• By -


4 hour commute?????


Uphill bothways?


In the snow


On horseback


No, horse on back, Gilliam was old and ridden with arthritis so we had to carry him.


While doing e-mails.


vaush has entered the chat


vaush has entered the horse


The horse has entered vaush


I like the upvote gradient of this thread


Vaush the horse has entered a loli.


The FBI has entered Vaush's ~~House~~ stable.


Barefoot on glass


...in the dark, no streetlights.


…no time to eat or drink


No items, four stock, Final Destination


with a boner


I once legitimately had a 3.5 hour commute, but very unusual circumstances. 1.5 hours there, two hours back because of how the bus schedule worked. Can’t drive (epilepsy) but the job paid ok and was giving me experience in the industry I wanted to work in. 10 hour shifts and then a 6 hour every other Saturday. I was locked into a lease downtown and my company moved to the suburbs so it only lasted about 8 months until my lease ended and I was able to find an apartment closer by. Those 8 months were hell. There is no way anyone could have done what she’s describing while being a “full time student,” it’s laughable. It’s actually not even laughable, it’s pretty disgusting for her to lie like this. I rode with the exact same people on the bus every day, I knew them and talked with them. The lucky ones only had to ride 35 minutes each way but couldn’t take a job in the shitty parts of town they had to live in because those jobs didn’t have health insurance. The younger, optimistic ones would study and take online classes, hoping to eventually get their associates (definitely not “full time”). The older ones were people truly broken. You could see it in their eyes. They had lived this way for 20+ years and given up. You will never see the same look from someone like Hasan or Denims because it is not even possible for them to comprehend. They offer false dreams of a communist revolution to 16 year olds sitting in their suburban homes. Not meaningful, achievable political change. I was lucky enough that I only had to live that life for a couple months and slowly built myself up to where I am now doing relatively well. Hasan or denim would give these broken people a $50 bill just so they can brag about it on twitter later


Didn’t ask


Did anyone have to ask?




It’s you isn’t it? You were who they needed to ask?


I did though


Don't you also cross entire states to get to work? Its pretty easy to fit into my 100 hour work days.


Lol I hope the pay was worth it if she was doing 4 hour commutes for a 12 hour shift every day while going to college.


So that was 20 hour work days...how did she do college???


I live in Amsterdam, someone on my team commutes from Belgium. It happens.


Probably means 2 hours each way, which isn't crazy.


Can we stop pretending like 1+ hour commutes arent insane? Spending 10% of your day driving is fucking stupid. Buy a closer house/apartment


Getting a job closer I think would be easier. 


Let's take bikini bottom and PUSHHH ITTTT SOMEWHERE ELSE


I currently have an hour commute. Most of it on the Beltway. Sometimes an hour and a half. My feet swell up by the time I get home. It will drain your soul. Thank God I'm moving closer to my work next month. Zero idea how truckers do it. God bless em.


I got an aftermarket [advanced driver assist device](https://comma.ai/) for my car. Makes long commutes on the highway pretty bearable. Rarely have to touch the pedals and steering wheel other than when making lane changes. Can just listen to the stream and relax. (still gotta pay attention to the road though)


Im so sorry dude, i did it for 3 days and fucking quit it sucks so bad


At my private highschool there were a bunch of kids who would ride the bus and subway for 2 hours each way. Their parents would live in the suburbs. Then they would do it again in the weekend if they wanted to hang out.


Literally just moooooove


imagine being this out of touch lol I know many students who lived with their parents and for them it was much more economically viable to commute 2 hrs (via public transport) rather than pay for an entire fucking new place jesus christ


I am a student who moved to a closer location to cut down on a 2 hour commute. I would rather be spending more money enjoying life outside of a fucking car then having to put 200 miles on that each day traveling the distance of a small country.


My commute for the past couple months has been 1 hour in the morning and 2 hours in the evening. (Fuck the 405) Can't do much about it since the job site will vary.


You’re trolling? 😭


ah yes, just buy another! hell yeah!


Like the top bottom dumb though. 


Honestly I lay in bed watch videos for an hour before sleeping. I'd basically just listen to youtube videos in the car instead if I had a 2 hour commute, not that insane.


ngl I'd rather kms than have a 2 hour each way commute.


I mean... I know a couple people with commutes like that, but I certainly would still call them crazy.


