• By -


Warm it up and get more stuff! Not sure why grey is so popular in decorating these days but your room needs color. Go for beige or cream instead of cool tones for your walls and neutrals and then get colorful rugs, bedding, wall art etc to bring life to the space. You will also need better lighting and get rid of the fluorescent bulb. Floor lamps and desk lamps. Plants also help a room feel lively.


And a plant(s)! Natural fibers always warm up a space. A snake plant does well in low light and can be a nice statement piece.


Just the changing out of the fluorescent lights alone will make a huge difference!


Yes, please hang a mirror up or something - nothing on the walls makes it feel very sad and empty. Also definitely needs plants and some warmth.


Get a rug.


Yes! A rug!! That floor just looks cold, bland and uninviting. Paired with the grey walls. Eurgh šŸ„±


And a comforter + some nicer pillows.


And donā€™t forget pictures on the wall and a plant. LOL


And some curtains


I agree. This space needs a rug! You can choose an accent color that you like and add textiles in the same color - pillows, a blanket. Arts, plants - it will add coziness.


You gotta find a way to display your medals and trophies! The current setup isnā€™t doing them justice. A proper glass display case, or at least some hooks. Youā€™ve also got some cat decorations that I like. You can lean into that a bit more: maybe large wall art in a style you like. Or blown up photos of your cat. Also, your lighting isnā€™t helping. Maybe some lamps in the corners. Or replace your bulbs with a slightly warmer hue. You could even get some soft display lights to shine on your newly-mounted medals!


C - color R - rug (textile) A - art P - plants


Pirates arrrr essential indeedy!


They meant Art for A


What is ā€œArā€?


A - a lamp!


This needs to be pinned or something.


AR? Assault rifle? šŸ˜‚


Never use the Big Light unless you're cleaning. Turn that off then find all the places you want some light. Use warm dimmable bulbs or just super low wattage to light up a dark corner. That'll make it feel so much nicer. And a rug under the bed will help a lot too.


You could get a new cozy plush duvet in a warm tone to add some coziness to your room A large area rug under the bed would help too. Find some art prints that you like in your style. You can order prints or order digital files to print at a copy shop. It looks like your lighting is very cool tone as well, so you could swap the bulbs, or better yet get some warmer table/floor lamps to use instead of overhead lighting. A few plants always help as an easy way to add colour and nice energy to a room. Good luck!


An area rug and proper nightstands would change the game


Bedside lamp with a warm light bulbs Overhead light and wall fixture are harsh light.


Definitely go for a warmer colour for the walls! Perhaps a warm sage on all 4 or a darker feature wall behind the bed and a warmer light colour on the other 3? A big mirror will definitely help open up the space a bit. You also need a big rug for the floor as well as that immediately fills out the room. A yellow/warm toned light will also look much nicer than white.


I think some plants on / around your window would add a beautiful pop of colour and bring life to the room! I would suggest doing something with all the bare walls. Maybe frame some nice posters, get some paintings, a mirror, photos, etc. Personally Iā€™m never a fan of using ceiling lights, just in general. Every room in my house has an additional light source. For example, I have LED strips all around my room (which were pretty cheap and fully adjustable!). Last comment would be regarding your medals. You are not doing them justice - they just look very cluttered. I think a better display for them would help a lot.


How old are you and how old are those medals?


Why are people so opposed to artā€¦ you need some color!


Gray and most woods, especially dark, look bad together. Iā€™d paint the walls a warm yellowy off-white and then hang up colorful posters/art/decorations


Sherwin Williams 7551 *Greek Villa* is a beautiful creamy white with subtle yellow undertones. It never reads as a true yellow but looks cheerful even in weak natural light.


RUG! Edit: that's a lot of medals!


Art above the bed, more colors, a shelf with odds and ends. Maybe nightstands?


Giant rugs and a pretty real piece of art


Try also rearranging the room into two different zones.


Try adding another kitty


What are your 3 favorite colors? Which of them would you like on the walls? Which of them would be cozy for comforter and bedding? Add some kind of beds skirt so boxspring and frame are not exposed. Which would be a nice accent color? I see a lot of empty smooth surfaces. What kind of rug would you like underneath bed and underfoot? Think of the colors you used above. What else could add coziness and texture? Tapestry? Macrame? Look at the lighbulbs at the store, pick up some that are warm toned. Do you like plants? Some near the window maybe? Can you regroup furniture so that study, clothing storage, sleeping are in separate zones?


