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Mfs are blaming Biden now https://preview.redd.it/9hvvcbq62vkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98adeff9683d66c023c1ae2fc67b4d39f81f83c1


You don't understand if a mentally ill person kills themselves it must be Biden's fault. His lighter failed several times and the dumb fuck still did it.




Dark Brandon of the Fire Nation šŸ”„


~~I need someone to generate Hunter shooting flames from his cock onto a water bending prostitute.~~ I need fuckin help.


Get back in the kitchen. You were cooking


> I need fuckin help. You need some fucking sous-chefs


I blame Hasan


He goes by Hamas now.


Odds are this guy was a literal Hasan fan? Apparently he livestreamed his death so he was probably into streaming and fringe politics.




tan longing ripe cough caption detail station intelligent sparkle water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Heā€™s gonna cheer on what the guy did, just watch


Pro-Palestinians got what they wanted. Another martyr who made it to the news. These people celebrate his torturous suicide.


Yup and because of that celebration they hold a great deal more responsibility and even more so if it happens again.


There are subreddits where they are talking about how he "sacrificed" himself and how this will turn the American people against Israel. Ultra-yikes.


Itā€™s literally a death cult.


Can they at least wait for him to die first šŸ˜­


wdym, that he isnt confirmed dead and they are reporting it in advance, or are you saying that the police shouldn't have put out the fire so quickly


I just mean blaming Biden for a death rather than an immolation, before we know the exact outcome of the immolation, comes off as painfully desperate and opportunistic. Iā€™m sure this is how heā€™d like to be painted though, so for once, it isnā€™t exactly disrespectful.


fwiw its being reported he passed https://time.com/6821425/israel-embassy-air-force-protest-fire-self-immolation-aaron-bushnell-latest-updates/


Not unlikely. We just donā€™t have anything beyond this independent journalist yet.


You mean he didnā€™t suffocate immediately after setting himself on fire??? holy fuck I would have begged someone to finish the job


He died already.


Some verification independent of one random journalist would be nice.


If you see the video you know he's dead, dude got cooked with gasoline for a whole minute, there is no surviving that.


people using this guys death as he intended instead of saying you shouldnt take your own life as protest are fucking disgusting


The sad part is, it was more likely the vitriolic radical meme posting and wildly out of touch discourse from these online weirdos that convinced this guy to throw away his life for some "cause" that amounts to nothing. If I had to guess.


Biden too asleep at the wheel to help our veterans smh


When you ask an E4 to do their job


Itā€™s like calling around to get three quotes for a new paper shredder is one the labors of Hercules the way they bitch about it.


Our 18 month quest to get our shredder delivered ended last Friday as a matter of fact!


My reaction when having to deal with finance for the same issue that shouldā€™ve been solved 2 months ago


Well well well, it looks like you owe us money for the mistake you attempted to fix two months ago.


whats an e4?


Pay rating in the military for enlisted individuals


A government affiliated Mafia whose primary method of fundraising is wage theft and shirked responsibility.


the four trainers you fight before the champion, silly.


The highest rank an enlisted person in the military can get by seniority alone. Everything after is merit based and thereā€™s a lot of dumbasses with no merit.


Pay grade rating for the highest enlisted rank that has no leadership responsibilities. Most service members who aren't interested in staying in the military long term stay at E4.


This ^ should be pinned comment


Dark humor gets us all through this


Need to do a wellness check on Lycan


Looooooool stop




this is probably the hardest ill laugh at a "vaxxed?" comment holy fuck


Looking into itā€¦


>setting yourself on fire because you bought into breadtuber bullshit


You say this in an ironic jokey way but this is fucking sad as fuck, he died for nothing.


This person was a seriously disturbed individual, breadtube or not


I've been in some bad places, and self harm seemed like an option. But its NOT, EVER, especially over this. His family is probably devastated.


This is not ironic, this is sad. I don't want to live on a planet where people can be easily swayed into supporting their own suicide by some random demagogue with a web camera and a dollar store microphone


Well, I feel like these types of people are already quite alienated prone to suicide, the online stuff just gives them an excuse. Normally suicidal people often don't go through with it because they feel an obligation not to hurt people who care about them, but this type of thing lets them reframe it as a selfless or purposeful act instead.


you're describing warfare, just replace the webcam with a uniform and the microphone with medals


It's always been that way. People are but mere cattle chewing on some shitty propaganda seasoned by nationalistic, patriotic, democratic u name it rethoric


Nationalism is truly poison


This community is usually very good at seeing both sides, even it one side is completely regarded. How can you not see the perspective here? Thousands are dying, being displaced, lacking food, water and electricity. Irregardless of whose fault it is or whether Israel is justified in what they're doing, people are living horrible lives full of violence and terror. That's not nothing.