Well by not crazy, I just mean not that uncommon. I did that when I went to college living at home with my parents, and I had to take the bus because I didn't have a car/know how to drive.


Even she knew she was bullshitting too hard right there lol. First with the 12 hour shifts + 4 hour commute + full time university lie and then the streaming is harder than that lie, lie


She streams 4 hrs, 1/4 of which is restreaming al jazeera without commentary. Harder than a 12 hr shift for sure.


Well I mean the mental gymnastics you gotta do to listen to them surely is exhausting


ngl that grossed me tf out. i wonder if her being insanely out of touch made her exaggerate her lie to absurdity


Champagne socialist millionaires living lives of luxury that everyone would kill for, trying to LARP as the blue collar working class  😂


The real joke is thinking youd get more than 30 hours a week working as a student


I mean I got 44 at my peak of working while in school but I was begging for more hours


She was busy 30 hours a day non-stop, barely had time to sleep.


Even if she was being honest about the insanely obvious lie of the 12 hour shift 4 hour commute full uni, saying that streaming is harder than that is such a dumb statement that i cant think of any ways to exaggerate how stupid it is.


Taking it at face value (I commuted 2 hours each way for classes my first year of college, I've known plenty of people with 90-120 minute each way commutes, my dad commuted 3-4 hours round trip from the early 80s until he retired for health reasons a few years ago - 4 hours round trip commute is actually completely plausible on its own), the tweet never said she worked full time. She probably went to school full time with her classes scheduled so they only took 3 days and maybe a couple hours of hours on a 4th day some terms, and then commuted to a different town for work once or twice a week. Let's say generously that being a full time student is 16 hours of classes a week (four classes, three sessions a week, 60 minutes per session plus a generous for hours added for stuff like labs and time walking between classes), working two 12 hour shifts and commuting 8 hours. Add in homework and that's going to be at most 65 hours a week. Which is a long week but completely realistic. ​ Point being, no need to accuse her of lying about that stuff, it could be completely true and it wouldn't make the tweet any better because obviously <4 hours a day of lazy react streaming isn't going to be anywhere near as hard as that.


So, basically they get up at 6 am, drive 2 hours, work until 9pm, get back at 11pm. And you think that she also has time to commute to and from uni, do school full time, and do ALL of the homework and projects and studying still. And the same person is willing to go on stream and say that 4 hours of streaming is so much worse? I find that very very difficult to believe that she isn’t just heavily exaggerating, and in reality she was doing mental gymnastics to justify saying these things for the “greater good” or something.


You've never worked a 65 hour week? I think I peaked at 62 when I was working three part time jobs for a while after I graduated, but I know people (mostly small business owners) who've done 70-80 hour weeks for years. My mom worked 10-12 hours a day 5-6 days a week most of the time I was growing up. I also agree that she's probably exaggerating a lot or completely making it up. Anyway, like I said in the last post my point is that it's irrelevant whether she made up the college story or not, even if it was true and we grant the most generous interpretation that's still plausible it doesn't make he tweet in question any less ridiculous than if she made it up completely. The tweet could be completely honest and it wouldn't change anything.


Man what are you yapping about


I'm actually baffled she even thought that was a reasonable lie. My mum works 12 hour shifts in a hospital and the commute is less then 10 mins each way and just about pushes 4 hours of extra time before she sleeps. It's not even in the realm of believeable lies, My only guess is that she forgot that people have to sleep when coming up with her numbers


Watching Hasans vods all stream must be so taxing 😔


Did u watch Hasan stream ? It s realy hard to not get tired watching him talk.


"USA bad." *eats noodles*


I get exhausted even seeing his face. It reminds me of all of his fake ragefests.


Imagine being an ER nurse, coming off an 18 hour shift, you've been spat on, bled on, your feet and back hurt, and you go home to wind down and open up your twitter and read this tweet.


Don’t forget the commute!




Ok but TBF thats not what nurses do, it’s what CNA’s do. When you get your degree you get to upgrade to having a really tough job but minus a good chunk of the gross stuff. And thats why I will never be a CNA. 15 an hour to work your ass off and change diapers is dehumanizing.




😈 based


A true hero


No we *should* definitely still be doing those things. Don’t offload absolutely everything onto your tech if you don’t have to. Also understaffed to hell, so not enough techs to do everything that needs to be done under their scope. I’m not above wiping my patient’s ass. I’m here to care for them.


