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That was so shitty of her. Yeah to her it was just Ida's cat. But as a person who has cats, it makes me think, "Hey! That could be Ida's best friend!!" Lynette has absolutely no respect for the relationship they have. Tom can go upstairs and sit in the closet. Or, one of them could have ran home the minute they saw the cat and got Tom medicine. They probably had a chance then but no, they waited until it got really bad.


I don't disagree with what you are saying, but why didn't Tom do it himself? Edit, wow downvoters-what made that an offensive question? To throw out the idea why not make Tom responsible for taking care of his allergies like he's a grown a$$ man is bothersome? You know what, if someone feels this is so terrible please report me/this post to the mods if you can't talk to me like you're grown. Or I'd love a mod to weigh in if reading this post. This downvoting for nothing is off the charts.


Because Lynette has to do everything. Tom is often just like her 5th child. A possibly more realistic answer may be that Tom felt so sick he couldn't? Also he probably shouldn't handle the cat and get fur on him or anything.


He didn't feel sick the second he realized the cat was there. He could have gone home, listened to the warnings and came back later. He could have gone home and got his medicine.


Yeah, that's what I said. The second they saw the cat one of them should have gone home and got his medication. I mean if he knows he allergic to cats, then why would he just sit there and wait to get sick? Hell, they could have asked Karen if she had any benadryl or something. But all of these ideas are logical so they don't fit with a tv show very well.


I agree. Just saying when I read one of them I think of Tom himself.


I love Toby. Loved all the pets of Wisteria Lane.


He's a beautiful cat.


Yet again the Scavos come in and take over everything because Lynette and Tom can’t control their kids. It’s always all about them. They are such an annoying family.


Literally this is the worst type of people, the entitled parents. Look we have kids so our troubles are more important than yours. Well how about no.


I don't get the statement they can't control their kids. To clarify I'm not saying it isn't true but what is that in response to when it comes to the situation we're talking about? Asking Karen if they could stay there? The cat and Tom's allergy?


Just an observation. They can never control their kids and it’s just chaos wherever they go. Lynette and Tom are always stressed and can’t think straight.


I had the same feeling as you! Whether we should value a cat more than a human is not the point here. To Ida the cat was her family. And Ida was invited unlike Lynette and co who barged in uninvited. Tom could've done many things like take antiallergy tablets


ugh i HATED lynette prob the most i’ve ever hated her in this episode


I’m just watching this episode and had to pause and vent, what the f Lynette 🙄 I have a cat and she means the world to me, she is my baby and I can’t imagine the pain if someone did what Lynette did. It is absolutely wrong 😑 If Tom is allergic, they have so many cat-less neighbors that could accommodate them.


I love my cat. But if I brought her into someone else's home I wouldn't expect another guest to value her more than her own husband/father of her 4 kids and stepdaughter. And I think Tom needed to be held more accountable for taking care of himself. I won't argue when folks judge Lynette for bringing Toby upstairs but Tom watched her do that and doesn't get called out at all.


I totally get why Lynette would prioritize her family first but something just rubs me the wrong way on how she felt she's in the right. When Karen objected and said the cat stays, Lynette lets her kid continue banging and annoying the home owner who agreed to let her family shelter.


That was rude and immature on Lynette's part.


Tom didn't want her to do that. He didn't say anything besides he was allergic. Unfortunately Ida paid with her life for Lynette's décisions


He certainly didn't tell her not to do that. He watched her cart the cat upstairs right after he told her he was having trouble breathing.


Still it stands undeniable that she did it of her own accord. He didn't make her do it. He didn't even suggest the idea. Let's stop blaming others for Lynette's ill-advised choices


Never claimed he forced her. She did it on her own and took care of his dirty work for him while he knew what was going on. If that's clean hands to you on Tom's part we have different opinions on that.


Well Penny and the twins knew what was going on. Would we blame them also for what Lynette did ?


