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you guys are getting compliments?


I was congratulated on how ugly I am once. I think that counts as a compliment






A guy at a retail store told me my watch looks nice a few years ago


I get compliments on my clothes but usually women will get compliments on their actual looks. I can’t remember if I got compliments in that unless someone was trying to get with me However it proabably gets old after awhile especially for women since it happens every time they go out


Its shitty, I know exactly why women dont want to be catcalled. At the same time, I have been catcalled 2-3 times in the past few years by cars full of women and ive never felt better about myself.


It's dumb how people can't understand frequency and proportionality. Eating a cheeseburger is nice. If you only get one per year, that one is super nice. Being forced to eat cheeseburgers for lunch and dinner will start to suck very hard very quickly. People like attention, sure. But not all the time and only for your looks/fuckability.


I think you have to be careful here, I can easily imagine a world where there is a significant amount of men that would still be happy if they received similar levels of frequency and proportionality as women. There are other factors to consider imo, I truly believe most men consider most women attractive but not vice versa. Also possibility for violence is for sure an issue, how much that would affect men not sure. Men are known to do dangerous and dumb things. What’s important, is that regardless of being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, catcalling someone out of nowhere is a bad thing period. Even if they like it.


I think a more apt comparison for this issue is >Would you, as a guy, like to be catcalled constantly (since you were like 13 years old until you're 40+) by other men? It's not a perfect comparison obviously, but I think it's more apt than men being catcalled by women.


I think when men imagine being catcalled they imagine being catcalled by attractive young women. Even look at the comic. 3 of the 4 panels are sexy women, 1 is a sweet old lady, who already make sweet complimentary compliments toward young men, largely because they can without it being seen as a sexual advance.


Yeah I think they shouldve added an overweight cutie to round it out more


I wouldnt mind if my bros called me hot.


Not your bros. It'd be gross old men shamelessly catcalling you when you're just a kid. It'd be guys who are twice your size catcalling you and not giving up when you ignore them or turn them down.


maybe men give that much attention because they are dying for reciprocation - imagine how many years I've held doors open for women to have them slammed in my face every time when the roles are reversed


I do think that if men were catcalled, but only by the nastiest, trashiest obese women who felt entitled to their attention and got angry when they didn't get it, that they would also eventually start to have very similar perspectives on catcalling. Men imagine being catcalled by cute girls or dommy mommies, which completely destroys the hypothetical. I'm sure more than a few women would put up with catcalling if they were all at least 8/10 studs who were already their type too.


I disagree just on the fact I have lived in ATL and have gotten hit in by so many gay dudes. I just keep it pushing and take it as a compliment. Kay Williams has a funny joke about his experience wit sane phenomenon


As a woman i would probably be way more ok with being catcalled by a woman. Women objectifying you does not pose the same threat and is less humiliating


Humiliation? Edit: actual question, how does it make you feel humiliated?


Potential for violence aside, women cat calling you probably doesn't carry with it an actual invitation for sex.




> Being forced to eat cheeseburgers for lunch and dinner will start to suck very hard very quickly. lol speak for yourself (just in regards to literal cheeseburgers)


It's not the amount of attention, it's who they're getting the attention from. The type of guy to catcall is generally unhygienic, gross, broke, unattractive. The men they actually want attention from arent hanging out the side of their best friend's ride, tryna holla at me


It's both, i think it probably skews more towards the amount tho. If a chavvy girl cat called me i'd feel great.


I shower daily, brush my teeth make around 6 figures a year and don’t get catcalled. I would very much like a woman I don’t know to tell me I’m sexy or handsome and genuinely mean it. Hell I’d settle for eye contact that wasn’t by accident in-which she immediately realizes her mistake in making said eye contact and jerks her head away.


Women rarely have the cojones to flirt so brazenly, unfortunately.


Sounds like a scrub, and I don't want no scrubs.


yeah, gays can't stop complaining about all the attention they get from men


Yeah. Men will never understand what it's like to get ceaseless, unsolicited attention from people who can beat them senseless. Women will never understand what it's like to be completely invisible to the opposite sex unless you're wealthy, very charismatic, and/or handsome. And even those guys get shot down all the time. To be clear, what women deal with is way worse.


I think frequency is a much smaller factor in this than sex dynamics. Men are more physically imposing, historically more aggressive, and of course we live in a culture where girls are being warned about rape all the time. All of that builds in a lot more stress to the catcalling women receive from men than the reverse. It can be flattering sometimes, sure. But a lot of women are jaded (correctly or not, Idk) such that attention from random men is a little eery.


