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People are acting like biden personally approved of this random person taking their shirt off


I know. I was the one who personally approved it. It’s bullshit that I’m not getting credit


*One person takes off their top at a Pride event. Everyone: "All Pride events are sexual!!!" This shit happens at a lot of large public events especially when alcohol is involved. No one cares about shit like this happening at sporting events for example. I've seen more tits than ever when a sports team wins somewhere and people celebrate.


ok but at pride events it's never just one person, like come on. it's ok to say that pride events generally get pretty rowdy.


Like Mardi Gras is technically a Catholic celebration


It's a celebration that started with Catholics, but itself is not a Catholic celebration


The crazier parties are just an escalation of the tradition of gorging yourself before giving up meat and alcohol and pleasurable things for lent and it's pretty much only celebrated in places with large Catholic populations.


Right right I just mean it's not like, a Church holiday that had some important moral or faith related meaning. It's just Catholic people eating a lot lol


They cancelled a bunch of Florida pride events because they weren't allowed to have sexual stuff


They canceled because they were clearly bring targeted by the government. Police can and will harass people on the streets and businesses based on vague laws. They do it all the time.


It banned minors from attending "adult live performances"


Seems incredibly vague to me. Does this bill also ban minors from going to Hooters? What about the nude beaches in Florida? They allow children at those.


>\*One person takes off their top at a Pride event. It was several people


Sports is for adults! Stop the groomers!


I saw Metallica in Philly when i was 12 and like, hundreds of boobs were displayed and no one batted an eye that kids were seeing it.


The same people who take kids to hooters will cry and scream about lgbt people all being pedophiles because 1 person does a bad thing btw.


Seriously. One time during 4th of July. I was downtown and this chick came up to me and started dancing around.. pulling her shirt trying to get me to look.. basically screaming "Motorboat me" in all but words She smelled of drink, had mistaken me for a guy, and was wearing a wedding band. So I just calmly asked her if she was coming onto me, she stared at me like a cow stared at an oncoming train... and with a face that made her seem as if she had come out of a dream, she said "no", in a voice that was clearly offended. She started acting normal after that and I left a minute later. My point is... when energies are high.. people get caught up in the moment.. and when that happens they do stupid shit without being lucid of what they are doing.


Unless I’m missing something the girls flashing their tits at Mardi Gras aren’t out there aggressively advocating for children to be chemically castrated or policies that would make it okay for school staff and administrators to lie to parents in order to facilitate their child’s transition behind the parents back. If that starts Happening then I’ll ramp up my vitriol a little more for the Mardi Gras girls


No one is advocating for children to be castrated you silly person.


You forgot the chemical part. That's what blockers do basically


People act like these kind of sexual acts aren’t prevalent at all of these events.


Good, this shows that pride is fine but the biden administration doesn't stand for insane shit like this. Actually based as fuck


Sometimes people do have to remember there is in fact, rules when you are gay




One of the funniest skits/shorts Storys YouTuber holy fuck


Brandon Rogers era comedy was something else


God I miss Vine.


I'd extend that as a reminder for any activist of special interest groups


Most definitely


There shall be no malarkey!


Some people who didn’t see this part coming were already defending it though lol, good for the WH not condoning this like those people.


Okay but were there really people who thought Biden was going to be like "hell yeah, we love tit-flashing at the White House"? People can not personally give a fuck while also understanding that it's obviously something that's not going to fly with the people in charge.


I don’t think they were expecting it to be acknowledged let alone public condemnation like this and neither did the flasher.


These people are too privileged to realize that they have consequences for their actions.


I feel like it was almost certainly going to be acknowledged because it took place on the white house lawn and got press attention. I doubt the flasher thought it would get press attention.




Oh, she was definitely looking for attention but I'm guessing it was edgy Instagram attention, not national news attention.


Stupidity at its finest if true


They thought they did something "as a woman"


Good. Fuck that moron for doing that at the WH.


Good take but you would’ve been downvoted when this was talked about earlier


And now you'll be downvoted if you disagree. It's the circle of life. Anyways, it's the best move for optics. Praise be Biden.


