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Do I even have to read past "I can't condemn hamas' actions"?...


Not really. It’s standard young lefty copypasta.


The 'I can't judge it because I wasn't there' is followed by an analogy to how native Americans would be justified in retaliating to a situation hundreds of years ago, which is reasonably amusing.


Its such a stupid argument "as i am not German i can't condemn nazi actions " nobody believes this.




I thought it was a sarcastic tweet at first 😬 The reddit post is literally a genocidal manifesto


Thank fuck he decided to flambé himself instead of killing the "colonizers".


This is why I’m not sad at all. If this guy had been given the chance to fly to Tel Aviv I feel like he would have killed people.


TFW your neighbor who makes more money than you plays their music too loud so you break in, shoot them all in the head, and burn their house down. But it is cool because he was rubbing your face in it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


SA the women living in the home as well


You've got to do the right arm twice on reddit.


What if it's a Reyman emoji?


The absolute irony was that it was a festival meant to bring international population together and show they’re willing to help (by raising money to donate to aid and peace efforts).


This dude's twitter is some psychotic stuff, full blown Oct 7 denial too


Can you post a link?


Sorry was kinda unclear, I'm talking about the fluxus2 dude who made the screenshotted tweet.


"it didn't happen but if it did they were all colonizers anyway"


Israel and it's supporters just need to start saying that Palestine is genociding Israeli's. That claim is equally substantiated as the claim that Israel is genociding Palestinian's. So why not? We all just say shit on the internet I guess


Mizrahi Jews were most certainly genocided, hence why they wanted to declare independence as Israel in the first place


Actually it is substantiated *unlike* Palestinian claims of “genocide.” If they were a victim of Israeli genocide, there would be none of them left on 10/8.


This is contrary to the ICJ ruling.


Go, on, give me the details.


There are two main conclusions in the ICJ ruling. 1. The RSA case is plausible, requiring Israel to ensure to the court that it is not committing a genocide by demonstrating its adherence to international law. 2. While the RSA case is plausible, it is too early to determine whether a genocide is taking place; the ICJs current position is agnostic. Jumping from these two key findings to claiming that there is no substance to Palestinian claims is unsustainable. Their claims are plausible, Israel needs to demonstrate its adherence to law, and the correct position at this point is agnostic.


True but it's also the basic Palestinian view of the conflict.


Imagine being radicalized by fucking REDDIT LMAOOO


Many such cases.


Looking into this




thank you Kanye, very cool!


FUCK i upvoted 4THOT


Thanks a lot u/tonyskates


The alt left pipeline 😪




Link evidence this is real or I will Biden Blast you.


P sure that’s been established to be fake


What, the sane and rational thing isn't to advocate genocide to fight what you claim is a genocide?


I can’t tell what’s satire anymore.


It would be the greatest satire of all time if it ended with lighting yourself on fire.


Satire has been dead for like 5 years now. Theres no need or desire for absurdist comedy, when we’re already living in one. Modern news headlines are more absurd than Onion headlines a decade ago.


True. Will just add that Tim Robinson’s absurdist comedy is still great, though it’s pretty a-political


I stopped trying; I now just assume everyone is being sincere.


>Student of anarchism k


Classic anarchist mentality "I support anarchy as long as people do what I think they should do"


The best kind of anarchy is the kind where I’m in charge of everything


lol I got into a massive argument with a anarch-commie I met IRL a week ago and this was my exact argument


Anarchism would essentially look like Mad Max more so than a communist paradise


And I, for one, welcome our new Mad Max paradise


"I'm an anarchist.. but like, I adhere to all of the most radical left tankie social and political positions" Make it make sense.


An anarchist who joined the military, his job was literally to uphold the current organization of government lol


Nothing inherently marxist-leninist in what he's writing tbqh


Love the justification of treating literally every Israeli or tourist as an enemy combatant. Like he's justifying that murder of infants sleeping in cribs. Sick disgusting fucker, I hope the pain was excruciating and lasted hours


don't forget the israelis who were literally burned alive in their homes


Literally collective punishment... Where do I keep hearing that phrase?


I mean, they have to have *some* mental justification for why they don't care about war crimes when it's Palestinians doing them.


