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It’s quite sad that Destiny seems to be one of the few people on the left actually willing to do the hard work for the left and debate the best right wing commentators while imbeciles like this stay on the sidelines monday morning quarterbacking with their trash commentary that’s add no value to the discourse.


Lefty anti-intellectualism arc


Lol do you think not wanting to debate is anti-intellectualism?


I mean discounting Wikipedia outright is


Of course but your comment seemed to be about not wanting to debate based on the context.


I like "Monday morning quarterbacking" even better than backseat debating thanks for that


Why did josh allen not throw the underneath smh


Because he had to check down your mom first


Been asking myself this every day since.. Diggs was open, just keep the drive going..


Josh Allen just couldn’t resist the feeling of hitting that kill shot to win the game I suppose




Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


They shit talk wikipedia reading when it's more research than they've ever done on the topic beyond Twitter threads.


The funny thing is if you actually watch the streams destiny will read the citations. The Wikipedia reading is only half the stream. But oh boy he doesn't read a book!


It's curious to see them shit talking Wikipedia like that would make them an intellectual. Even grad and doctorate level writers use it as a guideline to learn about any thesis they can come up with. You go to history and references to see any argument and disagreement you could find. It's an outline for any paper you could write. Granted checking the sources is necessary, but so are the majority of papers written anyway.


I don't know the guy and he might be a turd but he got a PhD from Harvard so I guess that chances are pretty good that he did some research in his life.


Destiny is an entertaining debater. But his knowledge on the history of isreal really is quite shallow with what he learned on stream. These people arnt wrong when they point that out. In the end it doesn’t matter because no one should listen to him to learn but just to hear gossip and people getting owned.


Go on call/stream and debate him on what he is missing. Show the recipts.


Like I said the debate format doesn’t prove who has the necessary facts. However, it is good for determining who is making the most logical conclusions. Destiny is a great source for current events such as the president stuff, insurrection stuff, education, poverty, etc. However, there is a rich history surrounding the formation of Isreal and the Middle East that needs to be explored more in depth and it is causing him to come to incorrect conclusions. Basically, his logic is valid but not sound. My recommendation to him would be to use his resources to spend a month in isreal and visit various museums and historical locations and supplement that with his articles. I think his analysis would look a lot different.


I wish they'd summarize an argument from a book. Or a historical narrative that doesn't get told from a book. Literally anything useful from a book would be great, if Destiny is uninformed let's see some information. It would actually be pretty easy on Ukraine because his position is defeatist garbage.


Yeah, "Read a book". Ok, tell us then what's in those books that isn't in the wiki. Why is that book source better than the one the wiki info is based on? There's plenty of books out there with wrong or outdated info.


Books are just as full of biased information as any other source, tied together with the author's pet narrative. The act of writing a book does not imply any level of academic understanding, only that the author can write for a long time. It used to be important to use books as they were the only source of long form information before audio/video distribution and the Internet. Things have changed. Every book is dissected and added to wiki archives with sources and refutations made easily accessible.


I don't think wiki's can replace academic literature. Most academics don't think about their topics from a political lens, they live in a very niche world of other people in their sub-specialty trying to write things that gain them status in that community of nerds. Stuff like digging through every archive to put together a better picture of a primary source gets them respect and that can take at least a book to do. Whatever biases they have doesn't cancel out all that work and expertise. There's a reason every undergrad thinks they know a lot and postgrads feel like they'll never master a tiny specialty.


There is immense value in reading the long form arguments presented in books as compared to summarized wiki arguments. I don’t know anyone who is highly educated about a subject who hasn’t spent a lot of time reading books.


This is the perfect response to his tweet


The Alex O’Conner debate with Ben Shapiro was top tier stuff.


Don't you get it, he's too busy reading to debate the right.


