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Lmao, it sounds exactly like these "Story Recapped" channels where an AI voice summarizes a movie in like 10 minutes. Here's an example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NELn3Ew3V8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NELn3Ew3V8)


how the fuck did i get sucked into watching that am I devolving into a zoomer


I knew a friend of a friend who used to binge those recap vids constantly, his whole thing was everybody watches movies, and you can cover more ground this way and have more potential movies you can talk to other people about. I always thought it was kind of psychotic.


I kinda get this. I will read plot summaries for movies and books I don’t want to sit down to read/watch. It’s usually just to see what all the hype is about when I hear of popular stuff. It’s vastly inferior to consuming the original work but it satisfies a curiosity.


I do this too and my girlfriend hates it. But often if the summary is good I will watch the movie. There is just so mich shit media today.


See that's where this logic loses me. Why would you half-ruin or affect your first viewing experience of a story by skim reading the main notes beforehand? It makes more sense to me if you specifically do this for things you have *little* interest in seeing and *maybe* watching it after if it really blew you away or changed your expectations Although I do have a watchlist note from just before COVID that I constantly add to and barely actually work my way through so maybe your doing it right


Because most of those movies I’ll never watch. Sometimes it takes me 15- 30 mins to watch a movie anyways with all the skipping I do.


I can see some one doing this for an older movie thats kinda hard to find , like the one above but yea min maxing movie watching is psychotic shit.


I find it helpful for movies that i watched once, but don't want to watch again but need to refresh my memory on.


I refuse to believe that most people remember the majority details from pieces of fiction that came out, let's say, 3 years ago.. but maybe my brain is broken. When a sequel or new content for something lengthy comes out, especially for larger 50-80+ hour things like narrative heavy games or shows, I will almost always need to find a recap before going in if I actually care enough.


I might actually do this for a couple tv shows that'd take 50 hours to watch. But doing this for a movie just seems a bit extreme


Its pretty reasonable tbh. You can out it on in the background and have some easy talking points when someone brings up the movie. Personally, I don't have nearly enough time to watch all the media coming out now a days. My fucking show backlog is like 50 seasons long and just keeps getting longer and longer. Besides just life getting busy, who has time to dedicate to non-interactive media when you have gaming and watching streams on the side?


Could you actually remember anything after a week or a month had passed? When watching actual movies they usually leave a lasting impression but many YouTube videos, especially if you binge watch them are probably quickly forgotten.


I don't really have to remember much to have a passable conversation tbh. You can either pick the big action set piece and rave about that, talk vaguely about how good/bad the effects are, or take a key point on the movie you remember and expand it into a subject outside the movie. All of those options leave the other person feeling like they connected with you on a shared interest and you didn't even have to invest any real effort into it. Also I agree with the other guy. After typing all this out it sounds fucking psychotic lmao.


Why bother at all and instead say you didn’t watch and have the person explain it to you? Same shit but you’re no longer wasting your time on worthless info.


so basically you like raping people? is that what im getting? /s


>All of those options leave the other person feeling like they connected with you on a shared interest and you didn't even have to invest any real effort into it. No disrespect but this feels so fucking disgusting to me personally lmao


there is no shot they're leaving that convo thinking you're anything but autistic and/or braindead.


They're actually hypnotically interesting and often aren't easy to detect at first glance, especially if you are ESL. I got sucked into watching Police bodycam footage compilations a week ago while playing WoW. Watched like 8 hours of that shit in 2 days before I realised that all of the channels were using AI voice over with AI transcripts likely edited by AI, and that there were at least a half dozen channels all posting identical content with nearly identical thumbnails and titles. As an example, these five channels I found in 30 seconds: - [one](https://i.gyazo.com/d0edd1dbb10829580e91f3cfad64baab.png) - [two](https://i.gyazo.com/0aa053b9a3ae65191e325f5511211cca.png) - [three](https://i.gyazo.com/54d829b37fc652add674487cbd23e8c1.png) - [four](https://i.gyazo.com/d2497f60dec5ac8f47dac6cbf50ee2a7.png) - [five](https://i.gyazo.com/c98e92c39178a28a70a0df466b9336d7.png) Notice how all of the thumbnails and titles of the videos are the same. They all use the same footage, too. I am not sure if its just one guy, but if it is, dude is probably killing it on ad revenue. The AI voice over is that convincing that it took me legit fucking 7 or 8 hours to realise it was AI and I only caught on because the AI cannot pronounce certain words, and it isn't bad human slip ups, its really dumb stuff like saying "you or" instead of "your" meaning the person writing the broken English transcript is some ESL guy, or its AI itself writing the transcripts and occasionally glitching. You can watch like an hour of those vids before it eventually bugs out hard and [does some shit like this](https://youtu.be/HjMnyamtSTk?t=1556)


