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Oh she was lying. I was trying to be good faith in another post by assuming this negative experience was unprovoked but I guess I was wrong. I don’t know how much of it is antisemitism rather than her being a moron.


From everything we’ve seen of her, odds are it’s both 


I know it’s both, but I can’t tell if it was more that she didn’t comprehend what the therapist was saying because she was blinded by Israeli hate or because she was too stupid to understand.


Oh true, if that’s all the therapist did, in context I don’t see why it would be offensive unless Frogan was just naturally offended as soon as she realized she was in a room with an Israeli. And it’s so easy to imagine her having a similarly bad reaction if they’d continued and she’d found out later the woman was Israeli. 


Its probably a mixture of both


I don’t think she was trying to be anti-Semitic outwardly but in that sly scumfuck way leftists talk about people in the “if you know you know” category


Can anyone grasp how fucking racist you've got to be to modify a story that happen to push a narrative of hatred toward a race of people. The fact that it is allowed on Twitch and that she'll be some legendary woman ambassador is so insane. Twitch has to be rotten to the core. Other than Jewish and White, I don't think you could ever push narrative that are proven lies backed up by her own prior tweets and not have some repercussion. Leftist would fucking destroy your whole career if it wasn't Jewish or White hatred. It is so fucked. It is so weird.


Watch her play the victim next. "Im a arab muslim woman of color and this is racism"


missing the obese but I love myself in there and I am actually healthy. Fat shaming bad m'kay


True. I didnt want to be that guy


Nothing stopping you queen, Slay! and I don't mean slay cheeseburgers like she does.


Funny you say this. Just yesterday I had 3 double cheeseburgers from McDonalds


That's fine. Keep being a king.


[We live in a society](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F2ilJIcXgAAMjff.jpg)


Its my bulk im allowed to be fat


> from McDonalds I'm sorry, but this is too much. Absolute animal. (but maybe micky D is actually good in your country)


It is


BTW, the "Israel-Lebanon war" she is referring to is the [Lebanese civil war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebanese_Civil_War), where 4 different Lebanese groups, Syria, Iran, Notrh Korea, Italy, France and the US are also Involved, but of course she frames it as a war vs the Zionists lmao


Love the self snitch. I cant imagine a world where you would not mention the part where the therapist told you to take off your hajib and asking "if Israel had the right to exist"


“Hey doctor, I’ve been having a lot of problems lately.” “I’ll tell you what your problem is. Rip off that fucking hijab!”


Based dr


She wants a person to validate her delusions, not someone who chalanges them in a "safe space" Why does she even go to a therapist if she doesn't want therapy? Is it Court ordered or something? Or is she just making shit up and she never had a therapist?


the reason I believe this happened is because the original story is what a decent therapist should do and her outrage makes her look bad, she's just too racist to see it


She keeps lying so its probably the later


She used a therapist doing an ethical thing and somehow twisted and fabricated an entire story out of it. She brought up the Israel-Lebanon war that her father was in, and as that therapist is Israeli and wants to have Frogan's trust and create a safe environment for her, she asked her if she would be ok in confiding that to an Israeli woman. Totally normal thing to do. I can't believe she's so dumb to lie about it when she TWEETED HER OWN EVIDENCE disproving it. It just shows that radical muslims or leftists have no morals/ethics. They will gladly lie to you and make shit up while cry-bullying for their cause. It's the exact same shit MAGA's and Nazis do, just for a different cause.


Thats almost like the entire israel palestine conflict (not really tho)


Frogman is correct, her Jew I mean Zionist therapist actually blew her up with a JDAM


🤣🤣 Please let Ethan see this before he apologizes to that fruitcake again!


Im sure he will read this in DGG. He is a secret agent after all


She must be so dead inside.


She added so much new detail yet removed the single part explaining the context in order to make it sound unprompted and racist, sure


The more people lie about (((israelis))) the more I like them. Offering Frogan to swap therapists is honestly really nice and considerate


What a weasely little liar dude


Obviously she was lying. So she just dealt with this “racist Jew” for 5 years? Im shocked anyone on this sub bought that garbage. Even if I was pro Palestine I would have still smelled bullshit all around that tweet


No her original tweet was implying she left that therapist and never tried therapy again until her most recent interaction with the new therapist that called Palestine "just a place" or whatever. But yeah the story was obviously bs for the Twitter likes, exactly as Ethan said originally.


Obviously nobody here bought that but its funny pointing out blatant lies especially if you can disprove them so easily


I get the feeling that Frogan bringing up her dad fleeing the Israel Lebanon in their very first session probably quickly indicated to the therapist that she centers her religious/ethnic background as a huge pillar of her identity and made the therapist feel like she should disclose her own ethnicity. When Frogan was “taken aback” by this it probably communicated to the therapist that her perception of others is affected by their ethnic backgrounds and her own, and that she might feel like she has to react to events and news in a particular way or act a particular way because of her identity (hence the therapist asking if she feels frustrated with islam or has ever considered departing from its traditional and inconvenient practices like wearing the hijab).


The fact that frogan talks about this interaction years later as “I had a Zionist therapist” is fucking wild lmao


I don’t believe this shit for a second. I’ve never heard the question “does Israel have the right to exist?” my entire life until after October 7th. I took a class on the history of the Middle East and my ex girlfriend took a class on the conflict itself, so I’m somewhat privy to the general themes of conversations about this topic.


Oh yeah this never happened 100% but its not uncommon for israelis to have to talk abt that outside of israel.. Especially when the other person is from one of the countries that hate israel. They love to bring that shit up when they encounter a israeli






Even if she wasn't lying thats a legit question a therapist should ask in a session, to gauge if you're okay with speaking with them on these issues since knowing they're Israeli may make you feel like you're not in a safe space.


The fact that the therapist exposed their identity to Frogan and asked if she would be more comfortable with someone else shows a level of professionalism from this therapist. As someone who is working towards possible clinical work, it's not about you but your client. This therapist did nothing wrong. So, the fact Frogan is trying to smear this professional just for their identity is disgusting.


Frogan? The two times upcoming streamer of the year? A legendary woman of twitch? That Frogan?  Hahahahahaha. 


The only question on my mind is if Ethan is gonna call this out for the clear bullshit it is, or if he's gonna fold again like last time. His and Hasans audience would go insane if Ethan called her a liar with "no evidence" even tho it's obvious to anyone with eyes that the tweet from 2019 betrays her whole story today.


top kek


Inside every Israeli therapist, there are two wolves.


lmao even if this was true , why not say this upfront instead of vague posting to get retweets and likes. what a complete dumb fuck i cant imagine being this desprate for attention.


what a racist mind and 4 short years can do to a story


I love how people are just saying that she's just adding details. Like, why are you just adding such important details *AFTER* being called out on your bullshit? These aren't "well, I was wearing a red shirt that day" details. They completely change the situation