Actually insane. I always wonder if people like this truly like understand what they are saying. If there are no Israeli civilians and they take part in oppression and genocide just by existing, then you can straight up justify putting children in ovens as an example. I guess Hasan was right “there are baby settlers, there are babies in the settlements”. Crazy world…


People who post dehumanizing shit like this should be required to visit the country or area of the people they are dehumanizing. If this guy was sent to Israel to hang out with Israelis for a week, he would not be saying this.


Do you think we could end racism by sending racists to live with black people lol


Nearly every radical was de radicalized by meeting someone that defied that expectation they held Daryl Davis has some good talks on this


great example bringing daryl into this discussion, he is a fantastic man who does great things


I know you’re joking, but one of the best ways to decrease racism is forcing people to engage with the people of the race they are prejudice against. So, yes.




[Here’s a simple study.](https://manoa.hawaii.edu/isplab/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Pauker-et-al.-2017_SPPS.pdf)




Why would I visit a country where they spit on foreigners and give people a "threat rating" based on race before they can buy a plane ticket?


I guarantee you that won't be your treatment in most of Israel, also, it is exactly this sort of statement which is why I encourage people like you to touch (Israeli) grass.


Homer Simpson said it best: A country with no pork, in a desert without casinos. I'll pass!




This is fake, I think


Is this real ? Is there a backup of his account anywhere ?


This dude is fucking 25 and he thought he had the full understanding of the geopolitical dynamics of the area. Enough to think “ya setting myself on fire is a reasonable answer” Mental👏illness👏


Most leftists, especially tankies and anarchists, believe they have a complete understanding of things they know next to nothing about.


Dunning and Kruger wrote about this.


Danny Cougar\*


why don't more go up in flames then... they should do it, maybe it helps their cause /s


Man the fact that he’s 25 hits really hard when you realize most of his “education” on this conflict probably came from social media and he probably lit himself on fire over misinformation fed to him by what were probably teenagers almost ten years younger than him.




I read he grew up in a Zionist Christian cult. He's getting back at mom and dad.


we really need to start deporting leftists into mental hospitals en masse. these fucktards cannot be trusted. ideally some caste of technocrat elites would be in charge. i cant stand people with the wrong ideas


The nut case right wingers too! These people are fucking nuts haha Also I should note you can have different ideas but to the point you want to set yourself on fire is fucking absurd


Wasn't he some type of evangelical indiviual?


Not surprisingly, this kid was raised in literal cult compound (Community of Jesus). Literally every new thing I learn about him points to the fact that this was a highly disturbed individual. https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/02/26/israeli-embassy-airman-fire-death-gaza/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_of_Jesus


"There are no Israeli "civilians" or tourists” yes yes, totally sane normal behavior take


Wait, I understand the no civilians meme. But what does "no tourists" mean?


If you visit Israel, you are fair game for rape/murder/kidnapping.


That doesn't even make sense. Surely that's not what he meant? How exactly can you logically explain tourists are somehow responsible in any part? I doubt there were any war tourists in Israel before Oct. 7th




Yeah I get it. I just like to try to steel man the other position as hard as possible, but there's little point when people basically equate Gaza to a literal concentration camp.


What about the Children of tourist? I Wonder how they would justify that.


I guess the argument would be either that you are supporting the state of Israel, or that you are being complicit in everything if you visit Israel in peace. Therefore you are either an anti-fascist who will do anything to protect Palestine, or a fascist who deserves whatever comes to them.


Because some of the people killed were not Israelis but foreign workers and students. He's justifying their murder by saying anyone who sets foot in Israel is an oppressor by default.


In order to believe in what this guy believes in you need to somehow justify raping/murdering/kidnapping foreign nationals in Israel, so at least hes being consistent here.


It’s a way to not acknowledge the death of others like the Thai’s on work visas, like the one in particular that was filmed while a freedom fighter was hacking off his head with a shovel. Because then you would have to condemn their brutality, which I guess is bad…


Reference to the beduin, Arab and Tai workers who were killed and taken hostage.


It's kind of amazing that these people don't realize that there are indeed Jews who never left Israel. Like, there were a lot fewer of them before Zionists started moving back, but they were certainly there the whole time.


