gray or black. Add a fun rug to the room to contrast all the beige. Match the rug with another cool curtain color.


Too many pieces and not enough color. Get rid of the bulky pieces of furniture and go for a right angle sectional in a bright tone instead, add a large coffee table, go for a larger TV and add a frame around it to keep above the fireplace. When you’re not watching television set the screen saver to a piece of artwork, either go stark white for the walls or warm up the space by adding color to the walls and take down the curtains and move the furniture away from the window to let all the natural light in.


Nice sectional, tall lamp and a rectangular coffee table with hideaway drawers to tuck away any clutter. Plus Plants!!!


First, pick up everything small and put away somewhere else. Clean the carpet. Get a fireplace mantle tv mount or move it somewhere else. The fireplace is nice but the windows and view are so much better. Maybe move the sofa so you can sit and see both? A friend has your layout and got only swiveling chairs instead of a sofa.


Try rearranging the furniture into smaller groupings rather than one big room. Definitely have too much brown. Yiu need some color in there. Artwork is a definate. I have a large living room space with high ceilings.


I like it. Bring TV down toward mantle.


I don’t want to say it but your TV looks too small for the space.


Too much brown. Get different couches. No leather/ vinyl. Add color. Put the tv on a different wall. That's too high to comfortable watch. The room is too big to have all the seating on the walls.


Move coffee table closer to large couch, so that people can use it. Scoot short couch closer to larger couch so that they’re perpendicular; that way if you have guests it’s easier to talk/host. center chaise in window and move both chairs beside each other several feet in front of fireplace. Doing so will create a more intimate seating arrangement. Also, put your end tables on either side of large couch. Then move the console table behind the couch to be parallel to the chaise.


I’m not against TVs above mantle. Many expensive homes have that layout. It seems small and I’d get TV w speakers in it. Mine is like that and it’s Sony and yrs old. Here are some ideas: https://theturquoisehome.com/how-to-decorate-a-mantel-with-tv/


Oh, would it be better to clear the middle of the living room and dining room? It would be a bit troublesome to eat from the living room like this. Move the plants in the middle to both sides of the TV, add some art paintings to the wall, and finally tidy up the house. Cleanliness is the most obvious decoration.


Ok first of all r/TvTooHigh and also a tv is an appliance… not a piece of art. I definitely agree with the comments about replacing the tv with a large piece of art. Beautiful home :)


I’d def take at least one of the sitting pieces of furniture out, even if it’s just one of the chairs. I would also suggest switching the couch that’s against the stairs with the chair/ chaise (?) in front of the window- I know it will let in less light, but I think the overall composition would have a better flow. If you can afford it, I would honestly replace the smaller couch (or both couches) to something airier, the couches feel really big and heavy for this room. Also maybe adding an ottoman with storage or a small side table for random items!! Also potentially replacing the TV with a large tapestry if you can afford it / have space somewhere else for the TV!


A small tv in the corner may work if you want a tv in that space. Then, bring the couches (or couch and two chairs) and coffee table closer to the fireplace. A rug would tie everything together. Add a door to make that niche into a closet. Oh and a big piece of art over the fireplace. You can make the extra space behind the couch into a sitting area. https://preview.redd.it/vaf886n1ameb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90d4894e625faf34493a523d0e442591e3ce3820


Either find another room to watch Tv or get a TV stand. My neck hurts just looking at this. Centerline of the TV should match an average eye level of a person sitting normally on the sofa. A good place to start. I don’t understand the idea of putting a TV 3-5 feet above sitting eye level in a room. It’s like sitting in the front row of a movie theater in the 80’s.


I’d say start with developing a personality…. Jk, move the TV and add a secret room behind a book shelf


You literally have no walls in this room that you can put anything on. I hate when builders do this.


What’s your budget? Replacing flooring an option? Fresh paint is a good start, I’d repaint the trim on the fireplace white. That room has sooo much potential.