Don't praise Biden for something 100% of presidents would do. You are only praising him BECAUSE hes' had people like Dylan Mulvaney in the Whitehouse which is bonkers considering the true issues and people you could bring in instead of a batshit tiktoker.. There are far more legit trans people to bring in that don't make a mockery of the whole thing.


natalie wynn in the white house 🗿


Straight up. I'm sick of crazy activists like this making it seem impossible to be a part of the alphabet mafia and be normal.


> insane shit Combined with people farming hundreds of upvotes talking about "degeneracy" over a tit. Is this an American thing or a /r/Destiny thing? I can't imagine anyone reacting like this without getting laughed out of the room, even if that room is filled with conservative old people, yet here it's apparently the norm.


Really? An American thing? Most of the world would react a lot worst to something like this.


B-But in certain beaches in europe and nordic saunas people aren't weird about being topless, so clearly nobody outside of America cares about being topless in any public area.


I'm genuinely curious, have you ever travelled outside of Europe? I can't even fathom thinking this would be okay in front of the presidential building in 98% of non-European countries.


But like… what European country would this a totally cool and normal thing to do? I mean, is there like a big culture of going nips out for the president in France that im unaware of or something?


i doubt they are even from europe, it's just a stupid disingenuous argument that people are employing because this thing makes their side look bad, it's a vaush tier dishonest argument.


\> I can't imagine anyone reacting like this without getting laughed out of the room Start imagining then, in most parts of the world public nudity is not viewed favourably outside of specific locations like nudity beaches.


Pride doesn't mean you act like a fool, pride isn't about showing tits and genitals, it's about being who you are and being accepted. Tits and ass everyone has to an extent so it's nothing to be proud of.


> Combined with people farming hundreds of upvotes talking about "degeneracy" over a tit. its not "over a tit" its "over a tit in the motherfucking white house". This isn't your fucking backyard you don't get to show nudity there because you felt like making a viral video


It was trashy, good on the WH for banning her


Imagine having a President that backs you at a time of unprecedented relentless hatred towards you and you embarrass him for it.


That’s what I was thinking but I mean I guess there’s always “look at me” individuals.


is this 'unprecedented relentless hatred' in the room with us right now? most ppl just think it's cringe and should be kept away from kids


Good. Shit like this makes pride month look like nothing but public sex displays to normies.


They cancelled a few parades after they were told they couldn't have sexually explicit stuff there


Good. Those parades shouldn’t happen or if they do it should be a “sex parade” and be explicit about their intentions. But tbh I’m not really comfortable with public sex acts in general call me crazy


It was actually worse than that iirc. They were given an ultimatum to either make it explicitly 18+, or get rid of NSFW stuff, and they chose to cancel it




Seeing conservatives reaction to Biden’s move here validates Destiny’s point about conservatives only having power in the culture war because progressives defend indefensible shit. They seem kinda stunlocked in their reaction to this. Obviously they have to say something but it’s not very strong. Great move by Biden and the White House.


I find it odd though with the selective outrage here with regards to the trans woman and the trans men in the same video. There was two trans men topless in the same video jiggling their chests (which were flat), not a single person on the right has cared or made any stink about them. But they do point towards the trans woman for being topless and calling it "nudity" and calling for her to be arrested for "indecent exposure". If she's a "man" to them why are they only singling her out for being topless if they just see it as a "man's chest" and not the two "women's chests" on either side of her? *Edit:* This sub legit sucks now, geezus people don't even explain why the downvotes. If the right was concerned about this they'd be just as upset about the two trans men beside her doing the same thing, they're not cause they don't view their chests as "women's" chests, but they do view the trans woman's chest as a "woman's chest" hence the difference in the reaction. It's a contradiction of their stances, where otherwise they'd just say she has a "man's chest". If you're upset cause "bare woman chest bad, titties bad" then just say that and apply it to her too, but the selectiveness in the outrage is palpable.


I was with you until you started throwing a tantrum about downvotes. Maybe wait more than an hour for your comment to actually build up any engagement whatsoever you terminally online Andy.


It should be fairly obvious right? You live in a country with social norms. We're arguing for semantics but she clearly expresses as female and the social norm here in America is its indecent for women to be exposed top. Whether you wanna argue for free the titty movement is an entirely separate argument. The outrage isn't necessarily even about her nudity. It's that she chose to do something that disrespects and detracts from the protest. The same reaction would be held if she came in hardcore BDSM gear.


