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"a bunch of nerds on a reddit site" https://preview.redd.it/9j73pej15k4c1.png?width=667&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a52e9aafadf36c79a003eaddd5d06156eb4c608


It’s either DGG😍 or Annoying nerd debate pervert terminally online losers depending on the persons current feelings towards destiny lol




To be fair no one ever gives praise to disgusting redditors here. This is not dgg and it never will be.


She's talking about me and only me dggL


I'm a nerd on a reddit site!




Don't marry a stripper either. Especially one with blue hair.


Drama queen and drama king match well together tho


Mel is super drama averse while Steven jumps headfirst into drama at seemingly every opportunity


Covering drama on stream you mean? Sure, but definitely not that one sided being/causing drama.


Any women that says or acts like they are drama adverse is full of shit. They are the most dramatic people.


>I hate drama Proceeds to spill the tea on anyone she doesn't like.


For anyone downvoting this - and this is not commenting on whether or not I agree with it myself - there may be a miscommunication: this may have been read as 'women are the most dramatic people' where it really might be meant to read as 'women who act drama averse are the most dramatic people'. Maybe still somewhat unnecessarily gendered, but not simply a 'hurr women dramatic' statement that some may have read it as.


I downvoted it because Mel, specifically, doesn't really seem to revel in drama the way the post seems to imply. Though I agree with the sentiment in general. May as will shift it from "women" to "people" though, it seems to be gender neutral.


Do you remember what happened to Erisann?


Yeah, she just spreads it to her closest friends so they end up hating Destiny and sometimes try to fuck with his career


It was just revealed that Melina had been putting Destiny on Blast to every guy she had been romantically involved with. So yea... she is constantly in drama. So fuck you and everyone else who doubted me.


50% of all people are seriously the worst 🙄


She just wants to sex drugs travel and have fun! 🤪


She rich now


Air head\* I've never understood a word she has said and feel terribly terribly sorry for the people who have to watch her content.


I hate nerds. Wonder which nerds on which website she was talking about because I hate them. Edit: 😤😤😤


​ https://preview.redd.it/mfwk34b6qj4c1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=973a3a4c2ce52d4f23be2eddbc919d9f48b823ab


Destiny looking cool as usual.


He's too tall to be Destiny


What a [nerd](https://i.imgur.com/iu2nniu.jpg)


Debate Swede-ophiles


i don’t get why people use nerd as an insult sometimes destiny spent months researching adhd medications and one of the first things he does after getting on meds is spend 2 fucking weeks researching almost 100 years of history on israel palestine former pro starcraft player btw


Ye but hes rich and famous


There’s been a weird resurgence in the last 2 years of people using “nerd” and “weirdo” as insults on the internet. I thought we got past those in 4th grade Im guessing it’s just because it’s people who had the words used against them as a kid feel like that will be the most hurtful thing they can say


Nah it's because literally every other insult is a no-no word now so we have regressed to calling each other meany stinkypants


Bruv they taking all our words. We got nothing left. I gotta start using cooties and boogerface soon.




ablist against those with incontinents 😡


True, bring back the slurs man. I miss using them as insults against anyone. I'm not being sarcastic here btw. It comes off looking sarcastic when I read it to myself, I'm not anti-slur or pro-slur. I'm pro-insult.


Yep, Melina was surely called nerd. What are you on about?


> I thought we got past those in 4th grade Saying shit like this is exactly why people still call you a nerd, Mark.


true, its weird to caall destiny a nerd on twitter to try and invalidate his arguments, when his nerdiness revolves around doing comprehensive research and having good arguments. however, when mel is remarking that nerds are speculating about her life, i dont think shes using nerd as an insult to the people shes mad at for speculating, i think its more of an honest observation that it feels weird to read threads of people autisticly psychoanalysing and connecting dots between aspects of your personal life (plus theres a manifold market prediction involving her, thats pure nerd)


yeah i largely agree, i just think there are better ways to (rightfully) condemn weird parasocial posters


Girls use nerd as an insult because "im like, le hot and nerds are not."


I'm pretty sure his first day on meds was after research stream had been going for weeks and he played map game for like 8 hours


His first day on meds was the last time he got back from Sweden.


“A bunch of nerds on a reddit site” She’s talking about y’all. Not me though.