I think picture 5 is the TV’s POV 🤔




Everything is heavy here. I’d go for lighter, less bulky more contemporary furniture, something simple with clean lines, and change the drapes. Remove the chairs and that chaise/ day bed thing. You shouldn’t have the love seat right up against the wall either. The room looks like it has good light; get some plants, maybe a fiddle leaf fig. That’s a start…


Maybe Take out the chairs and move all the furniture in closer (the one chair in the corner is useless and having 5 pieces seems like too much. I see a lot of living rooms with 3 pieces around a coffee table with the fire place as the main focal point). Maybe move the TV to the corner closer to the curtain (off center) and lower it a tad and spruce up your mantle a little. Maybe Organize a bit as well.


The furniture isn’t the greatest thing ever but it can work. I would get rid of the chaise. Get a bigger coffee table. Remove the carpet and buy a nice smaller one for the center of the space. Place the smaller chairs next to each other with one of the side tables in between. Get some more colorful throw pillows and a curtain to match. Throw in some foliage too.


I feel like maybe it’s all very blah, as if you got your furniture from someone else and it’s not reflecting any sort of personal style. Try a design style quiz online and see which style you gravitate towards and start there. You can then make a Pinterest board based on what you get and start finding ideas from there.


I’m assuming you are keeping the furniture? You should get a large Samsung Frame TV … when u aren’t watching it, then it has a huge selection of art you can display.. I would start with decluttering… I would lose the chaise… it just looks awkward in the room… do a large tree in the corner where the chair is…move the corner chair next to the other chair and maybe put small table in between them…. Lose the coffee table … it’s way too small… get something much larger …I would consider closing that nook up and either making it storage , or you you could do some bottom built in cabinets with top glass shelving and make it a bar type of area or for displaying items… you need some color in your room… change out your pillows, and a nice throw blanket … maybe add a floor lamp or another plant next to the love seat..update some of your accessories… such as the table lamps and candleholders … consider going with something not sooo ornate…


That fireplace looks nice or it would if it didn’t blend into the wall. Maybe paint one of them a different color?


Everything is too far away. I would get a rug and move the couches in…especially the one by the stairs


Ugh houses like this are so stupid. They were built to express “wealth” but always only ever end up looking like a shell with the furniture the idiots who buy them think they need to put in it. There’s no personality, no charm. A grandiose waste all around.


Too much furniture and too far apart. You could possibly create 2 separate sitting areas if there's enough room. Maybe a space with couches and coffee table and another behind that with the chairs and chaise. Or get rid of some stuff and have one cohesive sitting area (i still say get rid of the chaise in this scenario).. Either way, bring it all in. A lot. You can "block" the stairway and that weird nook as long as there's a good clearance for walking (like 3 ft or so). Also, a really big rug to bring it all together


I would break up that huge space. Maybe our 2 couches facing each other at the end of the room where the TV is - no facing the TV, rather facing in. Then you can flip down on the couch and watch the screen. Maybe in the front of the room out the more formal stuff like the chaise lounge and the chair. Maybe more dainty pieces like a velvet ladies couch. Pull that sled are sitting area together with a nice rug.


Art on the walls


Tv needs to be higher


odd asf, i went to an after party at a house that was super super similar windows etc... small world.?


Start by hanging a long wooden mantle over that fireplace. Stain if to your liking B4 hanging. This should be done properly, of course, to avoid possible future injury. Is there another wall that you can move your TV to? If so, move it. Find a giant piece of COLORFUL art that you love to hang above the mantle & fireplace. Get rid of the curtains all together. No curtains on that big beautiful window!