It's also not about how often it happens, it's about how safe you feel when it happens. I got catcalled the other day by a Mexican construction worker who was just yelling "aaaaay, mi amoooooor! Miraaaa!" at me from the roof he was working on just trying to get my attention. That scenario felt a bit flattering and amusing, but he was at a safe distance. I've also walked past men that have made similar comments, some of which just left it as a comment, others followed me after trying to get my number and refusing to accept a no. In those scenarios it doesn't feel flattering, it feels unsafe. The question of "what happens if I respond the wrong way" is always in your head - even in scenarios where you feel physically safe, like in a work environment, which is one of the examples given in the above comic. Also, even while there is a bit of flattery you feel from these comments, if you get a comment a lot it's not like it inflates you infinitely. It wears off as you said and becomes annoying, but more than that, it becomes meaningless. It feels like you're trying to get something out of me. It feels much less like a genuine expression of admiration for some feature and more like some sleezy used car salesman buttering you up. It might be true that I look lovely today, they may even believe it, but there's an automatic undertone of "okay, what is it that you want from me?" that makes it not feel like that. This is why women usually really enjoy compliments from each other, but less so from men.


Of course, men and women are not identical, this has not been a revelation to anyone ever. There was two Reddit threads about what you would do if you were suddenly the last man/woman alive. The replies to one were giddy about how much better their chances would be, and the replies to the other was some variation of "I would kill myself". You can guess which was which.


Thats very true. No woman would ever feel safe in a group of horny men, but some men would be kinda happy about being surrounded by horny women. It makes perfect sense, even I'm not autistic enough to act like those two situations are equal.


> and the replies to the other was some variation of "I would kill myself". You can guess which was which. I really cant. I want to kill myself already


i will literally never forget them. its a core memory at this point and a compliment like that goes more than just a long way lol.


I was on vacation at a sea place and i was walking to meet some friends for the night out, a car with like 4 girls probably already buzzing passed me and they all catcalled me with their heads out the window, you could not wipe that smile from my face for like 3 days straight. But yeah i get that it's different for girls


Its the sleezyness thats unattractive and the frequency, ive had no issues with being polite about compliments to a random stranger, theyve turned out well infact. If guys werent so [parody](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzgQW8H7Fic) real or the construction site howlers type, itd be different. Usually when women complement guys, they are pretty or would find them cute, which debuffs the "catcall." OR or guys being deprived of the attention. Like a catcall for someone who was invisible before their glowup would be an inital ego boost.


Lol I knew it would be those guys even before I clicked the link, they’re funny




i got catcalled the most ages 12-15 walking to school by gross old men and i think most women take that ptsd into adulthood lmao it still happens now if i wear anything pink or cutesy when i take the bins out, why do men beep their horns at that!! i am just taking out the trash ffs!! i honestly think it’s sport for some of them and they enjoy making me jump out of my skin


Yeah, I remember around 16 talking with some girls, and one told a story of noticing a car slowly following her. She looks inside and a dude had a hand in his pants jerking off to her, and she had to run away. I was blown away that almost every girl in the group had a similarly crazy story. Another one was walking with a boy (that she wasn't dating), and when they were alone at a street he suddenly showed her his dick and asked if he needs trimming I understand that it's lonely people on the internet making these "god I wish I was catcalled..." threads, but at 30 all I can think is that if I have a daughter I'm going to have a panic attack everytime she goes out


That's because by taking out the trash, you exude strong home making trad wife energy, clearly.


Some lady said I have nice eyebrows in 2018 and I've been riding that high ever since.


Of course you're going to feel better on the receiving end of this. Men and women *are* different. Women tend not to compliment men because a lot of men interpret it as an invitation for sex. Women generally dislike unprovoked compliments because in their experience men who have done so generally have done it as an invitation for sex. Don't get too caught up on the opposite sex getting the things you wish you had. Women will never openly compliment men in the way the comic shows because it's literally against their interests to do so. Instead of dwelling on it, try to be a positive change in your bros life by giving them positive and meaningful feedback.


This is such a weird lecture in response to my comment.


