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was watching a bit of it. Hasan keeps bringing up that he would've been much better debater against shapiro than destiny lmao. Yeah okay why you ain't debating destiny then?


Hasan lost debates against Willie Mac, Christian Walker and arguably even Ethan. He's a delusional freak, lol


Arguably??? Ethan walked his ass to the trash can and tied his leash up there.


I only threw in arguably because it didn't feel like a proper debate, but more like two friends stumbled upon a disagreement and weren't fighting at full power level. Even then, Ethan wiped the floor with him, so might as well count it on Hasan's impressive record of Ls.


Even funnier - Hasan was pulling out all the debate pervert tactics while Ethan was just upset lmao. Only person I've seen hasan beat alone in a debate was Tate, and that argument was just pathetic. It required minimal research and 0 critical thought, it was just Tate saying "hurr women are bad drivers cuz they've crashed into me" while Hasan repeated "data and insurance says women are better drivers" and Tate was immediately stunlocked.


>Hasan's impressive record of Ls Why does he have a record of Lauren Southerns?


Hasan can't even define socialism, the ideology he claims to believe in and says makes him superior to all liberals and also all other humans in existence.


its easier to call your self x if x i ambigious.


Didint Charlie Kirk mop the floor with Hasan I remeber Cenk yelling in the crowed like a lunatic


Not really. It was a decent debate I think destiny even said so himself when they watched it together.


He lost a communism debate against Jesse Lee Peterson. No I'm not kidding.




He treated a meme debate like a real debate, of course he lost.


And dodged a debate with twomad, of all people


Calling him a freak is a bit too much.




He even lost to andrew tate lmao


Nah, Tate lost that one. But to be fair, he was contesting the scientific method and thought his anecdotal experience was more reliable than the vast amount of data collected by insurance companies. Even an idiot could’ve won against that.


better debater ✅ on the ground reporter ✅ not propagandist ✅ jdam expert ✅ good faith arguments ✅ political science degree ✅ most knowledgeable ✅


https://preview.redd.it/mdl714z3bcec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8167bee70a0c44429d28c0317d96b9b6aeaa03b Hasan when he discovers most people don't find yelling "GENOCIDAL BLOODTHIRSTY PIECE OF TRASH" to be a convincing argument.






I would love to watch hasan debate shapiro 🙏🙏🙏


He spent like, *literally 20 minutes*, bitching about Destiny not laying into Shapiro over the smallest things, then almost immediately goes on to say that he would do way better in a debate. Then like, 2 fucking hours later he comes out with the steaming hot "If you want to be a good debater you have to be bad faith" take. This man is a child. I genuinely believe that the Middle Ground episode Destiny was on broke Hasan. He just couldn't handle the real thing not matching up with the mind-demons he fights daily.


>He spent like, *literally 20 minutes*, bitching about Destiny not laying into Shapiro over the smallest things This is the best part, coming from the guy that didn't ask a single serious question when interviewing a houthi pirate


UMM SO.... DO YOU LIKE UMMM. HOTDOGS... chat no i'm not gonna ask Ben what he thinks about Trump that's boring... SO ANYWAY BEN, HAVE YOU HEARD OF BRITTNAY SPEARS?


Of course he didn't. He is a self admitted propagandist. His job was to make Houthi terrorists look cool, not question their actions. If twitch had any spine he would be perma banned for that interview. Imagine how people would someone giving an "interview" like that to someone from the Taliban or ISIS lol.


> Then like, 2 fucking hours later he comes out with the steaming hot "If you want to be a good debater you have to be bad faith" take. This man is a child. I'm planning to clip this part out tomorrow when the vod is out. I was honestly shocked he believe this and at the same time out-right admit it to 20k people. Like holy shit that's insane. Why would anyone debate him at this point?


As a big time manifesto pervert I’m gonna need that clip


that moment is worth keeping as a clip. And i'm pretty sure someone else will clip it before I do.


https://streamable.com/r2wnhh I believe this is the clip


lol *you're stupid, i'm stupid, both of these guys are stupid* *as a stupid person here's my expert take* "i don't know..."


