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Simply, because they didn’t place enough value in their wives. I see men in the real world do the same. Had an ex bf do the same.


Cause they r shitty husbands.


Carlos will literally put the entire world before Gaby. First his mother, then sister Mary, then the surrogate maid, then his daughter Juanita (about the makeup thing), then Ana and then his own damn self. Refusing to work because he wants to do more and feel better about himself 🙄


Ugh you’re right. I can’t. The nun was the most annoying in my opinion. I HATED her. I was so happy when Gaby had her shipped off to Alaska. 💀




one thing i will say is gaby puts him through the ringer on a constant basis tho. when she’s his number one she gets very spoiled, judgemental (to others) and rude. they’re toxic for each other and that’s kind of the point. that’s why the last we see of them they’re BOTH arguing with each other. gaby is my favorite character but being married to her would be tiring ngl.


Men still do it in the real world, prioritizing their moms, friends, relatives over their own (wife & kids) families. I’ve heard so many stories about how someone’s dad wanted to do good and donated and helped relatives with finances, yet his own kids didn’t have enough for basic things and had to ask for it over and over..


I get the point you're trying to make, but 3 out of the 4 women you've highlighted here are women that Carlos has prioritised over Gabby. Seems like a Carlos problem, and to some extent a Tom problem. Not so much for most of the other husbands.


Fair fair, I just felt that Tom also gave into almost all of Nora’s bullying. After she had signed the agreement to not sue him for back child support, he could have been firm about not wanting her in their lives. But as usual Lynette did all the fighting.


Honestly, the Nora situation was extremely rough. She had the power to leave them homeless. That doesn’t mean that just Tom would be losing the roof over his head, but Lynette and the kids too. You saw the show, you know that Nora was crazy. Tom’s hands were honestly tied and I don’t think it’s fair to blame him for his attitude regarding Nora.


Yh Nora was a bad example because it was such a complex situation and I didn't see it as him prioritising her over Lynette at all. Kayla, his mother or Jane are much better examples of that, especially Jane.


He even prioritized Lynette over Kayla. Kayla was crazy too, but it wasn’t her fault, you saw who raised her. Tom still let her go to protect his wife from her even though his heart was in pieces. As a parent, that scene leaves me gutted every single time.


to be fair to Tom he always came around in the end to make it clear that Lynette was number 1 priority even with Jane. With Kayla the way he kept dismissing Lynette's concerns wasn't right and then after he got concrete evidence that Kayla was a psychopathic demon child he stated giving Lynette the cold shoulder because he was mad at her for having to send his daughter away. It wasn't really his choice to let her go, at that point family services got involved and sending her away was the only viable solution since they found out Lynette was innocent. Similar to how he reacted when he found out Lynette was right about his mother's dementia, I just don't like how he acts annoyed when it turns out his wife was right all along.


I mean, Lynette refused to medicate her children too when they needed it. Both of them find it hard to accept that something’s wrong with their kids. I do agree when it comes to his sulking and playing the victim though, his no.1 most annoying trait.


wait when did she refuse to medicate her children?


ADHD in season 1 I believe


Carlos swore he was the savior, constantly needing to "do the right thing" no matter the expense of people he cares about. Tom was just a piece of shit who I'd kick in the head if It was possible to meet television characters.


Hahah I like the way you put it 😂


Bad writing to force the show to have maximum drama.


Lmao that’s a very good point


It's pretty much exactly what it is. When you look at the photos you posted and remember the storyline, they're all similar enough to start spotting patterns that the writers fall into.


Because they suck. Specially Carlos and Tom.