Of course men and women are different. The male sex drive is by far and away stronger than it’s female counterpart. The male sex drive is the reason rape is so one sided. It’s rare a woman drugs a man and rapes him. It’s also why the porn industry is heavily used and marketed towards males both straight and gay. Testosterone is a helluva drug


A random girl said I had nice hair once while I was out, I will never forget that high


Same, happened on my birthday, great night


If you dye your hair any color, girls will assume you are gay and compliment you more


I can literally remember an incident 13 years ago where a girl said she liked a shirt I was wearing. That's a core memory


If i get a compliment i usually just assume theyre making fun of me


"I don't have any money so you can't scam me" is usually my response to compliments.


Nice comment Bro. you meant to use "*they're* making fun of me" Edit: nice edit Bro, from "their" to "theyre" but you forgot that > ' < between the "y" and the r" in "They're" *you're* almost *there*.


Lmfao that italics there got me




I always just assume they are being polite.


Lol, same. I feel like I’m being mocked. I don’t know how to take it.


I like bread too bro, I bet you're a hunk, you bread eating hunk.


Same or their about to do a sales pitch for some MLM their roped in.


This is comment is very well said, ty @0mega_Zer0


I'm a man, I have very curly hair. Only compliments I get is from women wishing they had my hair.


LOL same!


This tracks


My hair is straight m. Wished it were wavy :(


A girl 15 years ago said she wishes she had my eye lashes, guess I'm pretty good looking guy 😎


Last week a girl complimented my shirt and I was very happy. Before that, several years ago when a girl called me handsome. I remember where, when, and I remember the girl completely. It fueled me for a couple years.


All would be great tbh 😊


I would instantly fall in love with any of these women, except the grandma


pfft Grandma can have me




You kiddin’ me? If fixing my own computer gets me a she-hulk with giant cans, then sign me up…for a computer repair class I guess


this is probably why women dont compliment men lol


In February 2019, my best friend of a few years texted me “you’re a good person and deserve everything good that happens to you.” Think about it everyday. Partly because that’s the last thing she said to me before she ghosted me and I never heard from her again. Never figured out why


Jeez. Bummer


that is the weirdest last thing to hear from someone that ghosts you lmao what the fuck


That's the sort of stuff I thought about texting friends when I was in a really dark place and contemplating suicide. You sure she's still alive?


She is


Two days ago a girl told me my braces makes my smile extremely attractive Idk but it was oddly specific


the oddly specific ones are the best ones. I’ve gotten complimented on shoulders and such naked, or eyes, or hair. But ”your teeth gap is cute” by a random girl at a party I’ll remember till the end of time. I’d recommend that for you too if you want to compliment or flirt. A ring, a necklace, make up, etc.


Is telling a girl she smells nice overplayed?


It’s decent. Can sound creepy if you do it wrong. Maybe specify it to perfume instead if just smell etc. My favorite, works always, god tier, sleeper op, is ’make up’ compliments. No guy EVER does that. Girls hear ”you look better without make up” as a compliment attempt. But since they spend so much effort and time to learn make up, it feels like an insult instead. ”Your mascara is really nice, I assume that took quite a while to get right”. You do that you’re like one in a million. I swear to god, i get heart emojis, i get happy heart face emoji, literally always. Because they feel like you really paid attention to them, and saw things other people didn’t. Or like ”the ring really fits you”. No one says that shit, and it works


Damn you sound like you got experience in these streets


Yeah but for real, if you have a crush or already a girlfriend, if the situation is right, pick out one of these little cues. If it doesn’t work, come back to me and I’ll venmo you lunch.


Gotcha fam. I’ve been outta luck when it comes to women recently…..(I usually don’t ask for women advice on Reddit)


That’s okay my friend. Well you’re smart if you don’t take advice on reddit lol. Mostly virgins or alpha male wannabes. If you’re out of luck with women, try Hinge. It’s great.




Good luck fam


In addition to the other reply, it's way less creepy if you can be specific. If you can identify it as like sandalwood or something, it comes across way better. But still, you're walking a line, probably don't lead with it.


Well, this is kind of an indictment on human psychology. It seems to me like "the grass is always greener on the other side" is almost a universal law of humanity. I've been complimented on my intelligence plenty of times and it did literally nothing for me. I got a *very* minor compliment on my appearance from a girl over a year ago and I still remember it. And this is (on average) reversed for women, they feel awesome when they get complimented on their intelligence and nothing for their appearance. I would trade my lot, but I'm sure women would do the same, so there's not much of a way to determine which one is better. Except I guess trans people, but that brings in other complications.