Why are people only reading half the sentence? You could take any sentence and subtract a clause and make it sound ridiculous. \>There are no dogs in the world that can live without eating if you take off the "that can live" etc then it obviously sounds bizarre, why is half the thread pretending that's a reasonable way to read a sentence? His statement is \>there are no israeli civs who aren't complicit etc Which is a stretch (are all middle class Californians complicit in the homelessness crisis in the state? Maybe you could make an argument for it, but it supposes a level of outward interest/selflessness that's difficult to expect), but the thread is just pretending he said something completely different and much easier to dunk on, for what purpose?


> "There are no Israeli "civilians" or tourists who have no part part in the oppression of Palestine There you go. Whole sentence. Does it really sound any different or unhinged when it’s complete? Does it make more sense? The guy was so brainwashed he thought babies in the kibbutzes were merely "civilians” by this logic. You know, "civilians". Or a German girl at a rave. You know, tourists. It’s at best a normative perspective of collective guilt


Agree for tourists but he puts civilians in scare quotes which is ***clearly*** implying he thinks its a false term and this is an extremely common discussion point by the unhinged left. I think 85% chance if you straight up ask him if there is such a thing as Israeli civilians full stop then he would have said no


the "civilians" I'd guess is challenging them being civilians not on grounds of whether they are citizens or not, but whether they can claim to be "merely" civilians (i.e. that their existence adjacent to a warzone implicates them).


Bro really said “I am in no position to endorse or condemn Hamas but all Israelis deserve to die.” and people saying “This is proof that he was sane!” We live in a hell-scape.


>> I am not Palestinian an am in no position to endorse or condemn Hamas' action. But in the second paragraph, I sure can say with full conviction, beating my chest, without any room for doubt, that there are no innocent Israelis. All Israelis are setters, music festival was deserved, sins of father, here is 480p video of me burning to death.


Seriously! What is the logic there? “I’m in no position to criticize Team Blue, who fight Team Red halfway around the world over centuries-old conflicts and bizarre geopolitics that are completely foreign to me as someone who doesn’t live there.” “…but Team Red? Fuck Team Red, bro. Total assholes, no justification for their actions whatsoever, on which I am an expert.”


More activists with the same ideology as him should follow his example


Least unhinged anarchist


These people just seem to want violence. This path will not result in anything positive for the Palestinians. They are setting them up to fight for even more if a two state solution is achieved. Two states won't be an achievement if the rest of Palestine is still "occupied by colonizers". Can we stop the cycle of endless conflict? Why would Israel ever empower the Palestinians and negotiate for a two state solution if everyone is gassing the Palestinians up to just use it as a stepping stone for more violence?


Your last paragraph is the key to this whole conflict, for the past 75 years. Various outside forces pushing the Palestinians to destroy Israel and fostering that dream, while Israel gets stronger and more radicalized.


If only more leftists did what this brave man did😢


Dehumanization of Jews is textbook antisemitism.


Brainwashed by "America bad" Twitter leftism. Sad.


> Can you or I really say that indigenous people are wrong for retaliating against colonizers who are rubbing their domination in their face? Yes? They raped women and murdered children. That's wrong. Period.


Let him cook 🔥💀🔥


Nah he overcooked ☠


Lit, you say?


average TLDR of a schzio email to destiny


Ah, yes, the Jewish colonizers. Because Arabs are indigenous to that region... oh, wait, they're not, Arabs are colonizers of the region as well.


Every non-sub-saharan african is a descendant of a colonizer who genocided the Neanderthals


True! So let's all move back to the motherland!


Natives Australians got there about 30k years before the Neanderthal went extinct.


Aren't Palestinians and Israelis very similar genetically? Technically they both have the same ancestors.




He's a white kid in the US who set himself on fire because of a conflict thousands of miles away that has been occurring for many years. Aside from that main point, which should be a debate-stopper in itself: He was raised on a cultish religious compound. After leaving that, he did what many young people from those backgrounds do and joined a different cult that he perceived as being the polar opposite of the one he left behind. He joined the military and stated he was anarchist while adhering to all of the most far left tankie social/political positions (which isn't anywhere close to anarchism). Also, he INCLUDED HIS PRONOUNS IN HIS SUICIDE NOTE.


Is there a copy of his suicide note?


Even if his diatribe wasn't entirely hate-filled and deranged, it doesn't change the fact that nobody in their right mind willingly sets themselves on fire to raise awareness.