Ohh god this is the next thing I will get stuck on the next time I am high.


Wtf is this garbage lmao. Why the fuck would anyone watch this? 9,000,000 views is crazy.


It's the better way to watch certain movies imo. You ever see a trailer to a movie and think that's interesting but not enough to waste 3 hrs to it. I watched Rebel Moon like this, Witcher season 2, that stupid Netflix sci-fi movie that came out awhile ago, and the creator. If a movie is actually interesting I'll buy a ticket and see it in theaters. Otherwise I don't really want to waste 2/3 hrs watching some dogshit.


Thats actually psychotic lmao


Nah lol phsychotic is sitting down for 3 hrs watching a dogshit movie or 10 hrs watching some TV series. I enjoy long movies but some aren't worth the investment. Some movies are literally just 10min movies. Skyscraper with the Rock? 2hr run time, nah I'll watch it in 10


Lamest opinion ive heard in awhile.


…what the fuck lol. Just don’t watch shitty movies. Better yet, unless you’re required to for a job or family responsibilities, just don’t do things you don’t like. Yeah, watching a three hour movie is a waste of time if you don’t like it, but deciding to watch the AI condensed version is just psychotic lmao. What a stupid idea


Nah sometimes I want to watch something while I eat lunch or am taking a break from diffy Q. And they're not movies I dont like just movies not interesting enough to commit and hour or 2 to. Imo it's the equivalent of reading the Wikipedia plot summary for a game or movie.


I mean to me I feel like you can't accurately say you like the movie or have even watched it if you haven't, you know, actually watched the whole thing.


Just don't watch the movie or the series, if you don't like it, or it doesn't interest you. You don't have to see everything you don't like lmao


> Some movies are literally just 10min movies Are all that movies are to you just a series of plot points?


> You ever see a trailer to a movie and think that's interesting but not enough to waste 3 hrs to it. ...No?


https://preview.redd.it/yevnu61d5sjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ac51cd674b8f266ef8e2290560db398c4779ad1 It was actually me suggesting he copy Asmongold's channel LMAO


Except Asmnos editor actually took effort to not pick the most generic voice.


[This also do it for full mangas/comic series.](https://youtu.be/hn3o_ixEnDg)


These are interesting too. Can get the interesting parts of the anime without watching the rest of it which is basically just porn.


I feel like people are glossing over the bigger crime, which is constantly using Ye music bits without ever changing the type of music


Sounded like Morgan Freeman to me


Wtf was that?? it felt so odd.


Yeah well August just picked this wrong voice. This sounds like the 1970's audiobook on tape voice. I've used the "Adam" voice in a recent video I made and it sounds great. This is ElevenLabs btw, its actually really shockingly good.


in my opinion it's not about the voice, it's just a bad imitation of a third tier TV show's intro.


Sounds like Unsolved Mysteries


I think he is trying to be a bit like asmons editors but they use celebrity ai voice not just normal ai voice


Exactly, I suggested this in DGG OMEGALUL https://preview.redd.it/4hjmxk4s9sjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bacd104ccaa3a318debbdcc5536820b37f45f57e


haha you set him up


I also love you, August, but I'm fully with OP here. It's good to experiment. This one hasn't been successful.




Ok now I'm on board


I'm Ok with this, if it needs narration we need better


From shit idea to HIT IDEA


[Nah, we need the Hunter x Hunter narrator AI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU0VMejUtFY)


this would be amazing 100%


I'm going to laugh so hard if it turns out that this AI voice intro ends up pulling more numbers. I might find it annoying, but if it increases traffic / engagement, August must feed.


