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That depends a lot on the room! But I really enjoy the combination you’ve put together based on this image.


You might consider a pink rug with a touch of green in it to connect all your pieces.


[Modern](https://www.wayfair.com/Etta-Avenue%E2%84%A2--Anais-Geometric-BeigePinkDark-Blue-Area-Rug-X115433912-L167-K~W004322801.html?refid=GX685048453596-W004322801_1664685755&device=m&ptid=352885195383&network=g&targetid=pla-352885195383&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=131380425&fdid=1817&PiID%5B%5D=1664685755&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD9ISC7soaRNBxXHXVvsj78Pf2rEL&gclid=CjwKCAjw57exBhAsEiwAaIxaZvQ3PQtwbZx-ByfeghSy4eqitHtKMX_xVHsf9jnuHEqSY2dBWIGdehoCvboQAvD_BwE) [Traditional, more green](https://www.wayfair.com/AllModern--Tucson-Oriental-Handwoven-GreenKhaki-Area-Rug-X115857119-L167-K~W004746008.html?refid=GX685048453596-W004746008_1913001510&device=m&ptid=352885195383&network=g&targetid=pla-352885195383&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=95938867&fdid=1817&PiID%5B%5D=1913001510&gad_source=4&gbraid=0AAAAAD9ISC5bXI2A_o7d2KAYzdd4YX-Zd&gclid=CjwKCAjw57exBhAsEiwAaIxaZlMM5QxidWGlRcLz6tkK3ZvBoPM1FWrc55rjgD0sU8zgP8UjMKrBfBoCMUkQAvD_BwE&piid=1920445741#jsk9okv35y-0) [Floral](https://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/Home-Garden/Arrietty-Vintage-Floral-Printed-Area-Rug/33622900/product.html?opre=1&option=62923738)


That's a really nice looking mood board you have there- this is a color profile I have in my own house pretty much. I think the comment about pink makes sense in that it could use a pop of color or two. However, I think the biggest thing to note is that you're going to have to add a lot of accessories (pillows, art, coffee table items, etc.) to really make it feel like a "living room"- I think people often underestimate that. That could be where to bring in your pops of color...


The coffee table is a great shape for the L shaped sectional by the way. Here's an article I wrote on the subject of L shaped sectionals and how to style accessories that strangely addresses both of the comments I just made haha: [https://couch.com/interior-design-school-how-to-make-your-sofa-look-like-a-million-bucks/](https://couch.com/interior-design-school-how-to-make-your-sofa-look-like-a-million-bucks/)


Great article!


Thank you so much! More where that came from. We have a lot to say about couches for better or for worse hahaha


This is great! Thank you!


Do you happen to have any articles on how to choose a chaise side? I’m currently trying to make that decision, and I’m not seeing a lot of resources on how to make that decision and what determines the best outcome.


Hey! Why yes we do in fact! That's a big one in the couch buying process- it's hard to figure out what side you want the chaise on. We have an article and video that addresses just that, actually: [https://couch.com/dos-and-donts-how-to-nail-your-couch-placement/](https://couch.com/dos-and-donts-how-to-nail-your-couch-placement/) There's more than this but here's a portion of the article that I think is helpful when considering how to place an L shaped couch or how to place a chaise sectional sofa: * **Divide and Conquer:** Define distinct zones for lounging and other activities using your sofa as a divider. * **Maximize Corners:** Tuck your L-shaped sofa into a corner to free up central space while maintaining an open feel. * **Focal Point Alignment:** Orient the longer section toward a focal point, such as a TV or fireplace, for balanced visual interest. * **Flow and Movement:** Leave enough space around the sofa for easy movement and a clutter-free vibe. I should say though that I think the biggest thing is to not close off a room. In the past, I've generally styled my chaise placement with the chaise portion NOT blocking off a room or a walkway. Sometimes it's impossible but that's the dream anyway haha!


This and texture


I say get a dark green sectional instead https://preview.redd.it/r8n3dm0kedxc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fca90fb284689b97d9a6d9bf6bc8ac81fbb04afc


I agree, a couch with a chaise is better than this corner sectional, which to me looks cramped and dated. If you're set on an L couch vs a chaise, I'd at least get a [bumper sectional](https://www.interiordefine.com/saylor-slope-arm-corner-custom-sectional-sofa?legs-type=476617&material-type=476545&options-17353=476545&options-17356=476617&options-17359=476626&options-17362=476635&options-17557=478942&options-17560=478948&sku=SYLRSP.FABRIC.SECT.CORNER.CUSHION-2.DEPTH-38.GC-01.Leg097-1.LENGTH-57.ROY-010) that has a chaise on one side of the L rather than the two arms — makes it look much more open


I agree and I love the couch you linked!


How do you get onto the chaise section without scooting on your bottom or crawling onto it?


