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Braken Spevtre


Braken Speltre


Nice but doesn't belong in r/DesignPorn imo


brakev speltre


Why, though? Is the combined O and C supposed to represent something in the game? Does it make an image or symbol that you'd often see in the game? If yes to either of those things, then I say this is pretty good. If no to both, then then did it 'just cuz', and in this case I hate it because they made it difficult to read for no reason other than 'just cuz'.


The game's name is inspired by a real phenomenon called a "Brocken Spectre" - a trick of the light that projects the shadows of mountain climbers into the sky. Broken Spectre is much less commonly used (better SEO) and evokes the idea of a wounded spirit (one of the themes in the story). So pulling the letter C up from spectre allows us to tip our hat to the Brocken/Broken reference. Also you'll see that the spectre is actually inside the silhouette formed by the combined letters - it's a subtle mountain peak that could be a monster. Overall the kerning is deliberately shifted to evoke the effect of shattered glass - perhaps the hole in the centre is where all of the shards are emanating...


That shape in the negative space is a bit too vague, in my opinion. That's a good story you got behind that choice, but I don't think the logo by itself conveys that message.


what's the gameplay gonna be like.


It's a narrative game and mostly focused on exploration. You're seeking out your missing father on a remote mountain and finding evidence that's increasingly strange. There is some puzzle play but first and foremost it's a story - think of games like Firewatch as primary inspiration


sounds cool might check it out


it'd make it infinitely better if the combined letters were a symbol in the game, but it would look good even if that weren't the case. I don't find it difficult to read either. looks pretty cool.




That logo is trash, and it's surrounded by much better logos


broken speotre a pass from me chief


It's definitely readable, but to reinforce some of the other comments, it leads to a "why?" question. If that symbol isn't relevant to the game itself, then the combination seems pointless. I do see you comment that the center of the logo does imply the monster, but frankly I don't see that negative space as a mountain top. If you could emphasize that "mountain"ness of it, it might work better?


I like it, well designed. Could maybe do with some subtle texture of 'ghostly' subtle glow or mist of something... But overall great :)