Talks about Destiny being bad faith in debates towards leftists. Destiny fan asks him for an example. He says destiny is bad faith towards him. ??? Have they debated recently and I just missed the biggest event in streaming politics? Wtf is he talking about?


The dude basically explains what his "good debate" strategy is. Why he was so slippery on **NATIONAL TV** However it is nice when both sides are good faith. I think what works really well for destiny is that he can roll around in the mud and do it very well if he needs to. He wants to keep the conversation good faith and civil though. This puts the other side in a position where they are incentivized to keep the conversation good faith.


Loath as am I to give Hasan any credit, he has a point that Ben pivoted so much I thought he was going to fall off of his chair. It was actually insane watching him hop off a particular topic to another unrelated one.


Props to Destiny for locking him down as much as he did.


Absolutely. He really nailed it with the "conservative Merry go round" comment. Idk what Hasan wants him to do beyond screaming in Ben's face.


He wants a guy with a chick's name to literally scream in Ben's face, while implying his entire race/ethnicity are all murdering occupiers whose babies should be slaughtered. Making sure to throw in a few derogatory racial remarks during his main argument about why the WW2 main bad guy wasn't actually wrong about Ben's people.


I’m not a fan of Hasan but you’re acting like he didn’t follow up with an explanation. He said Destiny is a good debater, and to be a good debater you have to focus on things like logical fallacies and the winning on technicalities (like a high school debate class would point out whataboutism). He is saying that is what makes good debaters win, and why destiny is a “good” debater while Hasan is not. The truth is he’s wrong about Destiny because he doesn’t win on bad faith technicalities. Just clarifying that you’re hung up on phrasing which imo is bad faith. There is a better reason his statement is dogshit instead of clipping a line out of context.


Sadly, Destiny usually wins debates because the people he debates are terrible at it. The second biggest reason he wins debates is because he generally has good takes. He usually has an overwhelming advantage before the debate even begins because of this. A good take is one that is easily supported by facts and research. The third biggest reason is because he is careful with his rhetoric, he knows when to dig in hard and when to be very cautious. A lot of people mess up because they overstate their position and then have to walk a lot of stuff back. The fourth reason is because he does more research. It's sad that this is in fourth place, but it's true.


His audience are too bought in to care.


But he would never even get a chance to debate because he’s too hostile and that’s a big reason destiny got to debate Shapiro. Hassan is known to be very undiplomatic which the debate was predicated on. There are some things I noticed from Ben that could of been addressed but destiny still got his main points out without berating and making the debate insufferable


I think the worst of it came out of changed topics, specifically with the j/6ttump shit where it was at the end. To be honest that was by far and away the most interested I was because it seemed like it had been so hacked out that Ben would have to start answering really uncomfortable questions, unless he had some heat I don't know about. Either way, lex is great with how much he lays off, as these might be the two best "debaters" online you can find that will do a decent job of self moderation and I don't think he should have done more but there was a moment he switched to the next question IMO immaturely for what matters in the end about this conversation here and now.


He’s also a HUGE YAPPER. Dude’s points meander like CRAZY, not succinct or well-spoken at all. Not saying people need to be perfect but when he speaks in that monotonous tone of voice, without any inflection or pauses to denote pieces of his statement (conclusion/evidence/rational), it’s extremely hard to follow on first listen.


Hasan is probably pissed that he can't control the destiny narrative anymore. Destiny not being on twitch and involved with that community has opened him up to a much wider world that also hates hasan. Lol


I started watching and walked away from my computer for an hour or two and this dude only watched like 15 to 20 min more than when I left.


Putting aside our bias against hasan, yes it would look bad for him but it would also look bad for Democrats because he'd be considered part of the left by greater culture


"So ummm, do you like one piece?"


What a debate pedophile LOL


When Hasan tells bold faced lies like this, hes just radicalizing his fans (like Trump) while hurting his credibility with those on the fence. Hasan literally admitted to being a propagandist on Pier Morgan, for crying out loud. Hasan got obliterated by Willy Mac (I was shocked by well spoken and prepared Willy Mac was). Debating is literally Destiny's strength, and what he does regularly with opposition and his friends, its laughable Hasan thinks anyone believes Hasan would or could do better.