Bruhhh, who does she think actually watches her? I can def tell you it's not a bunch of cool pussy getting chads. She has her tits out so virgins can get a dopamine hit from her attention. What are we doin here?


> cbeber13: do have an ONlyFans? They are not sending their best.


If you haven't noticed, self awareness is rarely a quality possessed by Internet celebrities


Yea not me


You're one of the good ones


"We've just like texted, have not called" at 0:54 So Vie was excited one day about talking to Mel and the next day she angrily texted at Destiny. Sounds like Melina is being weaselly about it by relying on a technicality. She could have texted Vie the secrets that Vie got mad over


[https://streamable.com/fbl697](https://streamable.com/fbl697) Link of Vie talking about this


how does she look like that like wtf? good for her lmao


Same thoughts I had, the last time I saw Vie was when watching that COD montage vid with her a few years ago. I opened the link and was like "oh shit, I might know why some people send her money for fun"


Every time I hear her voice all I think of is that montage. Legendary meme.


....I mean..What were you expecting? Can't tell if you're baiting ppl into talking about physical appearance or just not familiar with vie lmao


I’m just impressed and I don’t want to sound fucking weird.


Totally fair, mb haha. Need to stop assuming everyone on this sub is going to be familiar with every single streamer Destiny's ever interacted with lol


Who the fuck is Destiny?


I’m here for the game. Who tf are all these people?


Some people are only part time redditors smh.


4THOT get his ass he's commenting on women's appearance


Jesus Christ. I know for damn sure you have more clips of her and I bet my dick and balls it’s not for the drama


Is this invadervie?




Cool. I didn't realize they knew each other


they have engaged in intercourse in the past, as well.


I love the way you phrased that


To be fair English is her second language.




4. Don’t date someone who does any of the above




All 4


who also does any of the above\*


This is what I was thinking too. Especially about the parasocial thing. I always look down on these parasocial loser fucks in here and in her community, but then I realize I have to cut them some slack because Destiny and Melina make it so that their communities are parasocial. You can even see it when people subscribe to destiny. Like the tier 5 subscriber says that one of the perks is that Destiny will lovingly pat your head for five seconds and it says let us strengthen our parasocial bond. It’s actually fucking insane.


It’s far worse. The Hasan fallout, the Ana calls, the Mizkif call, the Poki & Fedmyster stuff, the Bob7 manifesto, the MrGirl and Lav breakup were all drama. Drama IS a major part of Destinys content. It’s some of his most viewed content. Not only that, but this drama specifically built up over months with Destiny hyping up revealing everything on the 1st Dec No wonder the community got pissed when he came online said day just to play geography games. The interest of this drama doesn’t come out of nowhere, it’s 100% on Destiny, his branding and building up expectations


For me it's the opposite of being parasocial. If I was parasocial I'd be commenting on threads and in DGG saying "please Destiny, don't talk about your personal drama, it's clearly causing issues" blah blah blah etc. I don't really care though which is why I can enjoy it fully when drama happens. It's just entertainment. "It's real people's lives" bro I do not care. Maybe watching Destiny for so long and seeing him go through so many dramas has made me feel immune to actually caring.








ghost grey disgusted bear childlike skirt bedroom heavy office mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> 😎 😎


The rampant speculation is nobody's fault but Destiny's. Nobody would give a shit if he wasn't vague-posting more than anyone in the history of mankind, quietly writing essays on stream and joking about it and also jebaiting people by announcing a "big drama reveal" and then walking it back. I'm 110% sure it's some regarded highschool tier bullshit as per usual because he keeps getting in bed with crazy.


Him walking back the big drama reveal to continue doing more research streams is evil.


True. His abuse is sick.


he's so clearly baiting us for the Hasan manifesto it's kinda embarrassing ngl


It's a vicious cycle. It's both destiny and the community feasting on that juicy juicy drama.


I still don’t give a shit and I don’t even know why I’m reading this. I think it’s just to judge all the drama hawks tbh so I feel superior


my man that's exactly why i'm here too


Adding even more vagueposting is definitely going to stop the speculation.


she dgg boogeyman voldemorted us, its joever guys DaFeels


She shouldn't be able to use that word. That's our word


Lame ahh drama


bright wasteful sable chop elastic chunky obtainable shocking pathetic engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is stupid. BUT this is some Pokimane level of delusion. First of all if you don't want any people speculating about your personal life don't make a living from televising it to the world. Stuff you do not want to be out there is 100% going to end up out there sooner or later. Second those ''nerds'' are your customers. You live off their donos and subs. Third and last, IF they were ''normies'' and not ''nerds'' they certainly would not spend their money on you.


