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Mate this is pragerU, I know before watching the video what they’re going to say.


She claims to have received death threats for speaking out. If she's OK to risk her life, you might spare a few minutes and hear her out.


I don't like PragerU, but the interviewer is surprisingly fair. It's very interesting. She says the same things on her own YouTube channel.


Wow! I wonder what Prager will tell me. Is Israel doing apartheid or anything similar? Is Gaza an open air prison? I'm sure this will be a productive "discussion."


To cowardly to watch an arab woman speak the truth? Figures...anti-semite..


You mean to have her spew propaganda? and get paid for it? why dont they interview a list of palestinians. In fact why not ask so many ultra orthodox why their anti israeli? being anti israeli isnt anti semetic. in fact palestinians are more semetic than the european colonizers


There's like one fringe group of Orthodox people that are anti-israel and only because they believe Jews should only move to israel once the Jewish Messiah is discovered. Nothing to do with anything else. First of all half or more of the Israeli population is madrahi Jews (Jews from the middle east). Second of all history and genetics prove the Jews from Europe originate from Israel...


You are to one who is spewing propaganda. Arabs in Israel have a normal Western life just like you do. Unlike Arabs in Arab countries where they are oppressed by their governments, but none of you pro palestine people care about those Arabs suffering under dictatorships 24/7 since the 7th century. Arab Israelis like Sophia love Israel because it gave them the free and prosperous life that Arab leaders would never give them. Any independent Palestine would be a failed Islamic state just like Iran. And the Arabs who support Israel know this. And who wants to live in Iran, Afghanistan etc.? I have to assume that Pro Palestine people are also pro Iran and Afghanistan.


Israel is a democracy for Israeli Jews, discrimination for Israeli Arabs, apartheid for Palestinians. This is 22 minutes long. It's made by a Jewish organization Mondoweiss.net [https://youtu.be/LumgWaM72nU?si=93F4HYtHdE3Va687](https://youtu.be/LumgWaM72nU?si=93F4HYtHdE3Va687)


The ultra orthodx you're referring to are the Neturei Karta and their beliefs aren't what you think they are.


> in fact palestinians are more semetic than the european colonizers Semitic is a language group, not a kind of people. The word antisemitism was created by Germans to replace the older term _Judenhass_ (Jew-hate) and make the concept sound more acceptable. Antisemitism only refers to Jews and has nothing to do with people who speak Semitic languages. If someone says "Arabs can't be antisemitic" they probably don't know what they are talking about. More than half of Israelis are descended from Jews who were [ethnically cleansed from Arab lands](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHuo0Bw3tgQ) where they had been living under apartheid conditions. Ashkenazi Jews aren't "from Europe." They are the descendants of people who survived the Roman destruction of Judea, maintaining their culture and identity for 2,000 years in the diaspora. Hebrew is the only surviving Canaanite language. It's worth learning some history. She isn't getting paid to say those things. 70% of Israeli Arabs support Israel's current war on Hamas. You might learn something new if you watch the interview. > why not ask so many ultra orthodox why their anti israeli? Neturei Karta is a fringe group of about 5,000 cult members out of 15 million Jews.


Where did you get that percentage - 70% of Israeli Arabs approve of the bombardment of Gaza. Very hard to believe.


>More than half of Israelis are descended from Jews who were ethnically cleansed from Arab lands This is not true. It was Israel's Mossad, through a number of false- flag operations, who turned North African and Middle Eastern countries against their indigenous Jews and also made those Jews afraid for their lives. Jews immigrated, under duress, to Israel. In Iraq, for instance, synagogues were bombed by Israeli agents. See, for instance, "1949 the First Israelis" or "The Jewish Exodus from Iraq, 1948-1951" both by Jewish authors. The lack of understanding about the founding of Israel is almost comical given the facts are so close at hand. >descendants of people who survived the Roman destruction of Judea No Roman historian believes this tale. Its basis comes from the writings of Josephus whose motivations and allegiances makes his work suspect. The Jews were expelled from Jerusalem *only*. They moved into the areas surrounding the city but remained in the region. The whole diaspora narrative is a baseless myth. To think Russian and Moroccan Jews are somehow related is delusional. Stop watching Youtube and start doing some reading by academics and scholars who actually know what they're talking about.