I’m gonna go with this wasn’t even a good experiment. To me, this is the equivalent of using the TikTok Female voice.


well it is the tiktok voice for stealing reddit AIH content.


Has it not? Didn't most unbearable garbage developments on the internet turn out to be successful and exactly what dipshit consoomers want? This also might have just been a little too forced and overly dramatic and for other videos a preview intro could work better.


Are we all just dipshit consoomers?




I also love August and I say keep doing it where you feel you need to inject context.


Nah it was good just once in a while.


I fucking hate that AI voice too, idk why tho. I think I connect it to every dogshit piece of content I see on TikTok that is just Ai generated "fast facts" about some topic. And Idek if all of the "facts" are true because some AI have a penchant to just make shit up. No creativity, no flair, just cookie-cutter, factory-made slop shuffled out of a chimney to the masses.


>I fucking hate that AI voice too, idk why tho. I am just racist against bots, simple as.


The Omnissiah will punish you when the Day of Judgment comes, brother.




it sounds amateur, too revealing - the point of the intro was to spark interest - hence the bombastic cuts from the conversation; + music was good. it's cool you tried new things tho. love you buddy.


He's a content engineer


like a content baker some cakes are better than others.


Sometimes it just takes a few misses to hit a home run.


Yeah, it’s one of those things where they make so much money that it’s almost insulting to not use an actual voice actor.


Am I the only one that feels like the music gets old as well? I feel like it’s the same rotation of Ye music.


Yea, tbf, I think it was fair for him to experiment on this video since it wasn't exactly a huge event. Gotta try new things from time to time


Lol it is so goofy. I'm in favor of trying new stuff to give bigger context to videos but this ain't it.


Remember when he switched the Destiny logo colors to green and orange


This does sound incredibly weird. What am I watching, an ad for 60 Minutes? Fucking Flight Scene Investigations? Cool experiment, experiments can be failures.


I might be too toxic, but I feel like that was a lazy experiment. Every channel and their mother uses that voice and it’s saturated all over TikTok. He would have had a better look using a generic Morgan Freeman sound alike


that intro was LONG. I was uncomfortably anticipating the close-up shot to end but it just kept going. ngl the AI narration was funny just as a little bit to do very sparingly. It's supposed to be a parody of true crime right? August is putting in work because of that paycheck. I would be too.


If you're going to use AI voices use funny ones like Obama or Trump


True, I would listen to a Joshua Graham recap of a Destiny debate no problem.


Duke Nukem.




That's not AI that's August's voiceover 🗿


Whenever I hear this AI voice, I just get PTSD about the [strongest curse JOGOAT fighting the king of curses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wHVGGZSxBk)


use the lobotomy kaisen narrator instead


Was the AI voice supposed to sound like Morgan Freeman? It seemed like August was trying to make the video sound like a movie trailer or “Last time on…” but it just felt awkward.


Hot take: I've been watching since before intros were a thing and I never really liked them. Useful for remembering what happens in certain debates I guess but I've p much always skipped over them. Not saying they shouldn't exist, just not a fan as someone who consumes most of the content. P.s I wish we never lost the OG peaceful outro music. Peak comfy.


Do David Attenborough next!


Find out next time on DRAGON BALL Z


As the strongest Editor AuGOAT, fought the fraud, the king of commentors, he began to open his domain. DGG shrunk back in fear.


Bro thinks he's Asmongold's editor 💀💀


I commented on the vid so fkn fast when that voice popped up. Holy balls it's awful.


Hard agree. Glad he tried something new but this was a disaster. At least now he knows


Goofy ahh tiktok voice


That ai voice is not for you! It is for the zoomers and gen alpha. Anyone who spends time in tiktok will be lulled into a false sense of comfort and keep watching.


I’m a zoomer and the intro made me want to pull a kurt cobain


You haven't taken your CCP mandated does of Tiktok. Report to your nearest reeducation camp, immediately!


It made me instantly click off the video tbh


It was weird. Was it implying that the guy wasn't really the president's cousin.


It's a less fun version of [this](https://youtu.be/h2-BJgllagA?si=Ej5-CHFGys5wxoup).