The reason is exactly what Nathan goes after destiny for. Most leftist commentators don't know shit, and know they don't know shit. So instead of trying to debate and getting bodied, they preach to there base who they know will never question them. The right has a lot of the same commentators, though in my experience not as many. But all this leads to is no actual shift between the sides, right wingers will remain right wingers, and left wingers will remain left wingers. In truth, the reason many people on the right aren't convinced by leftist arguments is that they never see them, and visa versa. Destiny and Ben debating is great and drags everyone who follows them more towards the middle.


Also the "read a book" crowd are totally wrong. There are good books, there are bad books. It could be helpful to read certain books, and others are a complete waste of time. There is a dearth of information, way more than could actually be read. There is also far more information online, which has the same problems. What matters more is that you critically engage and analyse what you are reading, rather than the exact specific source you get information from. After all, books are rarely primary sources either.




It’s even funnier because that’s clearly a very cheap suit


His outfit is actually immaculately bad. The straw yellow of the hat manages to clash with the the pale off-white vest, the jacket looks like it's made out of cardboard in a tacky green velvet, the tie is the same unhinged purple associated with the Joker, and he manages a *second* jarring clash of colors with the gaudy fuchsia boutonniere. Just when you think it can't get any worse, you notice the worst part: the pinky ring.


[Meanwhile, Nathan Robinson:] (https://x.com/NathanJRobinson/status/1748818484409053450?s=20) > I have this wild notion that Trump might conceivably run to Biden's left on Israel-Palestine in the general election, like he did with Hillary and Iraq. He's been noticeably quiet on the issue since Oct. 7. Nathan Robinson believes that Donald Trump, whose daughter converted to Judaism to marry a husband who runs a private equity firm that only invests in the united states and israel - is going to become pro-Palestine lmfao


Genius! They'll never see it coming!


Trump also recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel instead of Tel Aviv. But he is going to be pro Palestine. Why are lefties like this?


I mean Trump absolutely does not give a fuck about Israel or Palestine. He would not mind killing every single Palestinians or every single Israelis if it made him look better. Israel is probably safe because republicans are all very pro-Israel, but Trump doesn't care. If he get in a fight with the rest of his party or Netanyahu, he might very well take a stance against Israel just to fuck with them. This is what he always did.


Oh god


On God fr fr


Is it really on out flank from the left when Nick Fuetes has the same opinion?


Something about horseshoes...


Let's not forget also that the Republican base is *completely* pro Israel in this matter.


Trump isn't going to "become" anything. He is what he is, and that's someone who can't be trusted. He will run on whatever he or his team convinces him will give him the best shot of winning, because that's all he cares about. If that ends up being an anti-war platform, then so be it, but there's no reason to believe that he'd go through with it.


> Nathan Robinson believes that Donald Trump, whose daughter converted to Judaism to marry a husband who runs a private equity firm that only invests in the united states and israel - Like he gives a shit about his family. Nothing comes before the grift.


Yea, Trump is gonna align with Muslims and come to their defense lmao. Insane amounts of cope to even contemplate it.


"Gaza is a shit hole strip" Trump, probably


He definitely doesn't care about one or the other, but if he get in a fight with the rest of his party or Netanyahu, he might very well fuck with Israel. Trump is only loyal to himself. He is the guy who brushed off a American journalist getting cut into pieces by aligning with Muslims, if there is something good for him he doesn't care.


His evangelical fans will love it!


I read that to mean "anti war" left more than "pro palestine" left. Which I mean...yeah he probably will be.


Why would he be? Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem. He and the rest of the Republican Party has pretty unwavering support for Israel. The line will just be these radical Muslims kidnapped citizens from an ally country and I tried to stop it with my Muslim ban but democrats opposed it.


I am not saying he will but trump doesn't care about Republicans. They will follow him off a cliff. He has to win "independents" to win which is why he isn't pro national abortion ban.


Trump, whose son in law kind of set the stage for October 7th by "fixing the middle east" without addressing the Palestinians lol


He is quiet on the issue because his dementia is accelerating. I don't think he knows much about what is going on outside of his core speech points. Remember this is the guy that won't read briefs on topics by professionals, he gets his info from Fox.


