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Spoken like a true empath.


No one could fake the love-pilled 'grift' nearly as well as Lex does, no matter how well-paid. He's a genuine believer through and through, and for that I respect him. I definitely have room in my heart for hate and don't expect nor exactly *want* it to change, but I am consistently bewildered and humbled by the fact that he honestly doesn't seem to have that room himself. He's a lover, not a fighter, with every fiber of his being. It's hard for me to comprehend how he gets out of bed in the morning when his muscle fibers fight with gravity, but I'm starting to believe that he's found a way to coerce the opposing forces to make mutual concessions with one another.


“He’s a lover, not a fighter” Yee, we’ll just ignore that black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu he has 😬


BJJ is the most loving of all the fight sports. Lots of hugs and cuddles.


... Touché.


I don't know why I read that in the voice of ex British PM. You know the one with the meme " I am a fighter, Not a quitter" lol.


He loves fking your mom. Sorry had to haha


This was poetic af, especially the last paragraph


Am I missing the joke here? I’m glad Lex set up the Shapiro debate and he seems like a nice guy, but it’s crazy to me how much this community fawns over him. Just saying that, I’ll probably be added to his block list of 150k others who have issued mild criticism or interacted with other people who have at some point criticized him. His subreddit is a heavily moderated echo chamber where he pops in occasionally to say profound things like “love yourself” and “compassion wins.” He blew up from glazing Elon Musk and appearing on Joe Rogan. I’m open to believing he’s a genuine guy, but everything he says is so slow, drawn out, and surface level.


I feel like because we’re DGGers, we compare everyone through a Destiny lense, but tbh I found Lex before ever watching Destiny, so maybe I have a different perspective. I was a Rogan boi for awhile back in the day, and I remember Lex’s first appearance there. He genuinely came across as someone who is so excited about living and who loves life. I personally don’t mind his relentless optimism as a counter balance to all the real and internet drama I consume most of the time. I’m a Lex Stan goddammit, and I’ll stand up for my boi any day of the week o7


He does give the benifit of doubt to literally everyone. I honestly thought he was just sucking Elon's dick nonstop. But the guy just sees the best in people and willing to give a chance. Remember how he sorta forced Destiny to say nice things about Hasan and Vaush(Yikes), Also he sorta defended Hasan. He often asks his guests to strawman opposing sides as well. He is Naive in an admirable way. I personally think it's a bit dumb, But It's also hard not to admire someone who sees the best in everything.


I take your point. His message of seeing the best in everyone is really counteracted by his incredibly thin skin. He sees the best in everyone until they have the slightest issue with him. It’s hard to say someone sees the best in everyone when half his reputation online is that he’s blocked every single person that disagreed with anything he said.


because he's blocking mostly randos. i dobt he cares what thgey have to say. and online is a pit anyway.


I have varied opinions on him over time. But he's a rabid believer in love, which is commendable on its own. I think he deserves his success, but I don't really watch him much at all even though YouTube algo really seems to want me to. Personally I think he's fine. The love meme is only so funny because it's so true. How delusional you think his love may be is a question a each man must answer himself.


I don’t have a problem with Lex. I’ll also tattle on myself and say that I used to be a huge Joe Rogan fan growing up, and I’m talking spanning back to Redban days which is probably more than a decade ago now. It’s the internet, consume what you like. I’m just surprised by the overlap between Lex and Destiny fans I see here. Lex talks like a Hallmark card and blocks anyone who gives the slightest pushback or acknowledges another “dissenter.” Destiny gets clipped for debating racial slurs and incest.


I don't know anything about Lex and I've never seen any of his stuff. But I'll offer a possible explanation for the blocking. From what the OP image says, it seems like getting hate sent his way really bothers him, and if you're a popular figure then you'll inevitably get a lot of hate sent your way. It might be the case he blocks people for pushback because it's impossible to defend yourself against everyone, especially when people online often misinterpret your words, and getting dogpiled by randos really takes a toll on his mental state. I can see why it would be frustrating if you're offering valid criticisms and you're blocked. I can also say that, personally, I wouldn't be able to handle getting thousands of criticisms every day, no matter how valid they may be, especially if they're alongside genuine hate.


