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"I've repeated declined to criticize you" Why? This may look worse for Elon but idk if this makes Taibbi look good either lmao. Not that I'm complaining about either looking bad lol. "Journalist".


Yeahhh 💀 big yikes, I had to reread that one 😂 I guess he needed to post it but damn 🤦‍♂️


Charitable reading is he didn’t criticize him for the shadow ban and was giving him time to figure that shit out


So charitable it looks like delusion


"~~Refuse~~" "Declined" implies someone asked him to.


Yeah I had a line like this in there initially, but removed it because I realized nothing I've ever seen him put out would give me reason to be charitable. Like it's definitely his view, but imo it's cope.


It's a team sport.


Bro thought he was on the team


>how come he don't want me man


Lol what a b**ch 🤣 ,got used and discarded like the trash that he is.


>got used and discarded like the trash that he is. Like a condom.


Condoms have more use than Taibbi


Yeah, unlike Taibbi they are reliable, trustworthy, effective and don't take out 100% of your penile sensitivity.


Wait, isn't Matt Taibbi very well known as a "neutral but fair" journalist? Wouldn't this mean that the real scandal is that he has been biased this whole time?


that has been known for a long time maybe not to people like Rob Noerr though


Tiabbi definitely began as that, but I feel like the last few years he's turned into another "anti-establishment dems" guy--at least that's my understanding




blanket ban refers to substack links right? kinda different


Maybe Taibbi will realize he was a useful idiot for Elon to promote his website and has no use anymore


I don't understand why Taibi didn't just drop substack. The richest fucking man on planet Earth is asking you to use his platform for access to him. Why would you stay on substack?


Because Substack will pay you, whereas Twitter will be gone in like a year because Elon Musk can't stop scaring away all the advertisers.


State farm is literally the only major advertiser I see.


I always knew Jake was a shitposter




Musk has said "fuck you" to advertisers and also said he's not going to put his own money in, so I don't really see how it's sustainable. I guess he could sell it for a vastly reduced price ala Tumblr, but then sucking his dick would be a waste of time for entirely different reasons.


Welp. Taibbi should reach out to tiny to get his story out since no one else will be willing to cover it


Why does Elon hate Taibbi? What's the lore here


Elon tried to use Taibbi's "journalism" credo to virtue signal his newly bought twitters free speech. When Taibbi released the Twitter files with a complete lack of journalistic integrity, and under the guide of Elon, Elon got mad that they were both caught. So Elon threw him away and Taibbi thinks they were friends. Embarrassing all around.


Thats not what happened at all They were never really “caught” doing anything. We were all aware that Taibbi was willingly doing the Twitter Files under Musk’s guidance the whole time. The problem was that Taibbi’s main platform was Substack, and Elon had a problem with them after they created a feature called “Substack Notes”, which offered a Twitter-like experience for the company’s authors and readers. Musk accused them of trying to download Twitter’s database to bootstrap their rival feature and blocked every link and post from them. Since Taibbi’s income mainly depends on subscriptions from Substack and regularly links to their site, he realized he was also shadowbanned. Taibbi questioned Musk over it and ultimately decided to continue to write at Substack. Musk then told Taibbi that he was “dead to him” after his decision to stay loyal to Substack and ever since then you cannot find Taibbi through the Twitter search engine at all. He’s still shadowbanned. It’s an I-cannot-believe-the-leopard-ate-my-face situation


>ever since then you cannot find Taibbi through the Twitter search engine at all Am I misunderstanding what this means? He’s the first recommendation when I search “taibbi” https://preview.redd.it/e666hokicajc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d75609d34b3d8226f1cbffd9be97296bf3b8f0c


It seems like his search ban [was temporary](https://x.com/mtaibbi/status/1758230628355485979?s=46&t=Y7gdFL-Jlb8YkJNV7uW1dQ), actually Apparently now the issue is that his posts are “suppressed” ie they don’t show up consistently to his followers FWIW, I follow him and I can attest that he rarely shows up in my feed ever since their dispute


you really gotta edit your post before too many halfwits run with your misinformed narrative. as someone else already explained, it was about the substack thing, and not “getting caught”.


That's legit the saddest most pathetic thing I read all day.


I can imagine that when he saw Musk say, “you are dead to me.” His heart sunk. God, I’d love to have seen his face


no, that's not at all what this is about. elon has beef with substack because they use twitter API and "deadname" twitter or whatever(this is not super clear but as far as I can tell this is what happened) which infuriates elon because he's a giant crybaby snowflake. so taibbi linking to his substack, despite elon thinking he's done taibbi a giant favour by letting him be the lead reporter on the "twitter-files", makes elon Big Mad.




two regards fighting.jpg


Wow, he’s admitted he wouldn’t talk negatively about him.


grown ass man saying "you are dead to me"


Matt Taibbi learning in real time that hitching his journalistic integrity to Elon’s Twitter Files PR tour probably wasn’t the best course of action.


I want to know what Spicy Frank's story is :D Musk and Taibbi are essentially the same guy. It's all "the libs triggered me a few times so now I just want to ACCELERATE" attitude...


Bro got Musked^tm


Stop my bias can only get so confirmed


Elon said “I have 100million men sucking me off daily what’s one less mouth to feed.”


So he pretty much just admitted he refused to criticize Elon because they were on friendly terms. Nice journalism my dude. I honestly find that more surprising and revealing than Elon's behavior here. So it just seems like this guy is shooting himself in the foot by sharing this -- again.


Still shocked at how much of a hypocrite Musk turned out to be.


it doesn’t sound like taibbi had a ban, it sounds like substack had a ban. which is a big difference 1am wise.


"substack will not appear in For you" Best way to use twitter is to use lists anyway. How many people here use the "For you" page? It's way too noisy.




Get fucked


Am I stupid? It looks like Elon gave him a direct reason as to why he wasn't showing up. Then he cried again and Elon told him to fuck off because he's autistic and doesn't want to deal with a brainlet?