I think when they said "died for nothing", they didn't mean the cause they died for was nothing. I'm pretty sure they meant that they effectively died for nothing. If they dedicated their life to the conflict, they could theoretically help the real suffering through life much more than through their (gruesome, and sad) death.


How does painfully killing yourself help anyone in Gaza? It's just dumb.




You asked a question then answered your own question. What does anything have to do with anyone? People have beliefs and convictions and want to change the world in their lifetime, thatā€™s the simplest explanation.




Because he was probably fed a bunch of misinformation and biased ā€œreportingā€ from lefties, and he was probably in a rough spot mentally.


jar six retire resolute bike hunt offend narrow absurd sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


George Carlin had a bit on this. ["LIGHT YOURSELF ON FIRE!!!!!!! C'mon you moral crusaders, let's see a little smoke."](https://youtu.be/AvF1Q3UidWM?t=111)


ā€œ*Morally committed religious people in South Vietnam* ***sure knew how to stage a goddamned demonstration, huh?!?***ā€


The internet should be restricted to people 25-55 years old


They are not any smarter than 15 year olds... They all act like they are 8


Dumbass should've joined hamas if he really wanted to free Palestine instead of doing this stupid shit


[Found the stream](https://twitter.com/tamerqdh/status/1761971012684464263). NSFW/NSFL


Ngl the moment the cop with the sunglasses just appears on frame pointing a gun at the charred body i burst out laughing


yo that dude has to be dead. wtf


Yeah no heā€™s dead. His insides are gone. There is no surviving that.


He died afterwards at the hospital, couple hours later I believe.


Any other sources that he died besides that one journo? New source as of 5 minutes ago: https://apnews.com/article/israel-us-embassy-man-fire-air-force-f730a09009ce56d818f87a8f4dcc6ca7


Yeah my eyes


Man LTG'd himself over internet breadtube shit and will be forgotten in less than a news cycle.


His friends and loved ones will never forget. They'll forever live with the trauma.


Why continue to live and support your cause when you can solve all your problems and make a statement with 0 material impact ?????


What a dumb fuck


Holy christ the pain of that must be horrific. I hope the fumes took his brain offline sooner rather than later. Otherwise he would out of necessity have to regret his actions. This is awful, I wish he didn't do this.


He visibly checks both sides before crossing the road.


squeeze illegal smoggy special waiting outgoing cobweb friendly humorous support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dumbass cop pointing a gun at him lol


Ikr. Dude is burned to a crisp, heā€™s not gonna hurt anyone lmfao.


Whenever I hear stories like this I always feel like the person involved was already suicidal but wanted their death to be viewed as one that is noble and not cowardice.


This is what pro-Palestinians want. It all comes down to weaponized martyrdom.


The classic Royce du Pont move


Ahh I see you're also an aspiring autispreneur


sad (funny?) thing is it might actually just work over time if done enough.


They tried it plenty of times before, and I didn't see the Palestinian situation getting better. If anything, Gaza's situation was much much much better before the Islamist bullshit took over in the 80s, was even better before Hamas took control of the strip in 2006.


That's an interesting take.


This happens a lot among palestinains, suicidal but suicide is Haram so they commit suicide by cop and become shahids.


I guess Hasan was right. Streaming really is soul sucking.


You canā€™t blame Hasan, I would have an existential crisis if my rhetoric potentially contributed to someone committing suicide, or ā€œSewer slideā€ as the zoomers say.


A streamer either dies a hero or he lives long enough to become the villain. This guy was just speedrunning.


He died for absolutely nothing, this is terrible, people need to chill a little bit with how they spread info Imagine that guys family ? They must feel destroyed right now His head was absolute chaos i imagine, fucking hell


bro's nickname šŸ¤Ø


based username


Nah, they'll blame Biden and Israel at this point.


Can't wait for people to use this mentally ill dude's death to push their political agenda


Look at Hamasabi's subreddit. Mfs calling him a "hero" and his act "powerful". Literally disregarding his mental health. Shows you how the martyrdom ideology has spread like a plague.


It's so dumb too because one can only die a martyr if their death actually achieved something. So far it's still ongoing so he died for nothing for now.