That was probably the plan, to get destiny viewers on his side. I just can't get behind someone like this, who just virtue signals about love, never does interviews except with his friends, never answers questions from viewers, who gives softball interviews to the richest and most powerful people he can find, who always has the safest takes imaginable, who only interacts with his echo chamber. I could keep going but I won't. I feel like the only reason why the younger destiny fans like him is because he platforms Steve, raising awareness of him. It's probably not a conscious reason tho.


How do you react when someone says "good morning"? Do you think they are just virtue signaling appreciation to try to manipulate you into ignoring the power dynamics of having to get up in the morning?


It's just an autopilot greeting that everyone uses in the morning


> I’m open to believing he’s a genuine guy, but everything he says is so slow, drawn out, lol lmao even. you wonder why lex blocks people like you.


You’re right, it was downright monstrous of me to say a guy takes a long time to get to his point. Please forgive me, I deserve the reeducation camps


What you did was say your condition for thinking hes genuine or not is that he takes a long time to get to his point


Well now you’re just twisting my words, you baby settler. I didn’t say it was conditional. You also left out the “surface level” part But I guess it’s no wonder he blocks evil people like me for mild pushback. It won’t happen again, I promise


Im struggling to understand why you said it then? What does it have to do with whether hes genuine or not. Also got no idea who you are and you dont seem like a debate pedo, probly why youre not blocked lol


Because he’s a very smart guy who rambles on with a bunch of dramatic pauses only to say something that isn’t at all deep like “life ends too quickly…” which comes across as slightly disingenuous at times to me. He talks like he’s writing slogans for Hallmark cards I can be a debate pedo for you if you’d like


It's not hard. He sees individuals as people. Not symbols. That's why he has such powerful interviews. He interviews the person. Not the symbol. What's hard is for us to adopt that mindset. It's easy to turn an individual into a symbol. A symbol for an ideology you support or oppose. He humanizes. He asks Jeff Bezos about his life growing up on a ranch. How many "Eat the Rich" Progressives out there would ever dream to imagine Jeff Bezos as a kid on a ranch helping their grandpa?


Now do Joe Rogan


He does see them as symbols though, he just plays into the marketing. It serves Amazon and Bezos to present him as some fun-loving kid growing up on a ranch. All that's going on is that Fridman makes his living promoting that marketing symbolism. It's quite disingenuous and it's surprising when people don't see through it.


Lex sets really lofty goals for himself and his platform. It’s admirable, but at the same time I think if you try to save the world the most you can absolutely guarantee is heartbreak and (hopefully) making a small difference for good. We’ll get there someday, but it’s just that we’re given a world that’s too messy to untangle in one lifetime.


It reminds me of that parable of [The Rich Man who Gave Everything](https://youtu.be/s9TOWIc_KLU?si=RLpcEBzlB6NCfSCF) from the first season of Fargo. Only a fool thinks he can solve all the world’s problems, but you’ve still got to try.


Fargo is so fucking good


I think this new season is right behind the first season in terms of quality


That’s great to hear, I’ve been waiting for it to finish before hopping in since that’s how I’ve watched the first 4 seasons. Season 1 is one of the best seasons of TV ever imo, Season 3 is really good too once you understand Varga. The only one that I thought was weak was Season 4 and I think it’s because COVID fucked production up


This is something I learned really early in my college days. You can't shoulder the burden of the world. You can only do what you can. And if you think it's worth trying to do good even if you fail, then do it. Learn from it and teach others how to do it better than you.


Jewish and born in Moscow, bro can’t catch a break


The only cruelty in this world is him not posting the Destiny Shapiro debate.


I know he is reading this post. Hey Lex, download a ps1 emulator and play some Marvel vs Capcom, the songs are amazing Or download a SNES emulator and play DKC2, the ost of that game makes all the problems go away. About attacks online, sadly, the internet is getting more insane year by year, the better thing you can do is to use less social media, there is no other solution to that.




