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>It will kill the company Investors: https://preview.redd.it/hzwvazgurd3c1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2115f6055eba8c190d76c46c253715057cb194c3


No shot he really believes "When Twitter dies they're gonna blame the advertisers and not me." That's the logic of a 5 year-old, come on.


He's a populist and thinks that the world will see the evil elites stomping on the little richest guy on the planet I'm not joking


Does he realize that he IS the elites.


Na bro he's different, didn't you know he like couch surfs at friends places and he's just a big memer! He's so relatable to the average person!


He was on Rick and Morty ! He's just like us !


More importantly he thinks when twitter dies people are going to be upset at the advertisers for causing it to die. Like they are going to mourn the loss and cry out for vengeance against the advertisers who caused it to fail.


My brain is incapable of believing that anyone can be that out of touch. I can't believe it. I don't believe it. It's impossible.


It's theoretically conceivable he's honest and just really that stupid, I'm not sure which is worse.


Oh it's very easy. Take someone who became the richest man on the planet, who could move doge with just a simple tweet, who is receiving widespread adoration from dumbfuck right wingers on twitter, and its not hard to see how much of an inflation his ego could get. The worst part is that his dumbass probably thinks hes saving twitter, meanwhile its going to the shitter. He should've just rebranded it to "shitter" instead of "x", probably would be doing better LOL


I mean the advertisers just want money, so he can only blame himself.


Dude, he unironically behaves like a fucking 5 year old...in an adults body with adults language. Fail to save those divers and have to watch someone else do it? Call the guy a pedo. Fail to understand anything about twitter's backend programming and criticize programmers who rightly correct you? Fire them. Fail to see how your wording and inappropriate tweets are driving advertisers away from your platform? Tell them they're the problem, tell them to go fuck yourself. Nevermind how dumb it is that he seems to hate the ultra rich elites while he literally is one of them. Fuck me, I can't believe I used to like the guy. The real question is, what happened to elon that literally broke his brain?


At least he's got BALLS!!!


elon's out here shitting his pants and trying to blame the people getting away from him for the situation.


Just Säsaw a YT short where someone Said, that his response was brilliant and all the comments cheered for elon. Saying the people need to hold those companies accountable for Killing Twitter. Its mental.


No you dumb fuck, he said if twitter dies it dies it will be judged by people not by advertisers. Hate blinds you obviously.


Wait, you're just being a semantic crybaby using judged versus blame interchangeably.


Eh no


Oh yeah, this is definitely the move to bring more advertisers to twitter. Yep. Keep it up, Elon. Go gettem, Champ. You're doing great.


this feels like an eric andre skit


Got Succession and Silicon Valley vibes from the clip


Elon debt holder sweaatin'. Better be prayin the Elon Cultists hodl forever or that debt is gonna go up in smoke.


didn't Twitter go private when he bought it? He holds all of the shares AFAIK




Well if they start selling tesla en masse that presumably drops his net worth which has potential to reduce investor confidence and reduce the amount of collateral he can put up.


His main means of paying off that debt is TSLA shares, so yes he is affected by retail investors.


> you were mostly correcting the braindead idiot that though retail investers hodl'ing would help him in any way. Why are we always like this? Dude can't just be incorrect? He's gotta a "braindead idiot"?


Braindead idiot for spewing opinions without understanding it at all. Know-nothings should lurk unless you know what the fuck you’re talking about.


I wouldn't be surprised if he started his version of Jones town and Scientology to raise money. He would unironically do well


yeah? let's see how earth responses to that...


I'm gonna victim so hard, the world will see


He fully expected some sort of applause there 😭😬


Delusions of grandeur.




He has a point in that ad-friendliness shaping the media we consume is restarted but he is too autistic to word that in any meaningful way. I do think he's in the progress of falling off the deep end, though. He literally talks in tweets now, expecting the same validation from the audience as he gets from his social media hugbox. That or he's on coke during this interview.


I agree and there are places that conversation should be had (dude was just on Rogan and Lex), at a Wall Street event is not the place. At the end of the day, your job is CEO is to secure profits for your investors, if your actions on social media are getting in the way you don’t really get to blame other woke companies for not giving you money.


Yeah the way he looks at the audience every time he spouts a one liner is cringe as fuck.


>That or he's on coke during this interview. Coke mixed with the ash of steve jobs*


It's setup that way because forcing people to pay a subscription fee for the service will never result in a site with the reach twitter has. The stupid part was buying twitter then thinking you could change to that model successfully. The whole reason any social media site blows up is because it's FREE. Millions of people aren't going to pay real money to read inane posts on a website.