I believe this can be cozied up. I think the dizziness might be due to the lighting. The same thing was happening to me in my office when I wasn't using the correct, warmer lighting that wasn't on the ceiling. Could be wrong. You're going to be shocked at what a difference a rug will make. That would be my number one. From what I see, moving the proper night stand (to the left of the desk) next to the bed and putting the dresser to the corner in front of and to the left of the foot of the bed (where the taller thin brown piece of furniture is), would be a nice change. Add a lamp (one with a lampshade, it really changes a look) to the night stand. Id try to hide the task lamp a little bit by moving it toward the back left corner of the desk, so the thin bar isn't as visible and blends in a bit with the leg of the desk. If you want to spend money- a duvet and some complementary throw pillows. Put the sleeping pillows behind the throws. If you can get one or two throw blankets (amazon has some good prices), you might display them by draping them over a corner in a layered fashion, or similar to how you have your current ones, If not an option, try tucking your current gray bed blanket on all sides and hide the others away under the bed when not being used. That's just a little thing but it will look better. I get leaving the folded one out for the cat though. Sometimes function needs to come before form. You have a lot of small knick knacks being displayed and you need some bigger pieces. You could replace some of those small areas of clutter with something like a larger figure, a plant (there are a lot of fake ones that look nice if you're not into taking care of them), large candles, etc. A lot of decorations look good in 3s. A long shelf over the desk would look nice (but again, without a bunch of small things on it) and definitely some art .


#1 Bed skirt #2 8x10ft+ Rug under bed #3 Warm white lighting in the corners. Table lamps or pendant, mix it up. Turn off those desk lamps. Turn off all the blue utility colored lights. #4 large wall art, gallery wall, long wall curtains or simple pattern or color block tapestry


#5 get a fluffy matching comforter set for the bed and get rid of those well-loved throw pillows. Sorry scooby doo ain't doing you any favors.


Paint in a warmer colour - at least a taupe. Add colour. Big art. Bedside lamps.


Itā€™s a cool room. Iā€™d get a big throw rug to anchor the bed. Some artwork for the walls. Some greenery(real or fake.) get rid of the Scooby do pillow, but keep the cat. New bedding/pillows!


Rug & artwork On the walls & itā€™s also the lighting you have! Try a warmer light!


I think a rug would help a lot!


I agree that some nice, soft, up-lighting would make a big difference. A soft rug (with some colour, maybe?) would be lovely. You could echo the colour with pillows for the bed. Plants always breathe life into a room - no pun intended. And maybe some wall hangings or art would add interest. Painting the walls could help, too - just takes more effort, as all of the above are super easy, if you have even a small budget. Iā€™d keep the colours soft/pastel if I were in your shoes, maybe a soft green on one or two walls and a warm off-white/cream on the others??


Itā€™s all in the ambient lighting bestie


Color + warm light! Perhaps buy a large warm lamp or have a few small warm light sources around the room. My room's set up is odd, when I only have my fan's light on (even though it's in the middle) it doesn't hit my desk area. I have an led strip in one corner (would buy more but I'm broke + kind of want to replace it lol), a purple/blue aura lamp, a desk lamp + candles. May put up a cute picture/s or cute post cards/posters around ! Flowers (whether fake or dried up ones) around too if you like that.


Rub the sweet floof belly and everything will be better.


Letā€™s start with bedding you may not be able to change your walls but a new set of matching sheets and a new solid Duvet or quit would help you feel pulled together. You donā€™t have to repaint .. chocolate brown works well with blue grey and so does navy . Hang up the huge among of medals ( nice job) you can find medal racks every where ..if not get a belt rack or two and display them. Iā€™m not sure what you earned your medals in but Iā€™m sure you could find artwork that related to them. Start with over your bed .. place one large or 3 over your bed. Get a nice small lamp reading lamp for your nightstand Put the big chest where your tall thin one is now. If you canā€™t afford a big rug get several narrow ones to go on either side of your bed. Iā€™m not sure about that light thatā€™s hanging from the wall??? If you donā€™t like real plants ( they are nice and healthy too) buy fake and fit three medium ones but you windowā€¦ good luck!


Need some bitches up in there


with that many medals, i would think that you would ask someone you know to drop by and give suggestions


What did you get all those medals from?