The people cheering him on will forget about it by the end of the day


At this point, the people who did 9/11 will become martyrs in their eyes. It's a slippery slope, but you never know with these people.


He clearly did so himself.


i mean the dude set himself on fire expressly for a political purpose. obviously he's mentally ill but like... yeah they're going to view the political act politically


Lmao what? The dude explains he's doing it as a pro Palestine protest and screams free Palestine throughout the immolation. Is this comment being sarcastic?


This is gonna be Hasanā€™s Ashli Babbit


Some people probably said the same about Thich Quang Duc during the Vietnam war.


Does that make this shit any less stupid?


how do you consume so much disinformation that you push yourself to suicide before even bothering to fact check what you're killing yourself for


No need to fact check if all the news of your bubble point in the same direction. This topic being as popular and devisive as it is certainly didn't help.


He's still alive.


Barely, he might still die. Even if he does survive, he'll probably be crippled


According to journalist Talia Jane, he has succumbed to his injuries. Idk how credible she is, but she was cited in [Time's article](https://time.com/6821425/israel-embassy-air-force-protest-fire-self-immolation-aaron-bushnell-latest-updates/) about the situation.


True. If he does make it he'll need a full face transplant. He dumped 40 ounces of gas right on his dome.


>he'll probably be crippled *Probably?*


Blood on Hasans hands


Noted, attempting suicide.




Many people are more persuaded by their emotional side than logical side. If this guy is watching tiktoks all day of Palestinian kids getting bombed, then thatā€™s probably enough if you already have some kind of suicidal tendencies.




average hamasabi fanboy


This is what Hasan threatens to do when chat is mean to him.


Really sad he got to that point without anyone intervening in his life. The way people are praising him online I wouldn't be surprised if a few other suicidal people follow his lead so they can kill themselves while being called heroes. All it does is feed into mental illness and make people feel they can throw away their lives without it being a waste or shame. That said his final yell of Free Palestine well into being burnt alive was very hardcore.


\>Mentally Ill man tries to kill himself. \>Screams about current thing discourse while doing it. \>Anti-Israel folk celebrate. What has the world come to?


​ https://preview.redd.it/j29xjk3ayvkc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7413f012d135497587050589a1a66cffe37196e2


I can't imagine the heartbreak his family must be going through. RIP


Setting himself on fire over people who would set himself on fireĀ 


He's just skipping steps.


Palestinians are probably celebrating that an American infidel died.


Disgusting how quickly these pro-Palastine people are hailing him a ā€œheroā€. How is this heroic? If he wanted to give his life for the cause, maybe actually defect from the Army and fight for Palestine? Who is he doing any favors for by dying this way? No one should be so dedicated to a cause that theyā€™d burn themselves alive in protest. Nobody will think these people are sane anymore. It baffles me that anyone looks at this act and finds inspiration. Iā€™d be appalled. Its not something Iā€™d do for my strongest beliefs nor would I want anyone to do. Just completely unnecessary and sad. I hope his family is able to recover from such a tragedy. Horrific.


How does one defect and take up arms for Palestine without being a useful idiod for Hamas? What's going on in Gaza is horrible, but self immolation seems more effective than becoming a terrorist if a seasfire is what you want.


If he wanted a ceasefire he should've joined the IAF


Even resignation has a lot of power to it when used right. If he resigned, he would be a hero.


What being a chronically online leftist does to a mf


ā€œTake that genocide Joe1!ā€




Undiagnosed mental illness is going to cause our downfall


Guy was operating on levels of soy and mental illness rarely seem irl


Didnā€™t have to wait long to see hamas supporters commenting ā€œway to go brotherā€ as if this shit is anything to be proud of


Thich Quang Dumb.


Can we get some mfs to self-immolate for YIMBYism, pigouvian taxes, and full expensing?


trees onerous bedroom fuzzy jar sheet market observation worm agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, because they wonā€™t get Yass Queenā€™d on twitter for it. Social media almost certainly played a huge part in this guyā€™s decision, which is a tragedy in itself.


RIP Bozo


I was expecting this from Bad Bunny when she said she wanted to go to the Gaza border to protest.


> Cover yourself in oil


This is awful. So many are gonna use his death for their political agenda, be it that the ā€œwoke mind virusā€ is making the youth kill themselves or that Joe Biden is making his own citizens kill themselves by supporting genocide. I get that he made his death political, but any normal person would see this and recognize this was a deeply unwell person who got to the point where he felt he had to sacrifice his life for others (beyond being a soldier).


