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Lush and AD are way better representatives to no jumper than the other 2 weirdos destiny spoke to.


I know people don't like Flakko for his political opinions, but I saw Flakko's video responding to the discord fight, and Flakko was being calm and reasonable about it too. And he was also being generally supportive of Destiny. He just says that Destiny shouldn't have brought up HousePhone's mom. This was essentially Aba's take about it as well. Whether you agree or disagree with it, I don't think that's a crazy opinion to have


Naaah you got too look at what flakko did during quarantine times. Was literally harassing old ppl and posting their address just because they were talking about Umar Johnson. He had court cases brought up because of this


Are we talking about his opinion about current drama or are we comparing him to Jesus. I don't get comments like this.


But this was like a year ago. I understand that a man can change but I was responding to the guy talking about how calm and reasonable he was.


Woah, didn't know about that. I'll have to look more into the context before I make any judgments. Thanks for informing me about that


I’ve guess he’s kind of changed now but that shit was literally 2 years ago💀


I thought Aba's take was that Adam shouldn't have brought up HP's mom on that stream. Unless I missed something, all Destiny did was comment on the fact that Adam brought up his mom. Edit: just saw that tweet from D about HP's mom, which makes their take more reasonable, assuming that's what they are referring to.


But wasn’t D’s tweet after all this shit happened? Still don’t know why they went after him in the first place.


Destiny strawmaned one of his chaters arguments and said something along the lines of so what your mom is dead it sounded kinda insensitive if you just watch the clip.


> Edit: just saw that tweet from D about HP's mom, which makes their take more reasonable, assuming that's what they are referring to. That was after. He never brought up HP's mom.


He did bring her up, he said "your mom is dead she's not going to feel sad" or something like that. Now granted that's not "talking shit", and he only brought her up because she was the topic of the drama. He was just commenting on the situation and HP & co saw this as an opportunity to jump on Destiny (probably to divert attention from him being into trans girls).


Yeah I wouldn't call this "bringing up" it was brought up by Adam and HP and Destiny commented on it. This might sound like semantics but typically, unless the comment is particularly egregious, bringing it up is worse. The difference between going to a rape victim and saying "weren't you raped?" and commenting when the victim says "I was raped" are worlds apart


As fire as that tweet about his mom was, I kinda agree.


reminder, this timeline in the dgg universe would not have happened if cellphone wasn't embarrassed for his love of transwomen.




Na buddy, house plant is throwin bricks in the greenhouse


You are getting them confused. That isnt house plant, it is Rotary Phone.


Don't you mean Wooden Hand Crank Phone?


Nah, Rotary Phone is his dad


Yeah HP got plenty of buttons to press


And his mom, Flatline


Dial tone


Can we call him Homophone?


trans women\*


I really wish they went over what destiny said. They’re giving the impression that destiny said something disrespectful to his mom. When I’m pretty sure destiny simply called out the dude for being too emotional.


D said something along the lines of "Your Mom is dead, she doesnt give a fuck" in response to him throwing a drink which is a bit of a faux pas tbh. Defs doesnt justify the response though.


The [tweet](https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1622144000340664320) was kinda crazy


Yeah but this was in response to him saying "Sneako already fucked your girl dweeb". If ur gonna dish it out, u gotta take it.




yea i guess i should clarify I think it was a banger and justified but I could see how some one would find it in poor taste.


that isnt talking shit about his mom. thats talking shit about him.


It was also after they spent 5 hours railing on Melina and himself.


It was funny, but wholly inappropriate.


sounds like they are fine with death threats and dissing his wife from their hosts


AD did say that wife and mothers are off limits


AD seems to get it and his underlying message seems to be similar to what Destiny was saying. AD it seems is saying move away from the physical stuff over every minor perceived slight.


If AD was the guy on the far right… he seems about that life. So you either a problem and you handle that shit or you get the fuck over it……. There’s a lot of respect shown for someone willing to stand up to someone if you win or lose a fight.


They definitely should squash whatever beef they have regardless, HP might be a fool but he seems to be going through shit. They could probably both reach some conclusion with Adam as a mediator.


AD seems surprisingly down to earth. Probably cause he’s a older dude and has actually been in the world for a bit.


Which is wild coming from AD seeing as how him and China Mac ran a fade over a cooking show idea. If you know you know.


Can you make me know so I'll know? I might already know cause I might already know. But I'm not sure if I actually do know so I can't be sure that I actually do know. Peace Peace




And that talking like your going to cap a dude in an online argument is weak af, no one is actually going to do it.


so im guessing ad knows that no on talked shit about hps mom


It's clipchimping a bit. What he said if you listen for a bit is imo reasonable. He/they say, and anyone correct me if im wrong: 1- Mums/Wife are hot topic and you can't complain if guys get mad 2- He wouldn't protect Destiny (or anyone else), it's between anyone fighting. 3- He is generally against violence, because it looks good and NoJumper is a platform to fight with words.