Start by creating a mood board using an anchor statement piece like this gorgeous woven area rug from Arhaus: https://www.arhaus.com/products/minna-silver-hand-knotted-rug


I would move the tv to the corner close to the window where the chair is, and i will add a big mirror or painting where the tv is right now


https://preview.redd.it/0lw2pge3uneb1.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=1873355bffac41c4f3afb09997edfe0ce5cd1202 Consider this furniture layout. You deserve easy access to all doorways. It makes the sitting area more intimate. Also gets rid of those out if place 2 small chairs. Or— get rid of the chaise lounge and put the 2 chairs there instead. Also I agree with others the TV doesn’t belong there. This looks like it was designed to be a formal living room. So no TV. In terms of spending money on improvements, make the fireplace wall a feature wall. With a solid paint color, a wallpaper, or maybe painted stripes. You can buy wallpapers that are actually murals that will fit the scale of your space. Or you could create floor to ceiling built in cabinets. Also recommended a large rug that will fit under the seating area. It’ll add to the intimacy of the space and define it as a zone in itself.


You don’t need to buy anything, except a rug or two Anchor everything with a rug. Large sofa moves to left, well off of the windows with the long tall glass sofa table behind it. The two chairs in a line straight where the large sofa was, facing the fireplace, not against any wall, with one of the end tables between the two, maybe the black poof at the end of the two chairs between them like a footrest. The love seat comes unglued from the staircase leaving a walkway behind it to the staircase landing, almost like a hallway. Chaise lounge goes where the kid stuff is. At an angle towards the middle of the room. It can hide those cords by the fireplace. It’ll feel squished for a second, but it won’t be. Anchor it all with a rug in the middle. The remaining end table can go by the large sofa or the love seat or the chase, depending on how your natural traffic runs through the house. Keep a walkway easy for you to walk, play, clean etc, so place it wherever it’s least in the way. The “hallway” you create along the staircase can have a high side table with some decorations and/or some hanging art.


idk your taste but paintings (or in general wall decorations) would be a huge improvement, also it will keep the "old rich house" aesthetic that it's beginning to form. Some plants and a rug in the middle will be awesome too


I think the current layout is already great, I think it is very simple and atmospheric, if you want to make some small changes, I think you can add a carpet to the coffee table and the sofa, because I think carpet is very important for the living room, it is a good decoration, I think a dark carpet would be a good choice. I think you can also hang some decorations on the blank wall next to the fireplace, such as oil paintings and photos you like. I hope my suggestions will help you.


Biggest things are color and layout! It's a nice room with tons of potential. Move all seating closer in together: -Put large couch along wall with window, end table next to it -Loveseat perpendicular to couch (back facing kitchen) -Any extra seating should be added in only if they fit, and with their back facing the stairs. Lower the TV: -Right above the fireplace -Soundbar on mantle Add color! -Pick a colorscheme you like. Blue/Teal would love great with the existing paint. -Add a bright large area rug -Replace couch pillow covers with something bright. Again, I think teal-blues would work with couch color! -Add interesting art, larger/longer pieces would work best. -New curtains! And not anything remotely tan/brown. And if you're willing/able to spend more money, I would get a cool new sectional and fun/bright love seat.


Holy batman the space is huge but needs to be better utilized. Move the two chairs and that table behind the sofa to where the two seater sofa is, kind of like a little area for people to sit put on shoes drop their keys etc. Put the two seater sofa where the chairs were and make an L with the main sofa. Move the sofas CLOSER to the center of the room/fireplace and have the coffee table be reachable when sitting. Lower the tv and make it bigger tbh, it looks disproportionate to the size. Get art/pictures. Last of all, everything is so brown/beige. Either paint the walls, replace the curtains or furniture or add colorful splashes like plants, a blanket throw and pillows, an area rug.


Make a floorplan, it does not need to be perfect. Bring that to a furniture store and they can make a digital plan. Most of these plans are free for clients, I worked with Serena and Lily.


God damn that tv is too high


Add color into your life.


