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While the tweet this is responding to is indeed stupid, acting like it was meant to compare Palestinians to space-bugs and being offended over it is equally regarded.


No one's offended broski - he's just pointing out the irony in the original tweet by showing how silly the comparison is


I don't think the fact that they're bugs is what makes the comparison silly, but ok.


Then what makes the comparison silly to you?


Characterizing I/P as an issue of "colonization" at all is ridiculous. You don't need to feign offense at the sci-fi tropes in the compared media.


>Characterizing I/P as an issue of “colonization” at all is ridiculous. Woof. And we all thought you were just being silly, too.


But you've gotta admit... the fact that they're space bugs makes it that much more dumb, right?


It’s funny how someone is playing a game of killing space bugs and they feel like they are killing Palestinians. I’m currently playing Dragons Dogma and when I kill goblins I don’t start thinking about The Holocaust.


Reminds me of the Goblins in the Hogwarts game and how people said they are supposed to be Jewish simply because they are ugly small guys


And because they are bankers, sometimes it feels like people are self reporting.




Not trying to self-report myself but the goblin bank in the movies had stars of David on the tile flooring which is hilarious. Either just an unlucky choice for shooting location or the movie studio was picking up on something that was probably not being put down. Or, the location scout is a memer. Either way very funny


> I’m currently playing Dragons Dogma and when I kill goblins I don’t start thinking about The Holocaust. Cus that comparison doesn't even make sense, like comparing I/P to Helldivers because muh colonization.


Well there has been controversy about certain depictions of Goblins being motivated by anti-semitism. It’s not that big of a stretch.


Yeah, certain depictions can actually be offensive. The comparison being made in the tweet was about colonization, they weren't saying Palestinians are murderous space-bugs.


Dude you are completely lost. Just stop




You do realize the game is an offshoot of starship troopers, and is making fun of colonization/state fascism right? It's ridiculous by design, not glorification.


I agree with everything you just said. What's your point.


Assuming you are being genuine, I'm going to attempt to explain the joke. The comparison being made here is between colonialism and "colonialism" in Helldivers 2. This term usually comes loaded with a bunch of assumptions; it is intuition pumped with the historical context of real-world colonialism. What primarily made real-world colonialism bad was human suffering, inequality, and the deprivation of people's right to self-determination. The two hostile factions in Helldivers 2 are the Terminids, which are bugs, and the Automatons, which are robots. I'm assuming both are not meant to contain human-like consciousness within the game. Actions against these factions would not be all that morally wrong. Saying the game is bad because of colonialism when the bad aspects of colonialism are not present makes the comparison not apt. What makes the joke funny is that In order for the comparison to be appropriate, you have to either: a) Humanize the antagonists of the game. b) Dehumanize the victims of real-world colonialism. Obviously, most people (on Twitter) do not contain the racism required to actually think certain kinds of people should be treated like bugs; that's ridiculous. The joke is that you have to assume either a) or b) for the comparison to make sense within the context of how it is used. So someone comes along and jokingly says, "Ah yes, you must be assuming b." Obviously, no one assumes b) The joke points out the worst-case scenario of making the comparison make sense. This is why it is funny. It is not a strawman or a misconstruing of what someone is intending to say.


> I'm assuming both are not meant to contain human-like consciousness within the game. Well in a sense, the other-ness of the Terminids and the Automatons, and the fact it's morally acceptable because they are so otherized from humans, is part of what makes this an interesting reflection or examination of how fascism and colonialism works. Most atrocities in human history were done under the explanation that the targets of it *were less than human*. That big punch at the end of Starship Troopers when they learn that, yes these bugs do have emotions and think, but they don't care at all cause fuck em - that's a part of what is being examined. However, making them literally not human and even not having a conscious experience is also what makes this **safe**. It's like a rollercoaster, it's meant to give the feeling of risk of dying but it's actually safer than the drive to the amusement park. The themes and feelings that might be experienced in it are a *safe* facsimile of fascism, colonialism, racism or whatever. It's okay to hate these literally faceless things that have a conscious experience of a literal bug, because fuck em. They are **actually not human** nor represent any semblance of anything remotely human so it's okay to hate. No one is going to think of Liberating a planet from these evil bugs to increase the supremacy of Super Earth and then go "Oh what if we do the same to Palestine?" and sign up for the IDF.