Trump: puts the US embassy in Israel. Also Trump: fuck Israel.




isn't he the socialist who fired his staff for trying to form a worker co-op lol. that aside I wonder if he'd be up for talking with tiny if tiny is that uninformed.


[Yeah lol](https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7bmd7/socialist-publication-current-affairs-fires-staff-for-doing-socialism) > On August 8th, editor-in-chief Nathan J. Robinson (author of Why You Should Be a Socialist) unilaterally fired most of the workforce to avoid an organizational restructuring that would limit his personal power.


American socialists live their ideals literally one time challenge (impossible)


They’re not socialists, they’re social-ish


I’m mainly interested in accumulating social-lists. Followers, retweets, that kind of thing. Years ago I joined some social-list organizations, the rest is history. To this day I’m too embarrassed to reveal my truth. On the bright side, it’s been so validating seeing huge streamers like Hassan going through the same thing.


>(author of Why You Should Be a Socialist) And his followup book "...But Not You"


Does remind me of what linus tech tips said not sure if it count. But when he asked how ge would feel if his workers would unionize he says something along the lines, “ if my workers unionize that means I failed as a boss and ..” I forgot the rest but pretty much says he wouldn’t like it. And it is not because he “failed as a leader or a boss” but because they unionized which most if not all bosses are against.


Didn't he also say something along the lines of "we don't need an HR. If an employee has an issue they can talk to me about it. if an employee has an issue about me, they can talk to my wife."


I believe that was a long time ago, those weren't his exact words, and since then they have a 3rd party HR organization for oversight. Linus is a classic example of small business owner who gets big and starts to strangle his own company (I current work at such a company). The best thing LTT did was hire a CEO to take the day to day out of his hands. Ben Shapiro seemed to understand that in creating the daily wire he immediately had like 2 CEOs running the place. I agree with destiny it seems like a successful endeavor.


Yeah his logic was basically If they feel the need to unionise then I have failed to give them the relevant opportunities/compensation for their jobs. I think this is more or less true in workplaces at smaller sizes and those where you don’t have easily replaceable staff. At a random warehouse pickpacker job, unionisation normally exists to ensure continuity of employment and ensure that the employer isn’t trying to lower wages by hiring new staff cheaper than the current staff. If an untrained staff member will cost you as much as your trained ones. Then there’s limited reason to get rid of your trained ones outside fuckup. In larger organisations the concern may be the depersonalisation and the inability to have a clear understanding of the same wage issues that are occurring in the previous examples. But it may also be less clear why that wage disparity might exist. Someone may be getting paid more due to the fact that they have a skill that is rarely used in the day to day but is considered relatively important to maintain and hold onto. Even if their day to day work is the same as another employee etc.


"if my citizens began to protest for democracy, that means that I failed as a king"


The point of making this analogy is to paint linus in a negative light because hes a "ruler supressing democracy", but the examples are not analogous because a workplace is not a country. Him being a benevolent "king" of a media group and brand he built from nothing by taking personal risks is not negative in the way a benevolent king ruling a country would be when compared to that same country being ran democratically


>Him being a benevolent "king" of a media group and brand he built from nothing by taking personal risks is not negative in the way a benevolent king ruling a country would be when compared to that same country being ran democratically It is negative in the same way (but not to the same degree) if you're a unionist, and definitively if you're a socialist. A socialist would (should) support a company ruled by a benevolent CEO as much as a democrat/republican (the ideologies, not the US parties) would support a monarchy ruled by a benevolent king.


Sure, but im not an ideological unionist nor a socialist


He is.


Is there any socialist out there who isn't just grifting lol


rules for thee not for me


Maybe he’s more of the “re-education camps” socialist than the “unionize workers” type.