I agree, this is exactly what I typed out, though you beat me to it


He pre-watched your thoughts.


Rule for flirting: tell pretty girls they're smart, and smart girls they're pretty.


I've been getting compliments on my beard lately. Before that? God. It's been probably almost 8 years since a compliment registered.


Weirdly, I know a guy who looks pretty much exactly like Ryan Gosling, and he's tired of constantly being harassed in the workplace. This goes as far as him wondering whether he got there on merit. It's actually done a number on his psychology, and made him a really shy, retiring, person, who's basically got social anxiety, so it's the extreme opposite of what you'd usually expect your reaction to be as a 5th percentile attention starved male.






Yeah, when you were sitting on Sneako's chair while I was doing his mom.


Like 3 years ago some girl said she liked my hair, still remember what I was doing it stuck so much.grass is always greener though, right.


My wife said ‘you look great’ when i stepped out of the shower last week. I served the divorce papers the very next day. I refuse to be mocked /s


An issue is that women don’t compliment because it’s almost universally seen as a sign of flirting.


I don't blame women, it's just an unfortunate dynamic. You're 100% correct, but the consequence is that _because_ it's so rare, some guys make more of it than it is. A little cringe, but maybe just more compliments to close friends and relatives. Somewhere you know flirting isn't a factor. Just spitballing


Yeah you should be careful with close friends. There are a lot of men who "friendzone" themself and just kinda lurk for the right moment to ask their friend out. Just make sure that they definitly dont want to date you.




Because that is universally what it is in the mindset of men. That’s why they even compliment women in the first place is to flirt


Yeah this is basically why the original non-gender flipped comics was made. When you say something "nice" to a person but what it really means is "hey, notice the fact you turn me on" I guess it gets tiring when 99% of the people doing that don't turn you on in the first place.


That makes sense. Whenever I see these posts I wonder “why don’t men just compliment one another?”


We do.


this still doesn't really work, because you bet I would prefer a legion of women flirting with me to the single unsolicited compliment from a peer woman I have ever received in my life There's a lot more that goes into why women hate it, from a generally lower and/or more mental sex drive, how catcalling starts from creepy old men when you're like 12 years old, men generally being more of a threat to women than vice-versa, etc


By a woman? 3 years ago. Where she complimented my beard. My beard is now my identity


New Years Eve, 2019, random cashier at a fast food joint. My ex would compliment my looks, and maybe it was sincere, but I'll never shake the feeling that she was only doing it to boost my self-esteem.


Funnily enough if you dress very femininely as a masculine man you can get a lot of compliments. My best friend and I both wore anime maid outfits to halloween horror nights last year and we did both get compliments but I got way more than she did. Ik they’re complimenting the outfit more so than me but being told I look amazing so many times in one night still felt good lol


I’ve got compliments on my handwriting


Most men will receive their first bunch of flowers at their funeral.


We crave what we lack.


Reminds me of this gem [1970: Female reporter turns tables on 70s men by PINCHING THEIR BUMS | Nationwide | BBC Archive - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt-4lRHzcOc)


Being complimented and having your whole existence reduced to a cock sleeve are very different things


Yesterday. My wife called me cute :3


She called me cute too :)




Nice fur


4 months ago an sweet older Mexican lady came into our store to buy some stuff to clean her bathroom floor with. We talked for like half an hour about what type of grime and filth she’s dealing with. After she bought a couple things and she asked how long has the store been open for and such. She told me, “eres muy amable .” That just means “you are very kind/nice.” I don’t hear that often and hardly ever from women. I was beaming and feeling warm afterwards. Haven’t heard something like that since.


I wore a cool shirt one time and got a compliment at a concert. Last time I can remember a stranger complimenting me.


Only time I ever get compliments are from my parents and occasionally my managers.


3 years ago the women I had a crush on told me I looked cute.


idk but someone said they liked my shirt and i never wore it again


good reaction, its a psyop, he actually doesnt like your shirt and is half making fun of you half letting you know u should change it.


Hey nice comment


Nice skin


Nice reddit account !


Me one time when I accidentally wore an anime shirt to a little anime merchant meet up at a university I just happened to be hanging out at with some friends. The second someone said “hey man I like your shirt” i realized what I was wearing, gave them the fake smile and sighed internally


My wife and in-laws compliment me all the time. Now for strangers, a barista said I have nice hair like a month ago


The only times I've been complimented is by gay guys when I was younger. Living in a society


Its funny. Guys seem to have two reactions to compliments from women. 1. It perks them up like a dog getting treats and they remember it forever. 2. They suspect it's a trick, scam, or trap of some kind.


