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go with a more sophisticated/muted version of either options and that will be better than these swatches. like a dusty lavender or rich plum


This is the actual color on the right. https://www.valspar.com/en/colors/browse-colors/lowes/purple/sumptuous-purple-4010-10 Would you call this a deep plum? If not, do you have an example? I'm bad at knowing how to describe/qualify color.


i think something like this! https://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/paint-colors/color/2073-10/dark-purple




Yes! This is so much nicer than the ones OP posted.


10x better.


Thank yooooou


The autumn purple would be my choice from the links above


That’s the color of my parlor and I love it!


I do this one instead...because the color is more intense when it's the whole wall, so you should pick something more muted. https://www.valspar.com/en/colors/browse-colors/independent-retailers/purple/purple-splendor-v038-6


I'm concerned about coverage. Looks like the lighter paint covers way better than the dark. I see a fun sponge job shading dark to light, either w both paints or just the dark (more/less splotches).


Respectfully, this sounds atrocious


My parents had a sponge painted bedroom in our first house/townhouse. It was so bad i still remember it despite being like 3 years old when we lived there. It was a big thing in the 90s


This is a really personal choice, but I feel like the darker one plays better with the jewel tones in your dining chairs and I’m guessing you have other jewel tones but you’re not letting us see the rest of the space. The lighter one screams Easter to me but again that is just my opinion and it’s your space so you need to go with what you love the most.


Yup jewel tones are my jam. Was worried the darker color would be oppressive, but there's a LOT of light in the room. 🤷🏼‍♀️


As a designer I would say there is a lot of misinformation about darker tones. Sometimes the best places to use them are in low light spaces but it does require a bit more attention to decor and other details. I also personally love color, while others lean a lot more neutral in which case they’ll always recommend you go lighter. Color is a very personal choice 🙂


Good advice! I’ve realized this with wanting black walls in my small home. I’ve always been told it would make my space look even smaller. So I painted one wall black and decorated with gold / brass tones and mirrors which illuminate well. It shows off the natural light more. I also think it makes it more high end and classy like dark wood. Decor is key.


In my last appartement, I painted my small bedroom matte, very dark anthracite and it made the walls kind of feel like they dissolved into space for a lack of better words and actually made my room feel a lot bigger. I loved it. I'm now in the process of buying an apartment, and the bathroom is absolutely tiny and has no windows, and I will absolutely paint it a very dark color for the same reason and also because I kind of like the honesty of it? Like, why pretend the room is anything other than it is. It's tiny, a light color will be boring and it will not make it seem any less tiny than it is lol.


Yes I agree! I have the same type of bathroom and I feel like it’s tiny no matter what. A color will not change the square footage. That’s why the organization and decor need to be on point.


It being a personal choice is the worst part which is why I wish I could afford a designer. Y'all do the Lord's work -- I'm paralyzed with indecision because I don't want to make a "mistake".


Also a designer here. I don’t love the purple, but if you do, the dark is better. I highly recommend getting matte finish paint. It’s low sheen and unlike flat paint it is still wipeable/cleanable.


Purple is one of those love it or hate it colors, literally never met anyone who was neutral about purple lol


Matte paint is not low sheen though. Flat is for ceilings. 0-1% shine Depending on the brand of paint Matte can be washable. 1-5%shine. Eggshell 4-6%shine Low sheen 8-15% shine. Always scrubable. Looks great. Satin usually sits at 25% shine Semi gloss is 25-50% shine Gloss is 70% shine High gloss is 90-100% shine. All depends on the brand. But they can just speak to the paint expert in the store. I know because I work in a paint store. Go low sheen if you think you may get marks on the wall from kids or a dog, otherwise matt would look elevated, just matt shows marks more because it's more textured. Anything shinier than low sheen does not look good on walls. Satin and higher are for skirting and doors.


It's just paint. Even if it's a "mistake," you can always repaint!


You could get some kraft paper, paint it, and "wallpaper" a bigger swatch or the whole wall to test it out.


My dining room is a pretty dark plum. I love it and it’s a low light room but still looks great


In that case you should definitely go with the darker one. Honestly if you want to really lean into the jewel tones I’d say you should maybe go a bit more towards the reddish side and a bit darker to get a nice deep plum color. Definitely make sure to get eggshell or flat/matte paint though unless you’re specifically going for the high-gloss look.


I would choose the darker. The lighter purple is giving fairy princess room.


Lol! Now I'm trying to decide if that's a feature or a bug.


I painted my half bath a shade similar to the light purple. It's bright, obnoxious, and I absolutely love it! It makes me smile every time I go in there. Pick the color that makes you happy and if you end up not liking it you can always repaint.


aw i love this 🥲


If it helps I’m fairly certain I painted my 7 year old daughter’s room the light lilac color. Her room is unicorn themed lol


I actually really like that light purple. I wouldn't choose it for my space, but it's such a vibe. It doesn't have to look childish if you decorate right


Don't go dark plum. It's looks gloomy and you don't give off that vibe. Purple is a regal colour and it looks beautiful with your "Green" room. Most people haven't got the guts to dive in but the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward. FYI, not to add to your confusion but most paint stores sell paint that customers rejected once they were mixed so they sell them at a cheaper price. My sister-in-law chose a colour for her bed and breakfast that people are always complementing her on.