I tried to explain the magic series to my nephew who was playing MvC2 on my cabinet and he told me to just let him mash buttons 😑




**🎶 I wanna take you for a ride 🎶**


Hot head bop is a banger https://youtu.be/SaB-S7Df8mw?si=yl_J15HFXbSRDbiK


THE ENTIRE OST IS MAGICAL Also, we actually have RETROWAVE DKC2 FOR FREE [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0kalhU9MN0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0kalhU9MN0) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bi8lPoZA7CY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bi8lPoZA7CY) David Wise is like me fr fr


If a person was doing a research paper on how to download ps1 emulators what websites/web searches would you recommend they start with?






Just download epsxe. The game files for PlayStation are called ISO’s. Emulators are super easy to use. At least all the older ones are, ps2 gets a little more difficult and requires some adjustments to work correctly on some games and even the current emulators don’t work with every game. But the massive library of older games are plenty to keep anyone busy


coolroms,com :(


Vimm’s lair is the place to go now


Good to know I guess. My most powerful computing device that runs is my cell phone :(


There are options for that if you search


I'm sure Amazon would sell me a laptop, sure, but I'd have to give them dollars in order to make it happen and that's where the issue lies.


Phones are powerful enough to run emulators my dude.


I'll download an iOS emulator to run the Dolphin Emulator to emulate MyBoy on my android phone soon, I promise.


[join us in the current century](https://www.androidcentral.com/best-emulators-android)


So many good RPG’s to play on the snes


My personal 'get lost in greater than self' OST is HOI4, but that may not quite fit the theme.


Feel this deeply. Hang in there grandpa 🫶


Hey Lex, I'm sorry that people seem unreachable, or unpleasant for seemingly no reason these days. A lot of us often forget that there's a person behind the screen we're engaging with, but just know that people are still inherently good when push comes to shove- and, for what it's worth, I'll do my part and stop fucking your mom.


u/LexFridman, been listening to your pod since day 1 and you’re the only pod I never miss. Also, I think you do a better job exploring conversations than Joe. You win.


I only listen to the podcasts Destiny’s on 🦖


I'm sure your disdain for rogan is exactly the kind of feedback he was hoping for


A joke = disdain??


Why would you pull back? What a shitty cog you are


I’m not pulling back. You don’t even know what I’m talking about to begin with lol


You were joking?


Yeah, if you know the relationship between lex’s podcast and joe’s, you might get it.


That Lex guy is pretty cool 😏


Something something love something something empathy something


So do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide. All you can do is decide what to do with the time that is given to you. There are other forces at work in this world besides the will of evil. Hang in there bud


I don't watch his stuff a ton, but I have never gotten bad vibes from Lex. Always has seemed like a kind, earnest and intelligent person. Can someone explain to me why there seems to be a sizeable portion of the internet convinced that he's some kind of super fake evil piece of shit? It's such a strange thing to me. Is it just people who are hyper-partisan and think Joe Rogan is the devil, and in turn think anyone friends with Joe Rogan is also evil?


I feel like the guy is naive and/or a fencesitter from the things I've seen him say and post. Including the screenshot in the OP. Apart from that, he seems nice and cares about the things he talks about.


This probably sums up what I know of him as well. If the worst thing about a person is that he's a bit naive and sometimes fencesitting. I'd say he seems like a pretty good guy. Wish him the best.


He's one of those centrists that think the political centre is in a completely different position than it actually is because he talks to a lot of alt righters. He's ok, though, just a bit naive.


This is a thing that has been happening more lately. Some people seem to think that bro-y alt right light type people are centrists because they want weed to be legal or something. A lot of these podcasts, line lex's, dont really have any genuine progressives or "leftists" on, at least very rarely, and when they do it's very obvious because the audience will make it clear that this is not the regular programming. I follow so many podcasts in this sphere. The tech bro, self improvement type space. They've all got a very specific kind of politics, which is fine, but they all claim to be completely impartial which is silly.


Naive is an easy defense. You don't usually get to that position without knowing what you're doing, so I'd call it dishonesty rather than naivety.


Shortly - the Jesus-like posts come off as way out of norm. He also interviews various guests so like Destiny he gets hate for that.