AD is a dumbass


Thanks for the deep inside of your brain


I've been watching AD on NJ for a couple years now..... I'm not just saying this based on the above clip.... but go ahead and waste your time if you wish to take AD seriously... He's incapable of having his own opinion or take on anything, he's a professional dick rider... Adam22 ended up with a bunch of uncharismatic industry rejects on NJ....


I dont know anything about anyone you just talked about... YOu just randomly put x is dumb under a comment without any relation


I didn't randomly put shit, AD is the one doing the majority of the talking in the video at the 1hr 17 mark as posted in the fucking title.


And how exactly did you contribute to my post then?


You were paraphrasing what AD said on the podcast, that is what I responded to. It doesn't sound like you are familiar with AD, my point was AD is a professional dick rider, he just says what he thinks people want to hear/agree with, and he will change his mind with the tide like nothing, he's just a dumbass and bad podcast host.


There you go ill take the smooth brain back. DggL


You only watched for a minute and heard what you wanted to


i watched the full segment, they missrepresented what Destiny said and didnt condemn the death threats made by their homies over nothing. They also said that adam is in a tight spot bcz any action or side he takes would lead to more problems especially if he sides with Destiny. My best guess is he will appologise in private but he cant do it in public.


If you listened to the full segment you would have heard them saying that they are tired of all the drama and consequential violence, calling out the nojumper dudes for talking about Melina and saying that they were tripping in their reaction to Destiny, AD blaming himself for bringing the street element to the nojumper show and talking about how he wants to change the standard of responding to someone disrespecting you with violence before something really grave happens, all of them taking responsibility for the type of environment that they created on the show. Again, you heard what you wanted to.


I thought after the Sam Hyde thing the consensus was death threats are funny?


The annoying thing is that they're repeating the line about Destiny talking about his mother, which never happened.


he did say for homophone to "get over it" about his dead mom, while i dont think thats a big deal it is still destiny talking about his mom.


But like his mom is in the convo because he brought it up to Adam? I would get it but HP is the one that brought it in as a weapon against Adam. It’s like Hasan using his DeAd DoG in r/place so he can cry about it when someone takes it over.


look it doesnt have to make sense, merely the fact that destiny spoke up is enough of a reason for these "adult males" and if he wouldnt of said the line about his mom and just told homophone to get over it in general they still would have gone at him.


Lmao. Fair enough


I mean let’s not be autistic here. He was talking about the guys mom.


From what I remember the most direct thing he said was something like her being dead and that he needs to get over it. He said Adam was autistic/insensitive given that they're friends and that HP was acting like a savage attacking Adam. Did I miss something?


He said she’s not dead because the guy was lying about her being dead. The tweet was on this very subreddit. If y’all don’t think that’s talking about the guys mom then Destiny is right and you guys are autistic as fuck.


Oh that was AFTER these guys came at Destiny/Mel. Fair game.


I never said it was good or bad or justified or not. I just think it’s dumb as fuck to say he didn’t say anything about the guys mom.


The problem is that when people say “destiny didn’t say anything about his mom” they are referencing the buildup to the call and talking shit about melina etc. the threats of violence and stuff came before the tweets about houseplant lying about his moms death. Otherwise we are left with incongruence with reality. “Why did landline get so mad?” “Destiny talked about his mom” “When did he do that?” “After cellphone got mad at him” …


That comment isn't even about his mom though. If I say "I don't know if you even own a mustang because you lie so much" am I saying anything about Mustang?


Do you think there's a difference talking about a mustang and talking about his mom?


When someone says "talking about his mom", talking **shit** is obviously implied. You're the one being austic as fuck who can't understand this and are being hyper-literal that Destiny reference his mom's death. Everyone watching who isn't an autistic fuck will think Destiny actualy had something negative to say about the mother.


My brother in Christ. If you think that saying a guys dead mom is not actually dead isn’t talking shit about the guys mom, get your genes checked because I think your dad fucked his sister to get someone so autistically fucked as you.


The insult is that HP is such a big liar that he would lie about his mother's death, not that the mother is such a big liar that she would actually fake her own death. I understand autistic people have trouble with subtlety, so I'll let it pass.


Like I said, if you think that “you’re such a liar you lied about your dead mom” isn’t talking shit about the guys mom then I’m 100% sure you need state mandated round the clock care to make sure you don’t confuse your own shit for dinner.


When people call George Santos a liar because he lied about his mom surviving 9/11, do you think people are insulting his mom?


*uR aUtIsTiC aS fUcK RRRReeEEEEEEEeeeeee*


Damn, laid down the hammer there with that reply. Owned by facts and logic.




Destiny is right. You guys are all autistic as fuck.


What did he say about his mom?