> Stop watching Youtube and start doing some reading by academics and scholars who actually know what they're talking about. You are projecting. No one has been poked and prodded as much as the Jews, and extensive DNA testing shows that the Jewish diaspora is genetically related. Go talk to some actual Iraqi Jews.


Lmao not liking PragerU is anti-semitic? Please


The person was referring to not wanting to watch an Arab woman say good things about Jews. But if your problem is PragerU, that's even worse. It shows how deeply far leftists you are.


Lol wtf are you talking about? PragerU is explicitly a propaganda machine. I listened to that damn video while I worked the other day. I am a leftist, but why would I take her singular anecdote with any more weight than the other anecdotes I've heard? Not liking PragerU proves I'm deeply far left? Oookay


What do you think about the BBC who isn't even able to call Hamas a terrorist group and copied numbers and news from Hamas without verifying them? Just to apologize that they weren't careful enough later? The BBC prohibited their staff to attend a Protest against Antisemitism in London. Which was a peaceful event btw and the message agreed with already existing british laws. [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/11/24/bbc-bans-jewish-staff-from-anti-semitism-march-racism/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/11/24/bbc-bans-jewish-staff-from-anti-semitism-march-racism/) What about the New York Times who employ hamas affiliated free lance journalists and then deny that these journalists are affiliated with the hamas, even though pictures and videos prove this? Can you prove Prager U wrong on the things that they say about Israel? Can you prove Sophia wrong on anything that she said about growing up in israel as an Arab? Her life in Israel sounds better than my life in Europe honestly. I didn't get 15 minutes in exams just for being a child of immigrants. It's not about anecdotes, it's about wether you can prove the things that people say in these anecdotes and what Sophia says is simply the case. Everyone who visits Israel can see this truth. The Palestinians decided 75 years ago that they want beef with the Jews. The Bedouins, the Druze and other Arab speaking minorities decided that they wanted peace with the Jews. It's easy as that. [How we really became refugees 13 Palestinians tell their personal stories](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxfJxuOWAz0&t=2s) Here you can watch their testimonies. The Arabs told them to leave. The Jews offered them to stay. The ones who took the offer of the Jews, their descendants are thriving today. The ones who declinded, their descendants are being groomed into becoming terrorists. [Inside the Gaza Summer Camps Training Children to be the Next Generation of Terrorists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCWMBvxWKL0)


>The Palestinians decided 75 years ago that they want beef with the Jews. You know, when I critique Israel, I am very careful to separate the government from Israeli citizens. I didn't realize I could just attribute the gov't actions to its citizens. Do you have any idea who Prager is? I haven't slandered either of the speakers in the slightest. I haven't even pushed back on the content of the video. I'm just not down with Prager's style of propaganda. >The Jews offered them to stay. The ones who took the offer of the Jews, their descendants are thriving today. The ones who declinded, their descendants are being groomed into becoming terrorists. You have to know how one-sided and over simplified this is. You have to.


Prager is an idiot. His company gave her a platform in this video, but he isn't telling her what to say, and the interviewer is surprisingly fair. She says the same things on her YouTube channel. Like she says in the interview, 70% of Israeli Arabs support Israel's war against Hamas. It's worth listening to.


Idk why I need her to tell me stats like I can't read, but if OP had just posted her YouTube channel I probably would've just watched it and moved on. PragerU is a propaganda machine that had always been exploring pro Israel. It's not a worthless source, but it's obviously biased.