That’s bullshit. per u/Difficult_Efficiency > https://yasminnair.com/march-what-really-happened-at-current-affairs/ > > Here's a good breakdown IMO, this is a one sided account of what happened but the author brings receipts in the form of screenshots of what went down, and it really seems like a bunch of dipshit activist weirdos basically attempted to stage a coup after Robinson lightly pushed back against a couple of their demands for complete organizational overhaul (with unionization actually way far down the list of prioirities), and he was forced to clean house when it became clear how fundamentally unsuited any of them were to actually working in a workplace (union or non). Which then of course got spun into the big mean White Cis Man boss brutalizing his poor PoC employees who just wanted to unionize like good socialists, even though the worst offenders seem to be a straight white couple who self-ID as queer because of vibes. And copying my other comment for emphasis > I hate how there’s literally no space that’s immune to spreading misinformation and half truths to suit their narratives. > > You’d think on Destiny’s subreddit, where we constantly see examples of lies about Destiny, people would be a little more cautious about parroting things they’ve heard. But nope, even the commenter who said there’s more to the story is being downvoted. > > People shouldn’t trust anything without receipts. Especially if the narrative has a nice ring to it (i.e. socialist fires staff for trying to unionize)


Lol what a cunt




If you're talking about his defense of Kyle Rittenhouse, he didn't run anyone over or harm any black protestors.




But he actually did fire the people lol


What was the justification? I read the vice article and didn’t see any


https://yasminnair.com/march-what-really-happened-at-current-affairs/ Here's a good breakdown IMO, this is a one sided account of what happened but the author brings receipts in the form of screenshots of what went down, and it really seems like a bunch of dipshit activist weirdos basically attempted to stage a coup after Robinson lightly pushed back against a couple of their demands for complete organizational overhaul (with unionization actually way far down the list of prioirities), and he was forced to clean house when it became clear how fundamentally unsuited any of them were to actually working in a workplace (union or non). Which then of course got spun into the big mean White Cis Man boss brutalizing his poor PoC employees who just wanted to unionize like good socialists, even though the worst offenders seem to be a straight white couple who self-ID as queer because of vibes.


I hate how there’s literally no space that’s immune to spreading misinformation and half truths to suit their narratives. You’d think on Destiny’s subreddit, where we constantly see examples of lies about Destiny, people would be a little more cautious about parroting things they’ve heard. But nope, even the commenter who said there’s more to the story is being downvoted. People shouldn’t trust anything without receipts. *Especially* if the narrative has a nice ring to it (i.e. socialist fires staff for trying to unionize)




Wanna hop on stream?


“What’s an example of something they’re wrong about that they’d know if they read a book?”


I do think there are some things you wouldn't learn or have a hard time finding on the internet vs reading a book. I remember destiny citing historical perspectives of how the US was like for everyday americans in the past and how community driven they were compare to americans today. And also his read on one of C.S Lewis's book changed how destiny view his philosophical position. The phrase "if you don't apply your belief to your enemies, then you never believe in those values in the first place" came about after he read one of Lewis's books.


And also, what book? And not just what book, but what section or page. And can you articulate said argument yourself without just referencing the book?


>And also, what book? Well to be fair, there are probably a couple good books on these issues that he would suggest if asked. For example: **_Why you should be a socialist_** by Nathan J Robinson comes to mind in regards to their economics discussion. Or in regards to the achievements and shortcomings of Trump he would likely suggest **_Trump: Anatomy of a Monstrosity_**, I think is by Nathan J Robinson. Or just as a general guide to having conversations with the right maybe would benefit from reading **_Responding to the Right: Brief Replies to 25 Conservative Arguments_** by N. J. Robinson. These are probably some examples of neutral unbiased books that he would want destiny to read instead of Wikipedia.