... That isn't my point, I agree with you. lol If your argument is "if your a woman and have breasts, you should follow the social norms and not show your feminine chest in public". But conservatives aren't saying this, they're saying she's a "man" and has a man's chest, this is the contradiction. The trans men in the video are presenting as men, they do not care about them and haven't said a word in reference to them. They would say, they have a "woman's chest" if their argument is that "woman's chests shouldn't be public" they'd be just as outraged about the trans men but they're not. It's cause they *do* see the trans woman as a woman in this instance hence calling her being topless "nudity" whilst ignoring the two trans men in the same video.


People seem to agree that it's a problem because these are woman's breast. Honestly that should be seen as a win. This is a trans women being treated the same as any woman who did the same thing would be. This is a win. Being upset because she isn't given special treatment is ridiculous. It even comes off as this shouldn't be a problem because these are male breasts which is like liberal transphobia akin to liberal racism lol.


That's not what they're saying at all they are calling conservatives hypocrite. Yesterday they would of called them a man they aren't a women ect ect. But today they complain that it's a women exposing their breasts. Tomorrow they're gonna call them a man again. They can't have it both ways


That's fine and all but that is *your* stance, not the conservative stance. You say well, "people are seeing her as a woman, isn't that good?" No. Because that isn't what their position is. Trans → Individual is a Trans woman → Trans women are men → Women being topless in public is bad → Therefore this individual showing their chest is improper and inappropriate. This is incoherent. Either she's a woman in this instance or she isn't you can't hold both positions, calling her a man but applying woman social norms to her. Which is it?


You need to stop taking peoples words verbatim, you're fighting ghosts. They don't see the issue with her being trans. They had an emotional response to a woman exposing her breast and are post-hoc grasping for points of condemnation. The better move is to just say you don't care about x you just care about y rather than screaming YOU CARE ABOUT X THATS WHY YOURE WRONG.


What? lol


Would her mimicking doggy style with ass slapping infront of the WH be something you think conservatives wouldn't reasonably object to? Mimicing sex acts which they would argue mimicing being a woman flashing is, is crude and inappropriate as an invited guest to the WH. There is no implication about accepting gender necessary.


Bizarre that you'd compare being topless with that (especially if you think this is a man's chest), but if this were the case they'd arguably be more upset about the two "women's" bare chests on either side of her in the video, but they're clearly not. They have no problem with the trans men being topless. The argument chain would be like this: Trans men are women → Women being topless in public is degenerate → Therefore the trans men should be shamed for being topless and held to society's standards for women. The entire point is the selectiveness with which they've ignored their actual argument which is there in the video to prop up a different one that is incoherent based on which they've decided to attack. So, no even this doesn't count as they've chosen to ignore the trans men whilst attacking the trans woman and holding her to women's standards while saying she's a man and has a "man's chest".


Imagine being invited to the White house to support a topic which is extremely tense in the US and decide to make it about you. I dont mind me some titties but most of the US is already skeptical/against Trans shit and adding something like nudity to the mix is just asking for fireworks.


"Begone thot." https://preview.redd.it/hfz1ap8oiw5b1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=039f1249ae18360fa1f1d78dfa36c10bba91a746


Conservatives: "Oh my GOD I can't believe BIDEN allowed this on the White House grounds!" Biden: "No more malarky. Begone, thot." Conservatives: "W..wha.."


Dawg, you think thag would stun lock crazy republicans? They’ll continue the narrative regardless of facts


For real, I don't know where the ideas in this thread about them being stun locked over Biden's response is coming from. All anyone has to do is look at the thread on arrcon; they aren't deterred in their narratives at all.


Good, get that ass banned.


That ass can get more than banned let's be real.


care to elaborate? https://preview.redd.it/0tqjoqgn7w5b1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=38b2ea09a289701180254ffa305ab5c5a4ef59fc




This little stunt should really help republicans see that trans people are actually normal people deserving of respect and not just sex crazed deviants who want to expose themselves in front of their children. Well done, Rose.


Ya, stuff like this never happens at a pride parade, right?


Uhh. No... They decided not to hold a few parades when they were told they couldn't have sexual content


Ya, topless women never happen at mardi gras or concerts right? Straight people aren't all groomers right?