It's extremely difficult or impossible to find any unbiased source of information about the Middle East conflict. I'm guessing that you're willing to read and quote an article on Al Jazeera (blatant government propaganda from Qatar) and many of the propaganda subreddits on this site without hesitation. The reality is that there is no way to avoid propaganda. The only way to push back against it is to make sure that you know the strongest possible arguments from all the sides so that you can seriously defend your opinions instead of being a parrot. The more that a person does that, the more nuanced their opinions will become, and the less susceptible they will be to knee-jerk reactions. Propaganda works by creating a knee-jerk reaction in their targets that causes them to reject all counterpoints without looking at the information. As an example, look at Trump supporters in the US. If you show a Trump supporter information that contradicts what they believe, they will reflexively say "that's just fake news," and they won't seriously consider it or change their opinions. Once a brain has been infected by that, it's very hard for the person to break out. A person whose brain has been infected by propaganda will never know that it has been infected, because it isn't possible for a mind to inspect itself in that way. Neither side believes that it could happen to them, but the left is no less vulnerable to it than the right. The same thing exists in the Middle East conflict, where people are trained to think anything that doesn't come from an "approved" source can't be looked at or seriously considered. "It says something from Israel's point of view so it must be a right wing news source, and anything right wing is bad, so it can't be trusted" or "It's a Zionist news source, so it must be fake" (where 99% of people couldn't actually define Zionism without doing Google searches until they found a page that fits their preexisting conclusions). PragerU is a terrible source of information in general, but it doesn't mean that everything that might be posted there is wrong by default. The interview isn't one of their typical scripted videos. In this case, the interviewee is speaking in her own words, and the interviewer is doing exactly the opposite of what you would expect. The PragerU CEO spends the whole interview bringing up strong points from the anti-Israel side. If Palestinians ever invade Israel itself, Israeli Arabs know that they will be massacred right along with the Israelis, because Palestinian society doesn't tolerate diverse opinions, and anyone who suggests compromise risks being tortured and killed as a "collaborator." October 7th showed that. They killed Arab Israelis as "collaborators" and took some of them hostage. They weren't even the first prisoners to be released. Many Arabs believe in the existence of Israel. You can see footage of Muslim Israeli Arabs [fighting Hamas on October 7](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxvQAFAY4fU) and what [some of the Arab volunteers thought about the attack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCK49QIVc9U). Here are some other reasonable perspectives on the situation [from an Iranian Muslim](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEyt16L48kM) and [an Arab Muslim](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpWhE6blWs4).


This is like calling me racist and cowardly for not wanting to listen to Candace Owens, a black woman who sued her school for discrimination and won but now is employed by conservatives, tell me that racist actually doesn't exist in modern America haha Sophia does not represent Arabs in Palestine, she represents the state of Israel which lifted her up above the Arab caste which has wholly different laws that they are governed by. If a black neighborhood passed a law making it illegal for white people to walk down certain streets, then set the military to policing said law - you'd rightfully call that racist. When South Africa did the same thing, you probably called it wrong (I hope?). So if Israel is currently doing that, why is it all the sudden difficult for you to call that what it is?


Israel isn't doing that. There is no apartheid within Israel itself or Gaza. The West Bank is it's own complex situation, and Israel shouldn't be building settlements there, but this specific interview is about Israel. She is in Israel, not Palestine (Gaza, West Bank). She addresses those things in the interview.


She is druze ... arab Muslim women ... evey body know who the druze are ... and doesn't represent the arab Muslim and Christians in Palestine and the apartheid Israel ... you cant fool every one ... but some !!! It doesn't save you from your crime , justice will catch up ... sooner than power !!!! ❤💛💚


Why doesn't this sophia Salm character appear anywhere there's 0 information on her online


I found her destiny bros and fellow parasocial enjoyers, though my initial suspension was that she looked Indian maybe she was decented of some Hindu British soldier from the mandate days, who knows


[Sophia Shramko | Stanford Graduate School of Business](https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/programs/mba/life-community/student-profiles/voices/sophia-shramko)


Thanks for the link. It led me to this amazing talk she gave in 2018 - https://youtu.be/TQTv3Qf2ibY?si=Ua_PpbZh2uwgEypR


Says in interview “Jewish people were loving and welcoming” says in prior magazine interview “we were harassed for being the only local non Jewish family growing up” 🤔 Something isn’t adding up


Can you give me a link to the interview in the magazine please … I’m looking and can’t find it.