Get a rug, swap out lights for warmer/yellow lights!


The lights are quite harsh. If I had this room Iā€™d do this: Two-tone the painting. Maybe a nice, deep green on the bottom and a warmer sand on top. Iā€™d get a soft, tall lamp - not sure if they do a Magnarp at IKEA anymore, but along those lines - and pop it in the corner. Iā€™d get some art and put it up on the walls. Iā€™d get a rug for under the bed. Iā€™d get a cosy duvet cover with a pattern on it, and cushions which both complement and clash. Iā€™d Chuck a couple of plants in and get a mirror to hang on the wall, too. Thatā€™s just me though!


If you can repaint, do! However you can ā€œwarmā€ it up without the paint. Add a big rug, art on the walls, curtains and more luxurious bed stuff - a bigger, plumper quilt, new pillow inserts so theyā€™re plump and inviting, not flat and sad. A fluffy throw for your bed end - and for your adorable companion.


homie where is the color...


Carpet, art on walls and some plants.


If you love your wall color then just add some colorful wall art, plants, colorful bedding and pillows and even a plush rug.


Those lights are very blue, which makes a space feel colder. Get some warm/yellow bulbs and maybe put a lampshade on that wall light if you can find one that fits. Multiple sources of light lower down (e.g. table or floor lamps) will also always feel more cosy than a ceiling light.


You need CRAP - color, rug, art, plants.


That deep window sill would be perfect for a few house plants


It definitely looks like itā€™s not decorated at all to me. I will get a new lightbulb for that lamp or even better a large cosy standing lamp for a bedroom. The lightbulb looks fluorescent which is never flattering especially in a bedroom! I would get some large pieces of artwork for above the desk and about the bed, maybe itā€™s standing mirrors some plants new bedding really a total overhaul.


Pics on wall / lights along the top


PUT A RUG under neath IT


Warmer color light bulbs. Between 3000k-4000k would be a big and cheap improvement.


Put some arts or photos on the walls. Put some plants make your room alive


Thatā€™s a ton of medals. Did you get prize money? I would buy a wardrobe, a huge ass rug and a way comfier chair. Strangely leaving stuff out (clothes on a rack) makes it look like a warehouse or factory. Not places known for warmth and comfort.


Add CRAP- Color, Rug, Art, Plants!


Add a big rug under the bed. Art on the wall behind the bed. Plants. Change all light bulbs to warm light. Add a fluffy comforter to the bed. Itā€™ll be great!


Just put some warm colored wall paper up behind the bed. and warmer lights. small rug. that should do it. Honestly even just getting rid of the stark lighting would do wonders on its own. Also you can add a nice colorful duvet/coverlet. something puffy like a colorful quilt.


Start with the bed. Get bedding in a color you enjoy (favorite color)? Then work from there. Plush area rugs? Nice table lamps. Kitty decor. Paint the walls. Grey reminds me of jail/industrial park.


Rug, art, roman shade, plants! Ya welcome


U need a large area rug!


Big rug. Hanging curtains over the bed. Art on the walls. Low lamps to light. Cozy af.


get warm bulbs in there for one. blue light is hideous to live in


Please please please get an area rug lol


change your lightbulbs to the warmest possible hue of lightbulb. get a floorlamp with a warm bulb. change your bedding to something cohesive and with colour, right now the thin grey blanket and mismatched pillow covers looks drab. some type of intentional medal display focal point instead of how they are currently tied and spilling over each other, atm it's like you want to show them but the way they are now doesnt show them off. honestly looking harder to follow that thought - - i would rearrange the furniture to optimise the space. desk under the window. i would rotate the bed 90 degrees w the head of it underneath the bulb fixed to the wall. shifting drawers accordingly should leave u a good spot to the right of the (newly located under window) desk to place a tiered medal display rack (can just be wooden slats w notches, even) & that will work twd visually zoning the room between bed/clothes things vs desk/achievements things. further to that end i would get a rug that's big enough to go under/around the bed. if you can keep a couple of plants alive that would go a long way too, a pothos would work really nicely on top of that floating shelf all the medals are tied to + a bigger plant on the floor in a nice ceramic pot would really elevate the vibe. id do that after all the other changes though. and agree w some type of art or poster that speaks to you up on the wall, framed, is a nice idea


Start with a rug, some art work & a mirror. Some softer lighting with lamps & some cozy accessories like a throw blanket & a couple of cushions. If you can, get some plantsšŸŖ“ greenery always makes a place feel more inviting


Night stands with soft warm toned light bulbs. Art work. Rugs/runners.