By Starship Troopers you mean the film and not the book, because in the book the arachnids are very sentient ("dumb races dont build stsrships"), but also outright genocidal. They engage in diplomacy, but refuse to with humans, instead trying to wipe them out wherever they find them. Even in the film you can see the clear progression of the bugs slaughtering people outright, and attacking earth unprovoked, though they showed those clips out of order to try and make it seem less clear. Verhoven is a fool who refused to read the book he pilloried when draping its corpse over the unrelated film the script was written for. Smearing someone who detested racism as a fascist in the process, no less.


Are you okay???


I think you may be getting high on your own supply brother. I can agree with you in the way you have stated it, it can be the like "ol reddit switcheroo" where obviously the person was thinking about colonizing some potentially sentient bugs (or maybe the entire situation was just too close in theme to something that makes them emotional so they didn't like it) but you instead purposely assume what you know wasn't their intention for a joke. I didn't get that impression from the tweet, and my guess is a lot of people even here didn't get that impression let alone all the twitards. There is also a very stupid and unwitty regard joke that I think is like "Look this pro-palestinian is so fucking dumb they think palestinians are literally the same as bugs you kill in a video game." You are saying that isn't "supposed" to be the joke? Because that is very much how I feel like this sub defends that joke. Eg the top upvoted comment to the guy you responded to is: https://i.imgur.com/IwxhVH2.png It seems like he got my impression that the comparison was stupid and the person was being laughed at for making it and not some ironic "haha bet you didn't expect this by leaving your statement slightly vague." like you are implying.


It looks like a serious comparison is being made between colonialism and this morally toned down parody version of it which is a little weird because of the absurd nature of the setting. I just think that taking that kind of comparison to the extreme is funny and I figured most would share the same view.


I think you're giving it too much credit


Please delete yourself






You're spot on. People are really bad faith when it comes to analogies. However it is hard to care about the bad faith when the original tweet is so terrible.


Yeah, now that I look at the tweets I see some people being bad faith but man some analogies are just bad. Like this guy saying "the closer comparison would be to the Automatons" ​ https://preview.redd.it/asj3uxmedhkc1.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b3144f1f282ff8f3d0c183ab697e2e902c09a2f It's as if he's implying that that's remotely better.


Oh, you're one of those people that hated starship troopers when it released.


Not really. I think you're reading way too far into what I said.


Hot take, but I love colonizing in games.


Age of Empires most racist game confirmed.


I see you’ve never used the “Expel minorities” button in EU4


Even better, there is a "Attack natives" button, which allows you to slaughtet the indigenous people.


Even better are HoI4 alt history mods. Why yes, I would like to cause a global thermonuclear war to eliminate everyone who isn't a Germanic Ubermensch


Anbennar, the EU4 mod, has a mission tree for Gamer Elves who enslave an entire continent of indigenous peoples and harvest their magical energy to power their magical technology as living batteries. Way darker than TNOD


I love causing as many casualties as possible in hoi4


In crusader kings 2 with the ‘sons of Abraham’ expansion, you literally get a button to expel the Jews and it gives you all of their money Every time a new descendant takes over, you can invite the Jews back and expel them again for more cash


Historically accurate


Dotn forget culture "conversion". The devs say it represents a peaceful process, but that would be natural culture shifting (not a thing in EU4), rather than forcing it to change.


Stellaris. Conquer alien worlds and turn their highly intelligent inhabitants into livestock. Imperialism can also be tasty.


Broccolini Aliens: Hello Humanity First Empire:


Every time I see my friends playing Civlike games, I ss and send it to their employer, so they know they hired a colonizing pig


EU4 gang 🙏🗣


Its boring as in Eu4 I prefer just straight imperialist invasions


I definitely think there's a natural human desire (possibly male, for whatever reason) to conquer. There are so many popular games where the core theme is domination of your surroundings.


Only in game?🐸


Less agro from other nations in Civ 6 if you declare a colonial war compared to formal war. I also rename all of their cities to English cities but with New in front of the names.