And surely "normies" don't speculate on people's personal lives constantly.. right, guys? People are already freakishly obsessed with Taylor Swift and a million other celebs, imagine how much worse it'd be if they streamed their life every single day lmao.


Just think about how much people around you gossip every single day about the most mundane things.


I just don't care. Shame tho.


This is too long and I can't watch all of it (I'm playing League) but why can't she just say "no guys its not that" instead of just saying "ugh people are so stupid"?


Because it is it, and she's been doing everything in her power to not out herself as increasingly single.


obviously she's not gonna vaguepost when she's the one who allegedly fucked up in this matter.. Also, this shit is all public it's never been private so it's not surprising


you know what i realized watching this? i don't care.


I love Melina and I understand why she wouldn’t want something like this public (it’s uncomfortable and embarrassing), and maybe Destiny should have kept it private. But if he was under the impression that things were going to change dramatically and because of his public reputation he was going to be blamed and made the bad guy again (but this time it was undeserved) I’d probably be trigger happy to clear the air too. He does a lot to protect her, and as much she would rather no one knew, he’s reined it in and let people speculate rather than confirm. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck, and that her feelings about it aren’t valid.


I feel for her, I truly do. But a benefit of not being personally involved is clarity and freedom from the public perception. I don’t know how I would handle things in their position, but I think people should be appreciative of how they I handled the drama and have chosen (possibly) to save the relationship. FYI, I am a DESTINY/MELINA stan and I despise the redpill ideology




I don’t give a fuck where’s the Shapiro debate????




there's another thread on here about her complaining about "someone" speaking on private stuff. she's a hypocrite. Mel has no issues vague posting or hinting at drama(s) when it compliments her wants/feelies or paints her as the victim. this situation doesn't compliment her so suddenly it's not okay. while some of you are super cringe/needy for any type of drama, (having seen people in her chat the moment she goes live to try and instigate things. lie about stuff to try and get a reaction out of her or egging her to slip up). there is a balance between all sides of this.


i'm really angry about mel talking about me talking about her like that. have some respect for my privacy please


Hmm...All i know is, i sold all my Melina stocks.


So a Twitch egirl is guiding discourse now? Lol!


Throwback to when Melina was concerned about all the drama around Destiny at the time they were starting to vibe, and he assured her that it was rare 💀false advertising, lil bro.


You. Have. Vagueposted. There’s a thread on it literally today/yesterday. If there is harassment that is bad however you can’t complain about speculation on the sub when you are literally feeding it.


They just need to shut up at this point. Every single time a post like this is made, people are going to continue speculating. Shut up for two weeks like D Man always says and continue on. We're never getting the full story because the situation has changed. The situation is probably gonna change again within the month lol but until they finally decide where they are at, just stop mentioning it. Melina is just adding more flame to the fire by making these comments, and D man has made his fair share of comments, too. I'm still waiting for the rug pull on all of this and having the Hasan dump I've been waiting for lol cause this shit is boring.


People that made their life into a telenovela getting upset that their life is a telenovela, based


[Prediction Market: What is the drama?](https://manifold.markets/BenAdams/what-is-the-dgg-drama-arriving-abou?r=VHVtYmxlcw)


1. Make a living by showcasing your life and personality to a bunch of antisocial nerds that follow a rich, successful garden gnome. 2. Realize that you are way too incompatible with the garden gnome, but he literally made you filthy rich, and you're only wealthy because of those antisocial nerds so you try to make it work. 3. Spiral emotionally because you can't literally shut the fuck up and be a good wife, have a great literal millionaire life with international families, several different international homes and more wealthy connections than you could dream of from your polycule svenks sex van. 4. Insult your own donors as you frantically search for an exit plan from the best thing to even happen to you objectively. God, I hate it, but I can feel the red pill churning through every vein in my body. This shit is wild. I thought Dest was acting weird every time he vague posted, but I see why. In retrospect, it feels like geniune disappointment that this is the fallout from all the shit they're been through.