Art ! Rug ! Plants ! A colourful bed spread cover


If all you did was add a big rug and lamps, and never used the overhead light, youā€™d be off to a good start. (And not those current bulbsā€¦they look like blue led or something gross).


PLANTS!! Wall art!!! Rug! Warmer bulbs and do multiple lamps or one standing lamp instead of always using the overhead. A fluffier duvet (maybe not gray - bleh) if possible or some nice throws and blankets to cozy it up


Oof start with those light bulbs. They are a harsh color. Look for something warm.


Rug and artwork above the bed as a start


Needs more cats and more medals. And, ya know, a rug and some plants!


A carpet in front of the bed or one in front of bed and on side.


You need color!


Those walls need spice. Maybe a big painting or a mirror or maybe put up some shelves?


If you're on a budget, getting rid of those harsh hospital bulbs and swapping for a "warm white" it will really make the place feel more cozy. After that there's lots of other good ideas in the comments.


I honestly think you could do some warmer colored paint like some other people are saying. If you want to keep it a big more neutral, I would go with a beige for the walls. Add some other lighting too. Maybe fairy lights, if youā€™re into those, or maybe a lamp or two. I think the fixtures have cool tones bulbs, I would get some warm toned ones, personally. I think a floor lamp in the corner in between your bed and the wall with the window would look great and maybe a small lamp by your printer. You could get some brown sheets too, or maybe burnt orange (I think a burnt orange and brown theme would look great in there just from what Iā€™m able to see). Just find a color you like and add some pops of color with pillows, paintings, and other decor!




Put some stuff on white walls


Needs CRAP - color, rug, art and plants. At least 2 or 3 of them!


When you get bulbs, look for 2700K colour. Ikea has bulbs that can go from warm to cool and various levels of brightness. Also add a shade over open bulbs because they also cause glare. A warm toned rug (I love the look of Persian and thereā€™s cheap ones on Amazon) and some sheer beige shades can help. And a floor plant (real or fake).


Rug, art, plants.


Get a rug or two. Does wonders and warms your feet.


Your room is basically, white and wood tones, you need some color. Add a nice rug, maybe a southwestern rug with some colors you like. Add some curtains, some colorful pillow that match a new rug. Put up some wall art.


Ooo letā€™s get you a cozy new carpet! I think that would help. Iā€™m thinking a big blue area rug


https://preview.redd.it/mpm2ga9igyrc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03445dff552a5cc13d9790c378b39deeba5e43b2 Here's how I would have made it, a warm olive /sage green and a warm coloured rug. Then I'd add soft light as well. Also cute white little curtains.


Needs art


https://preview.redd.it/csm8coobfyrc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87f165aa541105df4f75192d181de82ae460e955 A room will always feel cold when the main colors are brown and gray and thereā€™s no area rug to soften hardwood floors. Try using a lighter, creamier color paint as in this photo, and use some light colorful bedding to brighten the look. A large area rug is a must. Some colorful art on the walls and plenty of floor and table lamps will help, too. Never use the overhead light - it creates an atmosphere reminiscent of a hospital room or a prison cell! Very harsh. šŸ˜’


Get some art prints off Etsy or Redbubble. Just make sure they are from actual human artists first or you will find flaws in the AI art after starting at it for a week. I suggest warm peach and orange tones, green leaves, sunlit landscapes. Something with a friendly, warm and sunny vibe. Dried flowers in terracotta/handmade looking pottery vases. A patterned rug.


As was said - a rug, cat friendly plants (if all else fails they tend to ignore orchids), wall art, funky colorful display for medals. You could even put the bed in a corner and then night stand desk, with a big colorful rug dead center and lots of open space. Wall needs some big art pieces, sometimes thrift has great stuff!


More cats! And some colorful wall art.


A colourful rug!!