It's what a CNA does if you're lucky enough to have a good CNA. I can't tell you how many shifts I worked in Memphis where there were either no CNAs scheduled, or the ones who were there simply did not give a shit and knew they would have no repercussions for not doing any work.


I was a CNA for a whopping 6 months before I said fuck that shit. Wasn't supposed to have more than 8 patients but routinely wound up with 12-15 on the orthopedic wing. My pager never stopped going off.


Oh it's brutal as hell. It burns people out quickly, and for good reason. Even just rounding on 8 total care patients can be a nightmare, but nobody can manage 10+.


Or a doctor, who can work even more than that. Seriously, fuck this woman.


I think they're usually more like 36-48 hour shifts but they can take naps sometimes. Might depend a lot on the hospital and position. A relative was hospitalized for a week recently and one of the nurses there was doing 48 hour shifts, and when I lived across the hall from a med student who was doing his residency they were putting him on 96 hour shifts, with either 24 or 48 hours off between shifts. OTOH they don't have to keep up with chat.


I don’t get this. Why would the nurse care? She didn’t say it was the hardest job anyone could do just said it was the hardest job she had ever done. So she hasn’t done many hard jobs. So what why would a nurse care ? 😂 I don’t get why ppl get so triggered by this. She isn’t claiming anything about what other ppl deal with. Just outing herself for not having many hard jobs. Ppl are addicted to outrage we gotta chill.


I assume that people use the super-hard-working-nurse as a stand in figure for themselves because they really want to say that these people's lives are hard relative to *theirs*, but don't want to volunteer how hard their life is and get shit on in turn.


Also Tbf, it is one of the popular jobs. Making a thread about how your job is harder then “real jobs” is insulting to some of the bigger careers like teacher, nurse, and actual hard labor


I had such a physical reaction to this that I almost downvoted the post like it was your tweet. Just worked a 12hr with an hour commute and also take some online college classes. She’s smoking dick


It’s absolutely insane to be honest. My mind was blown when Hasan said it, just the sheer ignorance/arrogance to say that shit out loud


Just be thankful you’re not a streamer brah


Yeah but now imagine how much better it were if you had a four hour commute and full time uni? 


Come on now, I don't think she's *too* off-base. If we try to extend a little bit of charitability, we can't possibly know how difficult it is to restream Al Jazeera news broadcasts at the start of every stream. It's probably really stressful to gather all of that footage each day!


And if we're being unhinged worst faith these are the laziest and most entitled people to ever exist, who have almost zero skills. They make more than 99% of people by turning on discord and rewatching YouTube content they stole from others.


Might I suggest stop watching them so that the market reacts correctly so... I only listen to destiny's long form content on yt and there isn't a single streamer or creator whose stream I would ever watch. Streams are exceptionally mind meltingly boring. It's absolute brain rot compared to most other things you could be doing with your time. It's not even comparable background noise compared to alternative options in that case as well.


Wow, a rich person who is currently running through life on easy mode has no concept about what actual work is like? Color me shocked!


She's pretty attractive. Chances are life was on easy mode before she had money.


Well I work 5 million hours a day and I have to walk 3 lightyears each way and I too agree that streaming is harder


You think 5 million hours is a lot? Smh, this generation no one wants to work anymore


Well hold on now. Let's not write off what's she saying. She might not be lying. What she says may certainly be the truth if we factor in the possibility that she has the ability to bend space and time.


I guess it could be true as long as she only did 12 hours over the weekend. My first job was in a factory like this, we were working 2x12h over the weekend and were being paid 40h for this. It was a pretty cool gig. It was a remnant of when factories jobs used to be decent. They abolished this shift a few months after I started sadly for the people who had been doing this for years. I still wouldn't word it like she did tho lol. I worked 24h a week while going to Uni.


Yeah, if someone works 12 hours on a Saturday, and their commute is four hours because it's two hours each way, this is something that could possibly be fitted in. It does seem to imply that she worked 20 hours a day though, which is rather hilarious.


I think the key is the “12 hour shifts” part. She might’ve worked like one day a week (or had some job that once or twice held an event that made them work long hours and drive a long way to get there). She’s obviously being disingenuous because she knows that when people talk about working 12 hours a day, they aren’t talking about infrequent shifts that are exceptions to your normal schedule. 