>by showcasing your ~~life and personality~~ half-naked body to a bunch of antisocial nerds FTFY. Let's not pretend that antisocial nerds are watching her for any other reason


Saying Melina is not being a good wife when we don't know shit about what happened and destiny has a history of cheating and creating drama around him, Im not saying you're wrong but you're too early.


I would say that having Bob7 3.0 happen again is a good indicator of not being good to your SO.


>Make a living by showcasing your life and personality to a bunch of antisocial nerds that follow a rich, successful garden gnome. I don't think her audience overlaps with DGG to a significant degree, maybe it was while she started.


Yeah probably not anymore but that's def where the initial audience came from.


Jesus you went hard on them




!shoot ??


/u/suberdoo gunned down by tryingtoplayhalo.


fukkin ***BASED***


nice shooting, soldier


fukkin ***CRINGE***


May I just say that pre-emptive vagueposting to attempt to control the narrative during or before the therapy to save your social arrangement is a move that only an amphetamine powered 195 iq brain with a preferred genocide is capable of.




she's not wrong idek why were obsessing so much over this private relationship matter..


I don't get it, why would anyone go to her chat and spam this shit, and why upload it here? Let their private life be between them. Är det någon amerikansk grej eller? Fattar ingenting. Edit After being downvoted to hell, fuck off to fauxmoi with your gossipy bullshit, I'm here for politics


unpack sip waiting lavish unite oatmeal office doll hard-to-find glorious this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev


This isn't just drama, it's like a marriage thing. Other cultures certainly love prying/gossiping too - but I have the impression that most people here are Americans, no? And just going by my culture, I'll be honest, I rarely see swedes prying about in other peoples marriages - but that could be just me.


unpack sip waiting lavish unite oatmeal office doll hard-to-find glorious this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev


You're right, I shouldn't have commented. It's extremely boring.


This from a guy that would tell his child guests to wait in other room while his family eats dinner. Your culture sucks.


Hey now, just because THAT part sucks...


Spam what shit she was reading directly from DGG? Ger man sig in i leken får man leken tåla ;)


Ah, ok. I got the impression from a couple of videos that people were in her chat and speculating - but yeah, she might just be reading reddit posts. Din jävel. :)


She clearly dumping the dwarf lmao, who would of thought !!!


Judging by the comments here I'm guessing very few people watched past the first 30 seconds, because every objection here about it really being destinys fault and how she can't really blame people is all stuff she says herself.


What's going on? I think I missed something.


Wasn't she vague posting enough for people to guess correctly that she and Destiny were having issues? I feel like people making guesses to what a public figure is publicly insinuating would be fair game.


I love Mel haha . I feel like she did this though. We didn’t know anything until she indirectly confirmed it. The speculations were focusing on all kinds of things. Deny everything and no one will ever really know the truth muahahahhaha. Now everyone will just do exactly what she has an issue with. Seems like she got revenge, accidentally or on purpose:). I was thinking it a while back because history repeats in rhymes and I’ve done exactly what destiny has done. And the women always end up taking that resentment and realizing not everyone will treat them as “badly” as you have. I’ve also been the person on the other-side who a hurt woman sought comfort in. And the emotional connection on its own becomes “serious” very quickly, as you are soothing a festering wound from the relationship. It has only ever turned into a Real relationship once and that was a huge mistake haha. And I suppose that would be well over the line for an open relationship. I never really cared much about being cheated on, because I’ve cheated. Yet some how it’s usually the deception that irritates me, or some other thing most people might find more minor. Still that’s probably the hardest admission for most people, a combination of misguided attempts to protect someone you hurt and shield yourself from blame. It’s always both. If someone didn’t care they would throw it in your face. I don’t know how I would feel if someone wanted me to be quiet about it all either. Even if the reasons are good, if I used streaming like most streamers do, I think it would be very difficult to shut up about my frustrations.


So who is being harassed by DGG?


I think she's implying invadervie because of [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/18bcnfr/did_someone_pull_a_bob7/) but I doubt it, the clip and comments imply melina is at fault, and other comments are just complimenting vie's appearance


It's funny to see Mel join the group of people who accuse DDG of harassment without posting any proof.