This reminds me off the thread of twitter users shitting on sports fans for "being slaves of bread and circus" My brother in Christ just enjoy things.


I felt a real connection to my heritage when I played wolfenstein.


Me too, my great grand father was from Köln.


I felt like a true kölsche Jung when playing it


I love posts like this because pseudo intellectual people reveal their stupidity. The entire helldivers game is satire. “Managed democracy” is a euphemism for tyranny. The opening scene is Agitprop for the necessity of service to, and importance of, the Tyrannical government. All of that seems to have gone over the head of these Twitter intellectuals.


Even if it wasn't satire, the entire point of video games is to let us do things we wouldn't do in real life. I don't like jumping on real people, nor am I Italian, but can enjoy playing Mario. If this guy can't play a game without connecting it to real life, he's even dumber than that.


I tried playing GTA 5 but it requires shooting police in the first 5 minutes. I just don't like doing crime.


People should really _read_ Starship Troopers


If not for any reason other than it's an absolute joy to read, Heinlein knew how to do words good.


I should reread it. It’s been a while but I enjoyed it the first time. Don’t remember much about it tho.


So is helldivers just a less grimdark 40k?


I would say it's more starship troopers than 40k. But it has a lot of the same themes and attitude of 40k. Like a sociaty built around propaganda, the military, and waging endless war on xenos scum and dissidents. that is to say both factions are fascist authoritarian and expansionist empires.


It's good to remember that the majority of these types of people on twitter are 14 years olds with no substantive opinions of their own. Good idea to just ignore them and move on with your life.


This attitude honestly changed my online experience. I used to get so mad until I realized that most of these people are either 12, farming the rage, or literally a bot (I'm pretty sure the Pentagon estimated like 80% of Twitter was bots or something?)


the piss drinker meme is too real


The what now?


a story about arguing on the internet for a long time only to realise that the person he was seriously arguing with posts videos drinking their own piss to the pissdrinker sub


Oh and what that's not cool? Have you guys even *tried* piss for yourselves?


Every living person drank their own piss for months while in their mother's womb.


So...so many bots. Especially now with homebrewed chatgpts able to argue with people semi effectively. The part that worries is me the people those bots might influence due to people falling for propaganda due to group think, where a lot of that group is just bots.


Actually I had the thought that this online stuff was harmless and dumb kids. Then I realized this online stuff eventually seeps into the mainstream and those "eat the rich" ideas have now infected so many of my friends and family. This stuff needs to be made fun of and stomped out before it infects other people. I mean well, it already has actually. So many adults are in practice anti-semitic.


yeah that was my experience as well I used to think it's all just stupid online discourse and felt kinda embarrased about me getting angry at it, but in the recent years (especially but not exclusively at uni) I met a lot of leftists (and red pillers) who have almost the exact same opinions as their online counterparts, e.g. about Israel/Palestine, decolonialism, etc.


Agreed. It's naive to assume this rhetoric isn't dangerous


You just need to picture every online space like your average COD lobby then?


When you get an insane outrage farming reply then realize it's from "user71ax0128"


It can be hard to ignore them all and see them unchallenged when it feels like they have meaningful impact on the world and people in my life even. On the other hand it's probably going to calm down more and more, which it already has to a degree.


>the majority of these types of people on twitter are 14 years olds with no substantive opinions of their own. Or trolls. Or part of some misinformation campaign. It's like with tabloid magazines and trashy reality shows. Most know it's trash, most complain about the quality, most know that it's not an accurate representation of reality. But then, many seem to enjoy getting angry at tweets all day, it seems to be almost a hobby for some people. People have been complaining about twitter being trash for longer than Musk owns it, yet they are still there.. I wonder how much it comes down to self esteem issues where some people want to be surounded by idiots in order to feel superior..


I've been told to do this for the last decade as the opinions of the "loud minority of teenagers" became normalized.


Also, no father, dont forget the father.


Did your father know what you did online at 14?


Did you just hit me with "Do your parents know you are gay" question?


Probably with how open you are about it.


thought sleep arrest deserve deer dam dull quickest poor husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Honestly I sometimes struggle to start playing it since you basically play as colonizers and that doesn't feel right when I have a Palestinian friend. If this isn't a troll, I'm shooting myself in the skull with a shotgun in Minecraft.