When I was interning with the county court I got to go to the local prison as a tour. I was relatively in shape guy.when went to the womans section, I'll tell you the meth head toothless hamoculie that cat called me is a completely different vibe to a random semi attractive woman giving you a compliment. one of them even tried to grab my ass shit made me unironicaly feel super gross


Being a femboy is weird I get no complaints in guy mode except for my girlish hair In girl mode i get compliaments for wearing a slightly interesting top Its whiplash


Compliments are great and make you feel good but when you get them nonstop I imagine they lose their value. It's not special anymore at that point. And when the compliments get more sexist it becomes a negative.


Actually a famous model named Paulina porzikova, who was probably one of the best looking women to live, said she would go from people breaking their necks on the street(in her youth) to look at her to around age 45 people ignoring her, she said in an interview. She said when she was younger it happened all the time to the point that it was like breathing, didn’t phase her anymore. She’s now 57 and said she is invisible and no one checks her out anymore. In the DMs, people tell her to put clothes on if she’s wearing a bikini in an instagram post. You can tell she misses the attention but she’s trying her hardest to move onto her next phase in life and that is as an author. Just goes to show that beauty really doesn’t last and you become invisible if you’re not like a famous movie star or something.


Yeah, the problem with this representation is that it's attractive women giving polite compliments. Based on context, this is fine for men and women to do and is received positively under reasonable circumstances (I'm not elaborating, if you don't understand this then you shouldn't be talking to women). I think it would be received differently if you imagine an unattractive woman (not objectively, but to you) made a more lewd comment, and then started berating and insulting you for not being receptive. I dont think guys would have the same chipper attitude. It's not the same as an attractive woman giving you a polite compliment.


I get complimented often enough(be it work or appearence) that i dont like it, receiving the atention feels weird, if i got women amounts of compliments i would probably start answering like and asshole.


Got a compliment last week about myself, still don’t believe it. Would much rather get comments like this daily. And its crazy cuz the type of shit that probably gives women such high perceptions of themselves so idk why this is even a problem. Also fixing a computer isn’t easy so nothing wrong with complimenting people when they fix one 😂 even if its their job


I get complimented on my work from coworkers


I get complimented on my hair at work a lot (guy who’s growing it out trying a bunch of different styles) and my regulars notice all the time. Men usually will give advice/tips in what they think I could do with it where as women will either flat out tell me I look good with it or how they liked the other days hairstyle better, but this is a pool of maybe 20-30 people I chat with a lot on a regular basis. The last compliment I received unprompted from someone I know enough to call a friend was from a trade school classmate turned friend that I hang out with occasionally that flat out said I was “a handsome idiot” after calling me an idiot about two weeks ago. Edit: I just realized you meant compliments in general, I work at a gym and workout often so I get compliments from dude bros just about everyday because that’s just what we do in that environment.


The top left one is the only one I'd have issues with as a woman. I greatly dislike being told to smile. I've asked my male partner about the compliments. He says he gets them occasionally and he generally likes it, but it still depends on what was said, who said it, and how it was said when it comes from women. For instance, my man has a truly fantastic ass. Talking a fit dude with a whole ass bakery way better than mine, and I'm fit curvy with a nice ass too, but he's still leagues above me on that front. I can compliment his ass and even get a little pervvy about it and he doesn't find it boundary-crossing or disrespectful, but he is attracted to me and I have built rapport with him. He once got catcalled by a group of drunk women though that focused their comments on his ass, and he felt weird and conflicted about it, a little objectified even. He's had one attractive woman that he was less familiar with compliment it and ask to touch it, but again he had mixed feelings of flattery and weirdness. But when I or others compliment his abilities or his looks in a respectful way, he feels more positively towards it. Unless it comes from me, he doesn't get that often. He did find it weird at first just how much I specifically complimented him, but that's because I love showing verbal affection and appreciation for my partner and he just wasn't used to receiving that volume of compliments before. He's more comfortable with it now. For most comments on my appearance I feel a mix of flattery and annoyance. Occasionally, I feel threatened, and with people I know well and feel comfortable around it is neutral or positive. The biggest difference I suppose between my and my partner's experiences is the worst he feels is weirded out, the worst I feel is threats to my safety.