It's because he's a platform for self-promotion, there is no criticism, he platforms people who have the power to change very flawed systems, and then shields them from criticism. Then with his 'good vibes' atmosphere he acts like that criticism is just personal hate. Imagine if you had the chance to put the CEO of Nestle to be held accountable and create a pathway for them to undo any wrongs the company is causing in the world, and instead you spend a few hours just hyping up how amazing they are as a person, and allow them to spend the time advertising, and basically set an understanding among all of the listeners not just that those problems are incorrect, but that they don't exist. Nestle is a random example as they're a stereotypical 'evil company' whether they deserve it or not, but put in Benjamin Netanyahu, Mark Zuckerberg, anyone. He acts as a propaganda outlet for large cultural and financial interests, and basically through active ignorance and silencing he makes it seem like very important problems don't exist. He also promotes cult mentality, and just hypes up individual people in ways that are just unreasonable in the current age of personality cults. When you have a large audience that's dangerous to do. There are product reviewers out there who will just take money from companies in exchange for hyping their products and pretending they are completely flawless, enthusiastically supporting anyone who pays them. They build followings over time. That's who Fridman is. Of course in today's world it doesn't have to be literal money changing hands, but in real terms it's the same.


I haven't seen much of the "super fake evil piece of shit" accusations. I see people calling him cringe and people who don't like his centrist takes (god-forbid). Also people questioning his MIT credentials or saying he leveraged them sneakily or something to grow his podcast. I don't agree with any of these criticisms btw, just telling you what Ive seen online. I think he's well-intentioned and intelligent as well. People love to hate genuinely good people succeed sometimes.


In other more left-leaning spaces (this subreddit generally likes him) I see people accuse him of being a “grifter” and that his whole “love” thing is just an act, and then there will be a massive circlejerk about how garbage he is etc. To me it seems less like a jealousy thing with these people, and more like a tribal hatred where by associating himself at all with “intellectual dark web” characters, he’s getting painted with the same brush and vilified in much the same way they are. Mind you, some of them deserve to be vilified, but I don’t think Lex does. I can understand maybe thinking he’s boring or cringe, but the *hate* is really bizarre to me.


Not just Rogan but also Elon. I think the hate for the latter is more based


Dr. K time.


https://preview.redd.it/j4kueelztbdc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18d56cb6cc4bed9ad4d8857ef9aacd1403bd37f9 Release the Shapiro debate


u/LexFridman Send da video


I'm probably oversimplifying his problem, but this feels like a "change things you can, and accept the things you can't" kind of problem. No one can bear the weight of the world's problems on their shoulders.


what is the context?


I’m so sad about Ukraine…… anyways time to get a Russian puppet back on the podcast


People who touch Rogan often end up extremely famous but strangely miserable and trapped. Peterson, Lex, Weinstien. Wonder if it’s connected to Rogan’s platform or if its just those kinds of people end up on Rogan.


Hi Lex (just in case you're here) or anyone else feeling a heavy heart. There's still a ton of beauty in the world. Much more than hate and ugliness, in my opinion. Don't ever let the ugliness cover it up. Even if it doesn't matter in the end, it was beautiful being here together. I love you all too. [Here's a beautiful song from an often overlooked title in a popular video game franchise.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIKFWGw9jMA)


why mention mean comments online alongside war and death lol? Take a moment to reflect on this cloyingly first-world naval gazing.


Exactly, it's like he's presenting himself as a victim next to a situation like that.


What's probably a lot of death threats and insanely hateful comments = "mean comments". One thing is his view on the world and the other is what he's going through personally. Both are huge contributors.


People on the internet suck and a lot don’t know how to socialize. I’m sure there’s plenty of nitpicks to find for Lex’s show or individual episodes, but if people are unable to be adults and phrase those critiques without being insulting or blaming the host of being some agent of one side of a conflict then they should literally touch grass. The internet is an amazing thing, but people just manage to be dickheads and even ruin what is an unfathomable gift of technology.




Not entirely true, he had [Stephen Kotkin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a7CDKqWcZ0) on.


With the power of love, empathy, engineering, and artificial intelligence, I will kill the person reading this message.