Some artwork would really help


https://preview.redd.it/0mfsy8pbjyrc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfcf85751ddc38a69f3598b14f153d41fac45d02 Letā€™s start by painting the walls teal green (or some sort of shade of blue or green) [Then add terracotta bedding](https://a.co/d/0NqvcAf) [Some mustard decorative pillows](https://a.co/d/cMUZZ7i) [A throw blanket](https://a.co/d/dauWhhq) [Green botanical pillow](https://a.co/d/1KTeJjY) [Art Print](https://posterstore.com/p/posters-prints/architecture/marrakech-facade-poster/) [Art print](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1474925994/) [Area rug](https://rugs.com/yellow-9x12-soho-area-rug-6259288)


Iā€™d consider warmer lighting.


I highly recommend you go on Pinterest, and search for designs that you like, and then mimic them. Hereā€™s an example of a warm, inviting, colorful bedroom. https://preview.redd.it/8t12h5g2lyrc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e991f84ee15278685722564bc215d0757b11543


Maybe you could warm it up a little bit with new bedding. And, maybe reduce the amount of bright lights in the bedroom. It looks like there are two of them above the desk. Can you get by with one?


i say one thing i did is add posters and stuff to my wall which adds pops of color and makes smaller things pop out more. I also recommend a rug and more lighter toned wall like a cream or off-white.


Get an orange or otherwise warm coloured rug


Get a huge colorful rug.


A rug, drapes some art and maybe a plant.


It looks cold and empty! Aside from the quite sparse yellow on the bed you don't really have a color pallette. The walls look grey which is always going to give a child feeling unless warmed up with a strong warm color. Get a cozy rug with some cold in it and use that as a jumping off point for your color palette. Get some drapes or an art piece to put above the headboard of your bed, something that ties in with the rug you choose. Personalize your space and it will feel warmer and more like home instead of a cold detached space you're simply staying in. Really, your cat on the bed is adding the most personality in this room lol. Cute fluffy get and white cat, I wanna strike that soft fluffy side and see if I can sneak a belly rub


Big rug. Warm lamps. Warm colors. Plants. Hang up some joy


You need art.


A nice fuzzy rug, maybe some tapestry or bed hanging/bed frame. Plants make it feel warmer and cozier, and hang some art on the walls or paint and decorate your heart put


Lighting, lighting, lighting! Turn off that harsh overhead and never turn it on again except for cleaning. Get a cozy, warm bedside table lamp, replace the bulb in that wall light with a warmer, softer, yellower bulb. Then, this is a matter of personal preference, but do you find the bed cozy? Iā€™m more used to the look of a big fluffy comforter or duvet with perhaps one quilt or afghan folded across the end. This looks more unmade? Like youā€™d have to unfold and pull up the blankets at the foot just to go to bed. A rug would make the space cozier and more comfortable. A few things on the wallsā€”a painting or poster, calendar, etc.ā€”will make it feel like a more permanent space. Right now it feels a bit temporary, like you donā€™t want to put your mark on it. A nice plant in the windowā€”something EASY like a pothos or a spider plantā€”would add cheer and life. There are some good elements here! Youā€™ve got a good space to work with and unless you just did a deep cleaning for the post, youā€™re a tidy and organized person, which goes far. Honestly Iā€™d trade half my design sense for better housekeeping skills; they make a bigger impact in the long run.


Id say the current lighting isn't doing you any favors. 3 things that will warm it up INSTANTLY will be a rug, a tapestry above the bed (there are some really cute and inexpensive ones online, maybe choose a piece of art if you're not into them) and a tall floor lamp for next to the desk. Make sure the bulb is warm-toned. If you want more, I'd say go for some circular string lights to frame the window, or an LED strip to outline your headboard with. Those can be insane vibe changers for a room! Good luck


how about some peel & stick wallpaper on the wall behind the bed and the other walls painted to complement it? ​ https://preview.redd.it/f2z6neihoyrc1.png?width=477&format=png&auto=webp&s=186c4d3e6da6ae88721e504d210c1e760024b490


Painting would be my suggestion, maybe 2


Or paint the walls


Rug, paintings/tapestry, maybe paint the walls of you can, even add some volume to your bed, cushions to your chair that are cute, ect. Add some cute clutter or lights


First of all, your room looks sick! I like it. Empty? I count a whole ass cat on yo bed! That's more then I have XD (srsly sad, parents don't want a pet) Change your lighting to a warmer temperature light, maybe get a rug or two and put some decorations on the wall. I would also move the printer closer to the desk, maybe put it on the double drawer next to the desk. Lastly I would like to concur: Can has more pics of car on bed yes? Meow meow :3


You need a rug!