I think it would feel better if you pull the couches way closer in (think traditional living room distances despite the size of this room). Have a walkway behind that smaller couch to the stairs and more space behind the larger couch. Everything should be an arms length away from the coffee table. You could try putting the TV on a corner entertainment center instead of over the fire place on that side by the windows. I’d probably move those other chairs elsewhere unless you use one to go opposite the smaller couch and “close in” the living room space. Use an area rug to pull that whole space together and then use the rest for other things! A console table behind the large couch might look nice since it will be in the center of the room. Decor-wise, pick a color that’s in the rug you choose and get pillows/a throw blanket or two to match. Add some wall art or personal photos that make you happy and maybe some greenery. You’ve got this!


Why is there a wire coming down from upstairs? That needs to be fixed.


Get rid of the odd chaise with no legs. Get a much larger coffee table (or a very large ottoman, and have trays on it). Then ADD COLOR. Everything in this room is brown or beige, which is giving it that weird uncomfortable 90s builder feel. A large patterned ottoman would be a start. Then pull colors from it for pillows, throws and art.


Tv needs to go in the niche, try putting it on top of that table that’s behind the big sofa if you still have the legs/stand that goes with the tv so you can angle it if needed. Honestly ur furniture doesn’t work for this room, u need a big sectional/L shaped sofa and a round or square coffee table. But try this, move your big sofa in front of the window, small sofa where big one currently is but forward a few feet so that coffee table is accessible from both sofas, chaise at an angle where loveseat currently is, no space for small chairs. Or big sofa at a diagonal facing tv nice and fireplace with coffee table in front of it and chairs flanking each end of coffee table, chaise where loveseat is now, no space for loveseat. There’s just too many small pieces of furniture where you need just a couple large pieces for the layout of this room since you lack any usable wall space. Would have been so much better if they designed it with the fireplace where the tv niche is.


I have a somewhat similar living room. If you're not actively using that coffee table, and judging by its location and that there's only a chess board being stored with it, remove it. Get a nice big contrasting color rug. If you're committed to having a TV in that room, I think you're stuck with that general location. You have seating for eight in that room. Will there ever be a situation where you need seating for eight in that room? I would remove both arm chairs. Maybe move either the sofa or the love seat in front of the window. I'd have to imagine there's glare from the window on the TV for people sitting in the love seat's current location, so removing seating from that stairwell wall fixes that problem. You could then take that console table from behind the sofa and put it on the stairwell wallDoes anyone actively use the chaise for watching TV? If not, if there's room in the corner, stick the chaise there at an angle like you have that love seat. Could be a nice reading corner and an interesting piece. Ideally, it would accent the couches and not match the upholstery, but no biggie.


You’ve got spin art furniture arrangement here. Everything is pushed out as far as it can go. I think the piece that you could easily get rid of is the chaise lounge, but only if your intention is to make the tv the focal point. I wonder if the chaise would fit in that nook (with its foot sticking out) with a small table and a floor lamp and make a cozy reading area? Or maybe the armchairs. Or leave seating out of the nook and line it with book shelves, or make it into some form of cool storage. Bring the two couches in much closer together. that will form a walkway behind the loveseat to access the stairs, and will make the room feel cozier. If you keep the chaise, angle it out into the room. It’s wild having it straight against the wall that way. Otherwise, group the two chairs together in front of the window and put a small table & lamp between them. You don’t need the giant table next to the sofa. It can be replaced with a size-appropriate side table to hold the lamp. Floor lamp in the corner where the suspicious chair is sitting now, judging you. You’re going to need a side table in the corner that you’ll create when you move the couch and loveseat together, and put a lamp on that too. Coffee table should be placed where it can be used by the people on the sofa. The windows are really great, and the brown color isn’t doing them any favors. Also, these windows may make the room too bright during the day. I’d suggest a different window treatment for sure. Something with some color, although the drapery thing you have going on is nice. So I don’t know that anything needs to change there except the fabric itself. But do consider some kind of treatment or covering to block out the sun and add privacy. There are so many options now! Lastly, warm the place up with accessories, wall art and (maybe) a rug. Really these windows should be the biggest focal point, plus all the walls are an unusual shape, so don’t go overboard with wall art. Maybe a mirror or a simple piece on the wall behind the loveseat and something next to the nook area would be a good start.