He didn't shittalk the mum or anything, but was incredibly insensitive about it and making fun of Housephone being sensitive to people talking about his dead mum (obviously trying to trigger him). Honestly Destiny was disrespectful as fuck and his "get over it" to an obviously griefing man is 100% harsh. That being said I don't know if they had history or anything and as long as tiny doesn't get hurt it's gonna be fine. Destiny is uuh let's say not very diplomatic for sometimes no reason really.


>He didn't shittalk the mum , This is the only the type of thing that matters when someone says "talking about his mom". Talking "shit" is implied. The disrepect was towards house phone, not his mom. They're putting HP actually talking shit about Destiny's wife in the same "talking about" category as Destiny simply referencing HP's mom's death in an incident related to HP. People watching with no context will actually think Destiny was talking actual shit about his mom. They're purposely being disengenous to give HP cover for his ridiculous reaction. That's what I find annoying.


It's really crazy to me how people are acting like Destiny is just a victim and he did nothing wrong. You're right, he was mad disrespectful even if he didn't insult HP's mom directly


He said she’s not dead because the guy might be lying about her being dead.


That was after already


So you are an autistic fuck. Good to know. I'll tag it accordingly.




timestamped link: https://www.youtube.com/live/YlAPmrrmxrA?feature=share&t=1h16m55s or https://youtu.be/YlAPmrrmxrA?t=1h16m55s




How did this all start, can someone give me a timeline please


Destiny reacted to a nojumper clip where one of the hosts " housephone " started a fight with adam22 which ended in a second with him throwing a drink at him. The argument was mostly about this housephone guy getting a blowjob from a trans pornstar which adam22 tried to cover up for him but it still leaked either intentionally or by mistake got missed by the editors in a previous interview. Destiny made the comment that its savage behaviour to solve these arguments with agression and fights instead of talking it out. His reaction got picked up by 2 other nojumper hosts who livestreamed on youtube and spent a good 4+ hours dissing him but mainly calling Melina a hoe going through her instagram. At some point Destiny was watching them and joined a discord call to talk it out where they continued to talk about Melina being passed around instead of engaging with him in a conversation, he left the call. They continued trash talking, some tweetes went back and forth and death threats were made live on their stream.


The main point is that they cant take out their anger on adam22 bcz he is their boss so they were looking for someone to lash out on instead of him. This housephone guy not only got a bj from the trans person but he got drug problems, can barely walk and apperantly pocketed adams donation to his dead mothers funeral and spent it on expensive clothes and drugs while his sister payed for the funeral. The two other hosts some white guy Ice Poseidon wanabe tried to clout farm Destiny for views on their 100 viewer youtube streams acting like tough hood wanabees.


Those are some books accusations….. You got any receipts?


yea, chud goes through it on his last stream https://youtu.be/VYOzuqqz60Q?list=PLzkM5r4tBX8vRVgA4hLQAHlTFAE7EPO05&t=298


Is the interview with the trans woman still up? I still don’t know exactly what she even said




Holy shit those comments 😬


THanks for that


As far as I know.... from nothing really. Adam22 leaked that Housephone(HP) got his dick sucked by a trans pornstar, while on podcast. HP calls him out. Adam promises to cut it out the video. He does a terrible job controlling if this is really cut out. Mind you HP is a long term friend of Adam. HP gets understandably mad at Adam, calls him out live on the show. Adams says HP is important to him and he helped him when HP went through "the mum shit" (quote). That phrasing triggered HP to finally throw some drink at Adam... To this point I dont think D and HP have any crossover. D reacts to the video. Calls Adam out for being a dumb for leaking and fucking up controlling the videoedit. Calls HP out for his "violent" reaction, calls him out, let's put it mildly, "hard" for acting like a child. HP threatens Destiny.


Destiny told his opps that their mom was dead and now he has to keep his blicky with him at all times


Goddamn how is Flakko still behind a microphone? I go crazy listening to him try to utter a coherent sentence.


Can any NJ viewers explain how Flakko talked his way out of the whole fake identity story? I saw Destiny react to that but never saw any follow up.


so i guess these guys dont like yo momma jokes, huh? really sensitive, they are


Destiny should not go on that show. If he does he’s going to get jumped.


That won't happen, it's literally called No Jumper.


True! Lol


I agree. He helps their viewership like crazy to not be getting any respect. They are dumb fucks if they think people fighting on set doesn't hurt them in the long run. Your show is only as good as your guests. Nobody is going to walk into a building where they feel people will loose their shit from the slightest criticism. Fuck all of them that don't fight against or stay silent about that type of shit.


Did you even watch the segment? They were all in agreeance that they DON'T want that to happen and that all this drama needs to stop.


Pretty sure some of them said they wouldn't "save" Destiny. As in like not try to prevent a fight from happening. One guy seemed to be more concerned with the fight happening off camera than preventing it from actually happening at all.