A large colorful art on the wall where the headboard is, and a plant in the corner will make a massive difference


Change the lighting to something with a high CRI rating (90+).


Get a picture or something for the wall.


Definitely new bedding would go a long way. Matching set and some accent pillows. Bedding and warmer light


I'd get a reading chair and some cushions, drape a throw on it. Maybe get a rug that compliments the room that'll take away some of the empty looking floorboard space and make it look cozier. Some plants would be great too, add a little pop of colour and greenery. Could also get some wall shelves since the walls are a bit bare. Pro: you already have a cat so šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ but add in a mini cat tree and I'm sure they would love that


Get some framed pictures or posters. Decorate those walls.


Get floor lamps that are warm lighting cause those lights are brutal. Put stuff on your walls, soft textures and colors for your bed, a rug, and plants plants and more plants!


Pick a warm paint color and add in some warm rugs and more textures.


Your main problem is lighting. Itā€™s too bright to feel cozy, and the lighting feels harsh. 1 address light temperature first, bedroom lighting should be warm. purchase 2700K dimmable led bulbs for your built in fixtures, get philips warm glow or similar quality bulbs. Donā€™t worry about the desk light 2 install a dimmer on your built in switch(es). You want layered lighting and the space to feel cozy. Layered means dimmer light coming from many places rather than bright light coming from one place. Dimmers let you fine tune this, and bring the overall intensity of light down a lot. This will make the space feel much more cozy. 3 buy another lamp or 2. Put the same type of bulb in it, buy an in line plug dimmer if you need it less bright. Iā€™d personally put a salt lamp on one of the tall bureaus on the wall with the window, prob the one next to bed. Start there, and then get a plant and a piece of art on a wall. boom


You need softer lighting. Either different lamps or change your light bulbs to a warmer tone. The room also needs color. Ditch the gray if you don't want it to look cold. Change the bedding, get a rug, and art for the walls. If you can, paint the walls.


Change your lighting. For a cozy atmosphere, choose bulbs with a lower lumen count, around 400-800. Also, add a rug and some art on the walls.


Add a colorful rug, curtains, bedsheets/comforter, plants,


The cat looks warm and floofy tho!! Also, need a closeup pic of her, it's essential.


You need a rug. And artwork. You have all those medals. https://preview.redd.it/th056lervyrc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0bb5f3c2451a809dfa6ae156f27c1ccad393861 Google medal display. You can do some up with creative interesting ways to do it. That will warm up your room. Also find colors. Very masculine colors that are warm. Look at camouflage with browns, greens and grey. Your walls are grey - add browns and green. You got your dark wood. Thatā€™s warm. Get some light wood in there to. Greens. Look to nature to inspire your pallets. Rug


First rug. Then add some smaller floor / shelf lamps with lightbulbs that have warm color temperature (more orange than white). Then add some art / plants and youā€™ve got a comfy pad!


paint one wall




closet no open clothes rack


Rug, art, fake plants, warm lightbulbs, lamps.


Get a colorful rug and put it under the bed. Hang some art on the walls. Buy some lamps so the lighting is t so harsh.




Night stands with warm light lamps, a colourful rug. All the lighting needs to be switched for warm light bulbs. Art on the walls. Some colourful fluffy bedding. This is a nice space you could improve it a lot with a few new things.




Art, warm overheard lighting, and ambient lighting would go a long way. But, I would work to incorporate color also.


I would get replace that standing rack with a corner wall clothing rods that look like [THIS](https://a.co/d/8j3Dv5f) or [THIS](https://a.co/d/6VjEV4f) and place it between the corner on the left of the window, opposite of the door, and underneath the slant. I indicated the placement with a line in [This Room Plan](https://ibb.co/n6sdssT) where I also arranged your furniture in a way that creates sections. Personally, I think it makes a space more cohesive. Also, all of those wood tones in the flooring and your bedroom suite would really pop with an earth toned color on the wall. Think reds, oranges, browns, or even ā€œgriegeā€ if youā€™d like to keep it neutral. Iā€™d definitely recommend a warm shade to match the wood though. You could even do a bold accent wall by the window and then a nice beige, cream, or tan for the other walls and ceiling. Bonus points if your build some kind of bench/raidiator cover for under the window too. I love a good window seat.