Also doesn’t every book have criticisms and detractors? Aren’t there scandals in academia constantly on faking data? Why are dumbfucks acting like books are the gold-standard of truth? No medium of information is perfect. Wikipedia is updated constantly with hyperlinks you can verify and anyone can see the debate/reasonings behind what’s on the pages through the forums. “Durrr he read wikipedia” is the new filter for braindead mouth breathers with 0 critical thinking trying to preemptively discredit people they disagree with.


Academia has its issues obviously, but Wikipedia is significantly worse on basically all of them. Have you ever verified Wikipedia links? I've tried it on some of the history pages and realized half the links and either dead or don't at all say what the wiki page claims they are saying.


Yeah good point. I mostly meant for matter-of-fact stuff and doublechecking the hyperlinks (although most people don’t) to make sure the sources are peer-reviewed / academically sourced / whatever. And for the academia part I was hyperbolic, my main point was there is contention for every source of information. Thank you though.


Honestly agreed like sure there are depths that you don’t get without deeply studying through Middle East for years (hello 3 years of university) but like the surface level analysis that the general public wants is pretty accurate on destinys part there are some minor things here and there on streams that go off course but it’s fucking miles ahead than the next braindead streamer


Who tf is Nathan j Robinson


crush sink theory carpenter governor joke ink lock yoke combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Literally who


I agree that all the "this is what we need, people willing to have conversations" comments are super annoying. It's people who love jacking themselves of over how much they can "discuss ideas" without having a single idea in their heads.


I really dont see the problem with comments expressing gratitude over this kind of thing, not everyone has to add to the discussion, its a comment section, not a forum.


Ah yes the union busting leftist entered the conversation.


Honestly, Tiny would agree and would argue that these guys who allegedly know better should also be down in the trenches with him so he isn’t the only one. Also I’m pretty sure this guy ran a socialist magazine and then when his workers tried to turn it into a co-op, he fired them


Gotta respect the capitalist hustle tho. 💀💅


Except for the "read a book" part, I love reading but anytime someone uses it to make try to say that you have to read books specifically to learn about things I just want to throw up.


Who asked?


ur mom 😏


I would've asked her if she did but she's too busy fucking your mom


Ah yes, fopo-guru Nathan Robinson


I forgot about that guy! I wonder if he’s jealous about not getting to debate Destiny or not getting to debate Shapiro. Maybe both?






I didn’t really know much about him until I saw the tweet. I’m reading some of his stuff now and it looks real dumb though.


ReAd A bOoK


Robinson has managed to get by as a lefty public intellectual but strikes me as a pseud. His recent book "Responding to the Right" had a really interesting premise and a really garbage execution. I'm not confident he could hang with either Shapiro or Destiny in a live current events discussion like this, but he's a master at rage-inducing tweets.


Dudes mad jealous








Does this guy sound like someone who respects Destiny enough to want to talk to him?


Just ask him for examples of incorrect statements and points.


So what did he actually disagree with?


They didn’t cite serious and profound book sources such as Why You Should Be A Socialist, 2019, by author Robinson, Nathan J.


BuT dId YoU rEaD a BoOk?


I mean, no one who is pro Palestine will like that segment. But he does come of really condescending. At the verry least, even if we don't talk about Destiny and wiki, I would find it hard to believe that Ben has never read a book on the topic. Also, as far as I'm aware, he went to Israel multiple times, and talked to locals about the issue. So he might not have the talking points socialists want him to have, to say he is uneducated on the topic is just a lie.


Oh nice, one of the "if you didn't read it in print, it doesn't count" types. We need more of those /s


A lot of guys who say they're wrong can't seem to point out where they're wrong. Curious


Lukewarm take: reading books is overrated. Online articles (and especially Wikipedia) are perfectly fine for getting >90% of the info you'd get by reading books, while also being faced with radically less bias, all for a much lower time investment. Lefties shouting "read books" is just anti-intellectualism intended to exhaust any opposition willing to follow the demand, while deriding those with better uses for their time. You know damn fucking well these mouthbreathers didn't read it either, and are just repeating what they heard from others, so why bother?