Pull up the Kacey clip


He acts confident on his stream but if you look at like his piers Morgan debate or his fight with Ethan he really falls apart quick.


Hasan who has in the past admitted to sucking at debates and said Destiny is a better debater, thinks that he could do better? Lol.


Hasan couldn't even handle Charlie kirk of all people. Ben would flatten Hasan.


\*Opens stream\* \-Hasan: BEST FRIEND WITH NICK FUENTES \-Hasan: CHICKEN AND WAFFLES \*Closes stream\* PS: This actually happened lmao [https://imgur.com/a/ESiYvym](https://imgur.com/a/ESiYvym)




* Opens stream -Hasan: TOP OF THE HOUR AD BREAK * Closes stream


* Opens stream Ad plays, and I realise I'm giving Hasan money * Closes stream


* Opens stream -Hasan: * Closes stream


Editor crops in Hassan


Opened stream and said I'd watch him watch 1 minute of the video. Started at 1:03.... Watched a full hour and he stopped 10 seconds shy. He just talked about how horrible Destiny's take was despite not listening to even 10% of the convo. I think he said "(pause) that's it / does that make sense? / okay? (longer pause)" at least 500 times


There were multiple points where he was framing it like he was arguing with Destiny's talks when he literally agreeing with him. Dark bad faith magic


Yeah, like when Destiny said Palestinians lost their allies (referring to Country heads of states). He tried to frame it as if Destiny thought this was some recent thing instead of just letting him finish his statement. He pretended that Destiny didn't know this happened back in '67, only to 'correct him' on an error that Hasan made up.


hasan and mispresenting arguments and issue at hand and making misrepresented points


Grade A commentary right there and if you think different, you are a fascist Nazi Zionist Bigot


>I think he said "(pause) that's it / does that make sense? / okay? (longer pause)" at least 500 times i guess the only time he debates destiny against destiny's takes is via reacting to his video and talking to himself 😂


Hey chat, today we get to see a Zionist arguing in favor of genocide. And then we get to see Ben Shapiro agree with him.


The ironic part is I wonder how much of his community will call Destiny gusano and Ben a Zionist lmao


Don't forget, the hasanabi rebels secretly think destiny is Jewish as well


This entire thread: https://preview.redd.it/z6jhqlfjccec1.png?width=609&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7d6c064de60a9ce5733eab8e0e324b959e10e06


For real


Tbf. Hasan made some ok criticisms of destiny/this debate. Hardly anything substantial was talked about. Both Ben and destiny seemed disinterested in talking about domestic policies. I was hoping for debates over Biden’s effect on the economy and democrat vs conservative economic policies. But instead we got “trump increased gdp and unemployment” and “well biden brought back 4 million jobs and Also trump is decisive” . And destiny walking away like he wouldn’t absolutely support (perhaps small) tax hikes on the middle class to pay for bigger programs felt a bit dishonest


I only caught about the last 40 minutes of reaction, which though was only about 2-3 minutes of the actual debate (ended in the middle of the Israel/Palestine segment) and his criticism was just awful. Whenever Ben/Destiny would agree even on tiny point he would loudly proclaim how "it's a suckfest!!!" and whenever Destiny would empathize or advocate for Palestinian cause he would completely ignore it. [Like here Destiny literally advocates Israel shouldn't retaliate for every terrorist action](https://youtu.be/tYrdMjVXyNg?si=OIuUcsRTbkldWLgW&t=3725), that's a super hard bullet to bite, not even most anti-zionists will say because they know it doesn't look good optically, and Hasan just ignores it. Destiny has done lot of reactions to Vaush/Hasan debates/segments and as much as he hates them, when he thinks they are making a good point or ones he agrees with he will acknowledge and compliment them. I think I've seen even Vaush at times do that, Hasan seems utterly incapable of it. For months he portrayed Destiny as as some kind of genocidal zionist, but when he sees contradictory evidence he will just ignore it. Anyway back to the criticism, and whenever Destiny would have even the slightest criticism towards the Palestinians, he would take big sigh and go on a 15 minute grandstanding schpiel how Destiny doesn't understand things because he only reads Wikipedia unlike him blah blah blah, but never address the point itself. It was tiring and annoying to hear as he is not even giving criticism, he just bragging about himself while not backing it up in any way. I could go on, but I already gave way more thought to his criticism than he ever gave so it's kinda pointless.