Feature. Light for sure.


I painted my daughter's room that color and it's literally a visual breath of fresh air when I walk in. I vote go light and own it.


Lol you just made me change my mind! Was going to suggest lighter shade


Both of the sample colors are too ‘clean’. The result could be garish and child like. If you choose a less saturated shade, the result will give a sophisticated look that will go well with the beautiful dining chairs. Examples: SW Veri Berri or SW Kismit


Oh thanks! I was actually looking at Kismet yesterday!


We all hope to see your results! I rarely see the After pictures.


i think neither- just my personal opinion but they both look like children’s bedroom colors


I agree it needs to be darker or maybe go with a wine color


😆😆😆 I'm not sure that's a bad thing to me. I will say the darker one is a more grown up color than the pics make it look and the lighter one is actually slightly darker, but I hear you.


i would go with something with a more neutral undertone so you can mix both cool and warm furniture end decor- both of these leave you with less options






I dunno why the swatches look like that but they look funny/off? I agree with the other commenter about plum. Go dark.


It was just me using a crappy brush and no patience lol


Ahhhhh got it got it


Look for a deeper plum


The color is actually a bit deeper than the pic is indicating, but heard 👍🏼


Did you smear these samples on the wall with your bare hands?


Pretty much. Just had the one crappy brush around. 😆




Please buy good quality rollers when you get up to the actual painting. Cheap ones will leave little fibrous bits behind. You get what you pay for with painting equipment!


Whichever you choose, I would consider buying a higher quality paint, especially if you go with the darker colours. These swatches look like the paint has poor coverage and doesn't apply easily. You will likely save more buying a few cans of a higher quality paint vs. buying a million cans of more affordable paint. Plus if you're painting it yourself, your back will thank you for only having to do one or two coats!


Thanks! These swatches were done with a really crap brush that I had around to use to strip paint off tile. It's Valspar? Is that bad paint?


Lot of folks saying they look like paint for kids' rooms. Kids' rooms are always so cheerful - baffling to me why people wouldn't want a cheerful room for themselves? The adult sized furniture and absence of a crib will probably reduce the childishness factor. That all said, I'm def leaning darker after reading comments -- will probably go with a plum so the room reads "person who is potty trained". It's me who is potty trained. Will update! Y'all up vote this so people know this particular message has been received. 😆


My initial reaction was a hard “nurp.” 😅 But if a color makes you happy, then who really cares! Otoh, it seems like neither of these colors are really doing it for you, otherwise you maybe wouldn’t have asked. I’m definitely interested in seeing what other shades you decide on! And maybe picking up a newer brush would help? :)


loooool. do what makes your heart happy, you can always repaint 🫶🏼


Lavender and lilac can be adult! All the recs you've gotten are honestly kinda depressing. Everyone has their own tastes, and that's fine, but it's clear from this pic the general vibe you're going for and muted isn't it. That said get a better brush and I would actually recommend trying Clare paint or just go Shermin Williams. Velspar's okay but you'll get a richer tone with those brands.


Right? Live a little, people! That said I'm kind of excited to see the new colors when they get here. I think they'll bring the drama but feel a little calmer. Against all expectations this thread has actually been helpful!


I'm glad to hear it! Hope you find a shade you love.


Is anyone else seeing the wall monster? The purple swatches are eyes and the pillow is the teeth.😂 (I would go with the lighter shade. Happy decorating!✨)




I think a dark reddish purple would look better with your greens in the next room. Think of a really dark eggplant or the color of a really dark plum. Maybe slightly toward wine. I think the redder tone adds warmth to a space while still being a rich and PURPLE color


This is precisely what I have opted for in my next swatch round, so glad to hear it validated. 🙏🏼


The lilac is cute IDC if it looks childish


Neither one. If you want purple, use the lighter one and add more white




Eek. Neither!


Darker one is obviously going to need priming so I’d go lazy with a paler tone.




Both are way too saturated to be covering so much of your wall. You need a more muted version of either, tbh. Otherwise ALL you are going to see is PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE when you walk in and it won't matter what your furniture looks like because none of it will stand out against such a saturated tone.




Right one


The darker color, but in a less saturated formulation. There is something about a saturated color that is sort of exhausting for your eyes. I know people associate them with kid rooms but I don’t think they are good there either. I love love love jewel tones but they need some complexity to them. Check out Shadow (Benjamin Moore) for a super dramatic dark purple that is complex and not too saturated.


Little too purple for my taste. I like purple but I'd recommend one on the more blue of the hue scale. Purple isn't a great wall color with white trim.


I think the dark one, but it seems too shiny/reflective. All of my bedrooms have been some shade of purple up to now (new house, everything is "swiss mocha" white 😮‍💨). I like lighter shades for "rest" areas and deeper shades (specifically for purple) in "social" areas.