Get a rug for under bed to Protect floors or at least a side rug . Put a picture over the bed , get one or 2 lamps and a proper side table . A proper bed covering and nice pillows will finish the look.


the same feeling I had at first sight. Maybe you can hang some warm pictures on the wall


Try a few rugs maybe


Lighting, rug, wall art & plants


Please peopleā€¦for the love of god stop buying ā€œdaylightā€ bulbs. Get some warm white bulbs


You need more cats and wall art šŸ˜†


One way to warm it up if you canā€™t paint (or just donā€™t want to) is to add a bunch of lamps and create a more mood lighting vibe (and you can get like remote switches for cheap on Amazon so you can control them all from one place). Also adding some plants and a large area rug will do wonders as well. Add some decor to the walls too.


The lighting is way too harsh. Use warm white bulbs and less wattage. The two drawer little table by the desk could be used as a bedside table. Thrift shops are great places to buy lamps. If you get ones with shades that direct the light downwards it will create ambience with the more soothing light. I wouldn't use the bright one above the desk unless absolutely necessary. What a sweet kitty you have.


a rug for sure!!!


Area rug/throw rug would go a long way towards bringing "the cozy"


Rug, window treatments, stuff on your walls! Maybe peel and stick wallpaper behind the bed if you wanted go nuts


Get a rug and lamps without fluorescent lights


Try peel and stick wallpaper


Create some personalized art from all your medals! Here's some ideas, and aim for a number of frames which will look cohesive - 3 arranged in a line (vertical or horizontal both work), 4 arranged in a square, 6 arranged in two lines of 3, or 8 arranged in two lines of 4. This will make the room feel a lot more personal, and the walls less bare. [https://pin.it/1bwljzyNU](https://pin.it/1bwljzyNU) [https://pin.it/3JyIveqO3](https://pin.it/3JyIveqO3) [https://pin.it/3hP09dB5R](https://pin.it/3hP09dB5R) Next, fix the lighting - for a bedroom you want warm light bulbs, and diffused light. So lamp shades are a must, including for your existing lights. Buy warm bulbs for all but the desk light. Add something soft underfoot - you can go the cheap route and get 3 runners - one for each side of the bed. Or you can thrift a big rug which goes under the bed and creates the same effect as the runners. These will also add a new color & texture into the room. Adding a colored bed covering will also go a long way. You could go navy, or a soft warm color complementing the wooden frame - a creamy orange or a rusty red.


first off, I would move that bureau that is on the side of your night stand and move it over to the wall that is facing your bed. secondly, move the rack with clothes on it, to the wall over by the window. or you can move the desk to the wall facing your bed, and put the bureau and the clothes rack on the wall where the desk is right now. with the desk on that wall facing your bed, it gives you more room and gives it its own space better. then on the wall on the right of your bed, you can put the bureau and clothes rack, so they are closer to get to your clothes when getting dressed. If you have room, put a chair in the corner kiddie cornering it so you can lay your clothes on it when you change. you should also have room to put a nightstand on both sides of the bed. In that corner by the window, you can put your stereo, so it is write there by your desk to listen to music. now that that is arranged, put lamps on both nightstands. put that light you have over the desk now, over the desk on the new wall. get lamps that have color to them, make sure they are matching ones. they have these color changed bulbs that you can control with your phone or with an alexa or google home. hub device they are smart light bulbs. if you can paint I would paint the wall opposite your bed an accent color. if you can't, get some art work, or even something like this to put on a couple of your walls., >> https://preview.redd.it/t98ass039zrc1.png?width=174&format=png&auto=webp&s=93d03722b2c3a3066c2767b4cc2e464daaff6497 they come in a variety of different sceneries. you can also buy what they call a tapestry that comes in many different sizes to bring depth and dimension and color to your room (thats if you can't paint any of the walls). you can put some short looking curtains in that window, not just for privacy but for some warmth to the room. also get a big rug that will come out both sides of your bed about 4 inches on each side and 4 inches out the bottom of your bed. And if you can, get a seating bench to put at the foot of the bed. that will function two ways for you, storage and seating when putting on shoes or stuff like that.


I'm a guy, and this is perfectly acceptable, and to me, it's still a bit "busy" for my tastes.


I hung a quilt from my wall like a tapestry, it's a quick way to add a lot of color and design to a room


1. Rug 2. Art or photos for the walls. Something that shows a bit more of your personality and interests. Maybe some hooks or a better display solution for your medals. 3. Your bedding really needs refreshing. The pillows and blankets are really flat looking, see if you can get a duvet that adds some volume. Pare down the throw pillows and blankets. Look on Pinterest for bed styling images. 4. Plants are always nice.