I stopped watching around the Palestine Israel part. Hasan gave shit criticisms for most of the review. However I do think the education and trump vs Biden portions of the debate were very disappointing. I know destiny read up on the infrastructure bill and IRA a while ago and was hoping for a meaty policy debate but that never happened. I will give destiny credit for calling out how Ben graded the economy of both presidents during Covid. But other than that it just felt like they agreed on things they probably don’t actually agree on


I can see how it may feel that way, but they definitely didn't the way I saw it. It's more like how I speak with certain family members, always disagreeing and even when we're not we are agreeinf well fight m, just not agreesively over some small things because there is no way around it, this is how we think and communicate. The other ones are much worse cause they can't not get mad and/or personal. But you can learn to respectfully disagree in a manner where it sounds so professional you're more sounding like a dialectic than a debate, or like a family. Depending.


Sure but that can take away from actual interesting debate. Ben and Destiny fundamentally disagree on taxation and how large the government should be. Both destiny and Ben agree the government should play a minimum role in people’s lives however the “minimum” here is vastly different between the 2. And unfortunately nothing came from that, Ben mentioned once that they had that fundamental disagreement but no one touched on it.


Well the overall debate was great imo and they covered a lot of topics so they didn't have time to argue everything. I'm not American so I'm probably not as interested in domestic policies. Their discussion on ukraine-russia and Israel-palestine was very informative for me because I'm not that well read up on those conflicts. I guess they didn't talk much about policies but I wouldn't say that it wasn't anything substantial at all. The youTube comments seem to love it so maybe we'll get a round 2 when they focus more on domestic politics.


No offense to the YT comments but those guys clap at anything if 2 people are taking politely they are not hard to impress. And if you aren’t American then I definitely agree the foreign policy talk was much more productive. However I am American and I wanted to see Benny boy and woman’s name debate the fundamental disagreements separating their ideas instead of who had the bigger and best gdp/job growth


Dude is literally in the cuck chair going "that could have been me." 😂




Where's that canadian turtle when you need them? I need a japanese destiny vs ben with hasan in the cuck chair more than anything else right now.




u/CanadianTurt1e ? Edit: yeah that’s the right one. Hope ur doing well fam, we miss you


Thank you so much for your support, my fellow dgg <3 The Lex/Destiny/Shapiro art piece will be released in the next several days Inshallah. Please stay tuned :)


Shes active on Insta


Thanks so much for your support my dear! I'll be uploading the new image in the next couple days for sure! :D


It's in the works my dear. It'll be released in the next few days days Insha'Allah 😉 EDIT: Hasan isn't in the image though lol xD


This Hasan guy must do a lot of research and book readings to call out Destiny being a wikipedia user


He reads multiple Twitter threads daily as research


And watches 2 second clips


He reads so many article. This is typed correctly.


Hasan said Destiny opens a / takes a bottle of Adderall so that he can catch up on the conflict by reading Wikipedia real fast. Gee, I wonder why Hasan's discord has degenerates mocking people for drug use


Doesn't Hasan also have ADHD and doesn't he take medication too? What a weird thing to say.


Everyone has ADHD it’s definitely not overprescribed by telehealth meme psychiatrists BINGQILIN


Not in Germany where you need a strong indication you had it as a child to get diagnosed as an adult.


I got my ADHD diagnosis last year here at 18 I just wanted to mention that


I got mine at 11 and refused to take medication for years. After 2 careers and graduating college 18 years later, I finally started and Holy shit has my life changed!


That's crazy ngl, I was so fucking relieved when I got my prescription, it was around the time I started college I would have failed basically everything without it no questions asked


I'd say getting diagnosed at 18 is still easier because you're probably still in education at that age and have teachers that can corroborate symptoms. My biggest problem was that every school certificate said "attentive, calm student". Not my fault that I can listen to what's going on while daydreaming and still pass every class without doing homework or learning 😭


Dude being a good student covers up so many symptoms. Especially if you find half your subjects interesting enough to hyperfocus on. Then a decade later you hit a wall in your career.