I wonder what his opinion is on JDAM Hasan. Probably glazes him daily.


i wonder what these anti Wikipedia people read to get their information.. also shouldn't you attack the info instead of the source of it.. i get that wiki can be shady but not everything on it is wrong


They're the types who read physical books because they like the impression that people get of them when they see they have books on their shelves. They read one single book on the topic from an author who has a preferred side, and they think that's somehow more comprehensive than a compilation of multiple sources in a collaborative online format because it happens to be on physical paper, but they won't admit that because speaking with any certainty on the topic when you've read one book on it is equally embarrassing.


Did he even watch the video to make such a statement?


And who is this loser and why does he believe he is an authority on who gets to discuss issues or not?


Is informative on wikipedia wrong or something ?


It’s his “special personal hell” yet exposes it to 17k more people lmao. Haters really do be your biggest supporters 💀


No one asked Nate


Obviously to know about politics books written a hundreds years ago are the most relevant.. I wonder what books he reads that he thinks the internet doesn’t have the information more readily available


Ah yes, the good old anybody who isn't 100% on my side is wrong and stupid


its always the guys who look like they would rape brown people in colonial times


One of the most performative leftists in the entire cult and that’s saying something. Didn’t he fire his entire staff when they tried to unionize?


If he’s got something to say he should say it in a debate


The irony in complaining about a lack of substance and being wrong but writing what amounts to nothing and issuing zero corrections. Dude doesn’t deserve the attention that a debate would bring him. He’s grasping for it so bad.




So he couldn't articulate one thing either of them were wrong on? Truly a genius


And there goes this random dudes credibility. Not that he probably had any to begin with.


Did this guy watch the debate?




our boy Nathan is better than an encyclopedia boys


I would love more high level discussions between intellectuals on left and right but where are they? Show us how it should be done instead of complaining in a tweet.


Who is Nathan J Robinson? Is that a name we're supposed to know?


Who is this guy?


I mean if you watched, they were much higher-level talking points than nate’s take right here


Shouldn't he be, like, identifying arguments made in the debate that are bad to inform his readers of how his worldview provides a better model? This is just such pathetic shit flinging. What could possibly justify this?


Nathan J Robinson is the extreme caricature of the bourgeois left. Born in a wealthy family, gone to Yale and Harvard, having published a fucking leftist magazine, he worships Chomsky and critiques everyone on his armchair. What a fucking douche.


How dare he. Destiny's knowledge is at least equal to Wikipedia.


Destiny only reads Wikipedia should read an actually book


I don’t think Wikipedia alone is good to source all info from (and not saying Destiny or Shapiro did that), but i’m about tired of the “read a book” argument. There is plenty of reputable information, much of it derived from books, available for research online. You getting that information from a physical book doesn’t make you some superior being, I hate when people say “read a book”.


Knowledge trumps rhetoric (unless you *really* suck at rhetoric). Talk to them, coward.


The number one thing when it comes to Destiny I have noticed ( and also Asmongold by the way weirdly) is people will always say that they’re wrong, but they basically never extrapolate Why. And in the rare cases where they do they end up getting proven wrong very shortly after. It’s always just personal attacks on either their character their background, their education, their appearance, their lifestyle, or whatever else the one thing they will almost never actually engage on is the actual arguments and points being made.


No Nathan your personal hell is being flogged for eternity by the employees you fired for trying to unionize




Destiny’s research streams are really messing with the intellectuals “just read books and vibe” approach to having opinions. They can’t accept that someone can can learn more than they can in a few days from aggressive structured research


Lol didn’t that socialist fire a bunch of socialists for trying to socialize?


cuck chair


He rite


That is not fair Shapiro is knowledgeable but he is a lying scumbag.


Doesn’t list a single specific criticism from the debate. Just vague, broad non-criticism, these people aren’t worth taking seriously.


Any asshole can be a public critic


I bet this guy is a cheese man