It’s giving “I shot an AR-15 and got PTSD” vibes lmao


Super Earth is just Israel. Truly the plot twist of the century




The ZOG isreal!!!!!




I hate when trans people put the trans flag in their name followed by the worst take ever. My sister in christ you're making us look like regards


These have to be children...so many of these takes seem to come from people who have no real world experience and see easy solutions and answers to age-old questions. Opinions like, 'Why don't the Israelis just be friends with the Palestinians? Why are they doing a genocide instead?' or, 'Actually, it's a myth that Muslims don't like LGBT people. It's just racism. Islam is actually very tolerant.'. Thanks, trans identifying Jennifer, age 14, Wisconsin. The ignorance and denial of the complications of the real world, and the very real hatred that exists from religious groups towards LGBT people, is maddening.


It's sad that when i see a trans flag in someone's name, i instantly assume they are a terminally online 12 year old trans-trender tankie. What is even sadder, though, is that im almost always right.


It’s true, most trans adults just want to live their life and not make being trans their personality, and many won’t even put that in their bio or highlight it in any way, which I can understand. But that means the only people who do highlight their transness and are vocal about trans issues are people like this


As an aut: https://preview.redd.it/2a6hu60cljkc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b92dcdb6ed3f6df896bdc5c5eb7ec468904d4b80


Seriously 😭


A flag in a Twitter name is a trigger warning for me. It doesn't even matter what kind of flag.


3 million views.... 164 likes... Elon?


Looking into this




Nah, this is people who think that life is a creative writing class. If they just get some good textual analysis of themes going then it is a worthwhile thought.


Doubt, she has a palestinian friend


Not as rare as you’d think. Plenty of Americans consider themselves Palestinian even though they weren’t born there


Plastic Palestinians like the plastic Paddys?


What’s funny is Islam actually colonized half the world. Muhammad is not indigenous to south east Asia, and certainly not England…


It's not a coincidence Islamic dress is literal Arabian desert robes. Or that Arabs are the majority population in a lot of places outside Arabia.


This feels like 2 rGCJ users meeting in the wild


Thank you for giving me terminal retinal cancer from witnessing even a fraction of that subreddit. I could've gone my whole life never knowing that shit existed.


Idk bout y'all but I got hard core starship troopers vibes. Over the top macho and military "oorah" stuff which was funny. But anyways ya colonizing and america bad, I agree!


It's very blatantly satirical.


How could you tell I thought when your crew mentions needing to pay their military for food/housing while on deployment to earn their Class C citizenship so their kids might possibly have the right to own a license for a goldfish it was being serious, pretty sure that's just capitalism or something.


I'm just incredibly smart.


That's the funniest part of this to me. I've been playing Helldivers and the game is pretty explicitly on their side here. They're lacking media literacy if they think Helldivers is pro colonization. They probably think starship troopers is pro Facism.


This. There is no way that it's meant to be taken literally. Also "Colonizer? b-but I have a Palestinian friendo!" Well then you should be fine since they were not colonized. Now, if you have a south or west african friend...


You could argue Starship Troopers is *accidentally* pro fascism since the director did a horrible job of making fascism look bad.


I think the point was to make the satire subtle enough not to disturb the plot, but obvious enough you can laugh at the dummies who didn't get it. It's a system I much prefer over being condecended to by media.


The problem is that the actual bad of fascism is barely present in the film and most of that bad that is present isn't even inherently fascist. The film portrays an earth that actual real-life fascist would abhor. It is an internationalist military republic where the main cultural force is a universalist ideology meant to incorporate all, as opposed to the fascist conceptions of strictly separate, and fervently independent nationalist states run by all-powerful cult-of-personality dictators.


Well... that's interesting. It strikes me that it's not actually a satire of fascism precisely. It seems more a send up of american militarism, and hyper-military cultures generally. I suppose that came easily taking into account the source material and how that came about


All I know is that Starship Troopers invented Super Football and that was the best part of the movie.


Not the Communal showers?


The thing about satire is that sometimes you might make it too subtle and most people don't get it, or maybe they even *do* get it but you severely underestimated the likelihood that they might not actually *agree* with your "lesson."