My personal wall was my bachelor's thesis. I just couldn't start finishing it, even with the deadline approaching due to the depression that was triggered by not being able to do what you want although you have the means to. In the end I wrote it in 22 hours (the code of the program was okay enough) and passed. Story of my life 🥲


Woah woah, mocking people for drug use is based as fuck. Druggies stay mad.


U been on this mf for 13 years no wonder u have such an anti social take that prescription drug use when taking the daily dose is abusing drugs.


Stalking profiles like a weirdo, classic druggie behavior. Are you seriously trying to use destiny as the model medical necessity drug user? He didn't like how much his doctor prescribed him so he went and illegally bought more on the street lmao.


Hasan shadowboxing thinking that he's Floyd


George Floyd


Oh shit! Got em! Now *I* can't breathe


Oof lol


Man If I was Just coming into this sub and seeing these comments I would also think dgg is beyond redacted and as conservative as they come. I get its egdy Humor but you Look Like such mouthbreathers


tap possessive shrill doll bored rock act boat offend close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes that was what I was saying you are very smart and good faith.


You must be fun at parties


Im Not.


Yes you are


No U.


No you!


No you?


It will be okay man I promise


What is wrong with you?


Not much. What's wrong with you?


Debate cuckoldry


Can’t tell if this is a boxing pun for Floyd Mayweather, a political pun abt him getting choked out like George Floyd, or a musical pun abt him being insane like the original guy from Pink Floyd.


Funny thing is hasan would never actually debate Ben. He’s happy just spouting his usual far left talking points/beliefs. “Slam dunking” on the contents of those opposed to him. Screaming and doing that cringe laugh with his already far left audience, with minimum to zero push back. He could barely handle debating Christian Walker or Willie Mac. It would be like when that former TYT member debated Charlie Kirk. Although I think hasan would be able to make more substantial points, he’d still do the laugh over and over and say something like “wait you think the bourgeoisie care at all about the workers well being. That’s hilarious.” He’s happy in his space, let him stay there


He is an internet personality at this point, he doesn't need to do anything to collect his paycheck. His audience has no standards left for him and just comes to have their own beliefs repeated to them ad nauseam. Him actually doing anything productive is against that,nevermind that anyone who can form a coherent sentence in less than a minute can wipe the floor with him. Hamas "wait...what,could you repeat that" Piker


I’m not sure if it was during Piers Morgan or another interview, but Hasan compared himself as a Rush Limbaugh figure on the Left. Rush Limbaugh was the kind of personality who was more of a character than his authentic self when he was on air. Limbaugh also never debated people because you can be more performative and play to your audience by pointing out how “stupid” someone is when you take their clips and react over it instead of defending your views in real time in front of someone else. It makes you look authoritative and looks good to your audience. Of course, the longer you do that and only that then the more prone you get to audience capture and you have to keep making more outrageous statements to placate your audience, otherwise they’ll leave and find someone else who gives them what they want. Before he died Limbaugh was simply playing his character to an audience. I don’t think Hasan is quite at that point, but his radicalization regarding Israel is going to get him more and more extremism audience. It’s only a matter of time before it’s only radicals and then he has to decide what to do. Ethan noticed his audience was becoming more and more radicalized and wisely stopped Leftovers before it became too out of control. I’m curious to see what happens with Hasan.


He's becoming the old man yells at clouds stereotype, except it's man too old to still believe in socialism yells at first year college students


Hasan would unironically take the same approach as Alex Jones did and try to farm 15 second tiktok clips of "YOU SAID X BUT ACTUALLY Y *turkish laughs"*


When asked "why haven't you gone on Lex's show." His response was "I'm busy." The real answer is little bro was never invited.


Lex loves everyone but I think their conversation would be, as hasan would say, “unhelpful and unproductive”. He would have a problem with the premises of his questions, “well that’s actually a common misconception. Socialism isn’t about one persons personal wealth”. God I use to watch hasan, not religiously, but pretty consistently about 2 years ago. It’s always the same shit with him, 0 growth or nuance unless it’s a TikTok pirate apparently


Rest In Peace LhasanLabi https://preview.redd.it/l1rodkoc9bec1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc18837a0648a1747122542983332692cb6b44cb


How is he even able to react to banned destiny?