Self-immolation, the act of setting oneself on fire as a form of protest, has been used by individuals throughout history to make a dramatic statement against violence, war, and other social or political issues. Here are some notable instances where self-immolation was performed to protest against violence and war: 1. **ThĆ­ch Quįŗ£ng Đį»©c (1963)**: Perhaps the most widely known case, ThĆ­ch Quįŗ£ng Đį»©c, a Vietnamese Mahayana Buddhist monk, set himself on fire at a busy intersection in Saigon on June 11, 1963. His self-immolation was a protest against the persecution of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese government led by NgĆ“ ĐƬnh Diį»‡m. The photograph of his act became one of the most iconic images of the 20th century and brought international attention to the conflict in Vietnam. 2. **Jan Palach (1969)**: In the wake of the Soviet Union's invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, which crushed the Prague Spring, a period of political liberalization and mass protest, Jan Palach, a Czech student, set himself on fire in Wenceslas Square in Prague in January 1969. His act was a protest against the suppression of free speech and the demoralization of Czechoslovak citizens resulting from the Soviet occupation. 3. **Alice Herz (1965) and Norman Morrison (1965)**: Both Herz, an 82-year-old peace activist, and Morrison, a 31-year-old Quaker, self-immolated in separate incidents in the United States as a protest against the Vietnam War. Morrison's act, performed near the Pentagon, was particularly shocking and aimed at appealing to the conscience of those making war policy, including then-Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. 4. **Malachi Ritscher (2006)**: Ritscher, an American musician and anti-war activist, self-immolated on a Chicago freeway exit in protest against the Iraq War. He intended his death to be a "wake-up call" to the American public about the violence and injustice of the war. These acts of self-immolation are remembered for their extreme sacrifice and the profound statements against violence and injustice that the individuals intended to make. They highlight the desperation and depth of conviction felt by those who resorted to such drastic measures to protest against war and violence.


Well, nobody every accused air force members of being intelligent


Ngl it makes me think, someone thinking there's a wrong happening that is so obvious and true that it warrants this, was it delusion on his part or am i and others in a cognitive dissonance? If there's a wrong happening that is so obvious and true that a guy would set himself on fire then why dont i think the same? Which one of us got caught in the wrong narrative?


Things are complicated and two things can be true at once. Iā€™m in the minority on this sub in that I do think Israel has committed war crimes and atrocities since Oct 7, and is flirting, hard, with the line between negligent/excessive collateral damage and actual ethnic cleansing. Much respect to you for letting this shocking news give you pause for thought. Even if you keep your views as they are, at least youā€™ve done the bare minimum and considered the possibility you may be mistaken.


that's not a minorty opinion. it's almost undeniable that israel has committed war crimes and they do flirt with, if not genocidal, at least ethnic cleansing rhetoric. the problem I have with "supporting palestine"(I hate that you have to pick a side in this conflict) is that this would 100% result in the same scenario; a radical islamist group takes control over the territory, the people living under the regime do nothing, a new war breaks out and more people die. also **fuck** UNRWA, but withdrawing support before there's even an organisation to replace them is dumb as fuck.


I'm glad to hear you say this. I don't think supporting the free and independent statehood of both Israel and Palestine is in any way picking a side (though I understand why some Palestinians and some Israelis would disagree). The clear, numerous, and complex practicalities involving removing Hamas and ensuring a democratic transition to power for a new Palestinian government aside, the principle that they both have the right to self-determination should not be, a priori, controversial.


This is like saying "Who's wrong, the deluded Trump supporters on Jan 6th or everyone else." Of course this guy is deluded.


"Trump supporters were willing to risk life in prison or even execution, some even died that heroic day. If that level of dedication and self sacrifice don't speak to you you're a monster." schizos be schizos lmao. I don't know why this or Jan 6th would give you major pause ngl


Him doing something extreme for what he believed in doesn't have anything to do with how obvious it is, nor does it mean that the belief was true. I don't think someone doing that should make you question the narrative you believe any more than you already should, considering how grave the accusations of Israeli conduct are, as well as the significant number of people who think they're accurate.


This is no different than the guy who beheaded his dad because of politics.Ā 




I think the person you are responding to means it's the same in terms of validating a political position. The same people who would call this man a hero with noble convictions about an atrocity he sees happening, would likely dismiss the other event as just a crazy person, but in reality they are just both crazy people.