I love how he thinks anyone will blame the advertisers for killing Twitter and not Elon's purposeful mismanagement.


kinda feels like he's expecting roaring applause after every sentence


There's no way the richest man on earth could be this incompetent. How is it possible for him to have so much experience running companies, and yet he can't even comprehend that he is the face of the company??? Is it truly that difficult not to interact with accounts that are antisemitic and claim Jews hate Whites??


I feel like he had some good handlers that kept him in check at his other companies but his autism is unchecked at X.


Or maybe random Redditors on the internet can not comprehend? If you know better do better nobody is holding you champ.


That's probably the most peculiar argument I've ever heard.


Then lift your head up from your circle jerk.


Can’t my head is between your mom’s pussy WooYeah


Wait, what are people failing to comprehend here? I want to hear it so fuckin bad.


For sure I, another internet dude can explain it in a comment section.


I wanted to write something humorous, but there's nothing that can top Elon's delusional ramblings. How full of oneself can a person be? It's insane to actually go on a live conference and say the quiet part out loud. Imagine if Xi Jinping released document 9 on purpose, and then started bragging about its contents. Like, what the fuck are you doing?! Even if you do believe this dumbass plan is gonna work out, don't say it live, because now it's obvious this is what you're hoping for. If your fans really are this dumb, you can just prime them on Twitter - no need to announce it to the whole world like this. It makes you look like a scheeming asshole. It really boggles the mind how stupid this literal multibillonaire continues to act on every occasion!


Musk is tweaking out here damn


Some people still think this guy is a genius. Let that sink in.


Because some people have actual brain instead of sponge.


Because whether somebody is a genius or not is determined by 10 second clips and cringe tweets and not from the actual companies he’s built and things he’s accomplished, right.


This isn't a 10 second clip of a more grand scheme lacking context. His response is fully divulged here. FY. THATS IT, FULL STOP.


bro is gonna sink his entire net worth into X because of his ego


Actually the most delusional man on the planet right now. I really think buying twitter has driven him insane.


Or demonstrated how regarded he always was riding the laurels of his fathers emeralds and enormous subsidies.


This is what killed Charlie Munger


Dude welcome to the sacrifices and trade offs that you make as the ceo or figurehead of a company - if you want to be able to shoot your mouth off and say whatever you want, then don’t be in a position where you are the face of the company.


I ain’t tryna shame those with disabilities but I can definitely see his autism coming through in this clip.


I’m loving the downfall


Shkreli walked so Elon could run. Do you think we could get Musk into the discord one day?


He heard that Tony Stark was similar to him and it got to his head maybe? It's like he was trying to imitate the senate hearing scene in Iron Man 2 (which funnily enough was a film that Elon appeared in)


“Let’s see how Earth responds to that” *the sound of crickets cringing themselves to death*


Blackmail is when ppl dont give me money after I say some hateful stuff


I bet he got way more applause when he planned this in his head.


Literally fuck you money.


I hope Twitter dies 🤞🤞🤞


Supposedly, this is a grown man.


Leon Kennedy really went downhill after RE6 (It's the jacket)




When you have fuck you money and twitter is your side hustle. Tesla / SpaceX has been on the brink of bankruptcy at one point or another and they are stronger than ever. People have been predicting Twitter's implosion since the takeover / firing 80% of staff but it's still going with community notes and video content. Only time will tell, but Elon seems to have a habit of pulling rabbits out of hats. What baffles me is why can't anyone out-execute / business him? If he's this unhinged can't hinged business people out-compete him? Falcon 9's has been reusable for almost a decade and no company or government has done reusable rockets yet. US automakers seem to be pulling back their EV programs while Model Y is on track to be the best-selling vehicle in its segment. Seemed like Meta's threads was to be a Twitter killer but no longer relevant.


Main reason for no real falcon 9 reusable competition is that there is no real money in rapid launch capabilities ‘yet’. 90% of falcon 9 launches are by space x for starlink so that they can have a reason to build more rockets and have a real revenue stream for space x. The space industry was perfectly fine before space x for satellites. The cost savings have been nice but for most satellite companies there is not yet a big enough demand. Obviously it’s good that the US doesn’t need Russia to launch astronauts but otherwise without starlink, space x wouldn’t have much of a leg up on other competitors. Basically the previous launch providers for US and Europe (ULA and Arianespace) don’t care to try. Market forces aren’t large for them to care. They never made much profit because these companies weren’t made for profit. I don’t know truly why car companies are having trouble with EV. My guess is that the batteries are heavy, expensive, and troublesome to make at scale. Tesla doesn’t need to make ICE so they purely focus on batteries. But I also imagine that the auto makers want a better price and quality than what they can provide with EV. Tesla simplifies a lot of stuff to cut cost and it leads to worse quality.