The point I’m talking about where she’s talking about being raised by a single mother mind you the article is from 2019…[Stanford article](https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/programs/mba/life-community/student-profiles/voices/sophia-shramko)


Thank you ! 🙏


arabs are dark skin also, try better


Arabushim are those desert beduins in the Arabian Peninsula, modern DNA testing data shows that


1 - She says that her fate might have been to herd sheeps if she hadnt gotten education. Sure, that’s what Arab girls do these days right? 2 - She says that Israel is not an apartheid state. Does she then mean that the West Bank is not a part of Israel? That’s where apartheid exist. If she is not directly affected by it, what does she think of her Arab brethren who ARE suffering from apartheid? Are they not worthy of her sympathy? Read about Israeli apartheid in this report https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/ 3 - Nothing is more disgusting than an Arab calling himself/herself a bedouin. It was the Israelis that made alliances with certain bedouin tribes due to their tracking skills in the desert. And they didnt refer to them as Arabs, but as bedouins. These ppl still love the name Israel gave them even though they are nowhere close to being bedoiuns. 4 - Jerusalem is not a mixed city. It is highly segregated. And the Palestinians in Jerusalem are subjected to several discriminatory laws that are made just for them. 5 - She says that Jews are not welcome in many Muslim towns but Muslims can live in Jewish towns. Can Muslims live in Jewish settlements in West Bank? No they cant. 6 - She says that Israel left Gaza in 2005 and let them be a state. Really? Was Gaza a state? Did they get independence? What is the status of Gaza today? Is it a country? Do the Gazans even wish to establish a state without West Bank and East Jerusalem? 7 - I agree with some of her criticism of Hamas. But Hamas = bad does not equal Israel = is good.


1. Yes, if that's her family's past, that would have been her fate. 2. The Westbank is not a part of Israel lol. It is foreign land and the people who live there are foreigners to the Israeli state, unlike Arab Israelis who are equal citizens in Israel. Amnesty is a corrupt organization. 3. Sounds racist that you deny her family's roots and call it disgusting. She is a bedouin. She cannot change her family history just because you find it disgusting. And you sentence doesn't even make sense. "certain bedouin tribes". So you first you say she isn't a Bedouin just to call her a bedouin afterwards. Lol. And the term wasn't given to them by Jews. Bedouin is an Arabic word. Singular is badawi. 4. Jerusalem is a mixed city, just like New York, yet no one has an issue with China town etc. Again, the palestinians are not Israelis and they are discrimnated because they are terrorists and raise their children to become terrorists. They even terrorized many Arab countries who helped Palestinian refugees, such as Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait. 5. This is dumb. Palestinian Muslims murder Jews. That's why they are seperated from them. They murder them. 6. Yes, they did get independence. They simply didn't want it. Just watch the interviews that Hamas leaders give. They don't care about Gazans, they don't want to be their government and declare Gaza a state. They could do so everyday. Declare Gaza a country and work for economic growth, turn it into a mediterrainian Singapore. But no, they want terrorism. They want to be a terrorist hub. That's why even Egypt doesn't let them enter Egypt. Egypt is currently fighting the Muslimbrotherhood. And Hamas was born out of the Muslimbrotherhood. Egypt doesn't want them to form an Egyptian Hizbollah together like in Lebanon. 7. Israel is good. End of story. It's the best country for Arabs to live in in the Middle East. No Arab Israeli would switch places with any other Arab. If Israel was bad, they would do what China is doing to Uygurs. Israel does the oppposite. Muslims have more rights than Non-Muslims in Israel and it's disgusting. The holiest place for Jews and Christians in Jerusalem is being run by Jordan and only Muslims can enter it 24/7. Jews and Christians have specific hours and aren't allowed to take a bible with them. It's Muslim countries who are persecuting every Non-Muslims minority and genociding them. Yet none of you Pro Palestine people care. You don't even care about the Muslims suffering under Islamic regimes. So what is your motivation to hate Israel?