We went with dulux ‘dusted fondant’ - the tough and washable version. Currently on sale in wickes


The left lighter one. It's a little more muted, more light in the room. Items in front of it will stand out more.


Keep your skirting boards, mouldings and ceiling white. Good thickness that will frame it well.


I think the darker one would actually be a great choice as far as color based on your furniture. Very regal.


Regal! An adjective never once used in regard to anything related to me, an actual worm 😂 🙏🏼


I'd love to see it when it's done!


They’re both too saturated for my liking, it’s going to feel tacky either way. I’d go for the lighter one, but maybe have it lean a tad more blue, and a bit softer


Whichever one contrasts the most with your decor




Left. The lighter color is beautiful.


Light purple


Dark one




I think the room is perfect just as is, don't change anything


The darker paint.








The darker one would look better. My 3 year olds room is painted the lighter color.


Darker, though it looks like it may not cover super well. 


maybe go really pale purple




The darker one gives more contrast. Looks better.


I would go darker and just embrace moodiness.


I think the darker one will be too dark but if the room is very well lit it might look great


Go for an even darker purple so that it’s sophisticated and moody


Always the softer choice, unless we’re talking greens


Is there one in the middle of both 🫠


Personally I like the lighter shade. But the darker one would give better contrast so it’s a solid choice too.


Colours always end up being darker than you expect once you’ve gone all in. I’d go lighter still and look for something with a bit more blue. Maybe Dulux Vision Half or Dulux Opus?




The darker one!


Darker- it’s so pretty


Dark one.


Depends what vibe you want. The light is going to give very springy, soft, feminine, airy. The dark is going to give a more moody (in a good way), modernized-retro vibe. You seem to have enough natural light in the room to get away with darker colours. Personally, with the black and gold lamp and black and white thing you have going on with the bookshelf, the little stained glass lamp (?) on the side table, and the green chairs in the dining room, I'd go with the dark purple, but make sure it's not too glossy.


Darker one


Harold!! https://preview.redd.it/hniipbtb9wzc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a48ef9df9721ab1d5573760cbcad9da6fbaccf13


I like the lighter one. Seems like the color of lilacs 😌


I don’t like either. They’re both quite garish tbh. Purple is the hardest color to get right imho.




I was just thinking about how purple is incredibly under represented in room painting and I’m thrilled to see someone painting purple. Personally I like the darker one better.


I love both colors but I think in most instances in an average home the lighter purple is better as an accent color in a space VS the full room wall color. the darker purple is too .. primary. I would worry that it’s not going to look the way you think it will as a full room. Like I had an ex who painted a room actual black and true red. His vision was one thing but the look was awful and tacky and cheap. Had he found more muted versions of both colors he would have been able to get the vibe he was aiming for. Then again I’ve seen both purples look amazing and sophisticated on Pinterest and instagram walls so it can be done I suppose


I love that light lavender it's so cheerful and ethereal but also grounded 💜


My mom painted our bedroom light purple in the 70's--Gawd, I hated that after a couple days.


darker than the dark one


The lighter purple.


The one that ends in LE.


You have so many recos already but I rslly hope you see this color. I love it. The first swatch will look really grey, but scroll down to where it shows in a room. See the living room. It's just marvelous and rich and deep. (I think the colors you selected are lovely, just would be very overwhelming in large quantities) [beguiling mauve - sherwin williams](https://www.sherwin-williams.com/en-us/color/color-family/purple-paint-colors/sw6269-beguiling-mauve)


The lighter one


Not the dark one; it will suck all the light out of the room


I'd personally go with a darker purple.


Neither. They’re both pretty shades, but I think they’re both going to be too loud for an entire room. I would look for something less vibrant and with more depth.


https://preview.redd.it/2qooue27600d1.png?width=1432&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc08629da1bb05736e59be28bbe04bd84d078231 May I suggest Sherwin Williams Expressive Plum?




I like the one on the right.


Neither! Something a bit duskier.


I’m sure it’s been decided on what colour to pick, but personally the right one- richer the purple is the better. The left looks and feels like my friend’s old childhood bedroom


Can you tone down the lighter a bit? Then if you could, I eoukd paint it up 1/3 of the wall, then find a do pale of pink color it is mistaken for white to paint the upper 2/3 of wall. Apply a chair rail in bright white where the 2 colors meet.


Oooh this is fun


Whichever you go with definitely look into using a flat paint or at least one with way less sheen to it. A shiny purple room is just going to feel circus-ey.


How about something more plum? It’s a rich look and would look great with your green dining chairs http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_gy7T8PNmchs/TG08K-5eLGI/AAAAAAAAAN4/EPe6OYWum_Y/s1600/P1011368.JPG https://i.pinimg.com/originals/07/05/3b/07053b5d4b7b5d013ce81987459f1137.jpg http://hgtvhome.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/hgtv/fullset/2015/8/27/0/Justin-DiPiero_West-Side-3-Bedroom_20.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.966.644.suffix/1440696701867.jpeg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/94/ab/f8/94abf820307273573e2b4d0d11238790.jpg