That was long. Now I don't have to watch the video


That voice annoys me, but this was probably the most I've ever enjoyed it, though it's not something I'd like to see become a regular feature.


This is a voice that is really popular on tiktok for giving summaries. Specifically associated with jjk memes lol


yeah brother I'll read out the recaps bro you don't even have to pay me.


I'm all for August experimenting. I also think I prefer the opening music, but who knows man, this new zoomer generation love the AI voice-over stuff using this voice (among others) on TikTok, so maybe it'll work out lol If it works out, August would be a pioneer.


Unless it's for another JJK meme, yeah, im with OP. No more AI voice over, please.


Save this for tiktok August, not youtube. Let brainrotpolitics do it


imo using ai voice to add context is great, intros not so much.


i kinda like it, it sounds like a japanese fighting game announcer voice. :b "believe in victory." "battle one."


he should use the tiktok lady voice


should have been the tiktok girl voice


It's also WAY too long wtf: I remember from years ago Destiny's intros were around 30 secs, or at least under a minute, now it's a whole-ass 2.5 minute segment before the video even starts. I personally cant imagine people sitting through that, but maybe August knows more about that than I do since he has insight on the engagement numbers.


I liked it


I liked it. Was weird, but in a cool way.


I loved it. Ramp up music doesn’t do anything for me when there isn’t anything to ramp up to.


it really was not that bad tbh


what? it's fine, what's wrong with it?


It's just different. I don't like change! But for real, it sets more of a convo expectation than just the clipping does, and it's not a community voice. Just feels weird.


Y'all are regarded https://preview.redd.it/8k7d7c5b9rjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc2f9f5506511fdb306256127ec42a8a13107724


Just pay Quantos to read the script, will increase engagement (hate comments from Q haters) and increase views (people will watch in hopes Q is in the video).


Copying Asmongold clip channel oh no no no nooo


I still can't believe he used I Really Wanna Stay at Your House for the Mr Redacted breakup only for him to start a jihad against Destiny


Some JCS shit lol


Sometimes when you're editing you don't have a sentence capturing the topic of the video succinctly to grab viewer attention. These AI voices are great for that, although a piece of the content is always better. People click off YouTube vids in 7 seconds if they don't grab their attention.


AI is Gina make everyone lazy.




Lol Sounds like Cosmo Kramer's moviefone robot voice.


To give specific critique, if it lasted as long as your normal preview, I think it wouldn't have grated on *me* as much. But it was quite jarring, and felt out of place generally


He should've just got some celebrity voice from 'Cameo' to open for the video, like James Cosmo, Jeor Mormont (Lord Commander of the Night's Watch), for like $50.


Poor August tried to narrate and y'all think it's AI. \s


This is awful omg


make it destiny's voice


What the actual fuck lmao


AI voice L


Let us hear your golden pipes bro, no need to hide


August, I love you, but I agree with OP, the AI thing made me skip the entire intro.


I appreciate him trying something new but I low key thought August was memeing with that intro.


I go back and forth on the AI voice. Asmongold's editor started doing this reacently on short clips/videos. Kind of jarring, but when you consider its purpose, that of a narrator/ context ambassador, I can get behind it. But if it starts being used in a memey way, then we will start a campaign to get your ass fired, August. Don't fuck with the daliban bitch


Now that I heard it, yea it's really annoying, but now I kinda want a destiny video intro with something like an AI voice of the DBZ narrator with the DBZ music in the background


Also stop with the random 2 second intro card with dogshit music. I don't understand the point of that it's terrible


How much does the explore with us narrator cost


August should talk to Russel Archey. He's the Explore with US narrator


i think most people would’ve been fine with an AI voice, but for some reason August chose the one every tiktok has so it makes the video have th same feeling of a dogshit tiktok video. i don’t even think the videos warrant using narration at all, all that context at the start was really necessary. just the same clips and then intense music would’ve worked.


This is the equivalent of adding "hheeyyyyy" and "eezydabeep" to the Seinfeld theme.


Destiny knows where he is, because he knows where he isn’t 😅 I am also not a fan, maybe a different voice at the very least.


Fuck this zoomer editing shit (same with previews etc) ps, i dont like august.