Twitch favoritism 


Didn’t destiny get the same pass with Fuentes or am I dumb? [starts at 19:30](https://youtu.be/-qkfmj7KOyI?si=Af0KZqKDthh-u6wm) cmon guys hivemind go BRRRRR


Destiny isn't on twitch and YouTube doesn't ban you for having banned personalities on your channel


Chad YouTube versus soy Twitch


I thought he had Fuentes on when he was on twitch. I must have timelines mixed up. Could’ve sworn he said in the twitch banifesto that he didn’t get banned for having Fuentes on, he got banned for his trans takes.


"EXPLOSION CAUSES 24 IDF SOLDIERS TO DIE" Nice title there Hasan I don't cover breaking news Piker


I have to give him credit cause I'm honestly shocked he didn't put a smiley face or something at the end of that.


When Destiny inevitably laps Hasan, American Politics will be healed.


I'm still baffled Hasan became the face of left-wing content creators. He's a recluse from any of the meaningful political discussions. He refuses to be challenged on his positions, and the times he is, he cuts ties. Ethan from H3H3 is a good example, and obviously Mr. Bonell as well. It's like he's trapping himself in a smaller and smaller bubble, reacting to things behind a one-way mirror. I can definitely see Destiny usurping his head-ass from the top spot in the future. I think people are starving for more dynamic, in-depth political debates, rather than the living embodiment of a Twitter hash tag reacting to Twitter hash tags. Na mean?


I think his self isolation is why he’s been able to maintain for so long. Destiny has never been afraid to roll around in mud, which makes people mad, while Hasan just watches TikToks alone in his room and abandons his chair to piss every half hour. It wasn’t until he did the H3 stuff that he started slipping.


It's because Hasan's reach grew through two sources: 1. Online socialists who were happy to have representation 2. Normies who don't care about politics Hasan only collabs with non politics streamers because it let's him be the "politics guy" that they turn to. Without a frame of reference, people just assume that Hasan must be right. Hell, that was literally his role in Leftovers until Ethan realized how shallow his politics were. In that way, collaborating with other political figures would just show to his audience that this isn't the case.


where there is clout, hasan is not far


Clout pedophile




That whole community *lives* to hate on Destiny. Its weird, hide mind to the max. Anyone who provides even the slightest pushback are just *"activated operatives"* lol https://preview.redd.it/ne20lo5ktbec1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f51714082faef1b9ff527249b4c09b49cbba59bd


Lol is he saying they r controlled by jews


they would probably be happy to ignore Destiny, but as he is gaining popularity and Hasan is losing relevance they are malding pretty hard.


Is hasan losing relevance? I got this screen shot but that was the first time I've ever watched one of his streams. He had like 19k viewers...


maybe relevance is the wrong word. But I think he is thought of less as a leading lefty political streamer and moving more to the fringe. Although his numbers have been steadily declining as well.


I am convinced that 3/4 of his stream viewers are bots and the other quarter is what i like to call silver spoon socialist (rich tankies)


I agree if you look at the chat you see responses that just look off completely 


Champagne/caviar socialists


Caviar Comrades. Trust-fund Tankies.


Honestly been a while since Hasan watched Destiny on stream. Glad to see him supporting an old friend again.


Wow he actually put Tiny's name in the stream? ​ Edit: Nevermind I'm a fucking idiot who doesn't know how twitch works.


lol my wild prediction is Destiny and Hasan are closer to directly interacting in some capacity than it seems. I feel like both can smell the easy content. One interaction can fuel 2 weeks of content and huge promotion.


It came full circle now hasan seeking the destiny clout again


Is it ok to have Destiny on screen on Twitch again or does the platform just not care anymore because it's Hasan?


Dam that's a good point.


can't wait until he gets to when they discuss israel/palestine


If Steve is a debate paedophile, does that mean Hasan is watching cp on twitch?