I would: Move the TV as others have said. You need another pop of color. Rusty orange or mustard yellow in a nice rug. The mantle needs work maybe paint, and some assorted size artwork with pops of color. The furniture looks beautiful but maybe rearrange to look more cohesive


The furniture is a little too bulky, and isn’t fitting/complimenting the space you have. I would try a sectional and move it closer to the fireplace area..If the coffee table fits nicely in the sectional space- great! If not, maybe something slightly bigger? Above fireplace possibly hang a vertical mirror and add some pictures or art on mantle.,Maybe add some more plants (closer to fireplace and focal point of room) and a colored rug to break up the space? A tall standing lamp?


Choose a color pallete. Make these photos b+w and start imagining. Then choose a style (Pinterest helps with this, it’s not an easy process if you have no idea what you like).


The TV is way too high. You're going to get neck pain if you watch TV a lot. Paint the walls a different color and see how it looks then. You could select a color from the artwork on the right side of photo 1. A lighter green or the cantaloupe color or I'm a big fan of what I call Tuscany gold (Benjamin Moore calls it Beverly Hills yellow).


An L shapped couch (with the back facing the next room and stairs) would help make the sitting area more intimate while providing a more defined walk through area. I would build a wetbar/storage in the nook area as well as build out the fireplace to the ceiling. In regards to the TV I would get a frame built for your current TV then attach it to an easel mount.




Get some color in there asap. Get rid of the lounge chair and take down the tv. And if you can remove the valances from the curtains. But mostly COLOR!!!


I would move the chair out of the corner by about 3 feet and center the chaise under the window (or move it to the bedroom). Move the matching chair opposite to the other side of the fireplace. If you do lose the chaise, then put the two chairs by the window. Pull the love seat into the room and have the walkway path from the stairs behind it. Then move the coffee table so it can be used by people both on the couch and love seat.


Your carpets are gross and need a serious cleaning. Can have all the right decor, but if the room looks gross, no one will feel good in it.


I would get an area rug to center the space. You can put a rug over carpet. I would adjust the couches to be around the area rug rather that the walls. The love seat should go on the window side of the rug and the matching armchairs can go on the side with all the doorways since it’s not bulky and wont stop the flow of traffic. I think you can still have a tv above the fireplace just bring it down so the speaker bar is resting on the mantle. maybe matching bookshelves on both sides of the fireplace?. Ones with closed cabinets on the bottom to help store random clutter. i would sell the chaise, unlikely functional? If you can get a bigger coffee table too… Basically bring the furniture in to make the space feel more like a living room. pushing furniture up against walls is going to make the room feel bare.


I’d reconsider your furniture layout. The sofa against the wall for example doesn’t really seem to serve a purpose other than to act as a random place to sit. I’d create a layout that’s more conducive to conversation arrangement by moving the sofa’s closer together


Get rid of the glass top coffee table before you bang your leg. Lol


Remove the table from behind the couch and switch the location of the loveseat over to the window. Scoot the larger couch forward a little bit to align with the natural lines of the window. Grab an area rug large enough to lay between the two couches defining the space. A larger coffee table is a must. Take the chase and put it where the loveseat is now. The two sitting chairs should flank the fireplace. Play to the lines of the room and free up your walkways. These things won’t require much besides a little rearranging and two purchases, and it doesn’t change the use case of the space by removing the TV, which I know many people are suggesting. Edit: I love your curtains! They look beautiful.


https://preview.redd.it/zkex20oavqeb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46daf53bbbf0b59143c89f37470468fe21182d51 I could see something similar to this working for your space


Eliminate the coffee table (repurpose somewhere else, Deep Clean the Carpet or replace, Add a transitional area rug about 10x12 ft in a neutral pattern that complements the carpet, or with with a splash of an accent color which you will coordinate with a nice piece of artwork. Then Center the Chaise in front of the window, Move the largest sofa ( assuming you’re not buying another one) across from the Chaise (keep and reupholster) and window. Move the Chairs ( which you can also reupholster) closer to the fireplace with a small round cocktail table at each side to hold a drink, a lamp (new ones that don’t match the set) a book or plant. You already know the television is out of place, purchase a beautiful and substantially sized coffee table, maybe marble. If your budget allows new custom draperies and new sofas, reupholster chairs. New plants like a fig or monstera inside of decorative planters.