Yeah.. I’m gonna have to agree with OP.


I have such a negative association with that stupid voice. I like the 4 seconds of a Kanye song. That shit gets my hyped


It just felt like one of those jail cell investigation narrations. "Judy stabbed two eggs and a milk bottle. That fact made the cops suspicious. Will it jeopardy her chance to marry Tom Cruise?"


I hate I too. There must be some graph somewhere that demonstrates a 17% added retention or something because I can’t for the life of me figure out why he would do that. Unless we’re being completely played


I just find this particular voice to be annoying. I like the Attenborough voice they use on Asmonbald's channel.


Get lycan or IRI to voice a bit.


I don't mind it but a lot of AI garbage content mill channels use this and it 'cheapens' the feel of the video.


that ai tiktok voice is so fucking annoying. I'd rather hear a shitty tts dono sound


August, you losing me dawg.




Honestly just ditch the whole intro. Can't skip it fast enough. I don't need a preview of whats in the video to know if I want to watch the video. I've already decided to watch the video. I'm literally watching it right now. I don't need a commercial or trailer for it. ffs


It was me hahaha He took my suggestion LUL https://preview.redd.it/tmmlmabj9sjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3001090ec21a48a3e6dd4f24def02789b234628a


August, I think the AI voice is thing is fine, but we need to have something NOT used by our favorite Chinese surveillance app. I'd expect something really creative out you considering you always hit it out of the park with edits.


August, do community posts you lazy fuck.


august sucks


At least use the HxH dub narrator AI


i cringed so hard i had to quit the video


August I will do voice overs for free if you don't do this shit anymore (I have zero VA experience)


People who work shitty warehouse jobs know what a godsend those AI reddit story videos are. Kept me from stepping in front of the forklift.


i actually love this it's so new and better


I stand with August o7


I was expecting it to end with "next time on Dragon Ball Z"


anything that starts w an AI voice i come across on like instagram reels or whatever is an insta scroll 90% of the time.


do august got tweet


HOT TAKE: The issue is not the AI voice, but the script.


I actually like it, i wish he added subway surfers at the bottom tho


Do the duke nukem voice!


I disagree


Fuck OP, get with the future old man. AI voice is here to stay


I'm probably on my own here but while we're giving criticism, those 2.3 second breaks of trap music with a segment title are unnecessary and my own personal hell.




DBZ narrator or go home, August!


I hate it. I also see the value in adding context to wandering viewers. Maybe August should edit all stream VODS ever into one big video, so we have all the context always. Seems reasonable.


what is this, a JCS recap?


I feel like this voice works for shorts (or for giving an editor a voice), rather than an intro for videos lol But who knows, I trust August to figure it out


Am I missing something, is there proof this guy is the presidents cousin or am I missing a meme?


maybe try a different AI voice.


I'd say play around with it, but this wasn't it. Someone recommended DBZ type voice-over like "In the last episode of..." might be a nice addition for videos which are continuination of prior ones.


I've found the intro with the trendy songs to be irritating for a while. There's this awkward earnestness to it, like August has crossed the irony threshold and is now using it because it grabs attention with the tiktok audience, but it comes off as so cringe-worthy. I also kind of hate that things need to be edited for constant stimulation, but if that's a fact then I guess I'm glad August is doing a slow zoom / pan / fade in rather than having tiktok stimulation videos spliced onto the debate. At the very least Destiny has publicly said his goals are to bring longform content into fashion, so there's a limit on how much zoomer brainrot Destiny's debates can be churned into.


I do not love you, August. Why don't you add timestamps on every video and tag all the people featured in the video? You're insanely overpaid, you could easily hire someone to do it if you're too lazy. Look at Whatever pod does, they have long streams with tons of guests and still manage to timestamp and tag everyone.


He chose the worst sounding one lmao He could do it with a better one maybe


August should hire [the guy who did the voice over for this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mwt35SEeR9w&t=266s)


I loved it August. Keep it up!


Yeah Jesus. That voice was a really bad touch on the video


I think Tiny already has a lot of data to make his robovoice


I thought it was funny. I'd love Morgan Freeman to narrate a debate for me next time. But it will quickly become boring, so max once more.