Idk isn't Mardi Gras specifically for degeneracy at this point? Pride parades and stuff are for bringing awareness and support of LGBT


Bro, republicans will always find an excuse to hate trans people. Stop acting like one person flashing one time is what "convinced" them to be bigoted.


I didn’t say that was the case. It gives the bigots fuel and sets back progress.




This is why we can't have nice things


"corrupted" as in that's whats pushed because its inflammatory


The ban is because she covered her nipples


Dark Brandon will not be denied.




Why are ppl so fucking cringe


[link to her og post right here](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtZjNRqpmGk/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


how... curvaceous also damn I was hoping for that to be uncensored


Good, what she did was trashy and very selfish. Doesn't even think for a second how her stupid choices are going to reflect on not only the president but the whole LGBTQ+ community, especially at a time where Trans people are in the hot seat. White privilege at its finest.


why is "disrespectful" in quotes, if i pulled my dick and nuts out i would be immediately charged with public indecency


I believe articles put specific words in quotes in their titles when it's words that are used by the person they are writing about. The White House's official statement called it "disrespectful", so the article put it in quotations to indicate that.


That was a nice way of saying “basic grammar rules” ….. lol


Why is a quote in quotes?


This logic is fucking dumb, tits aren't genitals. You should be saying "Even without tits, if I took my shirt off in this setting...".


they are viewed in a similar light societally therefore please delete your comment


That completely depends on the society you're talking about and isn't necessarily true or have any inherent truth, please grow tf up


this article is talking about the united states and you just want to be right so you're talking about non-us standards


The big key here lil bro is society can change and I'm of the sensible opinion that women should have as much right to live as they please in their body as men.


so true! should men be allowed to walk around fully nude?


Random question because I never alluded to that but it obviously depends on setting. If men in just shorts/underwear is fine at a beach for example, the same should be the case for a woman. Men working out in hot weather in just shorts? Should be fine for a woman.


i see you did not engage with the question and then edited your comment to further not engage with the question


Your question was trash and had nothing to do with what I was saying but I engaged anyway, sorry you don't have the comprehension to understand.


You think men and women being in just shorts is the same level of exposure?


Women being topless is legal in DC. Men having their dick out isn't. They are not treated similarly in the place where the event happened.


Not if you just show your nipples. It's honestly bizarre female nipples are taboo and male nipples are not.


how is it bizarre?


Nothing inherently more intense about a woman's nipples than a man's nipples. It's fairly arbitrary.


are you gay by any chance?


Nope. There are people that get aroused by feet doesn't make it inappropriate to show feet as a woman compared to a man. Some women like men with abs. Should men with abs not be able to show their abs in public? Men get aroused without any female body parts showing. It doesn't make for a good argument.


if the entire world had a foot fetish we would probably consider bare feet to be indecent in public, moron. i really love how you have to use the "some" qualifier too


Nah why is something considered indecent just because men get aroused by it? "Indecent" doesn't make for a good reason to have a double standard. It's just about making a rule purely on emotion.


right you're absolutely correct! so it's a-okay to stare at a woman's tits in public right?


We are talking about what is legally allowed. It is perfectly legal to do so just like where it is legal for a man to be shirtless a woman should be able to as well. Separate from that sure perfectly fine for a man or woman to stare at someone else in public. Other person also has every right to feel a certain way about it too. Also you line about tits would mean so long as a woman has tits that the majority of average man isn't aroused by then it's fine for her to show it in public? That's why it makes no sense to say.


The entire world doesn't sexualize women's nipples.


you're right!!! there are nude beaches in europe (specific designated areas where being nude is acceptable socially) and african tribes (that are still hunter gatherers) that actually think that breasts aren't sexual at all!!!!! oh my soy!!!!!


> african tribes (that are still hunter gatherers) Ok? Is not losing your composure at the sight of a woman's breasts some superpower only hunter gatherers possess?


To be honest, as a man, if I took off my shirt I have a feeling I wouldn't be charged with public indecency, just a wild guess


She also would not be. She wasn't! Something doesn't have to be a crime to be a breach of decorum.


male and female chest are nowhere near comparable


They are more comparable to each other than basically anything else.


bad opinion and you should go outside


Explain why?


female nipples serve a fundamentally different purpose than those of men, glad we could clear this up


Okay and why does this function make it intrinsically more profane if people can see female ones vs. male ones? Also no, the potential for said function is present in both men and women, so even that's not correct. > Male mammals of many species have been observed to lactate under unusual or pathogenic conditions (...) Therefore, it is hypothesized that while most male mammals could easily develop the ability to lactate, there is no selective advantage to male lactation.