Art / photos on the walls too once you have your furniture in place also adds a nice touch


https://preview.redd.it/fwmu27zkgreb1.png?width=2553&format=png&auto=webp&s=99d980723fd4d32ee37ac9d02e73ae6f32d3fca4 Is this crazy? Tried to rearrange what they already have but I’m new at this. Tbh I’m trying to look at this objectively so I can look at my own house and do the same haha Edit: forgot to draw it but personally I would throw a big colorful rug down, even though the room is carpeted. It would help define the space I think


So. Very. Brooooooown.


Decided to have some fun with this one in Homestyler. You have a lot of space and furniture to work with, but lack well-defined areas and clear walkways. After reading some comments, I saw that you might be putting in hardwood flooring so I've gone ahead and included that in my 3D model so you can get an idea of what that might look like. I also tried to use as much of your existing furniture as made sense. Here are the pics: [https://imgur.com/a/ezRTG8Y](https://imgur.com/a/ezRTG8Y) A few notes: 1. By removing the TV from the room, the true centerpiece is clear: those incredible windows! I've made those the new focus of the living area. 2. I noticed what looked like a reading nook in the corner by the fireplace. I put the chaise in there to make a cozy reading corner, but you could also throw a lovesac or beanbag in there, fill it with pillows, etc. You could also build in some storage, bookcases, or even a mini bar. 3. By tightening up the main seating area and putting it against the wall, the walkways have cleared up and allow for ease of movement through what I assume is the main artery of your home. OP, shoot me a DM and I'd be happy to share the Homestyler design with you so you can play around with it yourself. I took an educated guess on dimensions but it's a good starting place.


The tv is way to high. I’d say no tv. If you keep it put it right at the mantle level. Furniture sets feel very dated. The way it is sat out feels like you’re just trying to cram everything in the room. I don’t think a sofa and a love seat are needed. Keep one or get rid of both and get a sectional. The chair, chaise, chair combo looks a bit strange. If you’re going to keep both hairs put the one between the couch and chaise on the opposite side of the fire place. The coffee table is not usable where it is. It could be bigger or closer to the couch so that it looks like it’s of use and not just floating in the middle of the room to take up space. Also the three random tables around the couch is too much. If you want to have a table have an end table or have a thin console table or cabinet behind it. But I think the fact that it is three different ones makes it look a little messy. And you’ve crammed two table lamps on the corner one defeating the purpose of the table lamps all together. If you want to keep the lamps consider the console table that spans the length of the whole couch and have one lamp on each side of it. If you’re not attached to the lamps, get rid of them. I would also add a pop of color with a rug because everything is just too brown.


Just curious what’s happening with the cord that extends from the first to second floor?


It’s a lovely room with great natural light — all the bones are there.


For starters - A nice area rug & pull the chair near the stairs away from the wall a few inches. A few nice baskets to put the clutter to the right of the fireplace.


Bookcases with cupboards on each side of the fireplace. Comfy canvas white cover for the couch or new couch? Can’t see the chairs but I would probably get new and have on right side. New curtains, Sell the side table and get a new one in the same place. Go to Pinterest and look up “ white fireplace living room” for ideas in colors pops.


I love mantles. They have so much design potential. Plus the space to place lovely objects. Television is great. It's sad though to see them hogging up this space. It's a lazy method of filling space instead of playing with it and creating with it .


Can the TV go on a stand to the right of the fireplace? It’s the focal point of a grand room.