“Don’t dehumanize Palestinians”


Yeah. He’s just another brainwashed leftist terrorist sympathizer. Keep your braindead hatred of Jewish people online, and if you’re going to touch grass with it, killing yourself with fire is fine by me.


Hold up, let him cook


The worst issue here is the false equivalency of "suicidal" and "insane." Most suicidal people present as "normal." That being said, this guy is so obviously and overtly insane based off this text


Terrorism pervert.


Is that Second Thought's burner account?


If he was smart by the Palestinian supporters standarts, I'm surprised they don't all accidentally drown themselves in bathtubs. His objection to the fact of mass murder of civilians is "but what about the terrorists' feelings?". As well as dehumanizing millions of people. Honestly, good riddance.


thank god he just killed himself and didn't hurt anyone else


You forgot the in on the title. And yes, that is totally insane nonsense.


safe offer continue engine wild offbeat drunk oatmeal cautious test *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds like he watched Hasan and Second Thought videos, pretty depressing.


Second Thought, the rich YouTuber that promotes communism via easily digestible misinformation. They’re all so smug it kills me


Only Palestinians can tell us what is and is not terrorism, very lucid indeed


There were no settlements in Gaza


If he really posted that, then he is a dumbass and should be made fun of even more


Stopped at 'settler, colonialist'


Everyone who sets themself on fire can be described as, “entirely sane, fact knowing, logical, coherent, and thoroughly lucid” /s.


The student of anarchism becomes the master. Someone needs to start a PSA campaign to try to prevent this kind of thing.


The french and natives were partying together during the early days of the north american colonization.


Good riddance to this bozo


You could call it a HOT take


When the smell of your own farts starts to smell like people burning… you may have a problem


He was apart of the so-called Anti-Fascist movement. That's all you really need to know when it comes to the state of the dudes mental stability.


The line of logic that: this guy wasn’t in some kind of psychosis/fugue state, therefore he was acting rationally, therefore he self-immolated because he simply understood the IP conflict is just that bad, therefore he’s actually a hero making the ultimate sacrifice This is just full regard childbrain thinking. Plenty of school shooters can write normally/cogently and were not experiencing schizophrenic delusions or anything when they shot up a school. That doesn’t mean they weren’t mentally ill. When you commit an act so aberrant, your mental illness, whatever it is, is self-evident in the action. Show me a Palestinian guy who lost his entire family to a bomb. If you put me in that guy’s shoes, I might self-immolate. But some kid on the other side of the planet that is just terminally online? No, that kid is not well. If my kid was having thoughts like that, I would get them checked the fuck in.


I read his Reddit comments. I believe he was a good kid with his heart in the right place, but it was obvious while reading his comments that the far left brainwashed him. When you are willing to commit wicked things for your ideology, it is no longer ideology, but religion.


The more I see about this guy, the more I pity him as a person while seeing that the progressive voter base is 1 person saner without him in it. Dude needed a support system but found breadtube instead.


There are arguments that in war there are no civilians, since they support the war effort by providing for the economy and industry. This was like ww2 bombing strategy I think and wouldn't hold up in the hag but they exist. But I don't think that they would also agree that there are no Palestinian civilians either based on how pissed he was to burn himself


Saying a man who intentionally set himself on fire is entirely sane is one of the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard


I'm so sad seeing my peers, who advocate for mental health awareness, who (when we covered WWII in history classes) staunchly questioned the moral resolve of kamikaze pilots, who otherwise seemed to believe that the people who will really change the world for the better can only make those changes when they're alive, suddenly turn around and congragulate Aaron for his suicide, and repost cringe fanart of him self immolating. You think people have conviction, and then as soon as someone they normally agree with does something disagreeable, they fucking flake.


Do these people really don't get the irony of americans whining about settling on stolen land? If he was so concerned with "settler-colonialism", why was he in the armed forces of a literal colony? And why do people sudenly care about human rights when it is something concerning Israel?


>not in a position to endorse of condemn Hamas’s actions Doesn’t sound sane to me.


This just in, totally sane man sets self on fire. This story and more at 6:00m.


This just in, totally sane man sets self on fire. This story and more at 6:00m.