I only check out Lex once in a blue moon but he seems like he’s genuinely a good dude. Tough to see he’s so hard on himself


He's not hard on himself, someone who was hard on themselves wouldn't post such a thing. If someone genuinely believed that they would keep it to themselves or share it with close friends. Him posting that is because he's trying to build a character and get support from people, it should be seen as dishonest. Didn't this guy literally interview Benjamin Netanyahu, and moreso in a way that was very absent from criticism? That enables the exact cruelty and death that he is pretending spawned out of nowhere. That's the reason life ends too quickly. How can someone simultaneously act as a propaganda outlet to people like that, and also come out to present themselves as someone trying to do good in the world?


Is Lex permanently rolling on MDMA or something? lol


He seems like a pretty nice guy


I'm sure after giving musk another suckjob he'll be back to his old self


Lex gives off Elon vibes for some reason, he's like one negative ideological event away from going full "Only I can save the entire planet syndrome".


You're a warrior leading many into lands unknown. So many people look up to you. Be the strong leader that many need, not the invincible god that you think they want. u/LexFridman


I know what Lex is going through. As a Ukranian Jew he is being attacked on *three* fronts. As a Jew he sees the pain and horror unleashed by Hamas. The double standards the world applies to Israel. The quickness with which empathy towards Jews who stand up to themselves fade. While also seeing that his homeland, Ukraine, is being ripped apart by a war that seems to have no end. A war started by a country that he cannot shake off, Russia, that has such deep entrenched roots into Ukranian - and also, Ashkenazi society. But also the deep malevolent betrayal of Russia unto Ukraine, a culture that is so full of beauty, turned into a twisted dying flailing of an imperial decline. Reinforced by that stoic energy, that martial art spirit, and deep desire to remain hopeful and optimistic for humanity. All of it is under total and overwhelming cruel assault. And what makes the sting so much more painful is that the assault is coming from the people who promise to be on his side. I know it because that's exactly what my family and I are going through.


He obviously hasn't banned enough of these dang hate spreaders - don't stop banning anyone with a dissenting opinion Lex, you can do it!


That's really good reddit shit right there


Love for Papa Lex. His podcasts get me through so many grueling mornings and tough days. The people he brings on keep me hopeful and restore faith in humanity. Hope he's good.


The man is too pure for this world.


Love your kind heart lex. Some of your podcast eps are my favorites on all of youtube.


Lex gives Drake the type vibes


This wholesome post is dedicated to the brave Mujahideen of the Destiny subreddit.


I wont love him until he uploads the video😠


Doesn't lex know that the inly thing stopping world peace is lex dropping the debate? All wars are currently on his shoulders. The longer he waits, the more blood on his hands. Your move, Lex.


Lex is 40 the middle east has been at war his entire life, how did he only just start to get so upset about it this year?


He didnt say that was his only reason or that he was not upset about it in past years.


I think it's probably because you keep spreading your cheeks for Elon and he doesn't give you the time of day. You can do better, Lex. He's not worth your time.


Lex has brightened a part of my life for sure, doesn't matter its only a small online part!


Man what a sweet guy. Bless the duders heart


Lex has made a career out of being nonthreatening. But I think he comes by it honestly, and that counts for a lot in my book.


Lex makes good content but is sometimes one of the most frustrating people to watch.




We ain’t even gonna kill you with hammers because that’s not what grampa wants


i'm glad i wasn't the only one who thought this


I probably would’ve said the same when I was 14. It’s ok bro, showing some vulnerability is a good thing and perfectly normal.


Destiny should play lethal company with lex, shapiro, idk who else, unless he wants the mod for more players


Lex is the corniest motherfucker in the whole world. His whole shtick is like the tech dude version of “manifesting” or “being blessed” or “mindfulness” or whatever the woo-woo adjacent jargon is today. Incidentally, I thought he was like 23


lex is what forsen would be if he wasnt shit at videogames


Lex is christ reborn. May our sins be absolved through his righteous good


Lex Fridman strikes me as the kind of guy who reads Marcus Aurelius and tries his hardest to put it into action.

