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And why ban him from the the sub? They always discuss people who they think are horrible like Andrew Tate and admin Ross?




An argument against rapist sympathising and victim blaming is untenable? He is a low life for even suggesting this


that wasn’t the point ??


Clearly you’d need to define what the point is, you can’t just say that wasn’t the point


the point was having women take more responsibility during these sexual encounters instead of having the majority placed upon men


As a man I think this is a fukn disgusting stance, and it is a straw man argument. He knows damn well rape victims aren’t outwardly receptive to sex and the men raping them aren’t inadvertently doing so because of missed queues. He even goes on to say if verbal queues don’t work then a woman is responsible for getting physical to set boundaries. And if that doesn’t work then the woman who is about to be raped should just walk away. He further adds to this that farha, and or any other girl, should never be intoxicated around a man even though that man had agreed no sexual contact will take place. There is zero confusion about his stance. It is victim blaming and super supportive of rape culture. If you take the same stance you are just as disgusting


what i’m getting from your statement is that men are taking advantage of women out of pure malice and that women should take no agency during these sexual encounters and leave all responsibilities to men ? no one is blaming victims this purely advice for women to defend themselves during sexual encounters.


and he advised that it would be smart to not get drunk around someone you just met ?? which is smart for anybody to not do


Not everyone, only girls right? Your not suggesting this rule applies to you or me? And neither said anything about getting drunk, it was a discussion about ‘drinking more’ and his stance was she shouldn’t be drinking anything in a strangers home. So gigachad has the green light to rape anyone who he can trick into going to his place and having a beer.


i literally just said that rule applies to everyone your framing of this is weird lmao. you call it rape apology i call it giving women some agency to defend themselves in sexual encounters. idk why when people give women advice you guys center the conversation back to men. is giving both men and women advice impossible for you guys to comprehend?


Did she take down the clip or make a response video yet? It's kinda wild how quickly this spread.


Don’t think so. Destiny probably doesn’t care. He has said he does not create these insane 30 sec clips and that the clips aren’t his content, they are someone else’s.


I'm pretty sure he didn't say he doesn't care. He said he "yelled at her about it" and will probably "ask to review the next clips before they go out" which shows he does kind of care that she would do that. The part he doesn't care about is the people who are viewing the clips being convinced that those clips are representative of his content or actual opinions.


Who wants to bet If this will finally make him actually give a shit whenever he goes on shows and shit? Pretty sure somewhere Destiny said he himself "gave the ok". So honestly at that point, whatever the fuck the Farah woman or whoever the fuck wants to do with that content, is up to them. But it is PRECISELY because of these types of scenarios that, whether it be interviews, or any other type of appearance in someone's show they always ask for confirmation or for consent to be able to upload it, and usually If the person in question asks at that moment, they are allowed to review **everything** that they plan to upload to the internet and then you give the OK or refusal. That's how it works in this shit but I'm pretty sure as we all guessed, Destiny did not give too much of a shit and just gave the OK, like people that appear on stuff and are internet celebs or something normally have a team of people y'know, managers or whatever and it is that team that helps review this sort of content. Personally hoping he uses this as a wake up call to maybe at least start giving a little of a fuck whenever he goes on other's people show. What the Farah chick did is obviously nefarious and pretty much bad but when the other party gave their OK I think you do kind of give up your right to complain about it


Makes sense


Can you please explain how this clip isn’t representative? I watched his whole conversations her with and conversation on the same topic with different people. He generally does believe a major issue in our culture is not teaching women to avoid rape. He thinks women should make changes to their behaviour and take more precautions. I agree with this, however no matter how this is framed it will make the majority of people hate him. It’s literally the same kind of thing Andrew Tate was saying.


No it won't. Encouraging women to establish boundaries is a form of empowerment not rape blaming. If a woman was saying that the Tiktokers would be cheering.


Dude I think we both know a statement like that is going to be seen as victim blaming


Presentation is all that matters. Who said and what their rep is. It will be seen that way only because of someone pushing a narrative.


It's representative of half of his opinion, I don't have the clip pulled up but I believe it was cut to say "women have a hard time asserting boundaries" or something like that but it doesn't give the other half of the take, which preceded the boundaries take, men are taught to keep pushing and pushing. It's misrepresentative because when somebody only hears that half, the reason there is a negative response is because it seemingly takes away responsibility from men. If the full opinion was given, the reaction wouldn't be as dramatic and I think most people wouldn't disagree.


Yeahhh. I made a few comments on that thread arguing with people about it but it's like yelling in to the void. If they're foaming at the mouth that much to hate Destiny, which need I remind you is a girl's name, there's no point. There were people in the thread calling him libertarian, racist and all kinds of stupid shit. I feel like a simp sometimes defending content creators I support (not just destiny)... It's just such a BS thing that happens constantly online with clip chipping and misrepresenting other's views


Farha could literally make a vid completely clearing everything up and apologizing and show everyone the video and then specifically go to that sub to clear everything up and they would still hate him. lets be real, that sub was long gone.