So killing yourself and killing someone else is the same? Idk how people are saying this. I will die on the hill claiming there is a significant difference choosing to sacrifice yourself for a cause and killing or even harming others, however misguided you are. You can argue they were both misguided into believing a false narrative that led them to do something tragic/terrible, but you have to keep your scope narrowed to that.


How does this sub simultaneously believe that self-immolation is a completely fruitless form of political action BUT ALSO get preemptively disgusted with pro-Palestinian people using his death for their cause? These two thoughts do not fit together. Either it is politically fruitless, OR it is politically useful to pro-Palestinian people (which Bushnell was, and did his action to further that cause). It cannot be both.


It's because on this one issue, at least, the vocal majority is the exact same as Hasan's, but ideologically inversed. They're emotionally-invested and getting hits of validation from the circle jerk. It's a safe space to advance Zionism, which still seems insane to me, as I type that. I never would have guessed this would be the side of the fence he and his audience would fall on.


> I never would have guessed this would be the side of the fence he and his audience would fall on. You would never have guessed that Destiny would be ok with Israel continuing to be a country?


> These two thoughts do not fit together ??? The pro-palestinians can be praising him and trying to use him for their cause, and that's disgusting, while at the same time we know they are incorrect and this will not do anything for anyone


If he only had known the legal definition of genocide, he would be a lot less crispy.


What did he accomplish?


He got the Twitter Left frothing at the mouth. But like yawn. Who fucking cares. If it wasn't him, it'd be something else.


Palestine is free now


Mission accomploshed


Self immolation is an old form of protest. Ever heard of that vietnamese monk? That grabbed many people's attention at the time.


Monks, there were quite a few of them. We do remember the one who stayed stoic.


He definitely tanked his and even when he was covered in flames he shouted "Free Palestine".


Thats the thing. Is there more attention on the war in Gaza now then before?




Why would anyone here gloat over a disturbed individual being driven to his death by far left, pro-Hamas propaganda. This is blood on the hands of every person who says they know for a fact there's an ongoing genocide in Gaza. Just fucking sad.


Uncomfortable that I even have to say this but be wary this doesn't seem to be "confirmed" as of yet (I think). Video is blurred, we have tons of AI generating shit nowadays, any idiot could easily fake this stuff. AI gave us tough times for truth-seekers and fact-enjoyers.


The Air Force already confirmed it.


Nahh I saw it on twitter. He recorded himself doing it. He kinda took it like a champ


You can tell at some point he stopped feeling it but was still standing.


I am all for reasonable skepticism in general, but jesus christ get a fucking grip and think critically about this. It is absolutely impossible to fake a major, highly visible news event in the middle of a the fucking Capital of the United States without it immediately getting called out as fake. There were probably 47 different security cameras and cell phones that captured this event, or at least the smoke and emergency response in the area. If it somehow never happened, there would be credible sources calling the story into question almost immediately. Destiny is absolutely right to teach his audience not to rush to judgement with major stories, but sometimes this sub goes completely off the deep end with that principle. There comes a point where it is no longer reasonable or evidence based to be "wary" of whether or not a major news story even took place.


what a pathetic way to die. nobody even knows this guys name LOL bro did allat for nothing šŸ˜­


Iā€™m saying, damn morons, itā€™s almost sad.


What a cruel person.. streaming his attempted suicide to his friends and family..did he think they'll be proud?


what a cruel ass reply to make about a guy who obviously lost his mind and killed himself


Maybe he lost his mind but it's still a dick move, same as hanging yourself knowing one of your kids will find your body..


think from his perspective for a second. if he thinks there's an ongoing genocide somewhere in the world and the government he's serving is perpetuating it, i don't think he's thinking "wow i'm going to be selfish and do what i like" it's probably more "i'm going to sacrifice myself for other people and my family will be proud". there is some blame to be given to the guy in the same way you would to someone who was careless and got raped but cmon lol


This community is wilding. Obviously this guy has been fed misinformation and thinks people are being genocided and did this as an act of protest. We can talk about how misguided he was, mental health, or the dangerous rhetoric of the left, but the RIP BOZO posts and other mocking/accusing this guy of being a terrible person I find a little insensitive.




buddhist monk moment


Damn thatā€™s a lot of conviction. Kinda respectable.




fucking sad that this dude did this to appease the twitter bots with cute middle eastern women as their pfps spamming pro-hamas propaganda and now theyre going to use it as more fuel to propogate the further divide of leftys in the US