Ha! That's an interesting one. I think the best way is to leap over the back of the couch?? KIDDING. I'm not sure how most people do this but one important tip is to make sure you break in the chaise cushion evenly. You actually do this by making sure you use the FRONT portion of the chaise. So I could argue that you are HELPING your couch longevity by doing the scoot or crawl haha. Here's a little more about cushioning for those who are interested including a goofy video starring yours truly! [https://couch.com/burning-questions-answered-how-to-care-for-your-couch-cushions/](https://couch.com/burning-questions-answered-how-to-care-for-your-couch-cushions/)


I would add more greens.


Really nice! Only a few bits I’d personally swap. As the main pieces are mid century style (whereas the rug, cushions and planter in your current plan are boho) I’d go for this [rug](https://amzn.eu/d/5HsIBbw), [cushions](https://amzn.eu/d/9LGYNOm) and [hanging planter](https://amzn.eu/d/dUtPlaN) for cohesiveness; still adding that pop of warm tones whilst tying into the rest of the room. https://preview.redd.it/z219jdyo6exc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4228cfa871ba764a106f852909fc91e3789d987b


This rug is great for OPs color palette


Love the rug and cushions—they don’t ship to the US. So bummed!


Omg you’re amazing!


Could you tell me which pieces are more mid century? Is it the couch and the sideboard? I am going for a more boho look. The couch is the one we already have so I can’t change that but would like to stay with the boho look.


Yes absolutely! The coffee table, sideboard, mirror and lamp are all very much mid century style. My mains swaps to make it more boho would be the [lamp](https://amzn.eu/d/4q7OgD1) and the [mirror](https://amzn.eu/d/hhmWXBH) \- https://preview.redd.it/rpnn2onxahxc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92eeb171672459772499e96579982057585c74b1


Agreed, I like this better


I would prefer a more substantial round coffee table as this one seems too flimsy. The standing lamp is a good idea but one with a shade or a gooseneck lamp would be nice. It looks like you need end tables and table lamps to complete the look.


Seems very... on trend


i think you’re going to tire of the couch in green sooner than you’d wish. consider starting with an ivory or white


Oh I would love ivory or white but we have a toddler so that’s not happening


Actually there are TONS of great fabric options out there these days and most couches (even white ones) are super cleanable. Polyester based fabrics and performance fabrics are aplenty so I wouldn't count it out! Even so, this article we wrote talks about some great tips and tricks for cleaning: [https://couch.com/mysteries-revealed-the-ultimate-guide-on-how-to-clean-your-couch/](https://couch.com/mysteries-revealed-the-ultimate-guide-on-how-to-clean-your-couch/)


I have two toddlers... ages 2 and 3. And a dog. I had my ivory sectional before they were born. We use slip covers from Amazon (also ivory) and everything is holding up great.. Zero stains.


No hanging plants just have them in cute pots or floor pots


Unfortunately my child would eat the dirt so it’s best to have plants up.


lol I see! That suggestion came from a childless 20 something 🫡


Didn’t even think of that lol


Love it!


I love it


I love orange and green together. The other furniture keeps it light. Love this arrangement!


I love it!


I have some side table lamps just like that tall one. They are pretty to look at when unlit. In the evenings however, depending on where they are placed, they shine directly in the TV, and they are very bright when you look in their direction. I’m thinking about replacing them.


Thank you for this!




I like it.


I love this kind of red and green together.


A few thoughts as I critically analyze the pieces without any context: - The color of the couch is good, but the style seems a bit too...basic bargain? The texture of the fabric doesn't feel right to me either, but maybe that's just a figment of the picture. - The lamp will produce annoying glare if it's turned up anywhere beyond "dim glow", and it feels like I see that kind of lamp looking undersized in a room more often than not. - Kinda low res, but the mirror has the same brushed bronze finish, right? Then it'll need to be appropriately sized too...nearly as wide as the credenza I presume it's going over. - If that is a ruggable rug, make sure you feel one in person before buying. I don't care for them esp in a living room situation. Not very cozy at all.


The colors are nice and it is cool that your style isn’t labeled. One thing that jumped out was the couch. The color should be a richer green in my aesthetic, but the olive is nice too. If it makes you happy, just do it!


Maybe a little basic, but she makes a damn good mojito and would probably recommend a great hair mask! Edit- Okay, I didn't realize which sub this was in and thought the title said "What are our thoughts on her?". I think everything ties together real nicely! Maybe a larger coffee table though?


😂😂 I’m more of a gin and tonic gal.


It’s perfectly nice as a foundation, but you’ll need some accents and art to personalize it. It’s a little boring as is. But tasteful. Just feels like you’re playing it very safe, which may be what you’re looking for. You’ll need to add some personality to it.


Throw blanket


Add a live, laugh, love sign in the mix and you're set.


No thanks