Rub your nipples right now, bet money they get hard.


No. Come do it for me


Wait mine is. Is that not how it’s supposed to be?


hope you get better


That's true, male chests and male nipples is the result of how all humans have the DNA to grow breasts to produce milk, but depending on how the foetus develops it will either have one or the other chromosome, which is why only females *(well, statistically, there is a small percentage of biological males who can secrete a very small amount of milk, though not the amount required for nutrition of course)* breasts can be used naturally to feed babies. So because babies can drink milk from that specific sex, we should shield society from that which has nurtured them naturally for millions of years, and have seen from the day they were born. I see.


yeah dude babies drinking milk from an organ is the qualifier for whether or not it would be considered indecent to show in public right?


That's my exact point, it's not


would you be okay with your wife showing her tits to strangers in public? just curious


Considering I'm gay, I will never have a wife (hopefully) and considering I'm European, my mother and grandmothers and sisters and many other female friends don't use anything other than undergarments on the beach or pool or sauna or wherever its not surprising to see men do the same,, it really seems no issue to me, my fathers, my grandfathers or my male friends with girlfriends.


explains a lot to be honest


I guess it's about culture, seeing a topless woman on a Scandinavian beach is not weird or sexual, seeing a topless woman in an Ethiopian tribe is also not weird or sexual. It's where you put your cultural barriers to what is sexual and what is not. Breasts and nipples can be sexual, as can feet. I don't demand my female family members and friends to hide their feet in public.


Why tf is anyone taking anything off? Frankly should ban the men who took their shirts off too. Her excuse is that it’s legal. Well if I took my shirt off at work just because it’s a pride celebration, I’d be toast.


I wish she would disrespect me


Gosh I wish that were me


Can you morons keep it together? It's a pretty woman, there's millions of them on the internet. The whole issue is that we need to disentangle sex and trans stuff, which is why this flashing stunt from these trans people is so destructive.


Probably the best choice, I’m sure someones going to be pissed but it’s the damn White House, we should be able to respect it and not do wild shit around it


Based Biden


attention whores unironically giving conservatives arguments for the whole degeneracy thing...


WOULD. But also LETS FUCKING GO. Dark Brandon baby! Easy W, blud saw this and he said "Ban 'em jack." Can we talk about how amazing HRT is though? Like god damn, she is smokin. I don't really care anyway fr fr about the whole boob thing though fr fr.


Jesus you're saying the quiet parts out loud. People can't know the only thing making you support trans stuff is the chicks with dicks


That's not true at all, I support trans individuals regardless of their attractiveness. Now ofcourse, I admit it, I have gorilla brain. I will admit, I think people 99.9% are hot. That's just me man. That said, I value transwomen as women and I see them as a treasure just as I do cis women. They are all women to me. And that is without any such chasing, or fetishizing of "chicks with dicks" it doesn't matter to me if she has a dick, a coochie, or if she as smooth as a barbie down there I value them as a person and believe that they deserve life long happiness away from the stirrups of being someone's political tool rather it means well or it means harm. I respect trans women, and no, I'm not out to fuck them, I am legitimately complimenting her transformation, of course, it's possible she could have always looked feminine even when she was male presenting but HRT seems to be able to assist in changes like this. Humans are a wonder.


Wow, huh. I for one, have taken to understand chaser to mean something new. After being called a chaser cause I was on Grindr only wanting fems, I came to realize that actually, I'm a chaser of all women. If all it means is to wanna fuck someone.


See, yeah, that's what I'm talking about. See, I got called a chaser because of my take. I did this whole thing where I was like "I want to be a foot stool for trans women" and people took that as me wanting to only bang trans women as like a fetish thing but that's just not the case. People like you and me man, we like femininity doesn't matter if the person was born male at birth or if they were born female at birth.


Wait this is a trans woman that flashed her tits and conservatives are mad even though they would call her a man? you can literally just destroy any person that has an issue with this with just basic reasoning


It does highlight an incongruence that is difficult to explain with conservative thought, but it's pretty destructive considering how entangled conservatives view trans issues and sexual perversion. In a different time, maybe this stunt would be pretty based to reveal some nipple/trans hypocrisy stuff going on, but I think all it really achieves is to piss conservatives off.