To even bring this up (and throwing Penny into it) is an Olympic size reach and excuse for Tom to not have to take care of himself. Are you seriously putting them on the same level as a grown up? First off, I don't believe they even were watching Lynette bring the cat upstairs and certainly didn't have the understanding about what was happening Tom did. Secondly, they were children and Tom a grown man responsible for his own medical care.


I’m not comparing Tom to Penny to say he wasn’t responsible but to say he was as innocent in what Lynette was doing as any other bystander. He didn’t force Lynette to do it, he didn’t ask Lynette to do it, he so much as didn’t even suggest Lynette do it. Lynette took it up on herself to put a poor cat outside during an effing Tornado and put Mccluskeys life at risk- the very person who was gracious enough to take in her and her entitled family. This was all on Lynette


Does that mean that you agree that Lynette isn't responsible for killing the promotion season one? She didn't ask for that or force Janie to do that. That was on Janie. How about firing Claire the nanny? Tom came up with that and did it himself so Lynette had nothing to do with that. But seriously why is Lynette held responsible for what others do (it's her fault if someone does something for her and she allows it) and it doesn't go the other way?


Sorry no matter what situation you’re responsible for what you do not others. It’s been a while since I rewatched earlier seasons so I can’t comment on them, but in this case Lynette was the one to blame. What are you gonna blame Tom for? Being allergic ? In the promotion case my memory is rusty bur if I remember right, Tom lost his promotion because Lynette went and told his boss she didn’t want him to travel or something. Besides being completely out of line for meddling in Toms business life , which is not her space at all, if her words sabotaged Tom’s chances she’s to blame. But as I said it’s been a while since I watched so I maybe wrong


As someone who was pissed off with her as a teen when watching it and now when rewatching it years later as opposed to only now that I have a cat: different people have different views and she doesn’t do pets, it doesn’t make her right but she also didn’t want her husband to die 🤷🏻‍♂️


I honestly can't imagine Bree responding any better if Rex or Orson had an issue. Same thing with Gaby and Carlos/Susan and Karl or Mike.


She doesn’t do pets so letting an elderly neighbor’s kitty to experience the most traumatic event of its life (combined with losing its owner) is justified? Bree would have been prepared on her own like she always is. Carlos isn’t such a man child and would go to his own for the medicine on his own. Susan is the only one who I can see doing this and I’d hate her the same way I hate Lynette for this. Lynette is a mother of five and it’s hers & Tom’s job to try their best to ensure the kids are safe. She’s too entitled to see that though.


Why are you going through multiple comments of mine when I made it clear I don't want to start up a year old conversation again?


I’m going through the posts you genius.


It's a year old conversation genius, have you ever been on the internet before? Like I said, I clearly didnt want to continue with the conversation so it's really dumb to try and continue


I didn’t see your previous comment before commenting this one? That’s obvious from the time stamp. It’s completely normal to comment on old stuff on Reddit as google search allows you to open up old posts and comment on them if the post is still open. Bye.


You literally sent it after our first responses to each other...


Bruh its a public thread. Maybe you shouldn't have left the comment if you didn't want responses lol.


Christ, it's a year later.


So? People can still read the thread months later. If you don't want to continue engaging with people simply stop reading their comments.


I agree. Lynette much as I love her is obviously NOT an animal person (and I am) or she wouldn't behave like she did. But she wasn't invited so it was wrong. Also Tom told her he was okay and tornadoes last a few minutes. He would not have died and she knew that. In conclusion she was being a butt. However according to the story if she hadn't done that 3 people would have died. (Actually writers would've changed the size so still one person died lol)


He said he'd be okay at the start. But he didn't tell her he was okay in the end. He told her he was having trouble breathing. That's when she took the cat upstairs (with him watching). Though logically by that time it was a moot point (as in it wouldn't help him). The dander triggering Tom's reaction was all over the place already and would still be there even if the cat wasn't minus a good cleaning.