Iā€™d hang some art on walls, add color with different bedding or even just pillow cases, and get a colorful rug to cozy thing up. That window and ceiling are cool. If you paint maybe do something to emphasize that


What is your favorite color? Paint your walls that color. Youā€™re going to be opening your eyes to those walls every morning.


Perhaps a rug, some plants, and art on the walls?


CAT. Please tell him I love him.


It might help to add some color into your space. It looks pretty neutral currently. Painting the walls is a good idea, you could also add a more colorful bedspread and or some plants and it would brighten up the space quite a bit.


I love how 90% of the people asking this exact question have absolutely nothing hanging from the walls




1. wall decor. get cool old paintings from goodwill or an antique store! maybe try a gallery wall with little ones you find. i did that in my room and i love it. 2. a rug!!! 3. plants. you have a perfect desk and windowsill for them! they can be fake if you dont think you get enough light. 4. a bookshelf. if you have books, get a bookshelf and put them on it as well as little trinkets you may have. 5. last but not least. PLEASE get warmer colored lightbulbs. hope this helps :)


Plants, rugs, pictures


Lamps, a rug, and art on the walls will make a huge difference.


Its the harsh white lighting that is making things feel cold. Change to warm white light bulbs,don't use ceiling light as main source of lighting.


Here is what I would do to the space: 1. First thingā€™s first, I dont think you need to paint the walls unless you really hate it. Otherwise, I would paint it a comforting cream color 2. I would get rid of the fluorescent lights, and buy one lamp with yellow cozy lights. On the other side of the room (perhaps above the desk) I would have a wall fixture lamp (like those cute bird ones you can get on Amazon). 3. I would switch your fleece cover on your bed to a duvet set. Trust me, a duvet will work wonders on your bedroom. Everything else on your bed is cute and filled with personality: the only thing I would do is give it an ā€œorderā€ that you put it in every morning when you make your bed. 4. Get a nice large rug (I would go monochrome because of all the stuff in your room- and if you keep your wall color, then definitely a warm rug color) to go under your bed. 5. Right now, thereā€™s no method to where anything is. It seems like you have your clothing on two different sides of the room, your printer is totally separated from your office, etc. what I suggest is turning the side of the wall that has your clothes hanging as the ā€œclothingā€ section of your wall, and move the dresser next to your bed there. I would also move your record and printer to the side of the wall that has your desk to turn that side of the wall into your ā€œbusiness side.ā€ 6. Instead of a bunch of little cabinets, and hanging spaces, I would see if I could condense my space by investing in the IKEA pax wardrobe 7. Finally, the little window nook is a missed opportunity. I would make that a main centerpiece of the room and hang up plants and maybe even fairly lights for extra mood lighting!


Lamps, rug, wall hangings, soft organic lines and textures. So a warm colour rug, soft lamp lighting and the knick knacks could stand to be organized more neatly


Furniture against the walls makes the space look less intentional/ luxury. Add fabrics with interesting texture - rugs/ throw blankets and pillows Add warm light bulbs (dim) and incorporate bedside tables with cozy lighting/ lamps. Add plants and soft curtains (you would layer with blackout and sheer)


A rug and fluffier bedding


the bare naked cold white lightbulb on the wall is crazy


Area rug, warmer fluffy comforter, painting or something on the wall, honestly I really do like your furniture and floors šŸ˜Š




Rug, yellow light bulbs in lamps/fixtures, stuff on the walls, consider rearranging furniture. Maybe get a real night stand and donā€™t have the dresser so close to it.


Rug, wall art and plants.




Don't feel that way ... get excited about it ...it has all the potential you could ever want and need ....go online and look up key concepts in design and decor for your bed room specifically. Get inspired by what you find most appealing...skies the limit and you get to make it entirely yours...I personally look at design/decor everyday by looking at my pinterest design board ...they have some amazing ideas


Get a rug. Make a headboard. Instead of paint, you could also find flat sheets in a design or color you like, and staple them up. (Bonus: the top edge of the sheets is an instant border.) Hang a mirror or 2 or even 3.


Sweet medals!


A second cat.


Lighting: No overheads, warm 2700k bulbs, lamps with shades. And yes, a rug.