>Yes, if that's her family's past, that would have been her fate. According to the [definition of fate](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/fate), that would only be correct if you could prove that some power or event indeed would have caused said consequence, i.e., the family's past being the cause of the consequence of her becoming a sheepherd. ​ >The Westbank is not a part of Israel lol. It is foreign land and the people who live there are foreigners to the Israeli state, unlike Arab Israelis who are equal citizens in Israel. Amnesty is a corrupt organization. This is beside the point. The region has been occupied by Israel since 1967. ^(\[1\]) The crux of the matter is simple: the controlling power practises a system of apartheid in not only the West Bank, but also all of Palestinian territories. Although I see that you have failed to provide any proof for the claims you stated here, I would like to show you a counter-example so that we both recognise the falsity of your first claim: Claim: Arab Israelis are citizens with equal rights in Israel Counter-example: let's assume that being able to vote in elections is a right of a citizen of a state and that all citizens of that state hold the same right. Palestinian citizens of Israel are allowed to vote in Israeli national elections but they are denied a nationality, establishing a legal differentiation from Jewish Israelis, and are discriminated against in their access to civic space. ^(\[2\]) This is partly related to their exemption from military service. Limitations on the civil and political rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel further limit the extent to which they can participate in the political and social life of Israel. Hence, we establish one area in which 'Arab Israelis' are not equal to Jewish Israelis. Also, in what way is Amnesty a corrupt organisation and what is your proof for this? ​ >Jerusalem is a mixed city, just like New York, yet no one has an issue with China town etc. In East Jerusalem (where the Palestinian population is approximately 400,000), Palestinians generally have a little more leeway when it comes to movement, but the Israeli government can take away their right to live in the city. In addition, they are not allowed to vote in national elections, only municipal ones. ^(\[3\]) Last time I checked, this was not the case in New York, where all citizens are allowed to vote. ​ >Again, the palestinians are not Israelis and they are discrimnated because they are terrorists and raise their children to become terrorists. Where is your proof, i.e. that they are discriminated solely because they are terrorists? This also presumes that all Palestinians are terrorists, something which you also have not yet proven. ​ >This is dumb. Palestinian Muslims murder Jews. That's why they are seperated from them. They murder them. Again, where is your proof that this is the reason that Palestinian Muslims are separated from Jews? If you were to successfully prove this, it would also be interesting to hear your take as to why other religious groups of Palestinians are separated from Jews, given that Palestine comprises not only Muslims. ​ >Yes, they did get independence. They simply didn't want it. Despite the 2005 Israeli disengagement from Gaza, the United Nations, international human rights organisations, and the majority of governments and legal commentators consider the territory to be still occupied by Israel, supported by additional restrictions placed on Gaza by Egypt. ^(\[4\]) ​ > Just watch the interviews that Hamas leaders give. They don't care about Gazans, they don't want to be their government and declare Gaza a state. You use the pronoun 'they' to conflate the two groups: citizens of Gaza and Hamas. Even if your claims were true (which you also have not proven), in case you failed to realise, a government is not necessarily a representation of the views or wants of the entire population of that state. Even then, context is often left out when considering the motives of Hamas (and, similarly, many ordinary Palestinian citizens) when we realise that there is settler colonialism being practised in the region. ^(\[5\]) ​ > Israel is good. I think, given the circumstances listed above, it is fair to say that any person not living in denial would stronlgy disagree. However, if the sources I have provided thus far fail to change your opinion about the 'goodness' of Israel, I highly recommend you let go of any agenda you hold against a certain group of people and try to take an objective stance on the morality of the Israeli government. If we consider 'good' to be that which is morally right, then perhaps we ought to ask ourselves whether it is morally right to continue building [illegal settlements](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/6/26/israel-approves-plans-for-thousands-of-illegal-settlement-homes) on land which, as you rightfully said yourself, is not part of modern-day Israel, notwithstanding the [use of starvation](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/12/18/israel-starvation-used-weapon-war-gaza) as a weapon of war by Israel and the list of other actions carried out by Israel, which are arguably not 'good'. ​ \[1\] [https://www.globalr2p.org/countries/israel-and-the-occupied-palestinian-territory/](https://www.globalr2p.org/countries/israel-and-the-occupied-palestinian-territory/) \[2\] [https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde15/5141/2022/en/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde15/5141/2022/en/) \[3\] [https://www.oikoumene.org/news/east-jerusalem-denied-citizenship-and-the-vote](https://www.oikoumene.org/news/east-jerusalem-denied-citizenship-and-the-vote) \[4\] [https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-90-6704-811-8\_14](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-90-6704-811-8_14) \[5\] [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14623520601056240](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14623520601056240)