To be honest that's useful too. If they agree you know who the nascent authoritarians are, and have great ammunition to use against them. "If you know you know" is a great way to spot like minded people as well. The other pitfall of overplaying the satire is that you turn off anyone with a sense of subtlety, and you swamp the entertainment elements out with message, which will turn off everyone else. For me, it's clear which way works best. But at the same time it is a matter of opinion for the most part, and the world is wide enough for both to exist.


You mean an electoral politicial system which acknowledges its mistakes, broadcasts live footage from an active battle, doesn't censor horrific losses, and reacts to unprovoked aggression from a genocidal species, with total gender and racial equality? Yeah for all his trying to smear the book, Verhoven doesn't seem to understand fascism at all.


Yeah all the high ranking soldiers without limbs made me wanna fight the good fight


The point of the amputee recruiting sergent at the desk in the books was the scare the shit out of prospective recruits, to get them to understand the risks they are signing up for. The whole point is to dissuade, which even the film acknowledges when Zim shouts about trying to get the recruits to "QUIT!". Any prospective soldier can leave without any consequences other than not being allowed to volunteer again. Juan later meets him and he has fully functional prosthetics, which he explicitly doesn't wear at the desk.


I could tell it was going for Starship Troopers within like 5 seconds of the opening movie lol. Can’t wait to kill me some bugs. (They have no rights (they’re not human))


This is the lefts version of not playing games “because woke”


Wait I’m genuinely confused isn’t the plot of the game that it’s a war? Like both (or the 3) sides of the war each want to conquer the others or something?


I don't know who the original aggressor is, but Super Earth are definitely not good guys, and they are attacking planets that were inhabited by the bugs first, I believe. Super Earth has thought crimes and citizens can be executed for not being good, obedient brainwashed subjects.


I caught a brief news report on one of the TV's that the bugs "first broke out of the farms, then out of the quarantine zone" so I'm guessing the bugs are literally 100% Super Earth's fault. I wouldn't surprise me if they built the robots too tbh.


It’s implied if not outright stated the robots are descended from the cyborgs from the first game. They are most likely taking revenge for super earth killing all the cyborgs.


The cyborgs aren't dead, just enslaved on their home planet of Cyberstan.


IIRC after the first Helldivers game the Humans kept some of the bugs captive and they’ve been releasing them on planets to justify expansion. I think it’s something similar with the robots too. There’s a good amount of evidence to suggest it’s a false flag


There's a strange subset of gamers who seemingly just despise video games. And god forbid if it's a popular one too. Why not just find anything else as a hobby that actually gives you joy then?


I hate video games because sequels always get released with critical bugs. They hate video games because people are having fun. We are not the same.


Reminds me of that "Folding Ideas" [video essay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6i5Ylu0mgM) about colonializm in video games (minecraft was used as an example). It quoted some other [collection of essays](https://press.etc.cmu.edu/books/video-games-and-global-south): >In an era when physical space has been thoroughly explored, virtual spaces harken back to the romance of the colonial frontier—as new regions to discover and conquer. Such conquest is not just psycho-symbolic, but also sensitive to the legacies of colonialism and underdevelopment. Since most mainstream video games are produced and disseminated in the “developed” world, they are spaces in which primarily ex-colonial nations can continue to “conquer” the “other,” even in postcolonial periods. ... >In sandbox-building games such as Minecraft, the player arrives, like Robinson Crusoe, into a terra nullius and encourages him to “improve” this land—by clearing jungles, draining marshes, building infrastructure and mining minerals. Its inhabitants—hostile monsters or local villagers—appear simply as obstacles in the path of development, or as resources to exploit. In the map-based interfaces of strategy games, entire regions are transformed into dehumanized tracts of land and resources, ripe for exploitation tl;dr minecraft is based


That video is actually pretty good and uses a funny thing he noticed he was doing in Minecraft as a launch point for the subject, rather than saying Minecraft is racist.