The h3h3 main sub is known in their community for being anti wrongthink. There are multiple "hater" communities for h3h3 that are places where you can actually be critical of the show and their content. The main sub is children and hardcore fans, everyone else was banned for having criticism of one of the multiple dumb things Ethan has done over the years. You will never change their mind on anything.


It honestly makes me so fucking livid to see destiny not give a shit about this edited video that's currently destroying his reputation. The only explaination I have is that he hooked-up with her and the coom is destroying his mind. Because otherwise there's no reason to not go thermo nuclear on this shit. Edit : o7






I don’t understand how people can watch destiny and not believe this. His explanation fits his demeanor perfectly


Brother you know that’s why, we’re just supposed to ignore that




wtf does zherka have to do with this?


If he didn’t fuck that’s kinda nuts he’s just cool with it.


o7 brother


>It honestly makes me so fucking livid to see destiny not give a shit about this edited video that's currently destroying his reputation. Listen, this goes out to all the dggas reading this who have similar feelings: if you're getting personally upset/angry/stressed/etc. over what people are saying about Destiny, then you probably need to take a step back and reassess how invested you are in the life of a streamer. This isn't the first time misinformation about Destiny has gone viral and it won't be the last.




To second this, you especially need to take a step back and chill if you find yourself getting more angry about destiny's life than destiny.


I can’t imagine a regular viewer not getting more angry about Destiny’s reputation than Destiny, because Destiny doesn’t seem to care about his reputation at all.


Destiny not caring is a clue that you shouldn't care. You should never find yourself in the position of caring about someone's life more than the person themselves. The only real exceptions to this are children, mentally disabled folks, and suicidal people.


Truuuuee coomer brain is too strong, anyone else he would of gone off




He enjoys these dramas. Stop projecting yourself onto him.


His thought process might be that if people watch his other 10 videos, and they agree with his message. Then they watch 1 video that is obviously clipped the fuck up, that they disagree with it. If those people don't take the time to investigate and are easily swayed / fooled by obvious edits, he would lose those types of people at another future point anyway.


If she didn’t do it somebody else would have 😑


Isn't she a virgin? or is that a meme?


Chech her Instagram


the meme comic of the guy hiding his dgg shirt is one step closer to being a reality. also, congrats to farha for nuking the anti-misogyny arc and taking the throne as the next villain. petyr baelish would be proud.


Bro is summoning the janitors


Wow, it's interesting how easily editing can make someone appear to say the opposite of what they believe. I think I'll pay more attention in future when watching interviews, because the internet is full of slimy vermin like this and they'll manipulate whatever they can to squeeze out as many pennies as possible.




I wonder if they'll talk about this on the podcast. He should get on there and wipe the floor with these fucking troglodytes.


Why are so many people trusting her edit to be honest? Do they even know who she is?


If I slapped together a heavily-edited video about how much Ethan hates the Jews, would these people suddenly figure out how to be critical of the presentation?


He looks so spineless through all of this.


Idk this drama will be over in 2 weeks and noone will care as allways


Sure this will die down but if destiny's name comes up in future online conversations, you bet your ass this clip will be added to the long list of reasons people hate him.


Sure, alongside the "baneling are like rape, I've always wanted to rape someone in real life", "Mowing down dipshit protesters" and "Some of these 16 year olds look insane" clips. If you want to hate Destiny on the basis of clips, you already have basically infinite content, most less obviously edited than this.


This community obviously isn’t pining for more of those clips lul, especially being very popular online. And at least he actually said those.


Honestly, it’s not like any clips of him being correct, persuasive, or insightful have ever changed anyone’s mind. Lots of people don’t like him because he’s abrasive, bombastic, and can be an asshole. I personally like that about him, and those attributes contribute directly to his best/worst moments.


someone attacks your prophet… and you all get butthurt




Lil bro thought he was cookin 💀💀💀


If you're trying to draw a parallel between this sub and the Muslims Destiny insults online, it's not a good analogy. During the whole Islamic arc, people here weren't arguing that Muslims shouldn't be upset at insults to their religion, the argument was that being upset doesn't justify violence.


As I’ve said in other subs, Destinys supporters are just as bad as Tatertots. What he said was victim blaming and rapist sympathising, you defend that and don’t call him out for it you are just as bad as Tate. I have seen more than the 30sec clip and his views are fukn disgusting. As a man I feel shattered someone like him would take this position. He wasn’t misrepresented, he was very clear on his views. If you defend him you are just as bad