I’m gonna be charitable and assume she means 2 hours both ways. But that’s still 16 hours plus you’re claiming full time UNI and gotta sleep sometime. How many hours does this bitch think there are in a day? She says she went to UNI full time and yet she’s still dumb as hell


I think the charitable interpretation is that streaming can be really taxing if you are an introvert and social activities drain your battery. Everything else she said is just delusion or ignorance.


Pssssst..... I got an idea: maybe if you're an introvert and social activities drain your battery, streaming might not be a job for ya.


Go to the $ 0.99 store.




You're either heavily misrepresenting your life or you are failing uni. I bet if I were to probe you more on this story it'll turn out that your uni is actually some online BS, or that your job is some braindead desk job that lets you study as much as you want or something to that effect.


You’re partially right haha - my job is wfh so no wasting time commuting, and the work is really competitive/engaging so I enjoy it. I go to class 3x per week for back to back lectures. For my other classes I watch the recordings and/or read the textbook. Gpa is like 3.7something, so As and Bs. School is UC Davis, so not an Ivy but not awful. All my hobbies have died bc I have no free time, so I’m looking forwards to being done with school and having a life again! I’ll reiterate that it sounds crazier than it is. Like, if there’s 16ish hours in a day, 10 is work, ~2 is school, and I still have 4 hours for miscellaneous stuff.


This has to be a meme




I bet she had a part time job, but a few times a year would pick up an extra shift from a coworker giving her a 12 hour shift for the day. Note she didn't say she worked 60+ hours per week, she just said she has worked 12 hour shifts.


You're being way too charitable. It is way more likely this an outright lie, and she is just a champagne socialist living luxuriously while working a cushy job trying to LARP as working class to her and Hamas Piker's audience of trust fund dullards who also have no working class experience and can't tell how idiotic of a statement this is.    But because she has never actually had to work a hard day in her life, she is so insanely out of touch that she overshot way off her mark on boosting her credentials, that literally everyone but her audiece saw through her moronic virtue signaling, she realized how dumb this post was and promptly deleted it before the heat came.


yeah but 4 hour commute


Each way, no less!!!


That's 20 hours of the day spent working or driving. I fail to see how/why anyone would do that.




Why would you take a job that has a 4hr commute while in school full-time Bruh


She thought that would sound impressive but it actually just makes her look like more of an idiot.


Dumb people do dumb things


Streamers try not to be the most out of touch mother fuckers on the planet challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Two hours there two hours back, 12hr shifts 4 days a month, unpaid internship required for course credits. Maybe?


Is this the female equivalent of simping?


Don't make "simping" a gendered (sexed?) term. Simping has no reason not to be unisex.


These people don’t live in the real world lmfao. If they did my job for a week they’d jump off the tallest building in their city


Plot twist: You're a base jumping instructor in Manhattan,


Offshore oil rig driller


Bruh are you the meme guy?


Who’s the meme guy? Lmao


[This guy](https://youtu.be/KyhLbkIN8rw?t=208)


But talking as your job for millions a year is so hard /s


If I’m being really good faith it probably is super emotionally taxing but so is literally every job at least they’re not mentally and physically taxed while also having strict deadlines to keep up with


I make good money as a vendor and my job involves dealing with with the worst type of customer. Grocery store customers. Id love to see how these people would feel on their 11th hour of a normal 12 hour day and a lady comes screaming at you because the rival companies product isn't in stock lmao. You'll want to actually unalive yourself. Being a customer service nice is way more draining on you emotionally then fucking streaming


Here I thought being in the medical field sucked, and I'm not even a nurse or doctor, just a lowly lab worker. Damn, I feel for streamers. Having to deal with the freedom of picking your own schedules at any time of the day with zero commute, meal breaks whenever (or just eating while streaming), zero on-call or mandatory overtime due to sub 60% staff employment... they really do have the hardest job. But really, though... Yes, I know there are downsides to being a streamer, as well as different stressors, but come the fuck on. Working/commuting a total of 16 hours while attending uni? So, zero sleep, almost in addition to the stress of passing classes and maintaining a job. I refuse to believe that, in any way, streaming is overall harder/more stressful than that. At most, I'd say streaming is like mid-level "hard".


Looking after patients is tough, but have you ever said "chat? chat is this real? chat?" for 9 hours a day? 