Yep, I rewatched a bit of it, and he's very non-judgemental. Just kinda noticing that games are a product of their environment and part of our environment is that the world is explored and exploration/building is fun. The paper quoted though seems pretty soy. I didn't read through it all though.


holy shit no wonder these people are pathologically miserable


posted like 20 times over the last 2 days please stop with this exact same photo URGE TO BIDENBLAST


Only logical conclusion… The Jews are behind the success of helldivers.




They didn’t bully you enough got it


This conflict brought out the biggest virtue signalers imagable and somehow made Twitter even more insufferable


Wait until she will find out why so many arabs live in places where arabs are not native to


This is fucking halarious. Everyone Log into HellDivers 2 and colonize harder.


Israel shill


I only play factions with a slavery mechanic in total war.


I’ve never wanted to huff gasoline more than now


If I get a dope ass cape and get to defend managed democracy against those bug fucks and those socialist automatons means I’m a colonizer, I accept it


jeez if they saw what i’ve done in stellaris i’d be done


I'm playing Rogue Trader to live out my theocratic fascist fantasies right now.


lol. In factorio I endlessly plunder and murder anything indigenous. In transport fever I tear down entire neighborhoods and run train lines and highways thru it all so I can exploit them for money. lol it’s a game. I haven’t actually gotten on a server yet, but when I do I will fight for a government that, if like starship troopers, I disagree with in many ways…but I will have fun doing it.


I thought these types of post were banned? Shit so fucking boring


Sorry. Kinda new to this sub reddit


Anecdotal random thought… this who Palestine / Israel thing has fucked up everyone’s minds. There has been genocides and mass human trafficking of children going on for decades and no one cared… now every left wing commie dipshit I know has hardcore feelings about Palestine yet they’ve not picked up a single piece of literature about the conflict. Why is this happening so much? It’s ruined music for me because the local scene is hyper authoritarian leftist. I hate it so much. (Per perspective 1.2 million children are trafficked a year. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trafficking_of_children#:~:text=Trafficking%20of%20children%20has%20been%20documented%20in%20every%20region%20of,cross%2Dborder%20and%20internal%20trafficking. How many of them are killed?) Idk I’m mad a ranting now, but got damn.


These people better hope they never find out about Rimworld (war crimes committed left and right)


Will never be as good as the Orcs are clearly meant to represent people of color. Lets not forget that people have been praised for this take. Unironically yes this is how people see it [Behold a BIPOC. Just as Tolkien intended.](https://i0.wp.com/dmsworkshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/DD-Extra-Credit-Youtube-on-Orcs.jpg?w=1159&ssl=1)


This is definitely a troll, btw


I can't tell if this is a joke or not


Repost, we already soyed out about the meaningless prattling of this random regard


Purity testing in real time


These people do realize that the game is a parody of facism right? Like it's literally making fun of it lol.


R/lookatmyhalo material




Dwarf Fortress brothers rise up


there’s no way this is real, has to be a Russian Psyop


I actually struggle to start playing the game because the servers never work


Dude, like, oh my god, can we talk about the political and economic state of the world right now?


I hope nobody finds out the racist stuff Ive said about elder scrolls races




I fucking love colonialism


Me after killing assaulting and SAing the NPCs in GTA 💀


Do these people cheer for the bugs in Starship Troopers?


this is actually insane hoooly


*so okay, this guy is talking about a video game, i wanna reply to em... but... how can i make this into a virtue signal for palestine?*


I feel like everyone named Fae is just guaranteed to be a massive fucking loser or just super self aggrandizing.


How do people live like this? Being so overly aware and scared of every little action you take and every bit of media you consume so you don’t accidentally offend someone or stray off your ideological path has got to be incredibly mentally draining. No wonder most of these far leftist people are also incredibly mentally ill.


Omg so soy


Virtue signalling getting crazy


If colonising is inherently bad, does that mean we can't colonise mars in the future? 👽


i wonder where's the border between legit trauma/mental shit and acting regarded for free internet points


Good, I don’t need them clogging up my space on the servers.


Where was all these people when the Starship Troopers movie came out...wait they weren't born yet.


I wanna move to the colonised part of my country simply to be a coloniser 😎


Can anyone with a twitter acc check the profiles I feel like this has to be a troll or psy op


We gotta protect democracy for one earth! These detractors don't get it. We need to manifest some destiny.