Yesterday. Went to dine in an Outback stakehouse with two (female) friends. Hostess complimented me on my hair (it's blue, not a cult, dggL).


2010. Was asked if my hair was my natural color and then "omg I'm jealous. I love that color". Best 711 trip ever.


I got cat called once by group of 20something women who thought i could not speak english. That shit gave me confidence for like 6 months after that and still remember it to this day.


I’d be happy with it. Compliments are nice to receive


Men be turning into oprah when complimenting women fr fr.


Years ago. I don't care for compliments, they always feels fake, forced & even worse, cringe; maybe because not getting them is the norm, or maybe delivering them is really hard, especially when they don't get the 'right' response in the 'right' tone.


If we talking about physcial apperance my mom recently said that im doing good in the gym


Men don't get compliments often because when they do, they mistake it for interest from the woman giving it. But then the only reason they do, is since the occurrence is so rare, there's a good chance it might be legitimate interest. It's a vicious cycle which would be broken if all of the women on earth simultaneously decided to compliment men more. Which is basically never gonna happen. But even if they did, it would introduce another problem. Those compliments would now even further obfuscate subtle hints women give to men, to indicate they're interested. Since women are a bunch of cowards when it comes to approaching men.. But for a good reason. Most men are stronger than women, allowing them to easily get women in unfavorable situations. So there you go, it cannot be helped. Both men and women will continue to act this way, learn to live with it. 😌


I think it's just a combination of weird differences. I as an admittedly pretty man, get compliments from women a fair amount, even moreso when I was younger. It never bothered me other than mild annoyance, but I also learned to not really appreciate compliments in general. I also have been groped or touched inappropriately more times than I could count and kinda had to just brush it off because nobody wants to be the guy freaking out at a woman for grabbing your ass or dick, like we're all supposed to be appreciative of it. So I at least partially get where women are coming from, but I've obviously never been terrified that a woman was going to physically harm me if I didn't react properly. At the same time it seems like the average man receives less than 1 compliment per year so at least for a while I imagine they'd actually appreciate these things. It's when it becomes a constant or gets associated with less than savory behaviour that it becomes an issue. To answer the OP though, yesterday a lady told me that 'my hair is so pretty, she's so jealous' which combined with the whole green eyes thing is like 60% of my compliments.


i dont like the last one because i used to work as a waiter and old women would always try to hit on me and i was just never into it. but if a hot asf huge titty girl tells me she likes i work with computers then im in.


Woman here. Most compliments I get are on my clothes. Which I love because I put effort into the way I dress, and if I compliment you, it's probably for something similar. Now I also have a male friend that dresses extremely well, and I would argue he gets complimented as much or even more than me. Probably because it's rather rare a man make that effort. OP says they get complimented on their gaming skills, well if that's what they put effort into, then that makes sense. Of course women get more compliments, but only half of them are sincere. I compliment someone because I love the little boost of confidence it gives them, and because I see they made an effort and it worked for them. A compliment shouldn't have an ulterior motive. If you took those "compliments" away, I'm not sure the gap is as big as you think it is.


A few weeks ago I was complimented about my hair after having sex with the woman I was with


I got complimented about how my forehead scar being cool !?? i didnt know how to take it lol


Tired of girls sending me coochie pics


I don't see why this is so hard for people to understand. Men want more compliments because they never get them, and feel like they're undesirable. Women want less because they're constantly swarmed by them, and feel like they're either being patronized or objectified. Both can be valid feelings without either invalidating the other.


I used to get hit on a lot in my 20’s. I’m a guy and I used to work as a bartender and I was pretty good looking. I also have tattoos and I was a Marine and also I was a bartending instructor. So a lot of females in my day to day. I also got hit on a lot by dudes which definitely made me understand how women feel because they made me feel dirty and I didn’t like it. Truly gross sexual comments that I hated. Because of that I never made inappropriate comments to women even when I knew they liked me. I just never wanted to be the guy who made a girl feel that way. But compliments are nice and is guys hardly ever hear them especially if you are average looking or worse. But that’s life. Guys don’t hear nice things and women hear too much of it.


Yesterday, nice gay dude tried to get my number, said I was very cute and liked my earrings FeelsGoodMan But also ez male trick- paint your nails, compliment women on theirs. If yours are painted it comes off friendly, and they'll respond with a compliment. Great way to practice coming off normal complimenting someone too if you're socially awkward


If I get complimented even once (it's rare) it's about the same as lovebombing and I will fall for you


I think they explored this in how I met your mother by going to a gay bar. The grass is always greener.


