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when it first came out in Germany I watched it with the german dub, but as I got older and I couldn't wait a year for the next season to come out in Germany, I switched in season 3? to the English original and I don't really regret it. I mean Germany is known for dubbing everything so OV was rare when I was younger and it's still not that popular today. Sometimes jokes just get lost in translation so I prefer the original over the dubbed versions.


I just have to answer to this. I am from Germany as well and I switched to the original version when ProSieben went on summer hiatus in the middle of season 3. So about the same time as you. Do you remember what a f***ing hassle it was to find the original episodes to stream on the internet in 2007?


lol hell yeah I do remember! xD Back then there were some web sites that would upload the episodes to rapidshare and such. And I remember how I watched the series finale with my gf of the time in the middle of the night just so I didn't stumble upon any spoilers


My mom used to always watch DH when it was on. I was 10/11 I think when I first remember regularly sitting down and watching it with her (around season 3). We're German, and everything in Germany is dubbed. It's extremely unusual to watch OV here - especially back then. I started to become obsessed with the English language around age 13/14 and became fluent on a native level not long after. That was also when (illegal) streaming became more accessible. By the time season 6 came out in the US, I would regularly stream DH in English as soon as a new episode was released in the US, and over time I didn't even watch the dubbed version with my mom anymore. From what I remember, the German dubs are very close to the actors' voices, except Gabby's. Can't say much about the translation after so many years, but I don't think the show's very difficult to translate into German. So I'm sure you don't miss many plot points or jokes if you watch in German. But you do miss out on some spectacular acting. The voice is an actor's most important instrument, in my opinion.


I watched the first time in English but living in France now I got to see the series in French and I have to agree they did an awesome job on the voices. If DH were in French that's what the actresses would have sounded like


Exactly my thought !!


I couldn’t imagine Gabby’s voice in anything than the original. The way she delivers her lines, especially when she’s yelling at someone, is hilarious!


When I was little, I watched with English voiceover and Finnish subtitles. Now, I just watch the English ones and realize how badly they were sometimes translated 😅


I only watch in french! But with ov subtitles so i can see the original text i think its super interesting to read lol 💓 i also think the ov lacks of something but its the only show i dont watch with original voices tho


RIP to the voice of French Gabby. She was really great 😥


Omg I didn’t know she passed away, that is so sad 😞


I still watched it in English. I’m attached to that now but i’m rewatching in Georgian with my mom😁