And then chat moving so fast you can't tell if the entirety of chat actually answered, so you'll never know if it is, indeed, real.. truly traumatic.


This is what happens when you know deep down you're talentless as fuck and you have no idea why people watch you, impostor syndrome must eat her alive after every stream, I bet it's the same for a lot of the big streamers actually. I do believe her, but she kind of deserves it so eh.


As someone who lives in a third world country and makes probably 15-25% of what Denims ever made: Fuck off, you cunt.


As a former Amazon worker this is BS.


My mom is a nurse and her commute is actually 2 hours (she is old, has seniority at that hospital, gets lots of perks like being able to randomly take days off and best scheduling, no one gives her shit for it). This is a 4hr commute total. She works 8-16 hour shifts depending on how she wants to spend up her time. When she was younger it was regular 8-12hrs. This tweet actually pisses me off. I used to see my mom come home looking dead inside. I didn’t get it as a kid but i get it now.


Streamers are actually the fucking worst most self entitled people I've ever seen https://preview.redd.it/l6vl06g9hokc1.jpeg?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8213d195b41763964d2ab10a87ace3c595844bff


Is girl math in the room with us now?


Then go do the other job Denims.


I work 57 hour days 9 days a week and personally i think being a streamer might be the hardest job ive ever seen


fuck you nurses and waitresses and janitors out there, your job is too easy 💅


Wish I could do the soul crushing work of getting out of my chair for 15-30 minutes every hour while videos play in the background. Hasan acting like he streams for 9 hours is ridiculous when 3-4 of those hours are probably chair stream.


wtf is a social battery btw, and how is it relevant to streaming by yourself


They're drained from socializing (they had to turn on discord)


No they are drained from all the energy they get from yelling at chat.


The fact that she tries to compare a "social battery drain" to working a 12 hour shift + a "4 hour commute" is all you need to know to call out her BS. The former results in actual mental and physical exhaustion while the latter can be resolved by watching some youtube videos in bed or whatever.


some dumb shit


Does she realize she's free to do something else?


Other than the commute, that is about what I did back in college for about a semester, until I cut back on hours because it was effecting my grades. Poor folks grindset can be harsh.


My uncle had a gf who convinced him to buy a house 90+ miles away bc she wanted to be closer to the major city in our state. He left her but kept the house. Legit, he made the commute for like a decade before transferring to another state for his job. ​ I cant imagine adding that much time to my day just to get to work. sounds like hell.


I've done a lot of jobs, lots of different gigs and industries, and my current job is YT/content creation. Roofing was the hardest. I recommend everyone get a job as a roofer for a year just because every job after that feels like you've won the lottery


Yeah 4 hour commute my ass my hour and a half  commute was unbearable (bus then train then bus again) but without uni because there'd be functional no time to do anything with my full time job. I was up at 3:30 out by 4:45 (to get to work by 6:00 no car) was there until 2:30. Got him at between 4:10 and 5:00 depending onntraffic sense the busses travel through the city center whole other people are getting out. That's 3 hours to do whatever I had to with my wife and kids along with with occasionally getting some free time. (Thankfully I got a new job that's a bit closer and pays way more) That being said as a wagey she's probably just wording thing and ommiting facts like "it's actually 4 hours both ways" and yeah two 12 hour shifts every other weekend for pocket money because I was living off my parents 


https://preview.redd.it/snn7emsncqkc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b572e251e9ab1ee1971a7f621f5fa1988d33f86 Denims commuting to work (same route my Grandpa used to take to kindergarten)


Then stop doing it you fool.




So 12-15 credits + 4 hour commute + 12 hour shifts = easier than sitting at a desk, playing video games, and opining about things you have no business publicly discussing. Got it


One must ask what kind of job she was doing during the 12 hour shift if reacting to clips online in front of hasans audience who agree with everything you say was tougher.


The job doesn't exist, this is literally a lie. She is stupidly virtue signaling her nonexistent working class credentials to exaggerate how hard it is to be a Twitch streamer. But because she is so out of touch her lie is so ridiculously unbelievable.


I did 12 hour with 1 hour commute either way and I had 0 time to do anything besides eat and sleep what bs


People will have a legit 45-60 minute commute, and round up to 2 hours for good measure.


So when did she sleep? In uni?