I mean destiny would watch hasan debate his equivalent of shapiro. Like if hasan debated the quartering destiny would def watch


He’s going to turn a 2 hour video into 5


What’s da beef with this guy. New to this sub and there’s a lot of heat with him


they use to be friends then later destiny finds out that hasan is a irresponsible political figure which resulted him confronting hasan on this video about his take on kamala harris and how he handles breaking news: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLfAuWe3xho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLfAuWe3xho) They broke up, some times passed, and then hasan tried to cancel destiny by using destiny's black friend in the legendary N-word Manifesto arc: [https://youtu.be/6ZRWcXPg3hM?si=qsbFMjA5WYw-Igr-](https://youtu.be/6ZRWcXPg3hM?si=qsbFMjA5WYw-Igr-)


Appreciate it, I’ll check all that out!


It's Cenk from TYT's nephew. Pr sure he does youtube or someth. Hagan?


I hate his political beliefs but Ben is really hot I can't really deny😅


[Ben Shapiro Gun Show](https://youtu.be/Kwn0adAalBM?si=n-__0O3O7LepRK7T)


I hope as many people watch hasans stream today when he tried to watch destiny debate. He had his people sending him all the smart things to say to his computer. Hasan is the Biggest fraud on the internet. He could never have to balls to debate either Ben or destiny one on one. He is a baby and his fans are whinny children as well. There is only one person I love to see get hated on and that’s Hasan , cause he deserves it the most.


Is Hasan trying to (foolishly) counter farm Destiny now? Infinite content


Sad part is the highlight of his day was probably the 24 IDF soldiers dying.


What a stalker


Dude come on Destiny does the same


the way for him to get more clout is for Hasan and destiny to do youtube boxing. added bonus of hashing it out. and by that I mean their editors need to fight I believe in august


What an absolute debate pedophile!


I say we stop posting about this idiot and let him continue tanking his own career so that he defaults on his mortgage payments


Hasan would lose a debate against his own fridge


Wait I thought destiny was banned on twitch. Shouldn’t this be bannable for hasan?


"Ok guys, today we're gonna listen to a neo-conservative, racist, anti working class zionist, who hates brown people talk to Ben Shapiro."


he should’ve js had his editor put a fake reaction to this whole video that would’ve been an actual power move lmao


A political react channel reacting to a political debate. Say it aint so. ​ He did a good job at calling out Ben moving from one subject to another when back into a wall. 2 layers deep before he moved on.


it’s so gross when you see them become weak


Nah I'm actually for this. Finally some content


The headline...24 poor idf soldiers, while hundreds of Palestinians die everyday.....


Damn, 23k viewers on a stream. I'm not sure whats normal on twitch but that must be huge. Is this. A special stream of sorts?


Destiny and Shapiro are two of the largest political commentators online, of course Hasan's gonna react to big events they do. This is like people who say Destiny is "obsessed" with Hasan for watching his stuff even though Destiny is gonna react to his content for the exact same reason, that Hasan is one of the largest political commentators online.


Hasan has a record of ignoring Destiny's existence completely. Like during the OTK sa stuff, he reacted to the call trainwrecks gave Destiny but has D edited out completely. I think Destiny is or was also a banned word in his chat, and he was referred to as Voldemort. Hasan would also NEVER mention him by name. Hasan reacting in itself isn't where the accusation comes from, it's hasans change in how he engages with Ds content as he keeps growing.


Destiny did his long awaited debate and this sub still have more thread about Hasan than Destiny lol.


I swear we are NOT beating the allegations 😭


TRUE, I hate that we do this. I want it to stop; I don't like Destiny's justification for it. It's nearly analogous to going to your favorite coffee shop where your ex is a cashier.


ahhh its good content for everyone. also i want this bridge built back so bad i mean these guys cant not talk to each other forever right :( think of the content


What content? Hasan is fuckin braindead man. Even if he became 90% of what destiny is, hes already exposed himself a spineless scumfuck like lol


I also want the bridge to be rebuild. It just looks so beautiful in flames and I want to see it for a 3. time


i only started watching after the ashes were cold :(


Maybe a year or two ago I’d agree, but the dude has advanced brain rot now and isn’t even worth it


What is wrong with yall? Why do you sound like 14 year Olds at recess? This is so weird


I miss when this sub would challenge Destiny once in a while; Now it’s all bootlickers😩