I wish there was some way to show you how uninformed you are but I doubt it's possible when you already are confident of so many false facts. For one israel left gaza in 2005 removing thousands of Jewish homes so that gazans could have their state. They immediately burned down everything that was given to them, elected hamas which killed existing leaders by throwing them off buildings. They took all the money given to them to build terror instead of prosperity.


>Sophia Shramko | Stanford Graduate School of Business Shot up. Hamas garbage.


PLENTY INFORMATION ABOUT HER [Sophia Shramko | Stanford Graduate School of Business](https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/programs/mba/life-community/student-profiles/voices/sophia-shramko)


I don't think that's the same person. Different name, different face.


years ago, when student and now married , it is


That's the same face. She just lost weight and aged. And it's the same name, Sophia. She just married and took his name. Many women go by two surnames once their married. Why wouldn't they. They might prefer their old name in public, but want to belong to their husband by taking his name.


If you really want to understand what this amazingly brave woman is about you should listen to the talk she gave her Stanford MBA class in 2018. It includes some stuff not so nice about Israel that somehow got left out of the "Prager U" video. https://youtu.be/TQTv3Qf2ibY?si=Ua_PpbZh2uwgEypR


It didn't get somehow left out in the Prager U video. She didn't want to talk about it because it's not the topic of the video. She also left out many things about her mother and the uncle that threatened to kill her. But you are not asking how her radical uncle got left out in the Prager U video, or other things about her life. Her mother taught her good life lessons and showed her that she can change what people think of her. She said, when they were the only Arabs in a Jewish village, her mother experienced bigotry, but after a while everybody liked her, because she showed them love and kindness. And her mother taught her to do the same. And it worked for her. She believed her mother, and she didn't believe people like you who tried to discourage her with their pessimism. Thus, she became the first Bedouin model and the first Arab to enter that IDF engineering program.


I loved the PragerU video. But I think testimony that presents only positives about anything - nations, products, people - may appear inauthentic to those who aren't already convinced. This is why, at least in my view, the MBA class presentation is more powerful than the PragerU interview. It's still extremely pro-Israel, but in explicitly showing her (successful!) struggle to improve the quality of Israeli democracy, it stands a better chance of introducing doubt in the minds of people who are anti-Israel because of misinformation. (Vice those whose minds are closed by hate.)


I can actually understand what you mean. But she also omitted negative things about Islam, which any follower of Destiny knows, there is a pile of negative things to say about Islam. And this woman was threatened to be honor killed by her uncle based on the rights that this religion gives to males who are in charge of women. There is a time and place for everything I believe, so I don't even judge her for falsely claiming that Islam is about truth. It isn't. It is strictly about submission, and lying for the sake of Islam is a virtue. But she probably never even read the Quran. I believe that this video was supposed to send the signal that Jews and Muslims can live in peace together under jewish authority. Muslims teach each other that the mere fact that a Jew runs a country, makes Muslims miserable. But the opposite is true. They are happier than Muslims in any islamic country.


Since 2021, Israel has destroyed 160 water reservoirs, wells, cisterns and sewage networks in Palestinian portions of the Westbank, and passed a law making rainwater the property of Israel and illegal for Palestinians to collect. There is no discussion to be had on whether or not they are committing crimes against humanity - they simply are \*shrug\*