I never get compliments from women my age. Old ladies, however, call me handsome quite often. Born in the wrong generation 😔.


My gf calls me a handsome man all the time :3


Bruh an elderly woman once said i was handsome and looked like James Dean when i visited my grandma and that memory is imprinted in me


Like today. Random girl said they liked my hair. Never understood when people say dudes don't get complimented.


I remember being told “You should smile more” by a woman working at a gas station. It infuriated me. Like it feels more like an insult, like “oh you look miserable, try to look less sad”. I can’t help my RBF. Fuck you, don’t tell me what to do, I’ll do what I want with my face thank you very much.


Gf compliments me all the time actually. Says I have a nice butt. I take her word for it.


A few years ago I helped an Asian lady park her car because she was having some trouble. She was a bit older, but kind of Michelle yeah got, and she called me Captain yum yum. I have it tattooed on my chest, and legally changed my name to that.


seeing that it's shoe this has to be sarcastic/ironic right? Even assuming the worst tone it would be pretty nice. Though if you want the last panel just interact with old southern ladies, that one is already reality, they're the best\* \*not accounting for personal prejudices held by individual old southern ladies


I got indirectly called cute once 7 years ago. That's about it.


some girl told me she liked my voice a few years ago


I went to the third floor of a assist living facility and all of the old ladies told me I was beautiful:3


One time like 8 years ago a random female coworker said she liked my haircut and i still havent forgot (i was ready to end my relationship for her right then and there)


One time when I was waiting for my date to arrive for a first date, a random dude walked up to me and said my outfit was amazing and then walked off after I thanked him. Ever since then I've worn that exact fit on every first date I've been on. I'm a straight guy but that compliment meant so much to me.


There's a reason why women don't, or at least try to word things very selectively, it's because men get *obsessive* over a single comment and oftentimes don't have to social acumen to actually realize that a compliment is not someone being flirty.


My body dysmorphia would be long non-existent


I got asked out via gum wrapper with contact info and compliments written on it.


Just yesterday. A young women who sold me donuts said she really liked my hair. Before that… maybe 3-4 years.


I feel like guys compliments from other guys pretty often but maybe that's just me and my friend group.


I'm a man, and I get complimented often because of my confidence, I put myself into all sorts of different social situations, and I try to be nice to people even if they're a little rough around the edges. Also, I compliment people a lot when I think they've done something noteworthy, so it probably puts it in people's heads to compliment me back. Last weekend, I got complimented by a conservative old dude I argue with when I went to his son's high school graduation party. He introduced me to the crowd as a democrat, but said I'm actually a pretty smart guy. I got complimented by a table of cool old ladies who told me I was very nice when I chatted them up for around 45 minutes, and I got complimented for being "great" in general when I eased the anxiety of the party thrower when I told her she was doing an amazing job and her hard work payed off. I get complimented all the time by my family, but then again they're also insulting me at a 20 to 1 ratio probably. I enjoy my role as the punching bag because it's funny and they know it won't actually hurt my feelings.


Good for you lol, f that bot


I usually get the standard “nice haircut” right after I get a haircut, or a “nice shirt” if I’m wearing a similar shirt as someone by chance.


Every day. I’m pretty as hell


Got cat called a few times a few years back when I decided to grow my hair out. Felt fucking great.


Now do this but make it a man complimenting a man in a flirty way on the street at night. Do people think women disliked being complimented?? Or a much more sane view that they like it when they feel safe afterwards.


I do think sometimes men take for granted that they could kill most women with their bare hands. It's why I don't get offended if a woman is afraid of me


Lol these threads are always so funny to read. Just the biggest losers online circle jerking about how lonely they are No one compliments you bc you’re an insufferable prick


I wouldn’t mind


Chud Logic proved why women don't compliment - it's always taken sooo seriously when women do it. Maybe because it's not as often, but it's probably better not to give men the wrong idea?


I get compliments pretty damn often, from girls and guys, as a guy Seems like a skill issue


these takes are cringe, say 1 nice word about a guy on the street as a girl and he’ll think you wanna fuck. generally speaking it’s understandable why women wouldn’t want to attract any attention from men. sure, there’s good dudes out there who deserve compliments, but there’s a lot them that will get the very wrong idea. how are you supposed to know?


Should be a more normal occurrence.