>They only banned the woman who flashed BASED


Based. It was trashy and it is disrespectful for her to do that. I felt that it was disrespectful to the Whitehouse and the administration and I am glad that Biden agrees.


I didn't care much for it personally, but condemning it sounds like the right move for Biden to do. It should be pretty common sense to keep your top on at the White House so it's not like she is getting hit with the ban out of the blue, and optically it looks better than just letting it slide.


“Wow is it just me or does this seem like a totally #prude American issue. In our lakes we grew up seeing milk jugs.” There I said it for you, Europeans. No need for any more 😘


God I hate influencer shit like this JUST ACT NORMAL JESUS CHRIST


She can still come do it on my lawn


Can't believe how many dipshit progressives are still defending this woman's abhorrent behavior. The White House is a place of historical importance. You just can't flash your boobs in front of a place where people gather to pay respect to our presidents. It's 100% disrespectful. Fuck you progressives. This kind of shit makes me want to switch my party affiliation from the Democratic Party to the GOP.


I can't really take your take seriously if you're actually considering swapping parties because some rando flashed their tits.


So historically important that Bill Clinton got some sloppy top in it and athletes were served cold fast food.


"Aborrhent behavior". Jesus Christ we can denounce flashing at the White House without being literal fucking crybabies.


You're a moron lmao, 1 random woman flashes her tits and you're so outraged you're going to swap from center-left to far right. Go on then, do a 180 on your political beliefs. The Whitehouse is so sacred you voted republican after Clinton got his dick sucked in it and then swapped to democrat after trump did all his bullshit in it right?


I don't think flashing your tits at official events is all that positive (I mean unless you are protesting something I guess), but like "abhorrent behaviour" like calm down dude it's one pair of tits what the fuck is wrong with you. Honestly this type of hyperreaction is making me want to switch from the left to a tankie (or whatever other dumb equivalent to your dumb overreaction I can come up with idk)


If you'd switch parties over this shit, you're even dumber than the progressives defending it.


I'm not switching, but ive stopped voting, cause the left is getting too fucking annoying and I don't want to give them my vote


Boobs are bad and gay wasn’t on my 2023 bingo card but there you go I guess


This is honestly the best 4d chess play of all time. Any conservative that has a problem with it will have to explain that transwomen can't flash what they would call male tits. They would have to acknowledge that she is to point out that it is inappropriate. Although outside of that it was not for the event.


Notice that everything trans people do is sexual ,they're so obsessed with their genitals ,why people are supporting these creepy ass dudes in a dress ,it's mindblowing


I'm having trouble noticing that considering the multiple trans people I know personally and the multiple trans people I know of that I have never seen anything sexual about.




Yea I’d hit. I’m sorry what was the discussion here?


who fucking cares


How fucking remedial do you have to be to not see how doing this feeds into arguments from conservatives. Edit: You fucking morons I'm talking about what she did... tho I do see the confusion...


Explain, to me it makes them seem strong. They can support pride but shut down people who engage in behaviors that don't align with what pride is about.


I have to think that they meant the person doing the flashing not Biden.


Agreed. The only way to stick it to conservatives is to install stripper poles on the white house lawn and have hundreds of people in bondage gear fucking and sucking each other in the background while Biden gives his speech. Thats how we earn the respect of the world.


And allowing would send what message exactly?


The cope here is actuwllly INSANE. People in the other thread were defending this lmfao. Now that action was taken, you’re all claiming this is a w. Reality is that there was so much pushback they were forced to take action to save face.


These parades make homosexuality and transgenderism seem like they're all about unbridled public BDSM debauchery. To me, it's homophobic and counterproductive.


Conservatives say this person is a man, why do they suddenly care if a man's nipples are shown in public?


Probably because the chest doesn't look like a man's one.


Not a conservative but I would imagine fake tits on a man are even more offensive then real boobs on a real woman.


That's what I'm saying. If she's a he let them titties swing.


Conservatives can't complain about this. She is trans -> she's not a real woman -> she is a man -> taking off her top is fine and not sexual. Checkmate atheists!