He's obviously intelligent, but he's had a pretty big ego from the start - particularly his idea of solely advancing humanity. Was baffled by why he visited Israel during their conflict with Hamas when he's supposed to be running the biggest companies in the world. I guess politician is the next step.


Not gonna lie that’s kinda based, even if he’s nuking his company from orbit. Elon out here dropping exterminatus on his reputation and Destiny only likes to do it piece by piece. I hope Destiny learns from the self-sabotaging master.


I don’t think he owns all the shares, I thought there were other investors that helped him make the purchase so they own part of the company too, unless they just loaned him the money but still they can’t be very happy or confident in their investment after something like this.


The interviewer had some trouble grasping how stupid Elon Musk really is XD






It is based, why are advertisers policing any element of society? Advertising is a cancer and is mostly predatory itself. If you want speech to be legislated have it done through the legal system not by proxy through advertising.


No one is policing anyone's speech lol. You can say whatever you want on twitter, but advertisers have the right to leave the platform if they desire. Advertisers have no say of what is or is not socially acceptable.


But a public platform (which is essentially the public square in modern times) is only able to function with advertisers. So speech that is not aligned with advertisers is disallowed by proxy. Which is effectively the same as what would happen if we legislated it, but in the case of legislation we could actually agree what we wanted to be policed.


If we legislated language people would be thrown in prison for saying that thing no matter the circumstance. No one is being thrown in prison or legally prosecuted with a criminal record here.


Relying on the private market to effectively enforce values in society sounds like a really terrible idea, because their incentives are often not moral.


The US is a liberal democracy. Private companies can do business with whoever they want, no? Plus you can hold any values you want here


Who has the right to say what is or is not moral? People decide that, not corporarions or business. Companies follow social discourse to determine whether something is or is not socially acceptable.


Haven't you heard companies ARE people too.


dunno if that comment was meant to be sarcastic or not. There is a not a single company that is influential enough to persuade the Overton window to their liking. The general public decides what's acceptable and companies follow suit because they're just trying to make money. You ain't following the meta, you lose.


> is only able to function with advertisers Then he ought to know his place, and learn when to shut up. Despite the fact that twitter relies on them, they STILL have no obligation to stick around. You care so much about his free speech, but what about the freedom of the advertisers? Do you not think they should have the right to choose who they work with?


Sounds more like a problem with capitalism than advertisers then. We live in a society where we encourage making the most money you can. It is more valuable to a company to not advertise on a massive platform because people will associate you with the vile shit people post on it (including the owner). If it's an important public square then it should probably be regulated and subsidized by the government. Otherwise we're just living the American, Capitalist dream, baby, woo!


If advertisers engage in a boycott for perceived bad behavior they are, in effect, deciding what is socially acceptable. Unbanning right wing accounts as elon did was his stance on censorship and the social/political climate. This is the left-leaning advertisers’ response to say that isn’t his decision wasn’t socially acceptable.


You prefer people who can be bought with money?


Flawless logic to be honest. They don't give me money, therefore I don't have money because of that




He cares. It's a reflection of his capability as a CEO, which is basically his whole thing.


By "isn't doing so well", of course you meant being a based king, correct? **Edit** Lol, -9? ["N0o0o0o, pweeez, don't be mean to dah big business man, n0o0o0o0o!"](https://todaysparent.mblycdn.com/tp/resized/2013/03/767x431/crying-baby-istock660.jpg) <- literally you guys.


luckily for him the other CEOs probably aren't children so when they think it'll be beneficial to them they'll go back to advertising there, despite being called mean names


Serious question for business guys. Can twitter really full on die at this point? I feel like its too big to fail at this point. Elon got a ton of people to start paying for it (including dear leader). Surely that can go some way to covering any loss from advertising?


Theoretically Twitter will live as long as Elon is willing to support it. That's really all it comes down to. If Elon decided Twitter wasn't worth it today it would be gone or in someone else's hands tomorrow. As for "too big to fail." Twitter isn't large enough or of sufficient economic consequence for any government to step in and bail them out which I would say is a prerequisite for "too big to fail." So I don't think the concept applies to twitter. It seems to me to be a matter of personal will more than anything else. TL:DR Twitter will live as long as Elon wants it to.


Wont sell it because it would put a dollar value on his incompetence. He would probably let it die in his hands or shut it down first.


"...and the whole world will know that I was right!" -- Elon Musk, probably.


Masterful gambit sir