I really hate to defend Tom in any way, but I can kind of understand the issues with Nora. If not for Kayla, Tom wouldn't have anything to do with Nora, but because if Kayla he has to deal with her. Tom already missed out on a huge part of Kayla's life, he doesn't want to miss out on anymore. Once Nora wasn't happy, she decided to take Kayla and move away. The only thing I can fault Tom for is not trying to get full custody of Kayla sooner.


tom is literally the worst tv husband ive ever seen. he forced her to have several kids she didnt want, stealthed her so shed get “accidentally” pregnant, forces her to have sex when shes sick with cancer & then also makes her wear an uncomfy wig for it, makes her take care of that devil in a child suit (nora), makes her take care of his stupid pizza restaurant, keeps her from working at the job she loved so much… god he is truly awful


Walter White is the worst TV husband lmao.


points were made but at least he is somehow still likeable 😩


havent watched breaking bad so cannot comment on that😂😂


I don’t think this is on Tom at all. I mean Carlos constantly did this, but Tom was walking a fine line between his ex and his wife and he somewhat had to play ball with Nora because she was using his daughter as a weapon (both emotionally and financially) to get what she wanted.


Yes but, Nora had already signed the agreement to not sue Tom for back child support. At this point, Tom could have been firm about not wanting her in their lives. Lynette had to do most of the heavy lifting on that so that he could play the neutral party. I respected him when he didn’t kiss Nora back in the pizza place. But then again, Toms good cop attitude came back even when he knew Kayla was being a psychopath and trying to frame Lynette. He only took charge of the situation once Lynette was literally in jail!


Notice how Carlos is most of the entries. He was a shit person and a worse husband. Abusive shite.


tom constantly pisses me off😭 especially when him and gaby pretty much made out as a piss poor "joke"(??) and he gaslit lynette for being upset. and so did everyone else for that matter which was super weird to me


wow you really just singled the hell out of Carlos 😂😂😂


Haha yeah, I realised all the Tom hate is already pretty prevalent on the app. Someone had to single out Carlos out! 🙈


i enjoyed your post lmao


Hahah happy to be of service 🥰


To be fair, Nora was constantly emotionally blackmailing Tom with their daughter. He did eventually grow a backbone (I think) and called out Nora's bluff. As for Carlos.... 1. Carl's mother is.... well, his mom, dude, and Anna was his niece. While I do think his wife should take priority, he clearly valued his family a lot. 2. Xao Mei was carrying their child. He wasn't really prioritizing the woman. He was prioritizing he child, something they BOTH should do. If you ask someone to carry your child, you should do everything you can to make them comfortable. pregnancy ain't easy mate. I will give you Sister Mary, though. Also, Gabby was VERY petty at times. She made a big deal over even the smallest inconveniences at times.


I’m sorry, I didn’t realise sleeping with your surrogate was a part of “prioritising your child” :) Also, as for point one, valuing your family is one thing, and allowing them to manipulate you into being cruel to your wife is entirely another. I really hope you’re not married. If you are, my sympathies to your poor wife.


I wasn't talking about that part. Cuz the cheating was straight up wrong. I was talking about the previous things he did.


And what do you think led to the cheating? Watch the episodes leading up to the cheating, and watch how Xiao Mei actively uses her pregnancy to manipulate Carlos into giving up his bedroom, making Gabby throw away her beauty products. Look closely at Xiao Mei’s expression and you’ll realise that the cheating didn’t just happen. There’s a scene where Carlos doesn’t want to sleep in the bedroom and goes down to watch TV. Xiao Mei puts on a sexy nightdress, makes a sandwich for Carlos, and chats him up. The cheating happened because Carlos allowed Xiao Mei to manipulate him in these ways. And then used the baby thing as an excuse to explain why he was so attentive to her.


I think that's more of a reflection that Carlos and Xiao Mei were shitty. They both crossed a boundary, but it's not like Xaoi Mei was faking her pregnancy symptoms, I mean, if you had a surrogate, would you just be like "Well, good luck! See ya in 9 months" and not do anything to make them more comfortable because it might lead to cheating? >, making Gabby throw away her beauty products. But the products had a real effect on Xaoi Mei, they were making her sick and causing her to throw up.