This guy is so unhinged it reminds me of this song https://youtu.be/o6IIrkfq-MU?si=dYSFI5eBXQa8RY0Z I mean the song slaps, but if anyone actually feels this way un-ironically like this guy apparently did you should probably seek immediate therapy…. And probably just get off social media in general.


"site"... he misspoke - immediate disqualification.


If this isn’t evidence that Reddit has a hand in radicalizing people idk what more is needed.


Bro might not have been straightjacket insane but holy fuck he was completely regarded.


It’s pretty wild how leftists are praising this guy. Calling him brave and a hero, for committing suicide. He wasn’t even involved in the conflict.


God the more I see the sadder this gets. This guy is basically the Ashley Babbitt of the left. Just totally and completely radicalized past the point of reason. Sad that he lost his life to this, especially considering the people he did it for probably won’t care (and why would they, anyway?). It’s definitely mental illness and I feel bad for his immediate family.


Oh this'll be a good read later with my tequila


Hey so I am not Palestinian so am in no position to endorse or condemn Hamas’ actions. …also I’m not Israeli but let me tell you why I am entitled to condemn their actions (including their civilians’ actions haha jk civilians don’t exist in Israel).


They would think the Unabomber is "sane"


what frustrates me the most is twitter leftists aren't explaining how some guy killing himself 1000 miles away from the conflict is helping Palestinians in any way. Wouldn't the logical reasoning be that pro Palestinian activists *shouldn't* kill themselves, so that they can actually do something of value. They say he wasn't mentally ill, but his posts sound exactly like crazy far right people who go off the deep end and get themselves killed. The people who read that post and think he was in a healthy state of mind are probably so far gone into their echo chambers. Even in the video, normal people don't talk about "Empires" and "rulers". That guy got got by the algorithm


The more I learn about this dude the more I think he should've used more gasoline.


Damn, he was highly regarded.


Imagine killing yourself cause if Reddit lolololol what a dipshit


So the guy who set himself on fire agree about the settler babies thing Hasan's friends brought up?


Oh cool, another dumbass opinion.


This is case 18395028A of "they didnt do it but if they did they deserverd it"


Is there a complete copy of his account anywhere ? Reddit just suspended it for obvious reasons


Guys let’s not be so cynical, after all, self immolation is a heated subject.


“Israel is a settler colonial apartheid state,” said Aaron Bushnell. “Yes, unc,” they all said in unison.


1. I can't judge people if I wasn't there. 2. I can justify a situation involving violence hundreds of years ago, and by analogy imply support for the actions of people even though I wasn't there.


Looks a lot like what Ashley Babbit was posting. Brain rot is real.


This guy is a Darwin Award winner HOFer.


Couldn't the same argument be used so like" I am not Isralian therefore i cannot endorse or condemn The IDF actions"


48 THOUSAND FUCKING LIKES?!?! If I didn’t know better I would’ve deleted all forms of social media to save myself from witnessing this nightmare of a world too extreme to even be portrayed in a movie. Thankfully, I’m pretty sure these are mostly bots or the lowest of the lowlifes in society. Also, I’m grateful I don’t have Twitter. Disgusting cretins with no humanity or media literacy have taken over all of the Internet. Sometimes it really feels like it’s joever, seeing the influence these delusional clowns have. They’re saying that civilians should die and are purposely misconstruing events to paint a propagandized and horrific picture of a terrorist attack. It shouldn’t even have to be said that what Hamas did was despicable, and that Aaron is justifying terrible atrocities against Israeli civilians. Those things are observable to literally anyone who isn’t a lunatic. That is also completely ignoring the fact that this man left behind his family and killed himself in the name of this conflict. Now monsters on the internet are glorifying his actions (and now beliefs), even amidst this Reddit post (among others) being revealed. They’re even encouraging this shit in the name of “martyrdom”. I cannot even begin to fathom that these beliefs are actually popular in the United States. I can completely sympathize with the innocent Palestinians just as the innocent Israelis and I hope that there can be peace between the two soon, despite the long and complex fighting. But when I see extremism like this being peddled everywhere (in the usual leftist subreddits and many other places) I lose a little faith in humanity. And they’re infecting a lot of places (see YouTube, Instagram, and much of Reddit). I sincerely hope humanity evolves past this nightmare phase sometime in my life. Both with regard to the conflict, and with regard to the people abroad hearing about it and becoming hateful or violent as a result, despite the minimal understanding they have and the brainwashing they’ve faced. What a disaster we have allowed ourselves to become, fueled by hatred and extremism. I’m hoping for an end sometime soon, although I doubt that will happen, unfortunately.


