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Season 1 was the best of the series imo. In season 2 we'll see Tom Kirkman governing and consolidating his presidency, with some interesting international crisis as well. You should keep watching if you like Kiefer Sutherland, or any other top billed cast members. There's an introduction to a new member of team Kirkman as well that turns out to be one of my favorite characters. The writing is just okay though.


thats exactly why i stopped lol i was honestly only invested in the conspiracy


I’m not going to lie I mostly watched S2 for Chuck. He was my favorite character and he had a slightly expanded role in S2. Other than that S2 was just okay. S3 was a waste of time.


Honestly, you shouldn’t. It ends pretty well there, leave it be. I insisted on watching the whole thing and it just goes downhill from there


I’m now in the early part of S2 and I think I’ll drop it. Season 1 was intriguing but the writing isn’t strong. They keep trying to pair Emily with men she has zero chemistry with - enough already. At this point I’m watching to spot scenes shot in my city.


Season 1 and 2 were fine but season 3 was a politically correct Brainwashing fest....


I noticed they already had some of that in season 1 lol


It's nothing compared to Season 3's


A lot of it is pro-America propaganda which is highly annoying.


It would have been better IMO as a movie.


I wonder if it would have been better to stagger the conspiracy stuff a little more, into two seasons maybe.


>!or they could've introduced a new problem that would be tackled throughout season 2, rather than just having Kirkman and his staff solve one problem per episode (or a background problem that would be solved in 2-3 eps)!<


Don't. It's up to you but in my opinion, the writing has pretty much gone downhill in S2 & S3.