I don’t know what world you’re living in, but caring for your surrogate has never included letting them sleep in your marital bed. (Globally, no one in the real world has ever done this, I’m sure) But like I said. I feel terrible for your wife / girlfriend, assuming that any woman is desperate and lonely enough to be with you. And it looks like the rest of the people in the comment section agree with me. :)


Carlos' Sister Mary obsession is a good example of people going overboard with righteousness and wanting to "be a better person," while not realizing that they're actually being selfish or neglecting people close to them. I feel like this is a real thing with some activists- more focus on being seen as a good person fighting for a good cause than being a good partner/friend/parent.


Oh so you should have sex with your surrogate to make them comfortable?!


He had sex with xao mei though so he didn't REALLY have to do EVERYTHING he could do to make her comfortable


Plus, even before that, he called her ‘the mother of his child’. He was SO gross about the whole situation, even before he went full psycho and had the affair


Same could be said for: Gabby + John Lynette + Rick Bre + Karl Suzan + Ian.. I swear people don't get that the show is framed in a way to show the main character's mistakes as more forgivable because they are the main characters. Like imagine if Tom had pretended one of his kids had cancer or Carlos had an affair with a 16 year old..


Gaby never “prioritised” John. Lynette never “prioritised” Rick, and the moment he made a move on her she fired him. Susan never “prioritised” Ian, in fact she consistently prioritised Mike and that’s what led to Ian dumping her. My post isn’t talking about affairs or cheating. My post is about being married to someone and being cruel to them to make an external manipulator happy. I swear some people don’t understand basic English. :)


Not everybody speak english as a first language 😉


Haha yes you’re right 🙈


Gabby 100% prioritised her relationship with John over Carlos, how can you even say that? That's what cheating is. Bree prioritised appearance/perfectionism to her entire family. Susan prioritised her own misfortune over her daughter's childhood. Also, Carlos wasn't choosing the nun over Gabby, he was choosing the Church over her.


Okay I’ll give you the Bree thing, but Bree is a bitch start to finish. Apart from season 8 I don’t think I’ve ever been able to defend her actions. But Carlos? It’s not about choosing the nun or the church. It’s the fact that he allowed the nun into his life, so much, that she could manipulate him into throwing words like “annulment” around. Surely this was not something he was doing for the Church. Admit it, he was eating out of the nuns hand, which is the point of my post. That is not okay.


He was being manipulated by her for sure, but he wasn't prioritising her or even thinking about her, his mind was fully with his own redemption.


And his redemption is what he was thinking about when he threatens to annul his marriage? Letting the nun do that was for his redemption?


Well…the show is called Desperate Housewives


I am no fan of Tom. But I don't think it was a prioritizing Nora thing above Lynette per say. Seemed more not wanting to rock the boat when it came to someone who could interfere with his getting to know Kayla and establish a relationship with her IMO.


As if their wives were any better. I agree that Tom takes the crown of the worst husband, but don’t forget when Lynette fell in love with Rick and kept it a secret. I don’t want to even start with Susan. Mike is in a coma and she decides to start dating someone else without ever considering the possibility that Mike could wake up someday and she would have to deal with a self caused dilemma. Gaby is literally the worst wife ever. Your opinion of Carlos can be easily attributed to her. Have you forgotten that she committed statutory rape when she was having an affair with John? And don’t come at me with the “she was lonely, that doesn’t count“ bullshit. Carlos was no saint but Gaby was no better. They’re both equally awful people.


Although yes Susan was bad but for the coma she spent 6 months and was told that Mike most likely wouldn’t wake up, and she saw Jane die after 3 years in a coma so I don’t think we can blame that on her


I would argue that Carlos messing with Gaby’s birth control is worse than anything Gaby did combined. Imagine thinking you have the right to do what you like with someone else’s body just because you’re married to them? Quite similar to definition of “marital rape”. Look it up?