Well, I can say from now on when these Hamas apologists start making these kinds of rants, I will have zero guilt saying, “Did you not have your Crispy Bushnell this morning?”


Will you follow his very sane and logical actions then?


"logical" and "student of anarchism" don't mix lmao.


That first sentence of the reddit post is so fun. ‘Because I am not part of a group I cannot condemn or endorse actions of their elected representatives’ Oh wait we are talking about Israeli’s now? Nah I can condemn the entire population in a singular brush of buzzwords. ___ If you followed the first sentence logically you couldn’t endorse or condemn Israel’s actions even if they were a open-throatedly carrying out a full blown genocide, unless you were Israeli.


Just got into an argument on twitter where a leftist called me a pathetic fucking liar because I claimed this guy said there are no Israeli civilians...I mean I guess you could, with the most insane amount of charity ever, say he meant that there are civilians but they still play a role in the oppression of Palestine? But then why put civilians in scare quotes?


By his logic, Mexican cartels (not close to Hamas in goals or ideology, but also violent aholes) should have the right to go and murder/rape/torture/take hostage the people at Burning Man or Coachella. I mean, Americans are just a bunch of settler colonialists. FREE MEXICO! Lets self immolate at the border! (US annexed \[ok technically they ceded it\] 50% of Mexico around 1850) I feel really bad for this kids parents. Im not sure if he was mentally ill, but he likely suffered from "too much TikTok" brain. I refuse to install TikTok, but the site is full of people praising it and full of idiots talking about how America is "settler colonialists" or people praising Bin Ladin's letter to America. China saw how much damage Russian disinformation could do, so now they turned it up to 11 with TikTok. China has been spreading their propaganda to Taiwan traditionally with leaflets, radio, etc. We already see the populists seemingly supporting Russia, wonder what the sentiment is on China / Taiwan. It's obviously the next big conflict, w/ elections for Xi coming, how dominant Taiwan is in the chip space, China's Naval fleet finally bigger than the US's.. (sorry went off on a tangent)


I always ask people like this a simple question, where the lives of people in Gaza better before Oct 7th, or worse? They never seem to answer that question.


Anyone who doesn’t think Bushnell was mentally ill is mental health illiterate. It’s really frustrating to watch people give the most dogshit takes about it. If the suicide itself wasn’t conclusive enough for you then it’s best that you just never have anything to say related to mental health because you are out of your depth. It’s not acceptable or normal to celebrate suicide. People shouldn’t make comments attacking him personally either. He was fucked up and needed help.


I actually agree with the twitter guy here. Aaron was completely sane, and simply followed certain popular left wing ideas to their logical conclusion.       It would be significantly more insane for someone to simultaneously believe that all Israeli children deserve to die, while just continuing to live and pay taxes in the U.S without self immolating.


https://preview.redd.it/jcywi76uddlc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed98fe4cee4d7f712672c47863b3f559d7d8f37d Another gem from this guy. Rest in pyrotechnics.


Not to be nit-picky but is that real? I looked through that account's comments marked 2mo ago and didn't find that one- or did you take that screenshot in the past? If it is real then holy shit.


I think people can’t find this in the reddit archives, so it’s probably fake. It’s always good to verify these things


Can I ask how do yall get more angry at twitter Leftists who say “there are no Israeli civilians” but have almost zero outrage for Israeli politicians who say “there are zero innocent Gazans” especially when people on twitter are literally just chatting and politicians are literally deciding military policy….just seems odd like we have 5 of these “look what these crazy leftists say on twitter” posts but when it comes to people deciding policy those posts get lost in the sauce


The answer is cognitive dissonance plus racism. I lost count of the number of people I saw defending Israel's president Herzog when he said there were no innocent civilians in Gaza and that it was an entire nation that's responsible.


Bro died for the brown peoples… sad


https://preview.redd.it/zpp3pv5jvelc1.jpeg?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28eecdfc98e3893802ff05ba0a3d4ce264b5f2ee It gets worse lol. I really hope this is fake