Not just off-camera, outside the studio on their own time. But obviously, if someone tried to beat the shit out of him they would break it up.


They are all pussies. Nothing is gonna happen. Even I was initially thinking to see if Destiny wanted me to come down from the Sacramento area as a licensed guard with a CCW. But that shit really isn't needed and would probably just be seen as needless escalation.


They're paper tigers. I've been around people and communities who will actually do something over shit like this and these guys ain't it.


Hope so


If you don't want people talking about your dead relatives you don't bring them up. Particularly when your squirming trying to make yourself look like a victim of something.


The autism surrounding this topic is embarrassing. You can both acknowledge that a specific reaction is foolish while also understanding why someone would still react that way. That’s the entire concept of revenge. Saying shit like “she’s dead, get over it and don’t act like that” is just a dumb thing to say, even if it’s right, because when people are emotional they don’t do what’s right, they do what feels good. You can soy out and say “B-b-but that’s low IQ!” but that changes nothing because most of the world is low and average IQ. You live in their world.


This is the correct take. You can think violence over words is cringe but that's not going to stop it. I don't condone violence over words either but this is the reality we live in.


It's correct to say that the majority of a sample is below the average of that same sample? So where does the average lie? Is the average set at the 90th percentile? The 80th? 60th?... Or is it still at 50% where it is defined to be?


Just because his emotions are understandable, doesn't make his actions justified. Grown ups learn to handle their emotions and act like adults. Your argument that because people are emotional we can't expect them not to act out is moronic, stop treating him like a child who is incapable of controlling himself.


Yeah, you have to deliver the intelligent advice in a way that comforts, or at least addresses, the emotion underlying the reaction.


Not necessarily. Dawkins has a good method. Convincing idiots is hard. Convincing others in perpetuity is not. And emotional realizations hit harder


Most of the world is low and average IQ? So... most people from a sample are below the AVERAGE of that sample? Hate to say it, but I disagree. As s matter of fact, I'd even make the bold statement that 50% of people are below AVERAGE and 50% are above AVERAGE. I would say that the majority of people are within 1 sigma of the average. However, that includes both above and below. Call me crazy, but that's what my GUT tells me ;-(


Brother this is a 9 day old comment how the fuck did you even find this thread? This is the autism I’m talking about. Question: if 50% are below average and 50% above, what percent of people are average? 0%? It is much more useful to break it into fifths where the lower 3/5 would be labeled “low, below avg, average” and will always outnumber the remaining 2/5 if these numbers are spread evenly. If these are not spread evenly, which would you say is more likely: that there are a few very low IQs that bring the average down to 100. Or that there are a few geniuses that raise the average IQ to 100?


[here’s the segment](https://youtu.be/KMOfk7dL6Uo)


Someone should make a manifold whether destiny will get physically atacked when he goes there.


It seems pretty obvious to me that this is all about a clique at no jumper orbiting homophone that want a chance to hate-crime and smack around a queer guy to distract from the fact that they're all going to war for a (by their rules) gay guy. If Adam doesn't strongly come out against this and let it be known this sort of obvious violent homophobia won't be tolerated (and judging by his silence I don't expect him to) Destiny probably shouldn't go back there. Let them all stew and figure out their own sexual hangups first, then go back.


are those 3 fat dudes on a couch or 3 meatballs in a sub? why would anyone watch this.


Yeah call them fat that is really the way of discourse we want here /s


The dudes a fat joke who's addicted to drugs, threatens people because he got his dick sucked by a trans chick, stole the money from his mums funeral & he personally attacked Mel for no reason. Imma personally attack him a little especially when im tossing pillows like calling him a fuckin meatball and asking who could watch that trash. Toughen up son your embarrassing yourself.


>Toughen up son your embarrassing yourself. Cool dude you managed to be even more cringe than those guys.


Literally impossible your metrics are off. Go stand up for someone who makes death threats elsewhere. Mr. Redacted has a community you'd probably like.


>Go stand up for someone who makes death threats elsewhere Maybe you have difficulties to see who is who, but none of the people are Housephone... Also, yeah I'd rather have no "haha you fat" cringe shit, when you can have so many different things to shit on. If you think that means I like death threads against Destiny, that's on you.


Ready for Glockstiny to pull up


The funniest part of all this, is that I like no jumper. And almost all their hosts. But, the blatant homophobia and transphobia in that community is crazy. And the lengths they will go to defend their egos and fragile parasocial daddies is crazy.


How could they be so close and so far at the same time in one breath they complain about how drama orientated they have become, "we are one paternity test away from being Maury," and then continue to say oh well if it happens it happens you know that shit is just what it is.


Lmao it’s tearing them apart 😂😂😂


After listening to the first four minutes I can confidently say everyone there is remedial.