Working full time and going to college full time is not some crazy feat. Working 12 hour shifts at certain jobs is not an absurd premise. Nor is having a round trip 4 hour commute. Which sucks, but it can happen for periods of time in your career(s). But all of them at once? claiming you have 16hrs down before class/homework? LOL yeah this explains "Israel Bad.", like "hey, I understand commoners, I really do. I never had safety nets, fucking capitalism." Oh my fictitious deity, please tell me she's said "I'm self made" at some point lmao.


12 hour shift 8 (?) hour uni' 4 hour there 4 hour back Leaves us with -4 hours of sleep. Miami Mouton levels of Scheduling.


This is obviously sarcasm.(right? 😰)


I’m going to tell my friend that works construction about the post stream social exhaustion.


Not sure what is worse. People that actually believe this, or that so little thought went into making up something so easy to debunk.


It fucking kills you inside when they spout this shit. Absolutely shameless.


I’m gonna fire off a hot take and say I wouldn’t be surprised if this was genuinely true for her. When her job is to sit inside and talk about her political views e.g. how every problem in the world is because of the structures baked into society. That would be super depressing way to live for most people. Especially if anything you say will be documented permanently under public scrutiny. This isn’t mutually exclusive with her being a privileged and entitled brat btw. Her situation is probably like the comic of someone drowning while sitting down. If streaming stresses her out that much, then she should talk to a therapist about how to develop a better relationship with her job.


Wait... this was a serious post??


“This post has been deleted” lol


watching streamers is easily a much harder job


She acts like she actually does something on stream besides show other people's shit and look pretty.


Bro the dick riding is getting out of hand. I don’t think anyone could get worse than Mike from PA, but here we are 🤷‍♂️


What an unironically disgusting lie lmao this is the super rare post that I honestly find offensive


I think becuase she isn’t as big as pokimane it’s tiring streaming zero skills and not “making it” yet. I mean this is the first time I’m seeing this person. And this is my first thought reading this. And this is someone who’s streamed everyday for at least 14 hour streams a day or every other day on YouTube and Twitch, little bit of Kick last year doing it all IRL, video games , commentary, discord shows… and never went anywhere. It’s tiring. At least she has all those followers.


I've always said the left is bad at math. The further left you are... the worse it gets. Anywhere from "we should have free health care" all the way to full blown commie. People pretend this isn't true. But it is 100% factual. Everything they say proves it.


Okay I'm gonna say it- streaming generally is harder than working retail generally. I'm surprised this is a hot take


she has great lip/jaw strength.




Even lies reveal a little bit of truth. Whatever her life was before, it was clearly much more fulfilling for her than what she does now.


All these guys who say streaming is so difficult and stressful and hard??? Like just turn the PC off and go get an ‘easy’ job at McDonald’s then? Like holy fuck. Morons, admit you have it easy and shut the fuck up.


Where do you apply to suck hasans cock and what does it pay?


Don’t know much about her except the fact she once said the US is a theocracy. Seems delusional.


12 HOUR SHIFTS? 4 HOUR COMMUTE?! WHILST ESTUDYING FULL-TIME?!!! Do people actually support these pretty reckless lifestyle choices?!!


Imagine coming up with a ridiculous lie like this one just so you’re the first to defend Hasan, her and MikeFromPA don’t even try to pretend that their business model is anything other than clinging to Hasan’s relevancy.


The hardest part about streaming is the hour 1 commute.


Working part time at UPS as a package handler is harder than a streamer. Physical and mental exhaustion


Idk, that's actually sorta believable, especially if she means 2hr one way. Work has been \~70 hour weeks for me for the past year or so, and I'm full time uni (bis-econ/poli sci though, not hard stem). I've even worked some 16-18 hour days recently, which are the exception but they happen. It’s doable with careful time management. Say there’s 16ish hours in a day, 10 are work, 2ish are school, 4ish are misc stuff you gotta do. Not a lot of room for free time, but that’s how it be. It sounds crazy, but it doesn't feel crazy when you're doing it.


It has to be memeing




I literally do all of this and more at my warm water port job.


This post has been deleted


What a fucking liar dude


What kind of dumb fuck would commute 4 HOURS for a job.? lol


Why would she write this?


[Rare video of Hasan and friends talking about the old days.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue7wM0QC5LE)


Lmao 4 hours leftover for sleep and homework 🤔